The Exams Thread

  • Thread starter Tom
3 AS exams next week.

Tuesday = History.

Wednesday = Philosophy.

Friday = Sociology.

After that I am done.
anyone do statistics at GCSE? the one with the coursework? i did it a few years back and it was fun. only joking with ya it was a waste of time. coursework wasnt needed. told the teacher that and she replied with nice U you will get in your results. and as jessy J once said 'who's laughing now'....ended up with an A :sly:
anyone do statistics at GCSE? the one with the coursework? i did it a few years back and it was fun. only joking with ya it was a waste of time. coursework wasnt needed. told the teacher that and she replied with nice U you will get in your results. and as jessy J once said 'who's laughing now'....ended up with an A :sly:
I'm doing it. It's the hardest GCSE that you can do at our school but I'm already working at an A* in Maths anyway.
I got an easy A* in a Science mock, having had last minute revision and remnants of jetlag. I'll be amazed if the actual test is as easy...
anyone do statistics at GCSE? the one with the coursework? i did it a few years back and it was fun. only joking with ya it was a waste of time. coursework wasnt needed. told the teacher that and she replied with nice U you will get in your results. and as jessy J once said 'who's laughing now'....ended up with an A :sly:

Yeah I'm doing that... The coursework (or controlled assessment as it is now known) was quite fun tbh, but I'm sad like that and enjoy manipulating data :P

I had my first 2 GCSE's this week, both of them French, which I breezed through I think :) Next week it gets a bit harder - 7 exams over 5 days, but generally some of the easier ones (sciences, english, religious studies etc..)

I think I should probably start revising for them soon :P
I got an easy A* in a Science mock, having had last minute revision and remnants of jetlag. I'll be amazed if the actual test is as easy...

Might be actually.

3 GCSE science exams that I did I did not drop a single mark.
2 Physics exams on the 11th and 18th of June. First one is a resit of the January paper that I passed by 1 mark, second is the Summer paper for the final unit.
All you that are doing GCSE's if you think this year is bad... just you wait for next year! AS levels are a huge step up. A lot of my friends are struggling, fortunately I took AS Economics instead of a GCSE option so it wasn't too bad for me.

Back on topic I have 4 exams next week: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Critical thinking. Just psychology the week after and I'm done :D
All you that are doing GCSE's if you think this year is bad... just you wait for next year! AS levels are a huge step up. A lot of my friends are struggling, fortunately I took AS Economics instead of a GCSE option so it wasn't too bad for me.

I have heard that, but for me, GCSE's are really not stretching me, and I'm routinely given A-Level work to do once I'm finished, along with one other friend, and I'm also only going to be doing the subjects I really enjoy and would like to pursue as a career, so I'm actually looking forward to next year perversely :P
To end my year in middle school I had a computer-issued Algebra One Exam today, and was somewhat difficult. A couple needed more work than others, but they were pretty easy if you know the rules, steps, etc. Now running up are IPS (Intro Physical Science) & Spanish I Exams. Both of these I'm not perfect on so I'll have to spend some time on these exams.
I have heard that, but for me, GCSE's are really not stretching me, and I'm routinely given A-Level work to do once I'm finished, along with one other friend, and I'm also only going to be doing the subjects I really enjoy and would like to pursue as a career, so I'm actually looking forward to next year perversely :P

I felt the same way :P I enjoy my AS levels a lot, even if I do 4 science subjects that some people think is crazy :lol: Definitely do what you enjoy at AS/A2 because that makes all the difference to if you do well or not.
Forgive the westerner ignorance: What is an AS exam(level)?

over here once you have finished you GCSE's you can go work or go to VI or ^th form. year 12 & 13. the first year you do exams called AS's and the second year you do your A2's. i have AS statistics today, and i cant remember half the stuf we've been taught :nervous:
I felt the same way :P I enjoy my AS levels a lot, even if I do 4 science subjects that some people think is crazy :lol: Definitely do what you enjoy at AS/A2 because that makes all the difference to if you do well or not.

Yeah, I'm taking Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and most people think I'm mad, but they're the subjects I enjoy :)
I felt the same way :P I enjoy my AS levels a lot, even if I do 4 science subjects that some people think is crazy :lol: Definitely do what you enjoy at AS/A2 because that makes all the difference to if you do well or not.

Shame I didn't enjoy any of the subjects I chose. :D
Had 6 AS exams already this week, and 5 more next week. Still got history (sources), statistics, more physics, chemistry and general studies to come. AS is so much better as you do the subjects you like, but the timeframe is quite compressed, not as easy as GCSE. Going ok so far :)
Forgive the westerner ignorance: What is an AS exam(level)?

As exams are taken in the first year of college (College =/= University in UK) which is when you are 16-17. I think in the US you're still in high scool at that age, the year prior to your senior year?


I have two exams next week for my second year of a Mechanical Engineering degree;

-Thermofluids and Engines exam on Monday
-Measurement and Instrumentation exam on Thursday

The first of those two is fairly easy, it's just inputting numbers into formulae (Providing a) you remember the formulae you need and b) You remember what all of the notation stands for). The second of the two exams involves a lot of Electrical principles, which i've always struggled with.

I've already sat two exams, one for Mechanics and one for Manufacturing Processes.
Maths wasn't one of your subjects was it Peter :sly: 6+5≠9

Well now that you mention it I dropped it halfway through Year 12 after failing Statistics by turning up 20 minutes late to the exam and not using the formula sheet!
How the hell do you have 9 AS exams in one term? (Unless some are resits)

3 resits, but 8 normal exams, it's just a busy time. Also we do general studies which isn't really a proper AS level as such, it's more of a joke. And haitch, we are doing poverty and public health, the single most depressing topic conceivable for the first 6 months of AS level.
3 resits, but 8 normal exams, it's just a busy time. Also we do general studies which isn't really a proper AS level as such, it's more of a joke. And haitch, we are doing poverty and public health, the single most depressing topic conceivable for the first 6 months of AS level.

Unlucky. Im doing Nazi and postwar Germany till 63.
Unlucky. Im doing Nazi and postwar Germany till 63.

That's pretty good, though our coursework gets even more depressing for A2, it's about the 1867 reform act and how men got the vote :( least the rest of the year is all cold war :)
That's pretty good, though our coursework gets even more depressing for A2, it's about the 1867 reform act and how men got the vote :( least the rest of the year is all cold war :)

A2 for us is coursework on Russian revolution and exam is American civil rights. (Which I did at GCSE :lol:)

January exam for AS was British politics 1918-53
A2 for us is coursework on Russian revolution and exam is American civil rights. (Which I did at GCSE :lol:)

Nice again, that's kinda interesting compared to the vote. We've never touched America at all in school, and our school just skips the second world war entirely ... But Italian and German unification was pretty awesome :D
Another one doing AS levels this year :sly:

Doing Chemistry Unit 1, 2 & 3B, Mathematics Core 1 & 2, Mechanics 1, and finally Physics Unit 1, 2 & 3B.

The only paper so far which I found to be difficult was the Maths C1 paper, a bit harder than expected. The rest was a piece of cake :D

And time was a b:censored: for the Physics Unit 1 paper, glad it was easy enough to finish on time :)

Still have the Chem Unit 2, Physics Unit 2, and Maths C2 papers remaining. I'm particularly worried about the C2 and Chem 2 papers :nervous:

Do well everyone, and all the best! :cheers:
Another one doing AS levels this year :sly:

The only paper so far which I found to be difficult was the Maths C1 paper, a bit harder than expected. The rest was a piece of cake :D
I'm particularly worried about the C2 and Chem 2 papers :nervous:

Do well everyone, and all the best! :cheers:

C1 ? We must be doing different boards, for MEI's C1 wasn't too bad. C2 however, was hard work. Crazy application of geometric sequences 👎

Good luck with all your subjects 👍
Had the second of my 6 exams today.. Was rather nice tbh.. 15 minutes on some short answers before going OTT and writing 7 1/2 sides of A4 on the Sauropterygia for the essay question.. :sly: Most people managed to get 3 tops! I did manage to mess up at least one short answer question though.. I read:
'Draw and label a typical reptilian pelvic girdle'
'Draw and label a typical reptilian shoulder girdle' :ouch:

4 more to go.. all crammed into one week though! :crazy:

Invertebrate Palaeontology on Monday, 'Sedimentology and Palaeoenvironments' and 'Palaeontological Techniques' on Tuesday and 'Micropalaeontology, Palaeobotany and Project Preparation' on Thursday... Then I'm free for a second summer :D (Bar two weeks of fieldwork for my project :dunce:)