Gran Turismo: The Ultimate “Brand Ambassador?”

BusinessWeekBusiness Week recently posted an article discussing the influence that the Gran Turismo series had on the development and eventual release of the Nissan GT-R in the United States.  While most of us are aware of the intimate relationship between the series and the GT-R, it’s both interesting and good news to see the major business media outlets take notice and recognize the influence of this little thing we call Gran Turismo.  To quote a senior Nissan executive:

“It blew us away, really it did. But one of the chief responses in our consumer surveys about the car – one of the chief places people had heard about the car was this game, this video game called Gran Turismo.”

Of course, many other cars have also been made very popular because of the series, such as Mitsubishi’s Lancer, which have always been renowned for their versatility in the games.  Hopefully, more automakers will take note of the power of the GT series, promoting an active interest in the development and implementation of their vehicles in Gran Turismo 5.  Read the full BusinessWeek article here.


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  1. GTPlanet » Blog Archive » Gran Turismo Snubbed by Guiness World Records

    […] Otherwise, a game which has sold more than 50 million copies, been referred to as the ultimate automotive “brand ambassador” by BusinessWeek magazine, pushed technical boundaries, increased sales of actual vehicles, turned a […]

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