Ace Combat 7PS4 

  • Thread starter Akira AC
I usually prefer realism over fantasy, and I think AC5 had a nice mix between the two.

I do really want a reasonably accurate representation of radar and active/passive search and track in the game. It'd be cool to be able to switch the radar off so as to not give away your positon, and to be able to use IRST on the planes that feature them. I also want to see a more clearly defined difference between BVR and WVR combat, with the BVR missiles being significantly less accurate (even modern BVR missiles have an abysmal succes rate in actual combat), but having a much higher range.

Basically, I want more depth in the combat system, while still keeping the game approachable. The additions of weather and clouds already have me excited.

Also want a full plane rooster. Are we looking at 10-20 planes, or 40-50, like the old games? There are still have number of planes that just have to be in the game.
Could you imagine F-104s* fighting against F/A-18s? :lol: One is stupidly fast but can't turn, and the other is rather slow but has more maneuverability.

*If they are included. I can't remember the list of confirmed planes at the moment.
Would be nice to get a release date on this game soon (before E3). I agree on having a local co-op/multiplayer option. My son and I like to play games together in the same room, like Minecraft, fighting games and soon, Lego Worlds.
Sad news guys. Our fears regarding limited PS VR implementation have been confirmed.

GC: Why were you not able to make the entirety of Ace Combat 7 playable in VR? Was this because some scenarios were too hectic or simply because you haven’t had the time necessary?

KK: There are several reasons. First of all, the power of the normal game and VR is totally different. Also, the users who can play in a VR environment are still a minority. A lot of users who will actually play Ace Combat 7 would like to have an experience as a brushed-up ace pilot in the scenario of campaign mode. If we made the product focusing on VR spec and adjusting all the features based on VR, we will end up just offering a campaign mode which can be expressed or processed with VR. This is not what we would like, nor users would like either.


As long as the delay means we're getting a completed, polished game, I don't mind. Maybe it's partially due to the fact that I'm not a die-hard fan of AC and wasn't hyping up the game at all, but I don't see a reason to be so upset.
The letter reads.

"Dear Ace Combatants,

I wanted to take this opportunity to speak directly to you, our loyal Ace Combat fans, and give you a first-hand update on the launch timing for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. The Project ACES team and I have been working hard on Ace Combat 7 and we’re determined to achieve the vision we have set for the game. In order to reach that vision, we have decided to move the launch of ACE COMBAT 7 to 2018.

We would have loved to launch Ace Combat 7 at the end of 2017 as we originally intended, but doing so would compromise our goal for the game. We take our art very seriously and that means we have instead chosen to devote additional time and effort to perfect and optimize this newest chapter of the Ace Combat saga.

The combination of the Unreal 4 Engine and the power of current generation consoles and PC hardware have literally opened the “skies of opportunity” to us to develop the best Ace Combat experience to-date. At no other time in Ace Combat’s 20+ year history has gaming technology allowed us to deliver the minute details of flight combat – such as cloud cover and air currents – or give players a new way to experience dogfights and attack sorties through hardware such as the new PlayStation VR.

We’ll have a lot more information and details to share with you in the coming months, starting at E3 2017 where we plan to reveal a brand-new demo showcasing one of the non-VR missions in Ace Combat 7 for the first time ever!

On behalf of the entire Project ACES team, I want to thank you all for your patience and for your continued support.

Kazutoki Kono – Ace Combat Franchise Director


Well, this sucks, but if it means a better game in the end, then it's all good. Here's hoping that they'll at least put the upcoming E3 demo out on PSN for the rest of us to try. I hope the decision to go multi platform, an unnecessary complication as far as I am concerned, isn't the cause of this delay.
As long as the delay means we're getting a completed, polished game, I don't mind. Maybe it's partially due to the fact that I'm not a die-hard fan of AC and wasn't hyping up the game at all, but I don't see a reason to be so upset.
For a die hard fan whose been waiting 10 years its upsetting.
For a die hard fan whose been waiting 10 years its upsetting.

I too am a long time fan and as much as it sucks, I'd rather a complete and polished game. Had to wait abit longer for Tekken 7, I can wait abit longer for Ace Combat 7.
For some reason I had a feeling this might happen. Well, whatever makes the game better, I'm not against it.
If it's the art department asking for more time... You can solve technical issues via post-launch patches nowadays, but you can't really change the direction of a game, can you? I guess it's alright to push the release date a bit back if it means we'll get an Ace Combat games which feels like an Ace Combat game.
If it's the art department asking for more time... You can solve technical issues via post-launch patches nowadays, but you can't really change the direction of a game, can you? I guess it's alright to push the release date a bit back if it means we'll get an Ace Combat games which feels like an Ace Combat game.
Its probably more complicated than that. There's probably either a big issue that occured, or they just aren't going to meet the deadline at the rate they are moving.
They better have more on show for E3 than just that...

I spot three new confirmed planes in the trailer. The Eurofighter, F-35C and pretty sure I saw a JAS-39 gripen too. The C-130's won't likely be usable.
Still need either a MIG-25 or 31, as well as an F-14. A screen capture on Reddit confirms a MIG-29 variant for the game.
God damn this looks amazing. Seeing the A-10 made me so excited. Hopefully they get the engine and gun sound correct for it. :D
There's really been much ambiguity over who the villains are in this game. Neither Osea or Erusia look particularly evil.

I really want this game to have a branching storyline where you can pick which faction to fly for. I'd personally pick Osea.
The inner Mobius 1 in me would definitely want to chose Osea. At the same time though, I'm sorta curious as to what its like to be on the other side.