Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
I kind of like the idea of a downshift protection notification but yeah, that one is not good. R3E uses a sound, which I like a lot.

The texture for that icon is found in X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\gui\SystemNotification

Might be worthwhile to change the texture to something smaller & less annoying. Trying to figure out if it can be moved around the screen as well, but no luck so far.

Nevermind all that... there is a beep/sound! I guess that's what I get for watching the video at work with the volume at 0.

So if we can turn off the icon but leave on the sound, we're good to go.
Nevermind all that... there is a beep/sound! I guess that's what I get for watching the video at work with the volume at 0.

So if we can turn off the icon but leave on the sound, we're good to go.

Shark attack incoming. :D

Screen Shot 2017-03-22 at 3.35.08 PM.png
I am really liking some of these v1.13 changes. Granted, there are more changes for MP compared to SP, but that's cool. I need to start spending more time online getting my butt kicked anyway. :D

A feature I really think is going to be nice is the new Pitstop Strategy menu. Even for SP races, if you run a lot of laps or set fuel x2 or whatever, you'll use this. Heck, you can still use it in Practice Mode too, to get used to it. I just wonder how this is going to be implemented on the console version. There are several people who drive with the D-Pad. Are they suddenly S.O.L.? :boggled: Why do I have a feeling this is going to have to be implemented in a different way for consoles which delays its arrival? Although, I guess they could still bind it to the D-Pad, but you just wouldn't be able to make changes on the fly like we can on the P.C. Once they stop in the pit their D-Pad would control the Pit Strategy menu perhaps.
I am really liking some of these v1.13 changes. Granted, there are more changes for MP compared to SP, but that's cool. I need to start spending more time online getting my butt kicked anyway. :D

A feature I really think is going to be nice is the new Pitstop Strategy menu. Even for SP races, if you run a lot of laps or set fuel x2 or whatever, you'll use this. Heck, you can still use it in Practice Mode too, to get used to it. I just wonder how this is going to be implemented on the console version. There are several people who drive with the D-Pad. Are they suddenly S.O.L.? :boggled: Why do I have a feeling this is going to have to be implemented in a different way for consoles which delays its arrival? Although, I guess they could still bind it to the D-Pad, but you just wouldn't be able to make changes on the fly like we can on the P.C. Once they stop in the pit their D-Pad would control the Pit Strategy menu perhaps.

On the D-pad we have already options they don't make "personalised button mapping" and even keyboard compatible for extra mapping as Pcars on consoles did... I realy Don't know how the will port those pit strategys to the console versions.

Hope I'm wrong... But Don't see this coming on consoles any soon....
We are still waiting for the brake pressure setup option that was added with PP2 in November on PC and the offline Championships that was added with PP3 on December..

Let's see and wait.. What happens.

Enjoy your 1.13 update! The reverse grids is an excellent feature...and box strategy also..

Now i have to wait until the mazda 787B arrive on consoles..... I just love that 4 wankel engined C group car.:(
(PC Version) Change Log:

- Fixed Porsche 911 RSR 2017 technical description text
- Fixed Mazda MX-5 NA automatic clutch assist.
- Small adjustments to Mazda MX-5 NA aero drag, wheels inertia and other bits and bytes here and there.
- Improved Mazda MX-5 NA British Racing Green and Montego Blu skins
- Fixed mouse steering getting stuck in MP when pressing ESC
- Fixed Mazda MX-5 NA shifting animation speed
- Fixed OpenVR rendering with PP off and AA off
- Added OpenVR app to set Render Multiplier (Supersampling)
(PC Version) Change Log:

- Fixed Porsche 911 RSR 2017 technical description text
- Fixed Mazda MX-5 NA automatic clutch assist.
- Small adjustments to Mazda MX-5 NA aero drag, wheels inertia and other bits and bytes here and there.
- Improved Mazda MX-5 NA British Racing Green and Montego Blu skins
- Fixed mouse steering getting stuck in MP when pressing ESC
- Fixed Mazda MX-5 NA shifting animation speed
- Fixed OpenVR rendering with PP off and AA off
- Added OpenVR app to set Render Multiplier (Supersampling)
On that note. I believe there was alot more changes than that. Was going in files to delete the mod 787 and was trying to figure out how i would know which is which (i know :dunce:) and remembered that the files have a modified date for them so figured that makes it easy. Sure enough that did it, but I also noticed that several cars had files modified. Not all but a lot more than the change log would suggest. Dont know what, but something was changed in a bunch of them.
- Small adjustments to Mazda MX-5 NA aero drag, wheels inertia and other bits and bytes here and there.

Wonder if that will help it to not struggle so much on slight inclines. Aris had hinted that the drag from the roof being down was part of what was causing it to lose steam on hills so hopefully it does a bit better now.
On that note. I believe there was alot more changes than that. Was going in files to delete the mod 787 and was trying to figure out how i would know which is which (i know :dunce:) and remembered that the files have a modified date for them so figured that makes it easy. Sure enough that did it, but I also noticed that several cars had files modified. Not all but a lot more than the change log would suggest. Dont know what, but something was changed in a bunch of them.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear there were additional changes. I think every single update, since I've owned AC, has contained a few things not listed in the change log. A quick peek and I noticed the .kn5 file for the Mazda 787b has a date change reflecting it was modified in the v1.3.1 update. The data.acd for the Mazda Miata is the only thing I noticed changed with that car. I can't believe I have THREE Miata's in my AC Garage. :crazy:

Wonder if that will help it to not struggle so much on slight inclines. Aris had hinted that the drag from the roof being down was part of what was causing it to lose steam on hills so hopefully it does a bit better now.
That's what I'm betting on. William L can definitely be an asshole from time to time, but he does know what he's talking about usually. Since he owns the same car and tracks it, he probably did us all a favor by helping Aris "fix" the car.
I have a basic question because I am new to this game. How do you get cars in this game? Do you have to earn money in order to buy all the cars and race tracks?

Expanding on what Nielsen said, the base game comes with approximately 100 cars, maybe a little less...and there are approximately 50-60 DLC cars which are sold in pack on Steam. With the PC version of Assetto Corsa you can also download and install user created cars & tracks for free. For instance, I've got a total of 650-700 cars or so...maybe 275 tracks... I don't have them all installed because Assetto Corsa gets cranky at about 550 cars.

A very good portion of the free cars that I've downloaded are not very good quality to drive. They look okay, so I keep them around if I want to run a race with those particular cars on the track I will just make the AI drive them while I drive something that's quality. The AI drivers don't care about the bad physics or ugly interior. I've asked them. ;)
Expanding on what Nielsen said, the base game comes with approximately 100 cars, maybe a little less...and there are approximately 50-60 DLC cars which are sold in pack on Steam. With the PC version of Assetto Corsa you can also download and install user created cars & tracks for free. For instance, I've got a total of 650-700 cars or so...maybe 275 tracks... I don't have them all installed because Assetto Corsa gets cranky at about 550 cars.

A very good portion of the free cars that I've downloaded are not very good quality to drive. They look okay, so I keep them around if I want to run a race with those particular cars on the track I will just make the AI drive them while I drive something that's quality. The AI drivers don't care about the bad physics or ugly interior. I've asked them. ;)

Thanks for the information.

Is it correct that you can mod all the cars in the game for PC players? Like changing the wheels or rims size, make them larger. Make custom paint colors and many other things in this game for PC players.

Also, is there a way to use a controller with a PC? I have both the PS4 controller and the Xbox One controller. Which controller do you prefer to play with the PC? I would believe you need to buy a cable to connect from the controller to the PC right?

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Thanks for the information.

Is it correct that you can mod all the cars in the game for PC players? Like changing the wheels or rims size, make them larger. Make custom paint colors and many other things in this game for PC players.

Also, is there a way to use a controller with a PC? I have both the PS4 controller and the Xbox One controller. Which controller do you prefer to play with the PC? I would believe you need to buy a cable to connect from the controller to the PC right?

I can answer some of those questions, but someone is going to need to help out answering your questions about using a controller. I know that you can use a controller to play Assetto Corsa on the PC, but I would assume it's just a regular USB cable needed. Don't take my word on that as gospel, I use a steering wheel and pedals so I don't really know for sure.

On the PC version you can indeed change things up, however, I have a feeling you're thinking of making changes a little bit differently than the way AC does things. AC is not like Gran Turismo 6 where you can go into a section with tons of different rim sizes - I wish it were that simple! :D With Assetto Corsa you need to swap different graphics files that you can create yourself in Photoshop (or GIMP or those similar image editing programs). The same is true for the way that the cars look - the livery, or as we refer to them more often the "skin".

The majority of the good AC skins, mods, apps, sounds are available on a website called Race Department. If you follow this link: you will see that there are currently 4,500 different car skins that you can choose from - download for free - 121 Cars, 291 tracks, etc. All of those are free downloads. You can also find a TON of other cars & tracks from different websites and Facebook groups dedicated to Assetto Corsa mods. Those are usually not as good in quality OR they are perfectly good quality, but they were made with ripped/stolen 3D assets, like the car's 3D model.

You can modify all cars in Assetto Corsa, however, you are not supposed to modify any cars that come from the company that makes Assetto Corsa named Kunos. If it's an "official" car you are supposed to keep your hands off of modifying them. Also, it's not wise to modify ANY car without making a backup because if you try to go online and race in a room with a group of people, your car's code will be checked by the computer and if it notices that even 1 change has been made to the car you won't be able to join that server and play online with that car ever.

Also, modifying cars is not anything like the way it is in Gran Turismo 6. There isn't a pretty screen that allows you to put or upgrade turbochargers or racing brakes & shocks, or install a new transmission. Instead, you have to edit text files in Wordpad or any other text editor. It's pretty easy to do once you get the hang of it.

The PC version of Assetto Corsa is much, much better than the console version in my opinion. There are just a lot more options, apps, free mods, etc. that can't be used with the console version. The PC version is a great way to go, in my opinion. AC is very well regarded for their driving physics and laser scanned tracks.
Thanks for the information.

Is it correct that you can mod all the cars in the game for PC players? Like changing the wheels or rims size, make them larger. Make custom paint colors and many other things in this game for PC players.

Also, is there a way to use a controller with a PC? I have both the PS4 controller and the Xbox One controller. Which controller do you prefer to play with the PC? I would believe you need to buy a cable to connect from the controller to the PC right?


It's good that you have both PS4 and Xbox one controller for a easy comparison, i think depend on your pad experience and driving style, and if you have these controllers i think that you have a classic usb cable :D; anyway with a DS4 you need to install a software like DS4Windows
Also, is there a way to use a controller with a PC? I have both the PS4 controller and the Xbox One controller. Which controller do you prefer to play with the PC? I would believe you need to buy a cable to connect from the controller to the PC right?
I play AC with a Xbox360 wired controller, just plug it in and play, you can customize controls to a certain extent, adjust sensitivity & deadzone settings.
Not sure about X1/PS4 controllers, but I imagine using the usb cable that comes with the console to connect the controller to your PC should work.
On the controller subject, I suspect that AC physics do not tranlate well to controller pads. From my experience with the PS4 and DS4 controller, car movement tends to appear forgiving and strange, mostly when recovering from slides and general oversteer. Of course, the range of movement between left and right full lock is very limited on a controller's directional stick, so less than smooth input is to be expected every now and then. However, this doesn't explain why the physics do not seem as punishing as I'd like them to be. I get the impression that the physics are more demanding for wheel users, but I have no real evidence to back this claim. It's more like an impression I get from watching gameplay and replay videos made by wheel users.

I probably should get a wheel, but they're so invasive and incompatible in the typical living room setting.
I play AC on the PC with a DS3 and I really enjoy it. It's always vibrating giving me feedback compared to other games when it'll only vibrate when I turn or something. I do have a hard time catching slides though. I always seem to over correct.
I do have a hard time catching slides though. I always seem to over correct.

As my previous post implied, that's one of the things that I don't seem to experience using the DS4 on the PS4 version, no matter how hard I try to push the physics. Maybe it comes down to how my controller settings are configured.
On the controller subject, I suspect that AC physics do not tranlate well to controller pads. From my experience with the PS4 and DS4 controller, car movement tends to appear forgiving and strange, mostly when recovering from slides and general oversteer.
I don't know about the console versions, but on the PC version the default controller settings are terrible imo, sensitivity is too low, there's too much input filtering iirc, it's basically a controller setup that's very forgiving to sloppy inputs. I'm more of a smooth controller user so I had to spend a good deal of time adjusting controller settings so that controls felt more sensitive & responsive.
People complained that PCars's default controller settings felt too sensitive & twitchy, AC is the opposite by not being sensitive enough imo.
I don't know about the console versions, but on the PC version the default controller settings are terrible imo, sensitivity is too low, there's too much input filtering iirc, it's basically a controller setup that's very forgiving to sloppy inputs. I'm more of a smooth controller user so I had to spend a good deal of time adjusting controller settings so that controls felt more sensitive & responsive.
People complained that PCars's default controller settings felt too sensitive & twitchy, AC is the opposite by not being sensitive enough imo.

I have been tinkering with the controller settings ever since I got the game. I sometimes settle for a configuration that plays well, but then I suddenly notice something I don't like about it and it's back to adjusting things.
I've recently changed my mind on user friendliness with a controller. Initially I thought the game was awful with a controller but as I've gotten to really play the game I've grown very fond of how the game feels. It's not really forgiving, with both understeer and oversteer occurring when not being smooth with the controller. I'm not yet too much of an expert on the game, I still have much to learn about properly driving prototypes and open wheelers, but I like that catching a slide is so much easier than in PCARS. The game isn't perfect, a few cars suffer from too high slip angle sensitivity causing awful understeer, at times feeling like the biggest punishment Kunos has conjured up is understeer for sloppy driving.
I probably should get a wheel, but they're so invasive and incompatible in the typical living room setting.
Get yourself one of these types of tables. They're not great, by any means. But it's the only way I can mount a steering wheel in this small room. Damn...I just assumed you played with a wheel. You deserve a wheel. :D
I've been playing AC with a PS3 controller for the majority of the time since it was in early access. My custom configuration works perfectly for me, easy for me to be smooth or aggressive, catch slides and get cars to do exactly what I want. There is also something about the feedback that I enjoy too. I'm so used and adapted to it that it takes a little while to get up to the same performance when I get to use my wheel.

When I change over to other games, there is a feeling of something missing or not to my liking that can't be changed. Going back to play a bit of GT6 with some friends online feels like an enormous downgrade all over the place which takes a couple of races to get adjusted to. There's a few times now where I over correct slides because the physics and controller setup are too forgiving. Other issues such as a drastically reduced turning ability mean you can hardly turn your car if it understeers by nature, putting you at a large disadvantage. I never have these kind of problems in AC.
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Get yourself one of these types of tables. They're not great, by any means. But it's the only way I can mount a steering wheel in this small room. Damn...I just assumed you played with a wheel. You deserve a wheel. :D

I would not recommend that kind of setup. :scared:
My first (home made) rig was made off a foldable centre rear seat from a Renault Scenic, like this:


Once folded, it's not too big. I'm happy to share the rest of the design privately...
I would not recommend that kind of setup. :scared:

Don't hate! :P I spent the first 4-5 years of my sim racing career using that exact setup! :dopey: Loved it, I could stabilize it with my knees and then fold it up with the wheel still attached and stick it in the closet. This was back in the days when I thought having a dedicated setup for racing was a bit over the top. Now....... :embarrassed: :lol:

The Playseat Challenge looks like a good, compact setup that's easy to fold up and stow away like the tv tray setup. But they want ridiculous money for what's basically a lawn chair with a crossbar attached. :odd: The Wheel Stand Pro is probably the next best option but it's still $200. :scared: