Assetto Corsa | News and General Discussion

  • Thread starter mister dog
I think a lot of casual players and F1 fans will enjoy the 2017 F1 car. I don't mind it. The others in the pack will be very fun to play with though.
I have to say, I'm a bit dismayed by recent comments from Marco & Stefano. Both have written something like, "Welp, never again! :rolleyes:" implying that they were so kind to allow the public to pick the last car of the DLC pack and we have the gall to talk about being bummed about the winning selection. I don't remember coming across any posts on the official forums where people were rude, insulting or anything like that in regards to the SF70H winning the poll. Yeah...there is a whole lotta "Ugh...Another F1 car?". A real lot. But, that's just a fanbase having a chat. Heck, even if their Twitter accounts blew up for 3 hours after the results were in. So what? When you do something like this (internet poll) there is bound to be the type of reaction that we saw. And then we'll all move onto the next gripe within a day or two. I haven't been there today, but I'd hope the talking about the poll has simmered.

Oh, I'm sure they aren't going to lose one single sale of this DLC pack because of the SF70H winning the poll. So why act like we disrespected them somehow by being vocal about this poll? Heck, I'd say the Down Shift Sign that popped up in the middle of our screens a few versions back garnered a lot more negative banter.
Going my Marco's post which he says they're being blamed ( no way they could have foreseen this) , I'm guessing that they've been putting up with loads of whiney PM's.
If this is how the votes are going to turn out, and it's likely this is how they'll always turn out, then I'm totally ok with them never doing this again. IMO there was no benefit to this, after all the hoopla we're getting a car the community doesn't seem to want, has no real practical purpose being in the game, and the devs have to deal with a lot of whinging because of it. Lose-lose situation. Funny thing is I bet most people would have been totally fine if any of the other cars had won the vote, but I still have yet to find more than a couple people who say they are actually happy about the SF70H winning.
Agree, glad we could only vote for one. If w4 couldn't vote for any then it's likely the 488 nor the SF70 would have been in.
If this is how the votes are going to turn out, and it's likely this is how they'll always turn out, then I'm totally ok with them never doing this again. IMO there was no benefit to this, after all the hoopla we're getting a car the community doesn't seem to want, has no real practical purpose being in the game, and the devs have to deal with a lot of whinging because of it. Lose-lose situation. Funny thing is I bet most people would have been totally fine if any of the other cars had won the vote, but I still have yet to find more than a couple people who say they are actually happy about the SF70H winning.
I do agree that this is the one car almost everybody I know was hoping didn't win. I'm talking about the hard core maniacs like us who hang out in forums all day discussing every facet of Assetto Corsa. I know there are regulars like @ELCID43, for instance, who pretty much only run the open-wheel rockets - so I'm sure those people will be fine with it...but I'd bet most of those people would have rathered a different open-wheeler.

Also, I really hope Kunos gets all the controller custom mapping set before this Ferrari DLC pack drops. I'm assuming the SF70H will have just as much wizardry as the SF15-T. If I remember correctly, in order to get those extra SF15-T-only features mapped they have to give up a couple of fairly important features. I still can't understand what the hell is so difficult about allowing custom button assignments. Obviously, it can't be as easy as I would have thought...and I'm so familiar with the way it is on PC where we can map anything we want to pretty much anywhere we want.

@lancia delta hf Hmmm I didn't think about PMs. Especially if they're being flooded on something like Twitter. I think they've done a remarkable job putting together all of the DLC packs before this upcoming Ferrari Pack, so I have no complaints about what they pick...except for the Tripl3 Pack (it was a PC only DLC consisting of the Ferrari FXX K, Ferrari 488 GTB & Praga 1.

Oh, for all the people disappointed about the Ferrari 641 not winning. Is the Ferrari 643 similar? I know it's not a Kunos car, but there is a 643 available on Race Department: ASR is the modding group on that 643 and from what I gather, they're pretty decent modders.
I have to say, I'm a bit dismayed by recent comments from Marco & Stefano. Both have written something like, "Welp, never again! :rolleyes:" implying that they were so kind to allow the public to pick the last car of the DLC pack and we have the gall to talk about being bummed about the winning selection. I don't remember coming across any posts on the official forums where people were rude, insulting or anything like that in regards to the SF70H winning the poll. Yeah...there is a whole lotta "Ugh...Another F1 car?". A real lot. But, that's just a fanbase having a chat. Heck, even if their Twitter accounts blew up for 3 hours after the results were in. So what? When you do something like this (internet poll) there is bound to be the type of reaction that we saw. And then we'll all move onto the next gripe within a day or two. I haven't been there today, but I'd hope the talking about the poll has simmered.

Oh, I'm sure they aren't going to lose one single sale of this DLC pack because of the SF70H winning the poll. So why act like we disrespected them somehow by being vocal about this poll? Heck, I'd say the Down Shift Sign that popped up in the middle of our screens a few versions back garnered a lot more negative banter.

Have a look through several posts in this forum alone. A few comments I've read are borderline unacceptable and arguably pathetic. Liking what you do is one thing, being disappointed in the final result is another, but several were categorically unnecessary.
Have a look through several posts in this forum alone. A few comments I've read are borderline unacceptable and arguably pathetic. Liking what you do is one thing, being disappointed in the final result is another, but several were categorically unnecessary.
Oh, I am not denying there is a whole lotta whining & crying going on over the poll results. I guess I'm trying to say that people cry and pout like babies after every single DLC pack & system upgrade. I just figured they would be expecting it...and ready for it. No one has the right to be vulgar or abusive, however. Honestly, after every upgrade/DLC release I go read the threads " networks" & the "official v1.x update!" and it makes me shake my head. Huge update. Right away the posts come in, "when are you going to add rolling starts? This is freakin' ridiculous!" or "Why the Aventador SV? Why not the Huracan instead!!" No thank you's from those people. No "Great update guys!" just whining like babies.

Although, I'm sure it's usually a very small percentage compared to what they're most likely dealing with over this poll. I will add, the backlash they took when they closed the modding forums was way over the line. Sadly, I must confess that I threw a couple of jabs over that issue, but nothing disrespectful.
Well, we all saw it coming a mile away so they could have foreseen it coming too.
We certainly did, and I think that's possibly what deepens the disappointment. However I wasn't referring to the SF70 winning, I meant they couldn't have foreseen the scale of voting and how the F1 might win by outside votes ( Damn you Reddit ) .
Producing a poll with that many options is surely always going to lead to a very low percentage for the winner... Meaning all you're really going to achieve is 'upsetting' a very high percentage of people.

It's just one of those things, it probably seemed like a great idea at the time, but with hindsight, they were only ever going to end up with a huge majority of people who didn't want the winning car. Democracy in action!
People are only upset because the most pointless car of the bunch got most votes.
That's how I feel. However, I must also say that I don't follow Formula 1 except for watching an occasional race if it just so happens to be on TV when I'm vegging out on the couch. So, I know absolutely nothing about the cars. They all look the same to me. Because of this fact I don't know if there is anything new & different with the SF70H compared to the SF15-T that we have. Again, they look the same to me. :boggled:

Could someone tell me the major differences?
That's how I feel. However, I must also say that I don't follow Formula 1 except for watching an occasional race if it just so happens to be on TV when I'm vegging out on the couch. So, I know absolutely nothing about the cars. They all look the same to me. Because of this fact I don't know if there is anything new & different with the SF70H compared to the SF15-T that we have. Again, they look the same to me. :boggled:

Could someone tell me the major differences?

Not about the SF70H specifically, but it's the 2017 car regulations:

Click redirect to YouTube in video.

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Not about the SF70H specifically, but it's the 2017 car regulations:

Click redirect to YouTube in video.

Based on that video, I expect more mechanical downforce & stability. I'm sure I'll take a peek inside the data.acd files for a data comparison.
Based on that video, I expect more mechanical downforce & stability. I'm sure I'll take a peek inside the data.acd files for a data comparison.

All I know is that these 2017 cars are incredibly fast. Unlike previous years the drivers are audibly short of breath on the team radio as there are more g-forces to resist. We obviously won't get the physical suffering in AC but it says something about how wild these new cars are. Moreover, lap records dating back to somewhere around 2004 are being beaten pretty much every race weekend this year. In this sense the F2004 and SF70H should make up a nice constellation in this car pack.

In terms of driving feel, we will probably experience a greater difference between the SF15-T and SF70H than we currently do between the F138 and SF15-T. Meanwhile, the complex hybrid systems and controls on the SF15-T should also feature on the SF70H.
Producing a poll with that many options is surely always going to lead to a very low percentage for the winner... Meaning all you're really going to achieve is 'upsetting' a very high percentage of people.

It's just one of those things, it probably seemed like a great idea at the time, but with hindsight, they were only ever going to end up with a huge majority of people who didn't want the winning car. Democracy in action!
You're right about the split with so many options, but it was great to have that many choices. You're incorrect about upsetting a high percentage of people though. It is literally just the actual car that won that has bugged people.

People are only upset because the most pointless car of the bunch got most votes.

That's how I feel. However, I must also say that I don't follow Formula 1 except for watching an occasional race if it just so happens to be on TV when I'm vegging out on the couch. So, I know absolutely nothing about the cars. They all look the same to me. Because of this fact I don't know if there is anything new & different with the SF70H compared to the SF15-T that we have. Again, they look the same to me. :boggled:

Could someone tell me the major differences?
I'm positive it is going to be different, but on the whole I don't think the actual experience is going to be that different. You can't drive these modern F1 at a leisurely 90% of their performance and have it be an enjoyable experience. You can't cruise in them without it be boring, and racing them against decent paced AI or humans is hard as F.
All I know is that these 2017 cars are incredibly fast.

And create obscene amounts of dirty air behind them which makes overtaking nearly impossible. There have been several races this year where someone was closing quickly on the leader and the announcers were saying "At this rate he's going to catch the leader with five laps left!", he catches the leader but can never get within more than a couple car lengths and just holds station the rest of the race because he can't get close enough to attempt a pass. It's a joke, made worse by the fact that everyone knew this is exactly what would happen by putting even more aero bits all over the top of the cars. Sure, they're breaking lap records nearly every weekend, which was their stated goal, but the on-track product has been mostly rubbish (yet somehow the season has still been very exciting). IndyCar is going the exact opposite direction next season, moving the majority of the aero to under the car so the dirty air effect is diminished and based on their tests the racing should be far better next year. Hopefully Ross Brawn will help F1 pull their heads out of their rears and get them to make cars that can actually race.

Unlike previous years the drivers are audibly short of breath on the team radio as there are more g-forces to resist.

That only happened once and it was likely due to the fact they removed HAM's drink bottle and he had no hydration. They're certainly more physical but most of the time they look like they've hardly broken a sweat after the race. They had to do some serious conditioning during the off-season to withstand the increased G-forces though, and Wherlein had to miss several races because an off-season injury prevented him from getting his conditioning done. Of course not much, if any, of that will translate to a sim, so I really don't expect it to drive much differently than the SF15 (not that I would know since I've only driven it once, briefly).
All I know is that these 2017 cars are incredibly fast. Unlike previous years the drivers are audibly short of breath on the team radio as there are more g-forces to resist.

In terms of driving feel, we will probably experience a greater difference between the SF15-T and SF70H than we currently do between the F138 and SF15-T. Meanwhile, the complex hybrid systems and controls on the SF15-T should also feature on the SF70H.

I'm positive it is going to be different, but on the whole I don't think the actual experience is going to be that different. You can't drive these modern F1 at a leisurely 90% of their performance and have it be an enjoyable experience. You can't cruise in them without it be boring, and racing them against decent paced AI or humans is hard as F.
Are you implying that the SF15-T & F138 weren't ridiculously fast already?! :eek: :nervous: When I watched that video explaining the differences with the 2017, just seeing how much wider the tires are on top of giving the car a wider track width, the first thing I thought was, "Do these cars need even more mechanical grip?!" I never bothered learning about all of those extra features when we got the SF15-T and they're incredibly important, obviously. I'm sure I could spend the weekend messing around with 'em and I'd be confident enough to use them in a race, however, like @lancia delta hf said - you can't just push these cars to 90% and that's about all I can do with 'em, so I just don't even bother. If I spent a week driving modern F1 cars I could probably start pushing them pretty good, but I just don't enjoy it. :grumpy:
the first thing I thought was, "Do these cars need even more mechanical grip?!"

Yes. The previous cars were very petite/narrow and had fairly skinny tires so they didn't exactly have huge amounts of mechanical grip, a lot of their grip was aero grip made from all the wings and winglets. The new cars still have far more aero grip than mechanical grip (a front wing has something like a couple dozen different elements on it) which is why when one car gets close to another they become rubbish because they lose so much downforce and can't operate as they were designed to and there's not enough mechanical grip to make up for the aero deficiency.
Are you implying that the SF15-T & F138 weren't ridiculously fast already?! :eek: :nervous: When I watched that video explaining the differences with the 2017, just seeing how much wider the tires are on top of giving the car a wider track width, the first thing I thought was, "Do these cars need even more mechanical grip?!" I never bothered learning about all of those extra features when we got the SF15-T and they're incredibly important, obviously. I'm sure I could spend the weekend messing around with 'em and I'd be confident enough to use them in a race, however, like @lancia delta hf said - you can't just push these cars to 90% and that's about all I can do with 'em, so I just don't even bother. If I spent a week driving modern F1 cars I could probably start pushing them pretty good, but I just don't enjoy it. :grumpy:
That's the thing to, even if you can push these cars to their limit, how many other people you come across can? You'd have to join a league to find that sort of competition, which is good if these F1s give you kicks. Let's be honest though, most of that 15% will not be joining F1 leagues.
And create obscene amounts of dirty air behind them which makes overtaking nearly impossible. There have been several races this year where someone was closing quickly on the leader and the announcers were saying "At this rate he's going to catch the leader with five laps left!", he catches the leader but can never get within more than a couple car lengths and just holds station the rest of the race because he can't get close enough to attempt a pass. It's a joke, made worse by the fact that everyone knew this is exactly what would happen by putting even more aero bits all over the top of the cars. Sure, they're breaking lap records nearly every weekend, which was their stated goal, but the on-track product has been mostly rubbish (yet somehow the season has still been very exciting)

The lap records are all that matters in AC though. The SF70H will be nothing but another solo session machine. As for the current season being exciting, Mercedes hasn't been winning nearly every race this season. It's unpredictable despite the on-track battles lacking in certain areas.

That only happened once and it was likely due to the fact they removed HAM's drink bottle and he had no hydration. They're certainly more physical but most of the time they look like they've hardly broken a sweat after the race. They had to do some serious conditioning during the off-season to withstand the increased G-forces though, and Wherlein had to miss several races because an off-season injury prevented him from getting his conditioning done. Of course not much, if any, of that will translate to a sim, so I really don't expect it to drive much differently than the SF15 (not that I would know since I've only driven it once, briefly).

I may be mistaken but the F138 and SF15-T appear to follow fairly similar principles in aero. Yet there are noticeable differences between how they feel on track in AC, but this may mostly be related to how they generate power through different means. I'm expecting a very planted feel from the SF70H's revised aero, and the wider tires should also offer a sensation different enough from the 2013 and 2015 models. It's sure as 🤬 not enough to make me excited for it, but I will try discover whatever it is 15% of voters saw that I didn't. :rolleyes:

Are you implying that the SF15-T & F138 weren't ridiculously fast already?! :eek: :nervous:

I'm not implying anything but the 2017 lap times speak for themselves.

I'm sure I could spend the weekend messing around with 'em and I'd be confident enough to use them in a race, however, like @lancia delta hf said - you can't just push these cars to 90% and that's about all I can do with 'em, so I just don't even bother. If I spent a week driving modern F1 cars I could probably start pushing them pretty good, but I just don't enjoy it. :grumpy:

I find the F1 cars in AC enjoyable when pushed close to their limit. I can relate to your opinion but I quickly overcame that barrier through adaption, which these cars arguably require more than anything else. The worst part is getting used to the speed, grip, short braking distances and rapid downshifts, but it all flows so nicely once settling into the groove they were designed for. Essentially, I don't think it takes more than a few laps to adapt, and thereby feel the fun potential of these cars. Also, AC is by far the most intuitive F1 simulation I have driven. The official F1 games by Codemasters feel weird in comparison and take longer to master if you ask me.
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The lap records are all that matters in AC though. The SF70H will be nothing but another solo session machine. As for the current season being exciting, Mercedes hasn't been winning nearly every race this season. It's unpredictable despite the on-track battles lacking in certain areas.

I may be mistaken but the F138 and SF15-T appear to follow fairly similar principles in aero. Yet there are noticeable differences between how they feel on track in AC, but this may mostly be related to how they generate power through different means. I'm expecting a very planted feel from the SF70H's revised aero, and the wider tires should also offer a sensation different enough from the 2013 and 2015 models. It's sure as 🤬 not enough to make me excited for it, but I will try discover whatever it is 15% of voters saw that I didn't. :rolleyes:

I'm not implying anything but the 2017 lap times speak for themselves.

I think the F1 cars in AC are enjoyable when pushed close to their limit. I can relate to your opinion but I quickly overcame that barrier through adaption, which these cars arguably require more than anything else. The worst part is getting used to the speed, grip, short braking distances and rapid downshifts, but it all flows so nicely once settling into the groove they were designed for. Essentially, I don't think it takes more than a few laps to adapt, and thereby feel the fun potential of these cars. Also, AC is by far the most intuitive F1 simulation I have driven. The official F1 games by Codemasters feel weird in comparison and take longer to master if you ask me.
The biggest issue so far for me with modern F1s is that it's difficult to be consistent lap upon lap with a DS4, and of course the hybrid controls. It would be great if Kunos could get the f1 licence to represent any era pre 2000s, with full timing graphics etc. That is probably the biggest thing lacking with the modern F1, for obvious reasons.
The biggest issue so far for me with modern F1s is that it's difficult to be consistent lap upon lap with a DS4, and of course the hybrid controls. It would be great if Kunos could get the f1 licence to represent any era pre 2000s, with full timing graphics etc. That is probably the biggest thing lacking with the modern F1, for obvious reasons.

A large part of being consistent with the DS4 comes down to getting comfortable using your preferred configuration and setting. Wheels may be more intuitive and easier to rotate in a meaningful way, but controller pads can be great too. See this post I wrote the other day.

I get what your saying about official rights, but I have come to the conclusion that such rights make games worse. So many formalities to follow and often the games end up suffering in areas that matter. I believe AC benefits from being so pure and hopefully it stays that way.
As for the current season being exciting, Mercedes hasn't been winning nearly every race this season. It's unpredictable despite the on-track battles lacking in certain areas.

Yes, it's the most exciting season in several years, but oddly that has very little to do with the actual on-track racing and to someone who doesn't know the in's and out's of the F1 drama soap opera I doubt they'd find it very exciting. It's still my religion, I still love it, and the cars are impressive, but the racing is not all that great and I can totally understand why so many casual motorsports fan declare it to be rather boring.

I may be mistaken but the F138 and SF15-T appear to follow fairly similar principles in aero. Yet there are noticeable differences between how they feel on track in AC, but this may mostly be related to how they generate power through different means. I'm expecting a very planted feel from the SF70H's revised aero, and the wider tires should also offer a sensation different enough from the 2013 and 2015 models. It's sure as 🤬 not enough to make me excited for it, but I will try discover whatever it is 15% of voters saw that I didn't. :rolleyes:

There was a good difference between the 2013 and 2015 models, different body shape, different aero, entirely different power units. The huge difference in the front nose alone probably makes a significant change in the aero balance, that's why the stepped-noses came to be so they could kind of circumnavigate the safety rules to claw back as much aero advantage as they could (there's a lot of downforce to be had there). On paper the 2017 cars are drastically different but for some reason I don't think it'll feel all that different from the SF-15T when driving it in AC. I could be wrong, but neither of them will get much wheel time on my rig so I'm not likely to ever find out (or care). The SF-15T is already far too planted for my liking so an even more planted version has little appeal to me. But that's not to say plenty of people won't find something to like with it, just not my flavor.
Doesn't AC have visual representation of the various aero settings? I was just messing with the rear wing setting on the Porsche 935, which goes from 1-18 on the setup screen, but the wing looks the same no matter which end of the spectrum I choose. I tried adjusting this setting on a few more race cars but still the same, no visual feedback. I ask because I seem to remember that aero settings used to be reflected visually in an older version, but now I'm no longer sure. Maybe a bug in the PS4 version, or is it the same on PC?
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Doesn't AC have visual representation of the various aero settings? I was just messing with the rear wing setting on the Porsche 935, which goes from 1-18 on the setup screen, but the wing looks the same no matter which end of the spectrum I choose. I tried adjusting this setting on a few more race cars but still the same, no visual feedback. I ask because I seem to remember that aero settings used to be reflected visually in an older version, but now I'm no longer sure. Maybe a bug in the PS4 version, or is it the same on PC?

I can't say I've ever heard that was a thing, it may be but I don't recall ever seeing someone mention it or discuss it and I've never noticed it (but I've never looked either). I know if you lower the car you can certainly see it drop but not sure about other things.

I didn't want to sit through the entire 36 min video. I skipped ahead until he was on the track and then I stopped around the 11 minute mark. I heard him say that he favors AC FFB of all the various racing sims available. Plus he says the experience with Direct Drive is incredible. That doesn't seem to be a surprise. :lol: Does he go on to say anything negative about the experience with AC & the DD wheel? That dude has a sick rig. :eek:
I can't say I've ever heard that was a thing, it may be but I don't recall ever seeing someone mention it or discuss it and I've never noticed it (but I've never looked either). I know if you lower the car you can certainly see it drop but not sure about other things.

You're right about the suspension height being visible. I just seem to remember fiddling with the rear wing aero settings and noticing a visibly different angle, so today I found myself surprised by not seeing the change on the car. Would you, or anyone else with the PC version, mind checking if you're getting similar results?

Simply pick a car with a highly adjustable and easily visible rear wing, such as the Porsche 935 or 911 GT3 RS, and see if the setting affects the visible angle of the wing. Thanks! :)
I don't think wings ever moved on screen when adjusting the aero settings.

I want to say IER made it work with their Corvette DP & FLM09 mods, but I don't recall ever seeing it on a Kunos car.