Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Le mans-01.jpg

Help. I can't find that le mans logo anywhere, obviously a 90s le mans logo...
505 kg + 75 kg = 580 kg should be the correct weight in car.ini.

If the laptimes are still to slow, it's a matter of tyre grip or drag or driving skills or aero or differential or, or, ...

But no need to distort the weight. :rolleyes: :D
Try it before you knock it, at least. I know we're conditioned to blindly trust the numbers, but the issue is and always has been the inherent weight within their physics, imo. The reason they lost their way in the first place, this spring, was(after extreme criticism from others on YouTube) due to editing everything(tyres, drag, downforce, mechanical grip etc) but the weight, and that's what made them literally undrivable.

Beforehand they were too light - hence the insane corner speed. Then they went down the wrong path in trying to fix them as I said, making them much, much worse.
Now they're back on the right road again, but still a bit too heavy by default. Maybe they added the driver's weight as well, when it was already added in somehow, or something else.
The weight in the car.ini is currently set to 580, so that also could be the core problem.
Does AC auto-add the driver's weight, regardless of of what's in the car.ini, or not? I'm not a car maker, so I don't that answer.
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I think they are playing it safe nowadays. RSS is putting so much time and effort to each of their mods that they need them to sell... I wish their next project would be Taunus/Cortina Mk4, but I would bet on a updated Formula Hybrid 2021. Because their modern formulas are for sure popular and will sell quite well. And nothing wrong in that.

Although with their reputation they would most likely cash in with anything. IMO their biggest contribution to the game is the GT-pack (hard to disagree, eh?); it includes wonderful cars (Viper, Lambo, Saleen) that were not represented in AC already "well enough". Nowhere near well enough.
If they mean to play it safe, they should keep making 90's F1 cars. The current F1's are way too similar, they get away with adding a few ballast and get the most accurate grid. 90's was a different era I'd say.

And yes, the GT Pack is out of this world. And partly because they gave us a pretty complete grid, hence me saying they should keep making old F1 cars. IMHO, at least another 1 or 2 :cheers:
Hi leBluem, thank you so much for your work on sx_lemans, its really nice to have a accurate version of le mans in AC! I have a small problem tough, when I play in VR the barrier and some of the white lines are flickering pretty bad. Do you know if I can fix this by tweaking some settings in content manager? I use CSP only (not running sol ATM)

Thank you for your work!!
The weight in the car.ini is currently set to 580, so that also could be the core problem.
but the issue is and always has been the inherent weight within their physics, imo.
@Gregz0r : smoke much crack?

How is it a "core problem" if that IS the correct weight? 505+75=580. 505kilos IS the MINIMUM weight for that year/series.
Have you scratch built physics? MASS is the LAST thing you should be changing, esp in a sanctioned series. When I revamped F1-1993, for example, a few cars got MORE mass esp if they were not a top team. Performance was also WAY off when introducing real engine power...
so I should raise or lower mass??? LOL WTF!!! BoP came from gears and aero.

for ANY mod:
As suggested elsewhere, BoP should NOT come from fvcking up intrinsic and known vehicle values.
What are those? MASS, HP, TQ are the main ones.
What IS likely to be off in terms of handling)? AERO, GC, TRACK, WB
IF CG, TRACK and WB are known (likely), then is comes down to.. AERO, SPRINGS, DAMPERS, TIRES, SUSPENSION
these are the LEAST KNOWN identifiers, and thus are the ones most mods GET WRONG and SHOULD be where most problems can be fixed if all else is correct.

IF you "need" to adjust MASS below a realistic figure to get car feel and performance to "your liking", you are doing it WRONG (as are the mods physics creators)
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How is it a "core problem" if that IS the correct weight? 505+75=580. 505kilos IS the MINIMUM weight for that year/series.
Have you scratch built physics? MASS is the LAST thing you should be changing, esp in a sanctioned series. When I revamped F1-1993, for example, a few cars got MORE mass esp if they were not a top team. BoP was also WAY off when introducing real engine power... so I should raise or lower mass??? LOL WTF!!! BoP came from gears and aero.

for ANY mod:
As suggested elsewhere, BoP should NOT come from fvcking up intrinsic and known vehicle values.
What are those? MASS, HP, TQ are the main ones.
What IS likely to be off in terms of handling)? AERO, GC, TRACK, WB
IF CG, TRACK and WB are known (likely), then is comes down to.. AERO, SPRINGS, DAMPERS, TIRES, SUSPENSION
these are the LEAST KNOWN identifiers, and thus are the ones most mods GET WRONG and SHOULD be where most problems lay

IF you "need" to adjust MASS to get car feel and performance to "your liking", you are doing it WRONG (as are the mods physics creators)
Okay, okay, I'm not sure why folks are getting agitated over this, but whatever the actual issue is, having the current numbers in these car's case, is not translating to the actual on-track performance. I'm not a dev, so I respect yours(or other's) knowledge, All I do know, is that adjusting weight solved the issues for me and the a.i. Your mileage may vary. :)
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IMSA finally did a "mass" adjustment to the TCR class that needed it pretty badly. We all told them to adjust their aero springs dampers tires and suspension but as you know, IMSA just doesn't listen.
(kidding aside, it was interesting to see this article right after you wrote that.
IMSA Introduces Compensation Weight in TCR
IMSA finally did a "mass" adjustment to the TCR class that needed it pretty badly. We all told them to adjust their aero springs dampers tires and suspension but as you know, IMSA just doesn't listen.
(kidding aside, it was interesting to see this article right after you wrote that.
IMSA Introduces Compensation Weight in TCR

Yeah! BoP'ing real series is usually done with MASS and intake restrictions outside of single make spec series. *single spec series already (generally) restrictions on minimum mass, engine mods/inlet size, fuel-flow (the later two directly control the ability to make power from a given swept volume to a theoretical maximum engine hp/tq output )
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IMSA finally did a "mass" adjustment to the TCR class that needed it pretty badly. We all told them to adjust their aero springs dampers tires and suspension but as you know, IMSA just doesn't listen.
(kidding aside, it was interesting to see this article right after you wrote that.
IMSA Introduces Compensation Weight in TCR

At petit le mans you could see Hyundai Veloster N compare to over tcr cars in series was at least two/three second lap quicker in qualifying and race
@Paulo Ribeiro , the folder content\objects3d has the physical lollypop guy and pit indicator. Any chance you have been altering those files?

First of all, thank you to the members that tried to help me. You guys are the reason for me, to be here.
Many many thanks. :cheers::):)

Thank you too, to the ones that could help but chosed not.

Ger, your tip of content\objects3d folder was golder, I mean gold. :D

Never came to my mind explore that folder, was about 1 hour around APPs and CM options, without success.

Thank god (or me), making a backup of pit crew folder (as you can see in my picture).
Just reinstalled that backup and notest that were files missing.
Which means, that now I can race with full pit crew working.


You guys rock. Big hugs for your help. 👍

Edit: After posted this, I've got an E-Mail from my pit crew.
After all, they were on strike. But they came back to the pits, because I was turning public this issue and they were afraid of their exposure and their Curriculum Vitae. 💡:crazy:


That is great to hear @Paulo Ribeiro -- I wonder how your information got clobbered in the pit crew folder.? Was it that one app mentioned. Just So it doesn't happen to us and know what to look for.

take care,

Hi Dave,
In fact I've disabled the last APPs, triyng to know if it was due to those apps. Enabling all didn't cause any harm.
Overall, the last apps were not guilty of the missing files inside pit crew file.

Maybe some mod is the cause of that issue.
Atm I have no clue. Sorry.


As you asked Dathyr,

Finally after digging a bit, came to a conclusion of what was causing the pit crew absense... Or strike.

It was an APP called 20200731 ELHud1.611.
Composed by:

Gott rid of it already. But had to test one more time to have sure.

Now all is fine.

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At petit le mans you could see Hyundai Veloster N compare to over tcr cars in series was at least two/three second lap quicker in qualifying and race

Indeed. And at VIR too.

But IMSA penalised them too much, at Road America they were strugling to keep the pace of the others TCR.
guys is there a mod for assetto corsa that makes the wheel shakes like in assetto corsa competizione????
Try adjusting your force feedback settings. At the moment I'm at 100% gain, 10% filter, 1% minimum force, 10% kerb & road effect and 40% slip & ABS effect.
Indeed. And at VIR too.

But IMSA penalised them too much, at Road America they were strugling to keep the pace of the others TCR.

Yea they did not so well at road America but did well other circuit. The problem with BOP is could BOP the hold series for 1 year and come next year its out & one car is dominated over the other. You see last year in WTCR the Audi's would not the car to have but these year the work better its same in GT3-GTD/GTE one year Porsche or Aston martin dominated next year its ferrari. Has team you just got the put up with it and try to engineer you car to suit the tracks you race on.
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