Borderlands 2


The cover article in this month's Game Informer is about it. I'll post some pictures later. It's mainly concept art though, so maybe I'll just post the details after I read about it.
The first Borderlands was great, really fun game and especially so with a bunch of mates. Trailer doesn't reveal *too* much, although the info that Gearbox has released about the game is interesting - I'm intrigued to see how well the idea of Tediore weapons being a one-use gun and instead of reloading you throw it at an enemy, upon which the gun then explodes. The Gunzerker sounds fun too, being able to dual wield weapons :D The Siren class is returning too, although apparently no Phasewalk as the action skill this time - wonder what the replacement skill will be?


Weapon info (wonder how much of this will remain as-is for the finished game... some features GBX said BL1 would have never materialised, so I'm expecting things like these to change before release):
Anyone who played through the first game is familiar with the bandit foes (hell, a bandit is even the primary focus of the box art). In Borderlands 2, these troublemakers have started putting together their own weaponry. They’re not the most organized or mechanically inclined group, so their selection will be notably ramshackle. Instead of a scope, a Bandit sniper rifle might feature a glass bottle. Instead of iron sights, a screw. On the plus side, Bandit guns feature the largest magazines of any manufacturer, though the increased size leads to longer reload times.

Borderlands certainly sticks out from the crowded FPS marketplace, but Dahl’s weapons should feel familiar to fans of modern military shooters. These weapons will resemble more realistic gun designs like the firearms from series such as Call of Duty and Battlefield.

Even if you don’t remember the Hyperion name from the first Borderlands, you know their visual style thanks to a certain robotic buddy they happened to manufacture. Yes, Claptrap’s clean yellow-and-white design is a trademark of the weapons dealer, and their guns will feature the same look.

These weapons carry a distinctly Russian vibe, with similarities to the ultra-common AK-47. This being Borderlands and all, it wouldn't feel right to not have at least some silliness present. That's why all of Vladof's weapons will have minigun barrels as attachments. In terms of stars, this brand boasts the highest fire rate out of any of Pandora's weapons.

Tediore manufactures Pandora’s equivalent to a disposable Bic lighter. Once you’re done unloading a clip full of ammunition from this brand’s rifles, it can be thrown like a grenade. The more ammunition you have left in the clip when thrown, the more powerful the explosion will be. After it self-destructs, the weapon “reloads” by constructing a new firearm out of your character’s Digistruct module. Using Tediore weapons allows for interesting strategic decisions - do you utilize every bullet while taking out your enemies, or do you leave half of them in the clip for a bigger blast?

Borderlands is an explosive, over-the-top gaming experience. If the game was boiled down and turned into a gun, it would surely be Torgue-made. This far-from-modest manufacturer specializes in the most destructive, insane weapons in Pandora. Don’t expect silencers and subtlety here...Torgue is about creating the biggest, loudest display of power possible.

We didn't get a chance to see many Maliwan weapons, but Gearbox described this brand as one of the sleeker options in the game. We wouldn't be surprised to see these guns have a bit of a futuristic feel to them.

These weapons resemble a cross between guns of the old west and guns from World War II. They may look a bit antiquated, but they pack more of a punch than any competitor thanks to their high damage stats.

Bandit SMG:

Other articles about the game from Gamescom: (mild language warning)

Good to see it retains the art style of the original game too, that's something I was hoping would be carried through into a sequel. Hopefully the PC version isn't the world's laziest console port either, although the gameplay was fine there were certain elements that screamed "CONSOLE PORT", such as having to use page up/down to scroll the inventory/quest list and aim assist being on by default :irked:

You should also fix the typo in the thread title, if you're going to make a thread about a game the least you could do is spell its name correctly... :rolleyes:
I am looking forward to Borderlands 2 for sure.

I put hundreds of hours into Borderlands. Bought every DLC besides the last one with the Claptraps. Once the General Knoxx DLC came out I got burned out. Way too much open area and too much driving to each location. I dont even think I finished that.
I restarted the game a few weeks ago. I got this when they had the full game and DLC bundle for $15 on PSN. This and Fallout 3 I'm playing. I'm behind the times......

This game however if it comes out before Summer 2012, I'll just wait. there will be a boat load of game releases up until then.
Not your fault CB69! I haven't scratched the surface of the first game. I should not have restarted.... I've only gotten to The Rust Commons West before starting over and that's where I am now.
I'd like to find out some of the backstory that was in Borderlands. A friend told me the characters in the original had things they wanted to find...But I'm not sure if we're getting the same characters...:indiff: I liked Roland
I've merged the two threads together.

Anyway, I'm on the fence about this game. Everyone talk up the first game so much that when I ended up playing it, I sort of felt a little disappointed. It had both RPG and FPS merged together, which I do like, after all I'm a big fan of Fallout 3 but I just lost interest too early on in Borderlands even though I really wanted to like it. This one looks like it offers some improvements and variety in weapons and scenery so it might be the one that draws me into the franchise.
@Syntax: were you playing solo or with buddies? Co-op is where the game really shone.

Others have mentioned this as well about Borderlands and it's probably why actually. Problem is that I'm more of a solo gamer now. I don't really get into multiplayer/co-op anymore.
Others have mentioned this as well about Borderlands and it's probably why actually. Problem is that I'm more of a solo gamer now. I don't really get into multiplayer/co-op anymore.

Yeah, Borderlands isn't bad... but isn't anything too special if you play alone.

Playing with friends was the most fun I've had in a game in a while.
New trailer:

Releases September 18th. So excited for BL2.
So incredibly excited about this, I had Borderlands from day one on my PS3 then later on my PC as well, never did manage to hit level 65 though even though I still play it occasionally now. It has it's rough edges, but I'm sure Gearbox have learned a thing or two. I will probably preorder this, even though I promised myself I'd stop doing that...

If anyone wants to do some co-op on BL1 my Steam name is the same as it is here.
My sister's friend's friend offered me a job game testing at the 2K Games office in Northridge. He said It would be a full time, 1-year contract job. He also said they are currently testing Borderlands 2. I had to turn it down because 1. I live in Los Angeles so it's a 1 hour drive every day and 2. I'm a student and they were looking for a full-time position. I would have taken it if I didn't go to school though.

..... I hate it when great opportunities come by at the worst times.

Sigh. I'm also the biggest friggin Borderlands fan, getting a platinum trophy for the game within a month of its release.
This game is looking better and better. I loved the first Borderlands until the last couple of DLC packs. General knox was just too much driving and not enough action inbetween. Thats when I started to get sick of Borderlands. But I am really looking forward to this sequal.

PC version is going to be done properly this time around, which makes me happy :) FOV slider, PC-specific UI, full kb+m support in the menus (you had to tweak the game INIs to be able to use your scroll wheel in BL1) = 👍👍

That sounds good 👍 I hope they actually optimise it for PC performance this time around, it seems to be pretty demanding even considering the fact it isn't a game for spectacular visuals. I had to run it at 1280x800 because 1680x1050 (Native resolution of my monitor) caused a lot of slowdown which I don't get in many newer games.

The original was good, but one thing I absolutely detest is the artwork. The artwork was very blocky and the character movement was very abrupt, especially for enemies, meaning it's a lot more difficult to hit moving targets than it should be. The hitboxes were weird too, i've had many occasions where my sniper bullets have went through a stationary enemy (This is even offline where there should be no lag present). It can be a frustrating game in that respect but I really like the combination of RPG and FPS set in a sandbox multiplayer environment. With quests, it's almost like an MMORPG but without the subscription fee.

I know the artwork isn't going to change but they should sort out the character animations and the hitboxes.
Just to let everyone know that there will be a demo and talk about on IGN in 23 minutes.

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