Delayed April 2015

  • Thread starter ChrisWAFC
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Polish could mean anything. It could mean adding, taking away and/or dialing back certain aspects/content to areas of the product, amongst other things. Time will tell if this title will be complete upon release or not. My point, don't assume a delay is always a good thing because you're hyped and or looking forward to the product. We've seen delays happen before and turn out not so great, ultimately, we're all privy to our own opinions, just try not to set yourselves up for disappointment. Take the delay for what it is.....a delay(more time on the product, to which no one outside the devs know how this extra time will be spent), nothing more.
:( sad. Still no less enthused about getting it but heart broken to wait another 5 months. Like someone else said, perhaps I'll be able to save up for a new fanatech by then.
I don't like playing driving/racing games on my PC. It's a pain in the ass when I try to use the computer for anything else.

shame you're missing out on the real sims...and pcars on pc is going to manhandle ps4/ if ands or buts.

Hope you reconsider that one day. PC is where it's at for racing truely...and cmon man pc's aren't THAT complicated,
Polish could mean anything. It could mean adding, taking away and/or dialing back certain aspects/content to areas of the product, amongst other things. Time will tell if this title will be complete upon release or not. My point, don't assume a delay is always a good thing because you're hyped and or looking forward to the product. We've seen delays happen before and turn out not so great, ultimately, we're all privy to our own opinions, just try not to set yourselves up for disappointment. Take the delay for what it is.....a delay(more time on the product, to which no one outside the devs know how this extra time will be spent), nothing more.

when they say polish I think they mean optimise for a certain console in particular and improve pc and the other console. Certain tracks have areas that will devour a few frames as you go through them so its just things like reducing that and refining bits like ai and ui to make it more accessible for everyone.
Polish could mean anything yes, but I can tell you, here (in case of pcars) it means polish, polish, polish what we have. Pcars have well enough content already all things taken into consideration. Now it's only about making the best possible use out of the content we have.. yes, some additions are possible still before release but only if it doesn't affect the task at hand.. polishing what is in now. Will it be perfect in the launch? No, the sim community will never think anything as being perfect - we have all learned that by now. And surely no one should expect that either.

But it will be much closer to perfect than what it would have been if released as planned originally. It is a fact that the dev team could have gotten pcars to a releasable state in time for the nov release date.. BUT it would have not met their criteria or the criteria of the community doing so. Meeting the criteria for a 'release ready' game (with the level of final touches that seem to be the standard nowadays) would have been possible for sure. But other path has been chosen and for the greater good.

In the end, it won't be perfect. Don't expect that. But it will be good. Really good.
shame you're missing out on the real sims...and pcars on pc is going to manhandle ps4/ if ands or buts.

Hope you reconsider that one day. PC is where it's at for racing truely...and cmon man pc's aren't THAT complicated,

I understand that PC is a powerful piece of kit, even kicking the booties of consoles but get this: PC gaming isn't for everyone though... Even for myself. I've tried it before and have had a PC that could game and like what @Awong124 said, it is a pain in the arse to use the PC for other things than just average computing. For example, editing videos, if you don't have a graphics card and an i7 like me, then you're gonna have some fun... I'll upgrade in the future though.
While it sucks that the game is delayed, I paid for it in full and you know what? I got my PS3, GT6, among a ton of other racing games and (has a download of PES 2013/14, Daytona USA) so I got plenty to keep myself busy.
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While it sucks that the game is delayed, I paid for it in full and you know what? I got my PS3, GT6, among a ton of other racing games and (has a download of PES 2013/14, Daytona USA) so I got plenty to keep my busy.

That's the spirit!!!!
I've surprised myself by not being disappointed. That's not to say I'm not looking forward to playing pCARS (when ever that may be) but if SMS needs more time to finish their product I'm fine with that. As someone who has blasted PD many times for releasing unfinished products, I'm glad SMS is taking the "it's not great because it's done, it's done because it's great" approach.

Plus, now I thankfully have additional time to save up for a new wheel for my PS4.
Just some random comments in no particular order.

I am really p!ssed if this true.

I have just had my new, shiny T300 wheel delivered to play this (and DC when the PS+ edition is finally available).

Code Masters F1 2014 (or is that now 15) is also slated for about the same time next year.

I am 1,000 bucks and 11 months down the drain and still no driving game on my PS4 :-(

I am now stuck playing GT6 for another 6 months. Double :-( :-(

The only good news is perhaps all these games being delayed is giving "The Evil Empire" time to work on wheel support for all our current wheels. In which case I am doubly p!ssed as I have just (as stated) bought a Thrustmaster.

So basically I am all set to go and the only thing I can currently play (if I spend 100 bucks) is a glorified arcade game that makes NFS look attractive :-(

I think some self medication is order about now and then a long lie down ;-)
Releasing games near christmas is actually not always a good idea. I can easily see it being a better idea for a high-profile title than for a new and relatively niche title. I can imagine advertisement spots being more expensive during that period too.

Racing enthusiasts would probably get the game no matter when it is released, but someone who is just moderately interested in racing games might just buy something else. Money isn't unlimited for most customers, and during the holiday seasons games aren't just competing against other games, but also a ton of other types of products.

After buying perhaps one high profile game for yourself, and then a lot of gifts for your siblings, parents, girl/boyfriend, nephews, children or whatever it is you have, maybe you just can't justify spending money on another game right now, and then when january/february comes, it's no longer at the top of your head and you might not get around to buying it until you randomly see it on a big sale somewhere.

Again, that's an average joe kind of scenario, not necessarily a typical gtplanet user.
Darn. But if that means further improving the game, I'm not complaining. But I hope this doesn't go too far.
Polish could mean anything. It could mean adding, taking away and/or dialing back certain aspects/content to areas of the product, amongst other things. Time will tell if this title will be complete upon release or not. My point, don't assume a delay is always a good thing because you're hyped and or looking forward to the product. We've seen delays happen before and turn out not so great, ultimately, we're all privy to our own opinions, just try not to set yourselves up for disappointment. Take the delay for what it is.....a delay(more time on the product, to which no one outside the devs know how this extra time will be spent), nothing more.

It's delayed because if it released in November what you would have seen was something akin to GT5 1.01. All the big features in place and functional, but none of the little touches that make a game so fun to play and probably lots of bugs still. It would not have been the GT/Forza killer that it could and should be.

The idea is that there will be no new features added between now and release. It's in beta, and it will stay there. The time will be used to make sure that what is there is presented in the best possible way that it can be.

Personally, I think the non-compete thing is a bit of explanation after the fact. They needed the delay regardless, and not competing with other games was just a bonus.
@Johnnypenso is gonna be saaaaaaaaaaad

Ok well I'm sad too. I was quite excited for P.Cars next month as an after exams present for myself but damn, now the wait extends...

Tis good and bad for Sms though. Good in the sense of they have time to iron out any bug that surfaces and get that consistent 1080p 60fps on the PS4 (I just bought one so please SMS)

Lastly, bad in the sense of expectations are going to be way higher than before now since they have more time to work on the game.

SMS can we please get a Subaru in the game now since you have some time ?
Disappointed, yes. I have been looking forward to this for months:mad: At the same time, if the game is not ready, well the only solution is to delay and I would rather see that then have them release an unfinished game with endless patches. Based on what I read on the forums the last couple of months I was pretty sure it would be delayed anyway. There seemed to be too much to do with just a little over a month to go. I am also just getting into PC gaming and having a PC built for that purpose. I have already bought and am waiting to download several games that will keep me busy for the next few months. Steam is a wonderful thing:cheers:
shame you're missing out on the real sims...and pcars on pc is going to manhandle ps4/ if ands or buts.

Hope you reconsider that one day. PC is where it's at for racing truely...and cmon man pc's aren't THAT complicated,

I know PC is better. And the problem isn't that I find PC too complicated. I moved my PC to my rig a couple months ago to play Euro Truck Simulator, Race, Race 07, GT Legends, GTR, and GTR2, and it was fun. But when I wanted to use the computer to surf the net or play games that used mouse and keyboard, I had to either use the keyboard off to the side or move the wheel. I was getting pain in my arms after a while due to the awkward posture. There is also such a thing as having a monitor that's too big. Using my 32" TV as a monitor while sitting 2 feet away wasn't particularly comfortable. It's great for the racing games, but for surfing the net it's way too big. So I moved my computer back to my desk after about a month because I couldn't stand it anymore. The only solution I could think of is to get another computer just for racing games to leave at my rig permanently, but I can't justify the cost of that. My rig is also not portable.
The amount of people annoyed at the revised release date, both here and elsewhere, is :lol: The game isn't finished. It definitely wasn't going to be finished in time to hit the Nov 20 release, so SMS have pushed it back a few months to make sure it is finished when it does release. But now that they've done that, they're the devil incarnate for wanting the game to be as good as possible when everyone finally gets to play it?

Some people are so hard to please. If you wanted it in November, you would be getting an incomplete game replete with bugs, glitches and non-functional features. Skip forward to March and you have a complete title with the bugs and glitches ironed out. Not hard to know which of releasing an unfinished game or delaying it a few months to make sure it isn't is the lesser of two evils. Polyphony Digital were basically burned at the stake for having to do both!

The other reason of avoiding the competitive pre-Christmas period is fair, but basically everyone on WMD knows that isn't the primary reason. Needing to finish the game is.
The amount of people annoyed at the revised release date, both here and elsewhere, is :lol: The game isn't finished. It definitely wasn't going to be finished in time to hit the Nov 20 release, so SMS have pushed it back a few months to make sure it is finished when it does release. But now that they've done that, they're the devil incarnate for wanting the game to be as good as possible when everyone finally gets to play it?

Some people are so hard to please. If you wanted it in November, you would be getting an incomplete game replete with bugs, glitches and non-functional features. Skip forward to March and you have a complete title with the bugs and glitches ironed out. Not hard to know which of releasing an unfinished game or delaying it a few months to make sure it isn't is the lesser of two evils. Polyphony Digital were basically burned at the stake for having to do both!

The other reason of avoiding the competitive pre-Christmas period is fair, but basically everyone on WMD knows that isn't the primary reason. Needing to finish the game is.

I don't have a problem with games being delayed to add finishing touches to them. What I have a problem with announcing a release date and taking money for pre-orders and then not delivering!

Announce the release date when it is ready! STOP doing all this tease stuff!!!! It has cost me money (see my other post here) and that is what I am unhappy about.

PD, the masters of delay, promised a complete game at release and failed (as they still do a year down the track). Hollow promises is what I have the complaint about, so if that makes me hard to please so be it.
I don't have a problem with games being delayed to add finishing touches to them. What I have a problem with announcing a release date and taking money for pre-orders and then not delivering!

You can get your preorder money back whenever you want. That's not SMS, that's your local retailer. Retailers will take preorders even without release dates sometimes, so you're barking up the wrong tree there.

You can likely get a refund on your wheel too, if you try hard enough. Lesson learned: don't buy stuff until you actually have a use for it.

GT5 and GT6 are exactly the reason why games shouldn't be sold unfinished. Given the choice between putting an unfinished game on sale and pushing the release date, they should push the release date every single time. Yes, it's not an ideal situation and someone, somewhere is going to have their plans thrown out of whack, but it's by far and away the lesser of two evils.

As @Sharky. says, everyone on WMD knows that the game is not ready and will not be ready by November. A while ago it looked like it was going to be, but it's pretty clear now that there's no way in hell, even if the devs stuffed themselves with meth and didn't sleep for the next month.

There's no particular reason to believe that it won't be ready by March, assuming they don't do a PD and start packing in last minute features. Which SMS have specifically said they have no intention of doing, they want to finish what they have. They're aware of the danger, and because of their financial setup they don't have funds to keep doing this forever without putting something on the market. They'll pretty much have to release in March come hell or high water.

SMS have been upfront about what's going on, and you've got a significant amount of information on what's going on inside available from WMD members where we're able to talk about it. This is not GT5 where Kaz promised that they could release any time they wanted for about a year and then dropped his steaming turd of a game into the market. This is not GT6 where they dropped half a game and a year later we're still waiting for the other half.

There are people watching to make sure that doesn't happen here, and that's exactly what this is about. When the game comes out and you pay your money, you will have everything that you paid for, and it will be of a quality that you would expect of a premier racing simulation. Until then, they will not take your money, no matter how desperate you are to give it to them.

It's not going to make everyone happy, but the delay is the right thing to do.
I don't have a problem with games being delayed to add finishing touches to them. What I have a problem with announcing a release date and taking money for pre-orders and then not delivering!

You can't have a "problem with announcing a release date" as you "don't have a problem with games being delayed", and a delay is only possible if an initial time/date is mentioned. A delay from nothing is just silly.

Taking money for pre-orders too early is a bit to get annoyed by though. I agree.

The whole "I bought a wheel in advance but now i'm mad bit" that's a bit of your own doing.
It's like going to a car dealer, seeing a lovely car you want to buy but before you buy it you'll go to the gas station to buy a jerrycan full of gasoline for it. Than when you come back the car you wanted is sold out.
Normally... first you'd buy the car, and with the little bit of gas in it you'd go to the gas station to fill her up with some gasoline.

What I am trying to say is that you should have gotten the basic necessity first before buying the extras. You first need the game before the wheel becomes usable, just like you first need the car before you can use the gasoline.
So I think you, due to some mistake, got your priorities crossed and I think you can just about facepalm yourself for this in hindsight stupid move on your own behalf.
I don't see what the big deal is with buying the wheels. It's not like you wasted that money. You're eventually still going to use it. The wheel might come down in price by the time the game comes out, but it's not a huge loss.
You can get your preorder money back whenever you want. That's not SMS, that's your local retailer. Retailers will take preorders even without release dates sometimes, so you're barking up the wrong tree there .

Hang on pal, SMS advertised the release date on *their* website that's when I pre-ordered it. The retailer had nothing to do with it.

You can likely get a refund on your wheel too, if you try hard enough. Lesson learned: don't buy stuff until you actually have a use for it.

Lesson for you, sometimes there are shortages for gear when systems change and you can get caught short *IF* you do not pre-order/buy soon enough. Case in question, how many people around the world had to wait for shipment 2 or 3 to get their PS4? BTW I was also supposed to pick up my Drive Club disc the same day! That's when I cancelled that pre-order

GT5 and GT6 are exactly the reason why games shouldn't be sold unfinished. Given the choice between putting an unfinished game on sale and pushing the release date, they should push the release date every single time. Yes, it's not an ideal situation and someone, somewhere is going to have their plans thrown out of whack, but it's by far and away the lesser of two evils..

The lesser of two evils would be to *NOT* advertise a solid release date until certain. e.g. They should of said something like "Should be available 4th quarter 2014" and then when their shipping date was drawing near change that to "Should be available 1st quarter 2015.". Then, when they are certain, announce the release date 4-8 weeks prior to actual shipping or what ever the lead time would be to print the discs. Once you start printing a couple of million Blu-Ray discs you are pretty well committed to releasing them.

There's no particular reason to believe that it won't be ready by March, assuming they don't do a PD and start packing in last minute features. Which SMS have specifically said they have no intention of doing, they want to finish what they have. They're aware of the danger, and because of their financial setup they don't have funds to keep doing this forever without putting something on the market. They'll pretty much have to release in March come hell or high water..

So why wouldn't this apply to the November date then? You are going back on your argument here ;-)

It's not going to make everyone happy, but the delay is the right thing to do.

As I said, the right thing to do is not publish release dates that you can't meet. Talk in approximates it would avoid all these nasty issues and ill will.
I think it is a very brave and wise decision, if the game wasn't 100% finished, could you think of all the moaning people would be doing, i think delaying it is the best thing to happen to all party's involved. The developers get more time, to tweak and maybe add features to the game, and we get a better version of the game next year.
Hang on pal, SMS advertised the release date on *their* website that's when I pre-ordered it. The retailer had nothing to do with it.

That's true.

Who has your money? The retailer or SMS?

If it's SMS, they'll refund you right now, no questions asked. They would for me, if I asked them.
If it's the retailer, then take your money problems up with them.

You don't have a product yet, you're entitled to your money back if you want it. No harm, no foul.

Lesson for you, sometimes there are shortages for gear when systems change and you can get caught short *IF* you do not pre-order/buy soon enough. Case in question, how many people around the world had to wait for shipment 2 or 3 to get their PS4? BTW I was also supposed to pick up my Drive Club disc the same day! That's when I cancelled that pre-order

It's like you understand that certain products may have delays coming to market, but you've chosen to complain when one of them has exactly that.

I don't get it. Do exactly what you did with your DC preorder.

If you were actually worried enough about getting your wheel to preorder to avoid that problem, then what's the issue? You've got it now, and will have it when pCARS actually comes out. So you got it a bit earlier than you thought. Your logic in preordering is still valid, and you obviously had the money spare or you wouldn't have bought it.

The lesser of two evils would be to *NOT* advertise a solid release date until certain. e.g. They should of said something like "Should be available 4th quarter 2014" and then when their shipping date was drawing near change that to "Should be available 1st quarter 2015.". Then, when they are certain, announce the release date 4-8 weeks prior to actual shipping or what ever the lead time would be to print the discs. Once you start printing a couple of million Blu-Ray discs you are pretty well committed to releasing them.

I agree completely.

Unfortunately, you and I both know that the world of advertising doesn't work like this. Neither of us is in a position to change it, or to expect this sort of advertising to change any time soon.

You can either complain about it, or you can reorganise how you behave to minimise the impact it has on you.

So why wouldn't this apply to the November date then? You are going back on your argument here ;-)

Because I'm a WMD member and I can see exactly what is going on internally. You don't have to believe a word I say.

In June it was believable to me that a November release was possible. In September I didn't honestly see how they were going to be able to do it. Turns out that suspicion was right.

Another four months to polish is a long time, and seems excessive to me. I can't at this point see how they could fail to meet that deadline. But weirder stuff has happened, so I guess it's possible. I do have reason to suspect that if they're in the same position in March that they'll have to push out whatever they have whether they like it or not, but you don't have to believe anything I say and I can't really give you more details without violating trust.

As I said, the right thing to do is not publish release dates that you can't meet. Talk in approximates it would avoid all these nasty issues and ill will.

I agree. But nobody does it. You know and I know that release dates are sometimes pushed. It sucks, but it's just how it works. You can say that they should specify that it's approximate, but you know full well that any release date is approximate until the game goes gold.

If you've tied enough of your money and your life to a release hitting on a certain date, while knowing that releases are commonly pushed, then you're at least partly to blame for your own problems. I've pointed out that you can get back the money for your preorder, and if your wheel is a recent purchase then you can get the money for that back too. But no, you're happier to make it someone else's fault.

SMS made the right decision to delay, because you were going to be a hell of a lot less happy than this had you got the game in November. It's just not finished. It's up to you to choose how you deal with that. Are you going to continue throwing your toys, or are you going to take steps to make your situation more acceptable to you and avoid this happening in the future?


Honestly, I feel sorry for the people who aren't going to get to play it until March. It's starting to get good. But releasing in November would have been a GT6 level error, and SMS don't have a 15 year old multi-million selling brand to push units out the door. GT can get away with it on brand power. SMS need pCARS to be mindblowing from the moment it gets in your machine.
I know PC is better. And the problem isn't that I find PC too complicated. I moved my PC to my rig a couple months ago to play Euro Truck Simulator, Race, Race 07, GT Legends, GTR, and GTR2, and it was fun. But when I wanted to use the computer to surf the net or play games that used mouse and keyboard, I had to either use the keyboard off to the side or move the wheel. I was getting pain in my arms after a while due to the awkward posture. There is also such a thing as having a monitor that's too big. Using my 32" TV as a monitor while sitting 2 feet away wasn't particularly comfortable. It's great for the racing games, but for surfing the net it's way too big. So I moved my computer back to my desk after about a month because I couldn't stand it anymore. The only solution I could think of is to get another computer just for racing games to leave at my rig permanently, but I can't justify the cost of that. My rig is also not portable.

This is my solution. One PC, one TV, one (very comfy) seat for everything:

and yes, that's a Pcars wallpaper...
The whole "I bought a wheel in advance but now i'm mad bit" that's a bit of your own doing.
It's like going to a car dealer, seeing a lovely car you want to buy but before you buy it you'll go to the gas station to buy a jerrycan full of gasoline for it. Than when you come back the car you wanted is sold out.

Don't talk rubbish, it's nothing like that. What use is a game if you have nothing to play it on or with?

The analogy should be more like having a car but no roads to drive it on. Duh!

So I think you, due to some mistake, got your priorities crossed and I think you can just about facepalm yourself for this in hindsight stupid move on your own behalf.

No, we were promised a November release. If the game was not ready and it was so obvious, then someone i.e. project leader? who decided to announce a release date messed up big time and should apologise to the disappointed public. Don't promise what you can't deliver it causes bad feeling.

You don't really understand PR do you.

And telling that disappointed public to shut up and stop complaining really goes down well... NOT!
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