Delayed April 2015

  • Thread starter ChrisWAFC
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Thanks for a good laugh, Lambob.

Anyway, I simply can't see the delay as a bad thing. The game will clearly benefit from it, not to mention saving you, the player, as well SMS from unnecessary headache post-launch.

They either do that or pull of what PD has been doing since last December.
100s of millions of dollars? Thats a number to achieve :)
1 million units each on the three consoles would be a reasonable target. That's over $100Mill right there. I could easily see it doing 2 million on PS4, 1 million each on XBone and Wii and I have no idea how much on PC.

Either way, AC is PC only, an extremely limited market relative to console sales.
to clarify, either PCars needs time to refine their game, or AC gave them that 100M to please delay, in order to get "some" AC sales out the door. perhaps they just need time to refine, who knows :)
to clarify, either PCars needs time to refine their game, or AC gave them that 100M to please delay, in order to get "some" AC sales out the door. perhaps they just need time to refine, who knows :)
Im still not sure if this is serious or not....:odd:
I'm hoping its a unfunny joke.
But you could wait 5 months to pay 60, and then have enough for a wheel... Some people are just questionable :banghead:

This, I was planning to upgrade from my DFGT with the PS4-jump, now I can save for a wheel & play-seat 👍
1 million units each on the three consoles would be a reasonable target. That's over $100Mill right there. I could easily see it doing 2 million on PS4, 1 million each on XBone and Wii and I have no idea how much on PC.

Either way, AC is PC only, an extremely limited market relative to console sales.

I hope they make $500 Millions or even more. I wish them all the luck and I want an serious comptetior to GT and Forza on the consoles and I wish they even could hurt iRacing with their insane expensive game model. I want that Kaz rethinks his game and give us the things we are begin for instead of doing his own thing.
I'm happy about the delay:P
Now, I say this because if I get money from Christmas, I could put it towards PCars!
I was a bit disappointed to hear that it isn't ready yet.

On the plus side this will give me a lot of time to get acquainted with my new-found love, which is Assetto of Corsa. Not to mention my ever-growing backlog of Steam games.

Besides, the feeling of having something big to look forward to shouldn't be underestimated – GTA V (PC) in January, PCars in March.
Good times ahead I'd say.
The PCARS groundhog saw his shadow. 6 more weeks months of GT6...

At least I can delay getting a PS4 and compatible wheel until next year.
Knew this delay was coming, I'd been thinking "there is no way this game will be ready for that release date" and I was right. It's for the best though, it would have been a mess if they released it now. Hopefully they now have enough time to get things finished.

I don't really think it has anything to do with Assetto Corsa, they aren't really competing titles. Project Cars is a much bigger game and more focussed around real world motorsports than AC which is just your bread and butter driving simulator. As a pure driving simulator I don't personally think Project Cars is very good, and I'm fairly positive it will never reach the quality of pure driving that Assetto Corsa brings... But really it doesn't need to in order to succeed, it will be a great game and a decent competitor/side dish to the Gran Turismo/Forza games on the consoles and a fresh/polished true motorsport racing game for us PC players.

For me at least the competition is more GRID Autosport on the PC and I definitely think Project Cars has that area dominated with it's massive track list, excellent car list and simulation style physics.
It was going to be out on the PS3, then they canceled that and now that the PS4 is a year old, tack on a few more months there....


And looking backwards in a selfish way i wish it was on PS3.. i already have one here and with a supported wheel :P

Would have loved a ps3 version... if they make a wiiu they could have bothered :D Btw was any ps3 version video ever shown? i'm asking out of interest as a retrogamer/lover of unseen/unreleased games...
Btw was any ps3 version video ever shown? i'm asking out of interest as a retrogamer/lover of unseen/unreleased games...
There were some pictures leaked a while back, before the cancellation. Click me. No videos though.
No, that's a rumour, it hasn't been cancelled.
I'm going to be honest I think they're low res PC pics as we wouldn't have access to the ps3 during any major development.
I honestly don't know if the pictures are entirely legit. I remember there being a discussion about it in the previous (deleted?) thread and even a possible confirmation of it indeed being taken from a PS3 build. But as I said, I'm unsure. Don't remember all the details at this point.

WTF why did they cancel it O_o looks gorgeous!

oh well i'll just wonder at what might have been...
I assume it would've been almost identical to the WiiU version.
I honestly don't know if the pictures are entirely legit. I remember there being a discussion about it in the previous (deleted?) thread and even a possible confirmation of it indeed being taken from a PS3 build. But as I said, I'm unsure. Don't remember all the details at this point.


I assume it would've been almost identical to the WiiU version.
It would be hard to leak as only devs had access to the consoles.
this would leave me to believe its a pc.
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