FITT M Power Challenge - Mystery Solved - Congratulations to the Winners

  • Thread starter shaunm80
Hey! What gives? I devote hours to helping you with this challenge and you completely tear down my tune :odd: or did you:sly:, I shall not tell. Great review, very fair and informative, and fast for you too:P.
Were we on some special enhancement juice;). Host privilege allows you to test early, and you made the most of it.:D
You should get that problem checked out. :dopey:
Hey! What gives? I devote hours to helping you with this challenge and you completely tear down my tune :odd: or did you:sly:, I shall not tell. Great review, very fair and informative, and fast for you too:P.
Were we on some special enhancement juice;). Host privilege allows you to test early, and you made the most of it.:D
What you trying to say? That I'm slow? :odd: Thanks. Yes, it is host privilege and as @Otaliema mentioned, we built the cars to check for any issues, made sense to put a few (or 10) laps under test conditions on them :)

Hey! Look! Now my smart (stupid) phone is now double posting
Nothing new there then.. Its your trademark now I think.

Good stuff, Shaun! Pleasure to read. 👍

Instead of goggles just close your eyes. Or look away. Maximum safety! :dunce:👍

HFD Dads!:cheers:
No worries. I should be thanking you, and every other tuner for the fun I had driving these cars.
FITT M Power Challenge Reviews

@shaunm80 @Bowtie-muscle @Otaliema @chrisspeed281 @Brewguy44 @fordracer @DaBomm4 @MrGrado @787bcgr @xande1959 @ugabugaz @brian wolf @Voodoovaj @jblackrevo9 @sinof1337 @Motor City Hami @coryclifford

All testing done at Nürburgring GP/F. Grip set to real.

All tunes were given 10 laps each. The first 3-4 laps were exploratory laps to understand the tune and its habits before putting the hammer down and driving them to the limits of my ability.

I will apologise in advance for what may seem like slow times compared to what you may have achieved in them yourself. I confess, I am not the quickest driver/tester in FITT but I did put all my driving skill into getting the most out of your tunes.

It is worth noting at this point that I am an X button basher and still using the original DS3 pad that I brought in 2011. Now that I have my Mr. Slowly excuses out the way with, here are the reviews.

Tuner 1 – BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Best lap time – 2.09.209
DC – 8.8

One of the big guns and it felt like one too. Very quick, lots of power and over steer if you put the power down too early. I detected hints of under steer too on some of the slower corners but that did not prove detrimental to time or speed with this tune. Aggressive tune with aggressive driving and it felt great, driving slow and pedestrian as I did on the first few laps and it didn’t quite feel right. This is a FITT tune through and through. I both liked it and disliked it. Liked it because the brakes were AMAZING!, the transmission was spot on and the handling was great as long as you kept pushing this car, where I disliked it was that if you were pushing and it slid off the racing line, it was difficult to recover the time as you needed to come off the throttle to straighten up. A great tune and one that will get a much faster time in the hands of another tester.

Tuner 2 – M4 Coupe
Best lap time – 2.09.076
DC – 9.7

A very quick car, great rotation, quick responsive steering with the right amount of over steer to assist directional change. The transmission was perfect for the long straights and controlled the wheel spin out of the slow corners excellently. Really easy to drive and very predictable from one lap to the next. The brakes were good as they did not unsettle the car under heavy braking and I always had confidence that I could hit the right braking zone and know what the car was going to do. With more time on this track, this car could get faster than the time it achieved. A very nice drive and a really good tune. Good work!

Tuner 3 – BMW M3 GTR ‘03
Best Lap time – 2.06.675
DC – 9.8

Holy moly. Do you have german blood running through your veins at all because this car handled virtually perfectly. The only thing that let this tune down was the driver. I could write lots about this car but ill do a short and sweet version for this review. Transmission was perfect, brakes were perfect, handling was very nearly perfect, lsd was perfect and it sounded great. Awesome setup. Top tune indeed. Very well done.

Tuner 4 – BMW M3 Coupe ‘07
Best Lap time – 2.09.153
DC – 9.3

I love this tune, I could have achieved a faster time out of it but I think I spent 1 or 2 laps just having too much fun throwing this thing around. The handling is brilliant in this car, the right amount of over steer, a slight amount of under steer which hurt lap time a little, LSD could have perhaps been a little higher but it worked pretty good with the tuners settings. The transmission worked very well, 1-2-3 were as smooth as ice and kept the rear wheels in check on slow corners, on the mid corners, 3-4 was a quick shift which again helped with traction, and if you were in a playful mood it would smoke up a little and then settle down once again without a fuss. Nearly perfect transmission settings except I think a longer 6th gear would have helped on the start finish straight. I could have achieved a mid 2.08 easily had I had not gone into the kitty litter on a hot lap. This car/tune can be two things, fast, stable and smooth or you can just put your foot down, drive like a hoon and be as happy as Larry. Great car, great tune. Good job.

Tuner 5 – BMW 135i Coupe ‘07
Best Lap time – 2.10.425
DC – 8.6

As with all the other reviews, I am judging the tunes based on the cars themselves and use lap time a reference to the cars potential and to how I adapt to a car over the 10 laps. This car is one that caused a few issues during tuning phase and I was very glad that one survived to see for myself what was going on with it. I must say, I am very impressed with this tune. The brakes are perfect, the transmission is perfect and the rotation and handling is very good indeed. I detected no under steer what so ever with this car but I did have a lot of over steer that was chipping away at the overall lap time I could produce. Most of the time, I could use the over steer to my advantage but when the rear lost its grip (of which it had a lot!), it just dropped onto a kerb or grass and that was the lap gone. Smooth seems to be key with this tune, push it to far, you will lose too much time, don’t drive it aggressively enough and the grip disappears from you. I could sense a sub 2.10 lap time if I had enough time with this tune (and come close on two occasions). I must say, well done, amazing tune and in the right hands, for those who have mastered throttle control, this car will be amazing. Great job!

Tuner 6 – BMW M3 Coupe ‘07
Best Lap Time – 2.08.624
DC – 9.2

I love this car, It is quick, responsive and everything works as it should. Directional changes are fluid and you can turn this car in with confidence, the rear is grippy, yet has enough slide in it to give the extra rotation that is needed for some of the faster corners. On the slower corners, it can sometimes over grip and cause some time loss but what you lose on those corners can be easily gained back through aggressive driving on the faster corners. This tune is also forgiving should you make an error with braking points and that is a good thing. This is a great tune and one that would be good for any career or seasonal events.

Tuner 7 – BMW M3 CSL ‘03
Best time lap – 2.07.030
DC – 8.8

Very quick, felt light to drive but also quite heavy on the steering. The rotation was nearly perfect, I would have enjoyed more rotation from the rear to help with the quick sections on this track but on the tight corners, this setup worked effortlessly. Putting the power down was easy and I was able to pick and choose my lines. The transmission worked well but it also felt a little long in some gears. However, this did not affect the tune in a detrimental way so it isn’t a big criticism for that element. Overall, an enjoyable tune, I know I could have gone half a second if I had more rear rotation. Great job.

Tuner 8 – BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Best lap time – 2.10.119
DC – 8.5

Quick, powerful and had excellent rotation. I detected a small amount of under steer on some corners, this cost a few tenths but it had the right amount of over steer for most corners. I say most because I had an issue with the slower corners and the rears lighting up causing me to come of the throttle to adjust my line which cost time overall. Good job and I am impressed at how this powerful car could put the power down easily.

Tuner 9 – BMW M4 Performance Edition

Not used for this event.

Tuner 10 – BMW M4 Coupe
Best lap time – 2.09.302
DC – 9.6

A great tune, really driver intuitive that gets faster each lap you drive this car. This car keeps saying push me, to the driver and it keeps on giving. I am sure it has a limit but I didn’t find it. I could have achieved a mid-high 2.08 with this tune given time but I messed up a great lap by missing a braking point and sliding past the apex. The brakes on this car are fantastic, the handling is second to none and it can take whatever line you want with ease. This might be an Automatic Transmission thing but the final gear felt far too long. I was just getting into the 7th before I had to brake for the 1st corner. This did not cause anything detrimental to the tune though as the car was always in the right power band to get pretty much perfect acceleration out of the corners. Occasionally, there was a tad too much over steer but the rotation on this car was perfect and the over steer only happened if I braked too late and took the wrong line through the corner. A very impressive tune, Great job!

Tuner 11 – BMW M3 CSL ‘03
Best lap time – 2.06.488
DC – 10.0

I am not going to beat around the bush with this review. Everything about this tune for me was perfect, I was able to drive this thing all the way to its limits and have the confidence that it was going to do what I expected. Awesome tune.

Tuner 12 – BMW M4 Performance Edition
Best lap time – 2.08.691
DC – 7.2

I will start by saying that the brakes were fantastic, They kept the car stable under heavy braking. When I was driving this car, the handling felt to constricted, I didn’t have enough rear rotation to really attack key corners and the car had a little too much understeer if you went off the racing line. However, If you were on the racing line, this car was quick and precise. I lost a lot of time on quick laps through the stiff handling as I waiting for the rear to come around so I could hit the accelerator. The time it achieved is good but it felt like hard work to get this lap time. Another issue I noticed was the transmission, I didn’t go into 7th gear once. I didn’t really max out 6th gear. Maybe once or twice but usually, I was on the brakes half way through sixth. I only had one red lap with this car as the rear dropped on an outside kerb and it spun into the grass. This tune certainly tamed the M4 but perhaps a little too much. A good attempt but not a tune I can adapt to very easily.

Tuner 13 – BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Best lap time – 2.09.762
DC – 8.8

The Chrome Line. A lot of power and easy to control. Good brakes, nearly perfect transmission settings for this car and easy to put the power down out of the slow corners. Good rotation in all parts of the track, although it could use more rear grip at times. However, the sliding helped for certain corners so this is not a criticism at all. This car can, and will achieve better times with other testers. I enjoyed that I could hit the apexes easily, alter the driving line effortlessly and have confidence that the car would brake as expected each and every lap at the braking reference points I used. Great tune and a lot of fun to throw around the track. Good job!

Tuner 14 – BMW M3 CSL ‘03
Best Lap time – 2.07.552
DC – 9.1

I’ll start with the good stuff, Great transmission, perfect even. Traction was great and the car hardly smoked at all, even on the slow corners with full power out. Handling was nearly perfect, I had hints of under steer and hints of over steer. This cost me a little bit of lap time and I felt as though the car could have had more neutrality to it. Very easy to place the car in the racing line and carry speed through, Brakes were perfect, very predictable which gave me confidence to push the car on the next lap. If you went too far, you could save it pretty easily too and not damage the lap time too badly. A good tune, one that can be used in many GT6 events as it is safe and stable. Good job.

Tuner 15 – BMW M4 Performance Edition

Pending tune..

Tuner 16 – BMW M4 Coupe
Best lap time – 2.07.789
DC – 8.4

After testing the other two M4’s, I had great expectations of this car. This was my first mistake, in FITT, expect the unexpected. I’ll start with the negatives, too much understeer, not enough rear rotation, I felt like I was fighting the car through slow corners and it was not loose enough to negotiate the quick turns without lifting off the accelerator at times. However, when you were on the racing line, hitting every apex and managing to carry the speed through, this car was good. For a stock transmission setup, it worked really well. Hardly any tyre smoke, good traction and easy to drive. It also achieved a really good lap time. As I have mentioned previously, loose, grippy cars are what I enjoy driving the most and this wasn’t quite my preferred style. I could drive around these issues but I didn’t enjoy doing it that much. Nice car and probably will get a faster time with another tester.

Tuner 17 – BMW M3 GTR ‘03
Best lap time - 2.09.620
DC – 8.8

This tune is fairly heavy compared to its counterparts. It is still pretty quick though. The handling was spot on, enough rear rotation to cope with the slow corners and the medium-high speed corners were easy to drive, pick a line and the car stays there. Wheel spin was duly kept in check by the transmission that I must say is excellent. Brakes were variable, sometimes they worked brilliantly, and other times they worked okay. I couldn’t bank on the same braking zone being there each and every lap but they did the job fairly well. This tune was forgiving if you made an error but did have some over steer issues if you went into a corner a little too hot. Good tune. Well done.

Tuner 18 – BMW M3 GTR ’03
Best Lap time – 2.08.922
DC – 8.5

The brakes on this car were good, transmission was perfect and the front-end grip and rotation was good. However, I felt there was too much over steer, On a few occasions I experienced snap over steer, rear was grippy one minute but then all the grip disappeared randomly. Throttle control worked to a point but even when I thought the grip had returned, it wasn’t fully there so I did not have the ability to achieve a great lap. A fun tune to drive but seemed mysterious at times with what it was going to do from lap to lap. I think this tune will be better in the hands of a driver with more car control ability but I found it difficult to tame.

Good stuff. Didn't realise you were an x basher too! Might send an fr your way if you don 't mind. Always nice to compare like for like, @Lionheart2113 is the only other on my friends list that drives like that.
Good stuff. Didn't realise you were an x basher too! Might send an fr your way if you don 't mind. Always nice to compare like for like, @Lionheart2113 is the only other on my friends list that drives like that.
Go for it, my psn id is next to the Ferrari image. Add me whenever. I am a button basher on the PS3. With games like Drive Club and The Crew on PS4, I use triggers for driving games. I am going to use the same for GT7 when that gets released (hopefully next year fingers crossed).
FITT M Power Challenge Reviews

@shaunm80 @Bowtie-muscle @Otaliema @chrisspeed281 @Brewguy44 @fordracer @DaBomm4 @MrGrado @787bcgr @xande1959 @ugabugaz @brian wolf @Voodoovaj @jblackrevo9 @sinof1337 @Motor City Hami @coryclifford

All testing done at Nürburgring GP/F. Grip set to real.

All tunes were given 10 laps each. The first 3-4 laps were exploratory laps to understand the tune and its habits before putting the hammer down and driving them to the limits of my ability.

I will apologise in advance for what may seem like slow times compared to what you may have achieved in them yourself. I confess, I am not the quickest driver/tester in FITT but I did put all my driving skill into getting the most out of your tunes.

It is worth noting at this point that I am an X button basher and still using the original DS3 pad that I brought in 2011. Now that I have my Mr. Slowly excuses out the way with, here are the reviews.

Tuner 1 – BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Best lap time – 2.09.209
DC – 8.8

One of the big guns and it felt like one too. Very quick, lots of power and over steer if you put the power down too early. I detected hints of under steer too on some of the slower corners but that did not prove detrimental to time or speed with this tune. Aggressive tune with aggressive driving and it felt great, driving slow and pedestrian as I did on the first few laps and it didn’t quite feel right. This is a FITT tune through and through. I both liked it and disliked it. Liked it because the brakes were AMAZING!, the transmission was spot on and the handling was great as long as you kept pushing this car, where I disliked it was that if you were pushing and it slid off the racing line, it was difficult to recover the time as you needed to come off the throttle to straighten up. A great tune and one that will get a much faster time in the hands of another tester.

Tuner 2 – M4 Coupe
Best lap time – 2.09.076
DC – 9.7

A very quick car, great rotation, quick responsive steering with the right amount of over steer to assist directional change. The transmission was perfect for the long straights and controlled the wheel spin out of the slow corners excellently. Really easy to drive and very predictable from one lap to the next. The brakes were good as they did not unsettle the car under heavy braking and I always had confidence that I could hit the right braking zone and know what the car was going to do. With more time on this track, this car could get faster than the time it achieved. A very nice drive and a really good tune. Good work!

Tuner 3 – BMW M3 GTR ‘03
Best Lap time – 2.06.675
DC – 9.8

Holy moly. Do you have german blood running through your veins at all because this car handled virtually perfectly. The only thing that let this tune down was the driver. I could write lots about this car but ill do a short and sweet version for this review. Transmission was perfect, brakes were perfect, handling was very nearly perfect, lsd was perfect and it sounded great. Awesome setup. Top tune indeed. Very well done.

Tuner 4 – BMW M3 Coupe ‘07
Best Lap time – 2.09.153
DC – 9.3

I love this tune, I could have achieved a faster time out of it but I think I spent 1 or 2 laps just having too much fun throwing this thing around. The handling is brilliant in this car, the right amount of over steer, a slight amount of under steer which hurt lap time a little, LSD could have perhaps been a little higher but it worked pretty good with the tuners settings. The transmission worked very well, 1-2-3 were as smooth as ice and kept the rear wheels in check on slow corners, on the mid corners, 3-4 was a quick shift which again helped with traction, and if you were in a playful mood it would smoke up a little and then settle down once again without a fuss. Nearly perfect transmission settings except I think a longer 6th gear would have helped on the start finish straight. I could have achieved a mid 2.08 easily had I had not gone into the kitty litter on a hot lap. This car/tune can be two things, fast, stable and smooth or you can just put your foot down, drive like a hoon and be as happy as Larry. Great car, great tune. Good job.

Tuner 5 – BMW 135i Coupe ‘07
Best Lap time – 2.10.425
DC – 8.6

As with all the other reviews, I am judging the tunes based on the cars themselves and use lap time a reference to the cars potential and to how I adapt to a car over the 10 laps. This car is one that caused a few issues during tuning phase and I was very glad that one survived to see for myself what was going on with it. I must say, I am very impressed with this tune. The brakes are perfect, the transmission is perfect and the rotation and handling is very good indeed. I detected no under steer what so ever with this car but I did have a lot of over steer that was chipping away at the overall lap time I could produce. Most of the time, I could use the over steer to my advantage but when the rear lost its grip (of which it had a lot!), it just dropped onto a kerb or grass and that was the lap gone. Smooth seems to be key with this tune, push it to far, you will lose too much time, don’t drive it aggressively enough and the grip disappears from you. I could sense a sub 2.10 lap time if I had enough time with this tune (and come close on two occasions). I must say, well done, amazing tune and in the right hands, for those who have mastered throttle control, this car will be amazing. Great job!

Tuner 6 – BMW M3 Coupe ‘07
Best Lap Time – 2.08.624
DC – 9.2

I love this car, It is quick, responsive and everything works as it should. Directional changes are fluid and you can turn this car in with confidence, the rear is grippy, yet has enough slide in it to give the extra rotation that is needed for some of the faster corners. On the slower corners, it can sometimes over grip and cause some time loss but what you lose on those corners can be easily gained back through aggressive driving on the faster corners. This tune is also forgiving should you make an error with braking points and that is a good thing. This is a great tune and one that would be good for any career or seasonal events.

Tuner 7 – BMW M3 CSL ‘03
Best time lap – 2.07.030
DC – 8.8

Very quick, felt light to drive but also quite heavy on the steering. The rotation was nearly perfect, I would have enjoyed more rotation from the rear to help with the quick sections on this track but on the tight corners, this setup worked effortlessly. Putting the power down was easy and I was able to pick and choose my lines. The transmission worked well but it also felt a little long in some gears. However, this did not affect the tune in a detrimental way so it isn’t a big criticism for that element. Overall, an enjoyable tune, I know I could have gone half a second if I had more rear rotation. Great job.

Tuner 8 – BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Best lap time – 2.10.119
DC – 8.5

Quick, powerful and had excellent rotation. I detected a small amount of under steer on some corners, this cost a few tenths but it had the right amount of over steer for most corners. I say most because I had an issue with the slower corners and the rears lighting up causing me to come of the throttle to adjust my line which cost time overall. Good job and I am impressed at how this powerful car could put the power down easily.

Tuner 9 – BMW M4 Performance Edition

Not used for this event.

Tuner 10 – BMW M4 Coupe
Best lap time – 2.09.302
DC – 9.6

A great tune, really driver intuitive that gets faster each lap you drive this car. This car keeps saying push me, to the driver and it keeps on giving. I am sure it has a limit but I didn’t find it. I could have achieved a mid-high 2.08 with this tune given time but I messed up a great lap by missing a braking point and sliding past the apex. The brakes on this car are fantastic, the handling is second to none and it can take whatever line you want with ease. This might be an Automatic Transmission thing but the final gear felt far too long. I was just getting into the 7th before I had to brake for the 1st corner. This did not cause anything detrimental to the tune though as the car was always in the right power band to get pretty much perfect acceleration out of the corners. Occasionally, there was a tad too much over steer but the rotation on this car was perfect and the over steer only happened if I braked too late and took the wrong line through the corner. A very impressive tune, Great job!

Tuner 11 – BMW M3 CSL ‘03
Best lap time – 2.06.488
DC – 10.0

I am not going to beat around the bush with this review. Everything about this tune for me was perfect, I was able to drive this thing all the way to its limits and have the confidence that it was going to do what I expected. Awesome tune.

Tuner 12 – BMW M4 Performance Edition
Best lap time – 2.08.691
DC – 7.2

I will start by saying that the brakes were fantastic, They kept the car stable under heavy braking. When I was driving this car, the handling felt to constricted, I didn’t have enough rear rotation to really attack key corners and the car had a little too much understeer if you went off the racing line. However, If you were on the racing line, this car was quick and precise. I lost a lot of time on quick laps through the stiff handling as I waiting for the rear to come around so I could hit the accelerator. The time it achieved is good but it felt like hard work to get this lap time. Another issue I noticed was the transmission, I didn’t go into 7th gear once. I didn’t really max out 6th gear. Maybe once or twice but usually, I was on the brakes half way through sixth. I only had one red lap with this car as the rear dropped on an outside kerb and it spun into the grass. This tune certainly tamed the M4 but perhaps a little too much. A good attempt but not a tune I can adapt to very easily.

Tuner 13 – BMW M3 Coupe Chrome Line
Best lap time – 2.09.762
DC – 8.8

The Chrome Line. A lot of power and easy to control. Good brakes, nearly perfect transmission settings for this car and easy to put the power down out of the slow corners. Good rotation in all parts of the track, although it could use more rear grip at times. However, the sliding helped for certain corners so this is not a criticism at all. This car can, and will achieve better times with other testers. I enjoyed that I could hit the apexes easily, alter the driving line effortlessly and have confidence that the car would brake as expected each and every lap at the braking reference points I used. Great tune and a lot of fun to throw around the track. Good job!

Tuner 14 – BMW M3 CSL ‘03
Best Lap time – 2.07.552
DC – 9.1

I’ll start with the good stuff, Great transmission, perfect even. Traction was great and the car hardly smoked at all, even on the slow corners with full power out. Handling was nearly perfect, I had hints of under steer and hints of over steer. This cost me a little bit of lap time and I felt as though the car could have had more neutrality to it. Very easy to place the car in the racing line and carry speed through, Brakes were perfect, very predictable which gave me confidence to push the car on the next lap. If you went too far, you could save it pretty easily too and not damage the lap time too badly. A good tune, one that can be used in many GT6 events as it is safe and stable. Good job.

Tuner 15 – BMW M4 Performance Edition

Pending tune..

Tuner 16 – BMW M4 Coupe
Best lap time – 2.07.789
DC – 8.4

After testing the other two M4’s, I had great expectations of this car. This was my first mistake, in FITT, expect the unexpected. I’ll start with the negatives, too much understeer, not enough rear rotation, I felt like I was fighting the car through slow corners and it was not loose enough to negotiate the quick turns without lifting off the accelerator at times. However, when you were on the racing line, hitting every apex and managing to carry the speed through, this car was good. For a stock transmission setup, it worked really well. Hardly any tyre smoke, good traction and easy to drive. It also achieved a really good lap time. As I have mentioned previously, loose, grippy cars are what I enjoy driving the most and this wasn’t quite my preferred style. I could drive around these issues but I didn’t enjoy doing it that much. Nice car and probably will get a faster time with another tester.

Tuner 17 – BMW M3 GTR ‘03
Best lap time - 2.09.620
DC – 8.8

This tune is fairly heavy compared to its counterparts. It is still pretty quick though. The handling was spot on, enough rear rotation to cope with the slow corners and the medium-high speed corners were easy to drive, pick a line and the car stays there. Wheel spin was duly kept in check by the transmission that I must say is excellent. Brakes were variable, sometimes they worked brilliantly, and other times they worked okay. I couldn’t bank on the same braking zone being there each and every lap but they did the job fairly well. This tune was forgiving if you made an error but did have some over steer issues if you went into a corner a little too hot. Good tune. Well done.

Tuner 18 – BMW M3 GTR ’03
Best Lap time – 2.08.922
DC – 8.5

The brakes on this car were good, transmission was perfect and the front-end grip and rotation was good. However, I felt there was too much over steer, On a few occasions I experienced snap over steer, rear was grippy one minute but then all the grip disappeared randomly. Throttle control worked to a point but even when I thought the grip had returned, it wasn’t fully there so I did not have the ability to achieve a great lap. A fun tune to drive but seemed mysterious at times with what it was going to do from lap to lap. I think this tune will be better in the hands of a driver with more car control ability but I found it difficult to tame.
Great job 👍
Take it from a man in the trade, the only thing that will fully stop intrusion is goggles and the major problem with those is that they constantly steam up. I've tried most styles and my conclusions were that cheap aviators were best for maintenance and mesh face guards are best for brush clearing 👍
Rub some neat washing-up liquid on the inside of goggles to stop them steaming up. 👍
FITT M Power Challenge Reviews

I will apologise in advance for what may seem like slow times compared to what you may have achieved in them yourself. I confess, I am not the quickest driver/tester in FITT but I did put all my driving skill into getting the most out of your tunes.

It is worth noting at this point that I am an X button basher and still using the original DS3 pad that I brought in 2011. Now that I have my Mr. Slowly excuses out the way with, here are the reviews.

I was going to say something until I saw your disclaimer. I was lapping in the 2:07's all day long with my tune. I saw 2:09 and thought, WHOA! I ran 2:08 for a bad lap. I went and verified and I put down a 2:07.3 with room for more. All good though.
I was going to say something until I saw your disclaimer. I was lapping in the 2:07's all day long with my tune. I saw 2:09 and thought, WHOA! I ran 2:08 for a bad lap. I went and verified and I put down a 2:07.3 with room for more. All good though.
Also, please try and keep your identity a secret until all reviews are in.

Silly question, but were you running with the grip set to real? Sounds like it from your lap times and since I know your tune. But, just checking. We have a diverse set of testers, with differing skill levels and controller setups. Some still mash the "x" and [], some like myself use stick and triggers. Some use MT, and some use AT. So times may vary and may be slower than your own. Remember, you tuned it the way you like it and obviously you should be fast with it. Someone may drop a time faster than even you set with it, happens, but this is only one review in the books. There will be more to come.

And this was meant to be informative and not nasty in any way, so if it comes off wrong, my apologies. Hard to type with tone, so don't read it wrong please.
I was going to say something until I saw your disclaimer. I was lapping in the 2:07's all day long with my tune. I saw 2:09 and thought, WHOA! I ran 2:08 for a bad lap. I went and verified and I put down a 2:07.3 with room for more. All good though.
As with all the tunes submitted, I did my best with each car I was given. The others are right, some tunes may achieve faster times in testers hands, others may seem slower. If you are familiar with a tune (i.e. your own), you are bound to be quick in it, when testers only have 10 laps to learn a tune, drive the wheels of it and think of constructive reviews to show the car in its best light for them personally, it isn't a lot of time and please try and remember that we are doing this for the love of driving and for enjoyment.

If you are somewhat disheartened by my review, you still have another 10 or 11 reviews to come in as does every other tune submitted. Stay positive because all these testers will find different aspects of every car which they both like and dislike. :)
FITT M Power Challenge Reviews

*** snip ***

All testing done at Nürburgring GP/F. Grip set to real.

All tunes were given 10 laps each. The first 3-4 laps were exploratory laps to understand the tune and its habits before putting the hammer down and driving them to the limits of my ability.

I will apologise in advance for what may seem like slow times compared to what you may have achieved in them yourself. I confess, I am not the quickest driver/tester in FITT but I did put all my driving skill into getting the most out of your tunes.

It is worth noting at this point that I am an X button basher and still using the original DS3 pad that I brought in 2011. Now that I have my Mr. Slowly excuses out the way with, here are the reviews.

*** snip***

This was a good read!

One thing is still in my head, your remarque that you think that you are "slow" ...
i think consistency is a big quality, the relative results say a lot then.

i could write more but i think i made my point ;-)
This was a good read!

One thing is still in my head, your remarque that you think that you are "slow" ...
i think consistency is a big quality, the relative results say a lot then.

i could write more but i think i made my point ;-)
Fair point. I guess that I have consistency on my side. I wasn't as slow as I thought I was going to be. :) Glad you enjoyed the read.
I was going to say something until I saw your disclaimer. I was lapping in the 2:07's all day long with my tune. I saw 2:09 and thought, WHOA! I ran 2:08 for a bad lap. I went and verified and I put down a 2:07.3 with room for more. All good though.

Not to worry, You're not the only one ;)
Gentlemen, in an effort to not be misunderstood, have you ever tried to do something and spent a lot of time trying to get it accomplished only to have someone else walk over and do it in 30 seconds? Leaves to say, "how'd he do that"? Or seen someone do something that just amazed you? Think of that voice you would use as you read the following.

I am often amazed at the times some are capable of achieving in their tunes and long to see a video in chase can mode so I can disect the lap. Find the line they are using to achieve a similar lap as I'm slower than what they say they can hit. I'm sure many testers feel the same way sometimes. I also would love to watch some testers use my tunes as they fall short of what I can achieve in my tunes. That's the nature of these challenges. But what really gets me is when a tester, like @Lionheart2113 pulls a faster time in one of my tunes mashing the x button and using AT! Leaves me to just be in awe of the time. Of you are dishearyed with the time from Shaun, you are likely not alone, but that means if he was off .500 with yours, he is likely the same with others.

Takes a lot of time to test, and not every tune meshes with each driver. I struggle with some that other get along with, and can be fast in Tunes others struggle with. Early on so far, many more reviews to come. Mine included. Here's to hoping you understand this post without offense. Not meant with malice, just to calm things. :) and I've driven both of your tunes already. But you have to wait for my review as I'm only through half of them.;)
Gentlemen, in an effort to not be misunderstood, have you ever tried to do something and spent a lot of time trying to get it accomplished only to have someone else walk over and do it in 30 seconds? Leaves to say, "how'd he do that"? Or seen someone do something that just amazed you? Think of that voice you would use as you read the following.

I am often amazed at the times some are capable of achieving in their tunes and long to see a video in chase can mode so I can disect the lap. Find the line they are using to achieve a similar lap as I'm slower than what they say they can hit. I'm sure many testers feel the same way sometimes. I also would love to watch some testers use my tunes as they fall short of what I can achieve in my tunes. That's the nature of these challenges. But what really gets me is when a tester, like @Lionheart2113 pulls a faster time in one of my tunes mashing the x button and using AT! Leaves me to just be in awe of the time. Of you are dishearyed with the time from Shaun, you are likely not alone, but that means if he was off .500 with yours, he is likely the same with others.

Takes a lot of time to test, and not every tune meshes with each driver. I struggle with some that other get along with, and can be fast in Tunes others struggle with. Early on so far, many more reviews to come. Mine included. Here's to hoping you understand this post without offense. Not meant with malice, just to calm things. :) and I've driven both of your tunes already. But you have to wait for my review as I'm only through half of them.;)

The beauty of having a large amount of testers is that things will average out along the way. @Bowtie-muscle is correct, it's all about the tune fitting the tester, can't stress this enough. The times we provide in no way reflect on the tuner themself, and should never really be compared to a time that the tuner has set, having driven that one car for hundreds of miles fine tuning it to their liking. I have driven tunes and thought how the heck did someone manage to drive that so fast, and then wondered and double checked settings when i've been quicker than someone who i'm usually slower than.

Fair point. I guess that I have consistency on my side. I wasn't as slow as I thought I was going to be. :) Glad you enjoyed the read.

Consistency is king! Most of the time I get more enjoyment being able to put many laps down within 0.1 of each other than I do setting one quick lap out of 10 and never being able to match it.
I imagine that the massive spread of times and DC put together will even out fairly across the board as more reviews come in. I am looking forward to seeing what others can do with the tunes submitted and if my tune doesn't quite fit a testers style, it isn't the testers fault. It just means that my tuning style is not their preferred driving style. Its all swings and roundabouts. :)
This was a good read!

One thing is still in my head, your remarque that you think that you are "slow" ...
i think consistency is a big quality, the relative results say a lot then.

i could write more but i think i made my point ;-)
agreed consisticany to me is more important then blasting a studio fast lap. A fast tune should be consistent as well in my opinion.

Fair point. I guess that I have consistency on my side. I wasn't as slow as I thought I was going to be. :) Glad you enjoyed the read.
You do always when you test you're results are always with in 10% of each other
Gentlemen, in an effort to not be misunderstood, have you ever tried to do something and spent a lot of time trying to get it accomplished only to have someone else walk over and do it in 30 seconds? Leaves to say, "how'd he do that"? Or seen someone do something that just amazed you? Think of that voice you would use as you read the following.

Not to be misunderstood, I completely appreciate the effort. You are doing something that I sure wouldn't want to do. Thank you very much.

By the way, any suggestions on how you would like my tune improved, I am all ears. I can build any feedback into my next version of the wizard. I'll automate this process yet!!