FM5 - The Realistic Photo Thread

  • Thread starter Evian
Shame these awesome photos are let down by the livery.

It has VLN/N24 style number boxes but then has GT2 markings. VLN has never used ACO/FIA class systems.

However then it has WEC logos on the back, but by the time the WEC was formed from the LMS/ILMC GT2 had become GTE.

Sorry for he mini rant it just as shame such awesomely realistic photos are made inaccurate by the livery.

Of course I could be wrong and be a come plate idiot if that was a real promo livery or something.

Nope, you are absolutely right.
VLN doesn't use FIA Class Systems. I downloaded that livery (made by another user.) It was the closest one to the actual one, so I rolled with it. I don't have the time or patience to make my own, let alone the skills.

Good eye! I didn't think anyone would notice :P
Thanks for the compliments, too! I'm glad you like the photos. I'm not the best at taking photos, but ever so often, I get a few good ones in.






Hmm, nice. But I see the contrast and saturation are a tad high. Did you increase those on purpose?

Yes, both color saturation and contrast are pretty high. I'm still trying to get the hang off taking pictures in Forza. What settings would you recommend?
Yes, both color saturation and contrast are pretty high. I'm still trying to get the hang off taking pictures in Forza. What settings would you recommend?

I personally use 78 contrast and 55 color saturation; I can't look at my current settings now, I should be able to tell you in a couple of days, but by then better Forzatographers will answer for sure.
Yes, both color saturation and contrast are pretty high. I'm still trying to get the hang off taking pictures in Forza. What settings would you recommend?

All of the settings in my shots are circumstantial. Each track and location in FM5 possesses different colours and different lighting. There's no real "one size fits all" when it comes to these things. The great thing about art is that everyone has their own way of expressing it. Your shots look great, keep it up!

Thanks for all the feedback guys, here's one of the shots I got earlier today. I wasn't very happy with the others.

The Atom shot looks great! Try to take some shots out on some tracks. You'll quickly notice how different lighting is applied. Happy photo hunting!
The Atom shot looks great! Try to take some shots out on some tracks. You'll quickly notice how different lighting is applied. Happy photo hunting!

I gave it a try with a few other cars and it was very challenging... lol... I think I'll stick to indoor shots for now.
Fantastic, cheers. I've had it sitting in my garage ever since the half price weekend, but not got around to using it yet. I will do now.