Forza 4 VS GT5 (read the first post before you contribute)

  • Thread starter hennessey86
The next DLC for GT5 is coming out before Christmas.

If we are saying that performance isn't a criteria for being Iconic, than the Prius has the Veryon beat because its been not only the biggest selling car in Japan for awhile, its the biggest selling hybrid in automotive history. That alone means its iconic. And you ask the average person if they have heard of a Veyron or a Prius, you are going to get many more saying they know the Prius. Heck, they may even own one.

I'd say there is at least a 50% chance launch control was used on the Veyron. They had to give an excuse for why the F1 blew it away. 10 takes remember?
This is a blog I did on N4G, which I thought I would post on here too. After reading some of the articles on N4G....

That's as far as I got. In one and a half sentences you referenced N4G twice, which was twice too many.


Seriously, I despise every mention of that craptastic site. I'm so bloody sick to death of going to a message board topic sharing some sort of news which is then backed up with a link to N4G, but when you click the link it's just a tile, a Tweet, and a link ("Read full story") to the actual article on a site other than N4G. Just link me straight to the friggin' article rather than making me needlessly pass through N4G to get there. If the article isn't on N4G, stop directing me to N4G.

(Note: I'm not accusing you, the topic creator, of sending me through N4G this way. I'm just ranting against people doing this.)

Someone mentions Wii U specs and posts this link:

So, you click on it, only to go to a waste of virtual space at N4G which has the title "Wii U has 3GHz quad core CPU, 768 MB of RAM", the Tweet "According to a new rumor, a Japanese developer reveals that the Wii U CPU is very similar to the Xbox 360 chip (albeit with 4 cores), and that the system has 768MB of RAM," and then a link to the actual article "Read full story >>".

They could have just sent me to the actual article that N4G redirects me to anyway:

I respect N4G roughly half as much as 4chan.
I'd say there is at least a 50% chance launch control was used on the Veyron. They had to give an excuse for why the F1 blew it away. 10 takes remember?

What's your source about it ? And if somehow happens to be true, that they used launch control ( I doubt it personally ), still the fact remains that the Stig was the driver, who is much more skilled than Hammond.

And we must not forget that a Veyron is a Grand tourer , not a supercar/hypercar ( A more fair comparison against the Mclaren would be against the Veyron Supersrsport ). And for a grand tourer is one of the cars with the best performance , and also very well recognized despite it's high price.

And as for recognition it may be not so known by the average person , but that is because it's not an everyday car targeted for the masses, so they are seeing tons and tons of advertisements in any type of media possible. And I'm sure , outside of England, most of the average people know only the Mclaren ,the formula 1 team, than the Mclaren F1, the car.

Thing is, GT and forza are car enthusiast games, they have to put not only cars the average Joe knows and has , but also cars of many other categories, that car enthusiasts like .
What's your source about it ?


“I know that they have to cut the car open to take the engine out. To make an engine in that configuration, you know, it doesn’t go around corners. When we did the race in Abu Dhabi, we beat it off the line so many times that the film crew was getting frustrated because the outcome was supposed to be for the Bugatti to win.

“So we had to do that whole thing about ten times before it managed to get off the line cleanly and catch us up. Because every time they dropped the clutch it bogged down and we were gone.”

I have yet to find anyone who was there dispute these statements.

Regardless. The argument was why is the Prius a premium car in GT5 and the "iconic" Veryon isn't. Google Prius and Iconic. Thousands of hits and articles. Its the best selling hybrid in history, and in Japan. Now since Kaz has stated repeatedly that they ran out of time to make all 1000 plus cars premium, it also makes it a mute point since it was intended to be a premium car.

As I see , Ron Dennis says some interesting things there. The fact that they needed to repeat the race 10 times, to have the Veyron as the winner, is very impressive for the Mclaren!

Through it still doesn't give a clue that the launch control was actually enabled ( He says that "So we had to do that whole thing about ten times before it managed to get off the line cleanly and catch us up. Because every time they dropped the clutch it bogged down and we were gone" and that the entire filming exercise had to be changed ad hoc to make the Veyron look quicker than it actually was, but he doesn't explain how it had to be changed ) . There is still a possibility through ( from what is said in the article) that they finally enabled it but we can't know it for sure and take it as a fact (in my opinion).

Also it doesn't change the fact that the Stig was the driver of the Mclaren ( You can't beat easily a pro like him ).

Still is very impressive for the Mclaren, but again, we must not forget that Veyron is not in the same category with the Mclaren . As I said is a gran tourer and it is a "one of it's kind" car for it's category and a very iconic car overall. Cars closer to Mclaren ( same category -light hypercars ) are cars like Gumpert Apollo sport, Ultima GTR, Pagani zonda Cinque roadster, Koenigsegg CCXR edition, Ultimate aero ( for races like the top gear one in a straight line ) and many more.

As to what is more iconic . When you google Prius iconic maybe it shows thousands hits and articles ( useless scientific fact : prius iconic shows around 734.000 results Veyron iconic shows around 2.970.000 results - i said "useless" because we all know how google shows thousands of results for every search term we put ), but it is because the Prius is part of an entire international campaign to to promote hybrid cars for the masses , so everyone sees countless advertisements for it.

And one question here: So every high performance car , in order to be included in our car games have to be compared first with the Mclaren F1, to be proven worthy to be included in our games? Why cars like the Prius and the i-Miev get a free pass, and are not compared performance-wise with the top-end everyday cars ? If for high performance cars, each of them needed first to be compared with every other high performance car in existence in order to prove "worthy" , then we would have only cars like Pagani Zonda R and Radical in our games, and every other performance car would be out of our games ( including the Mclaren).

As for Gran turismo, of course I know that , they hadn't the time to make all cars they wanted premium. Kaz has stated in an interview that the hadn't the time to make the Veyron and other cars premium. It is still a case of bad time management. I know also that we will have new DLC before christmas, and I am sure that it will not be another RM car pack ( It makes no sense to give us again RM cars ) . I'm sure that pack will have many good surprises for us!
After having played a lot of Gran Turismo 3, 4, and 5, and just having spent all night playing Forza, I still greatly prefer GT5. It has better tracks, better interface, and a few other high points. I do love the vinyl editor Forza has though.
In 2009 The Peugeot team won the 24h Le Man after playing FM3 and commenting on how realistic it was...

Of course they will say it's realistic, they would be stupid to say anything bad about a companies product as it would likely mean they would look elsewhere if they decided to sponsor a driver or team. In Peugeot's case they would be extrmely stupid to say the game wasn't realistic as Miscrosoft sponsored them in 2009.

That is why I don't get why people use driver comments as proof of realism, of course they will say it's realistic, they aren't stupid.
If the 250 Premiums were all worth a damn then probably no. But when you're wasting precious slots on things like Cappuccino machines and Nazi Transporters then yeah, criticisms will be leveled against.

To be fair, coming from a big Forza fan, one of the things I loved about GT5 was its oddball, unique cars that it put out for use. Granted, I still am not really sure on what is the difference between the two variants of Cappuchinos, but I appreciate them taking the risk and sharing these unique cars with the rest of the world.

As I like to say, in the war between GT5 and Forza 4, racing fans on both sides win.
I agree with that last statement The Ratling, we win because we have choices, always a good thing. Don't like all the Skylines? Try the other game or vice versa. :)
The next DLC for GT5 is coming out before Christmas.
As with every announcement made by PD/Kaz, I'll believe that when I see it.
If we are saying that performance isn't a criteria for being Iconic, than the Prius has the Veryon beat because its been not only the biggest selling car in Japan for awhile, its the biggest selling hybrid in automotive history.
So, you're now making sales a criteria for being iconic?
That alone means its iconic.
A lot of stuff that I'd consider to be pretty lame would be iconic, then, wouldn't it? Certainly, cars like the F40 wouldn't be iconic at all, if we're going by your standards.
And you ask the average person if they have heard of a Veyron or a Prius, you are going to get many more saying they know the Prius. Heck, they may even own one.
I wouldn't even be too sure of that. For those who haven't looked into buying it, I'd even doubt that the Prius got the same kind of exposure as the Veyron did. I mean, all you have to do is look at their appearences in games, for example. Personally, I'm under the impression that you're just going to great lenghts to justify PD's decision to model the Veyron as a standard and the Prius as a premium. The Prius has, for a while, even been the laughing stock of the automotive world - even the Simpsons were making fun of it.

Really, almost every car related TV show I know has had some sort of news or report about the Veyron, as opposed to the Prius. But, honestly, do really believe that more people would've wanted the Prius over the Veyron to be a premium? From what I've seen, I've seen more express their dismay about it then people expressing their admiration for the Prius.

Especially since I can't picture your average Prius owner to be much of a racing enthusiast.
To be fair, coming from a big Forza fan, one of the things I loved about GT5 was its oddball, unique cars that it put out for use.
Nothing wrong with some oddball cars. However, there's a point when you've got so many Autozams, Cappuchinos, Kübelwagens, Schwimmwagens and so on in your game, that it kinda becomes way too much.
Granted, I still am not really sure on what is the difference between the two variants of Cappuchinos
I'd think that it's not the differences that made them include both versions, but the similarities. Updating an already modelled car by a wee bit is likely much faster than to create an entirely new one.
To be fair, coming from a big Forza fan, one of the things I loved about GT5 was its oddball, unique cars that it put out for use. Granted, I still am not really sure on what is the difference between the two variants of Cappuchinos, but I appreciate them taking the risk and sharing these unique cars with the rest of the world.

As I like to say, in the war between GT5 and Forza 4, racing fans on both sides win.

I didn't mind the Capp in the game I just don't think it was worth blowing a premium spot for.
In 2009 The Peugeot team won the 24h Le Man after playing FM3 and commenting on how realistic it was...

Really? I have a direct quote from one of the drivers in the winning car saying they all played GT5. What do you have? I can't find anything on it. I guess I could DM Simon on Twitter since he follows me and ask him.!/simonpagenaud/status/65879830377410560

Luminis. The Prius is not only the #1 selling car in Japan, its been selling like hot cakes everywhere in the world. They have been selling them for 14 years. Go and ask any one who works in a common job with a regular car if they have heard of Prius or Veyron and see what happens. With 2 million Prius sold, I am sure that many that bought GT5 own one. Who DOESN't want to drive their car in a video game? Especially if its tricked out. How many movies have featured the Veyron? How many commercials do you see? The average person has NO CLUE about the Veyron. But they sure as heck know what a Prius is.

The Prius is sold in more than 70 countries and regions, and has its largest markets in the United States, Japan, and Europe.[2] In May 2008, Toyota announced that its worldwide cumulative sales of the Prius had passed the 1 million mark;[64] worldwide cumulative sales surpassed 2 million units in September 2010.[2]
A Pirus has no place in a game like FM or GT, its the very anti christ of petrol heads everywhere..............

Whatever next, we have a GT5 DLC where by you can leave the gas guzzeling supercar in the garage and take a bus instead? or your push bike? :lol:

defending the indefensible.......which that a prius should not of been premium...

not to even mention the fact its planet saving credentials are questionable to say the very least.
p.s. see that GT5 sticker and playstation sticker on the le mans pugs?

yeah well they would say they drove GT5...... so what, if they ate some chocolate before the race could we say thats why they won le mans??? cause of chocolate?
A Pirus has no place in a game like FM or GT, its the very anti christ of petrol heads everywhere..............

Whatever next, we have a GT5 DLC where by you can leave the gas guzzeling supercar in the garage and take a bus instead? or your push bike? :lol:

defending the indefensible.......which that a prius should not of been premium...

not to even mention the fact its planet saving credentials are questionable to say the very least.

Which goes back to the Veyron would have been a premium given enough time and it may be one yet. Kaz has said several times he would like to do that. Since their DLC sold a million units a year after release, they are going to be putting more out every 2 months.

FM4 has some pretty slow putt putt cars, like all the E and F cars. You can make the same argument for all of them, they should have had super cars instead of them in the game. But go and look at comments, people like iconic, slow, common cars like VW rabbits and other old clunkers. This isn't a game just for super cars and neither is GT5. You want a racing game? Go play one of those ridiculous Need for Speed titles.

p.s. see that GT5 sticker and playstation sticker on the le mans pugs?

yeah well they would say they drove GT5...... so what, if they ate some chocolate before the race could we say thats why they won le mans??? cause of chocolate?

Why would Simon tweet that out of the blue? You on Twitter? Call him a liar.

Wow, this is fun watching Slick squirm and squeal. :)

What are you babbling about? I am about the only fair minded game player on this forum. I don't "squirm and squeal" in the face of fanboys. These are the same people who, if the Veyron wasn't in the FM4, would say its surley coming as DLC and it wasn't an issue. While at the same time, there is a very real possibility the same is going to happen with GT5. And I have no clue why they even bought the game because the premium and standard car lists were out at release. Just to complain? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

CNET 10 Iconic Cars of Decade, #1 Toyota Prius

Business Week 25 Most Iconic Cars of Past 20 Years, #4 Prius

2008 Prius Named Britain's Most Iconic Car

So yeah, someone can think a car is garbage but based on sales and popularity, its iconic.
Like you were there and knew anything that was done during development. :lol: How about posting links to those accusations of which I have seen zero from you. Quotes from PD or Sony would suffice. Not some forum where someone is guessing.

And there is nothing demanding on the Top Gear track with its long straights to suggest that the Veyron wouldn't have a top time.

And like I said, people like to drive their own cars in games, the Prius has been the number one selling car in Japan, no matter what you think of it. Oh and PD is in JAPAN.

Australian based Wheels mag tested the Veyron at Nurburgring, passing 4 cars, and did a 7:40... Unless a 7:40, in traffic, is slow I would say PD got it wrong...

Like mentioned, conflict of interest by mr. Ron.
Well let me put it another way. Until Turn 10 figures out how to put weather, night and endurance racing in their game, they are going to leave a group of players turning to GT for those experiences. Pure and simple. Once they add those, its will make GT that much less attractive.

Indeed, weather and night would be a nice addition. Of course, due to a lack of many features in GT and it's abysmal car line up (as well as standards), that is going to leave a large group of players turning to Forza for those experiences.

So its not the Ring, its Ringish? More excuses.

Ironic that you mention excuses...

Which goes back to the Veyron would have been a premium given enough time and it may be one yet.

You have been the king of excuses.

What are you babbling about?

I am talking about watching you squirm and squeal.

I am about the only fair minded game player on this forum.

You have an attitude problem. Who are you again?

I don't "squirm and squeal" in the face of fanboys.

All you have done in this forum is squirm and squeal. It's fun to watch. We await your next excuse.
FM4 has some pretty slow putt putt cars, like all the E and F cars. You can make the same argument for all of them, they should have had super cars instead of them in the game. But go and look at comments, people like iconic, slow, common cars like VW rabbits and other old clunkers. This isn't a game just for super cars and neither is GT5. You want a racing game? Go play one of those ridiculous Need for Speed titles.

The Difference between FM4 and GT5, is that FM4 has most of the iconic supercars already in the game... therefore, people aren't restricted to driving the VW Golf's and Nissan Micra's. In FM4, if someone wants to drive a Veyron, SSC, Koenigsegg, Ferrari FF, Aston One-77, etc. they can. However, in GT5, they're restricted to a few Lamborghini's/Ferrari's and then they've got the Kubelwagen, Cappuccino, Prius, Golf, Copen, etc. which they might not enjoy driving.

Now, I like oddball cars, I enjoy driving the Cappuccino, Prius and the Copen but those cars shouldn't have been prioritised over the much more iconic Veyron. The oddball cars should not have outnumbered the iconic cars, Polyphony should have modeled the Veyron as a Premium car before they modeled the Prius/Cappuccino/Kubelwagen/VW Bus. I don't want Polyphony to ignore the oddball cars... but they shouldn't take priority over other, more iconic cars.

CNET 10 Iconic Cars of Decade, #1 Toyota Prius

Business Week 25 Most Iconic Cars of Past 20 Years, #4 Prius

2008 Prius Named Britain's Most Iconic Car

So yeah, someone can think a car is garbage but based on sales and popularity, its iconic.

Those articles are quite misleading, particularly the last one. High reliability and Low cost don't make a car iconic. Most Prius' sold in the UK are company cars, bought purely for tax reasons. There are two types of Prius owner...

1. Mr. Salesman, who drives all over the country and needs a cheap and reliable car, so he chooses a Prius.

2. Mr. Treehugger, who buys a Prius because he thinks he's saving the planet because he has been fooled by Toyota's marketing department.

Neither of them are likely to play much Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport. (The salesman is too busy and the treehugger is too mental.)

In 30 years time, the Prius won't be remembered as an iconic car. However, the Veyron will still be remembered.
What are you babbling about? I am about the only fair minded game player on this forum. I don't "squirm and squeal" in the face of fanboys. These are the same people who, if the Veyron wasn't in the FM4, would say its surley coming as DLC and it wasn't an issue. While at the same time, there is a very real possibility the same is going to happen with GT5. And I have no clue why they even bought the game because the premium and standard car lists were out at release. Just to complain? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Losing an argument?

Make up a scenario that will never happen in an attempt to prove your point. Really?

And even if you were right, which, granted, you probably are, claiming other people would do that given a reason doesn't automatically mean you didn't do it.

And I bought the game because I was under the impression the standards would all look as good as the ones in the trailer showing them off before release. When I got the game and was greeted with PS1, early PS2 era models(with a few good ones sprinkled in), rather than the updated PS2 era we were promised, I was a bit upset. And I would have still been fine with that had all standards been available for purchase all the time, but instead you have to go through some ridiculous UCD, where getting your favorite car is entirely down to luck or way more planning than it's worth. And the trading was the only thing I could use to get those cars, so once that cap set in I dropped the game in a few weeks.
With Gran Turismo 5, the biggest redflag that should have told me to not buy the game, was the fact that Polyphony would not talk about the game in anyway, shape, or form, outside of the driving physics. We knew virtually nothing about GT5 going into it, other then the driving model. If I had known in advance, just how lackluster the standard cars would be, the career mode, and that multiplayer would be a day one patch, I would have avoided the game altogether.

PD and Kaz really took everyone for a ride with GT5 and sold us a lie.

With FM4, I knew exactly what to expect going in, there were no sudden "surprises" with any of the content and no promised features that ended up not making it into the game.
Of course they will say it's realistic, they would be stupid to say anything bad about a companies product as it would likely mean they would look elsewhere if they decided to sponsor a driver or team. In Peugeot's case they would be extrmely stupid to say the game wasn't realistic as Miscrosoft sponsored them in 2009.

That is why I don't get why people use driver comments as proof of realism, of course they will say it's realistic, they aren't stupid.

Your comment reminds me of all those Nascar races where no matter how the driver did in the race they always tell how wonderful their sponsors are and how great their car were. I never heard say their car was a piece of crap and if they had a better car or crew they would have won.

P.S I don't see what's the big deal with Veyron. I think that car drives like crap even in sims.

And I bought the game because I was under the impression the standards would all look as good as the ones in the trailer showing them off before release.
Am I missing something? The R8 race car looks in the game just it does in that trailer. The shadows are a lot smoother in that trailer though.
Luminis. The Prius is not only the #1 selling car in Japan, its been selling like hot cakes everywhere in the world. They have been selling them for 14 years. Go and ask any one who works in a common job with a regular car if they have heard of Prius or Veyron and see what happens. With 2 million Prius sold, I am sure that many that bought GT5 own one.
By your logic, the VW Polo/Rabbit would be more iconic than a Porsche 911. What is the Prius an icon of, anyways? What does it embody? What kind of image does it have? Does that sort of image fit a racing game better than the Veyron? Which car, do you think, is more of an icon of what a racing game embodies? The third fastest productuon car to date, or a car that's being famed for consuming little amounts of gas and getting good MPG?

Who DOESN't want to drive their car in a video game? Especially if its tricked out. How many movies have featured the Veyron? How many commercials do you see?
People who bought their daily driver because of economic reasons, not because it's a good driver's car, for example. Which the Prius would be a prime example of.

Anyways, let's assume that Prius owners would love to drive their car in the game. I doubt that you'd have to own a Veyron to appreciate it, or to want to drive it. And that's the difference, really: I've never, ever heard someone go "ooooh, I so want to test drive a Prius in this game!" The Veyron, on the other hand... Let's just say it's one of the cars that usually gets picked whenever someone comes over to my house to try FM4.

The average person has NO CLUE about the Veyron. But they sure as heck know what a Prius is.
Kinda interesting. When talking to a few people, including my girlfriend, they all can picture a Veyron - they know that it's damn fast and know what it looks like. Asking about the Prius, alll I'm getting is "that's that eco-mobile, right?"

Also, I'd assume that anyone with the least bit of interest in cars would know what the Veyron is. And if someone doesn't have the least bit of interest in cars, why the hell would he ever buy GT5, Forza 4 or any other racing game, for that matter?

The Prius is sold in more than 70 countries and regions, and has its largest markets in the United States, Japan, and Europe.[2] In May 2008, Toyota announced that its worldwide cumulative sales of the Prius had passed the 1 million mark;[64] worldwide cumulative sales surpassed 2 million units in September 2010.[2]
So, going by sales, we should have basically nothing but economobiles in GT5 and Forza, right? And, well, cars like the Golf should be present in their weakest version, with the smallest engine, right? I mean, those are, after all, the cars people buy. Because the cars people buy are the cars people want to drive. Especially on a race track. Righto.

Which goes back to the Veyron would have been a premium given enough time and it may be one yet. Kaz has said several times he would like to do that.
Kaz says a lot of things. Giving the Prius a higher priority than the Veyron? Yuo, Clarkson is right: These days, environmentalism is cool and us petrol heads are left with standard Veyrons.
What are you babbling about? I am about the only fair minded game player on this forum. I don't "squirm and squeal" in the face of fanboys.
Yeah. Right. That's coming from the guy with the Ferrari emblem as his avatar who's defending GT5's inclusion of the Prius. At all costs.
These are the same people who, if the Veyron wasn't in the FM4, would say its surley coming as DLC and it wasn't an issue.
Looking at the Aventador, for example, there is a very distinct chance of something like that happening with Forza. GT5? Not so much. Unless all you're wanting is more RM versions of what's already in the game.
While at the same time, there is a very real possibility the same is going to happen with GT5.
Looking at the DLC GT5 already received, I don't see any clue that would lead me to believe that.
And I have no clue why they even bought the game because the premium and standard car lists were out at release. Just to complain? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

I'd assume that a lot of people bought the game for the name alone. Like I did. I bought the game because of the blind faith I put in PD. Not gonna happen anymore, though. A year after, most issues weren't fixed. And the standard cars are still there. If it takes them, what, one and a half years to fix that, I'm so not going to bother keeping the game around until then.
The Prius is not only the #1 selling car in Japan, its been selling like hot cakes everywhere in the world. They have been selling them for 14 years. Go and ask any one who works in a common job with a regular car if they have heard of Prius or Veyron and see what happens. With 2 million Prius sold, I am sure that many that bought GT5 own one. Who DOESN't want to drive their car in a video game?

A Prius :boggled:, a Toyota Prius :boggled: We are discussing a Prius :boggled: My wife drives the ever popular Dodge Caravan (by sales numbers) but how many want to drive/race that in a game :yuck:

I still waiting for the iconic (by terrible car numbers) AMC Gremlin :lol:
A Prius :boggled:, a Toyota Prius :boggled: We are discussing a Prius :boggled: My wife drives the ever popular Dodge Caravan (by sales numbers) but how many want to drive/race that in a game :yuck:

I still waiting for the iconic (by terrible car numbers) AMC Gremlin :lol:

I thought that is what made GT a huge success. You can drive/race something besides race cars like a car people likely to owned.
There are a large selection of games that has race cars and do it better than both Forza and GT series.

I would love GT or/and Forza series to be on the PC as PC sims focus heavily on race cars.
I thought that is what made GT a huge success. You can drive/race something besides race cars like a car people likely to owned.
There are a large selection of games that has race cars and do it better than both Forza and GT series.

I would love GT or/and Forza series to be on the PC as PC sims focus heavily on race cars.

There are actually a very low percentage of "race" cars in Forza or GT. You would think, in the case of most car enthusiasts, we would want to drive cars we aspire to own, but are out of reach, or those known to possess characteristics not found in the average econo box or grocery getter. If I want to drive my dads Buick, I'll ask him for the keys. If I want to drive my Infiniti G I will much rather drive that than simulate in a game.
I realize, to each their own, but if you consider the average Forza gamer, a Prius would not be high on their list of desirable cars. Maybe the GT crowd is different (I think it is).
I realize, to each their own, but if you consider the average Forza gamer, a Prius would not be high on their list of desirable cars. Maybe the GT crowd is different (I think it is).

I'd imagine it is a bit of both. GT is more focused on being a "Car museum" game. Now, I'm not going to argue if GT5 succeeded or not in that goal, but it is rather evident that it was the goal that they were trying to achieve in their efforts. Forza is more focused on the driving and customization fields, which tends to lend itself more to the sports car and higher fields.

But I am one of those people who prefer to "race slow cars fast", so to speak. Forza doesn't have as many of those sort of racers as GT5 has, but there is a good chunk of Forza fans who believe in that philosophy, judging by the reaction to the December DLC pack.

Dang, this thread is making me want to drag out my mildly upgraded Prius in my game and give it a good run around the 'ring to see what it is capable of.
Shocking. Luminis's girlfriend knows what a Veyron is. Could it be because a date with you is her sitting on the coach watching watching you play video games?

I didn't say that the Prius was iconic. Everyone thinks it. Don't blame the messenger. I never said the AMC was iconic. That would be considered a flop. They make those lists too. I didn't say the VW Golf was iconic, although some think of it as the first hot hatch to hit America in numbers. So to some, sure it is.

All this hostility toward GT5. I guess because Kaz isn't here you can vent to me. Go for it.

MintBronyCrunch Your comments are about as confabulated as your name. "And even if you were right, which, granted, you probably are..." Out of that mess, I am leaving it at that.

Soldier 95B You put up big posts that add nothing. Keep up the non-contributions. :indiff: Oh and in my line of work, you squirm, someone dies. So, no, don't squirm. Sorry to disappoint you since you like to watch other people instead of contributing yourself anything worthwhile. And who do you THINK you are again?

Well, I am off to drive my Ford Ka around Forza. Be nice if I could drive the new Boss 302 Laguna Seca. But in Turn 10's infinite wisdom they didn't include the best Mustang every built but did include the Ka.

