#Forzathon: August 2017

  • Thread starter PJTierney
Sweet!!! I was doing a custom event and saw the 928 in the roster! I never been so excited. Having the 944 is such a treat, but it is the big V8 Porsche grand tourer what I've always wished for :D
The 928 is the only Porsche that I've ever been attracted to. Sad to hear that it's only available to VIPS ; (

On the other hand, it's about time the "VIP" part of the VIP got applied and gave us something exclusive... For 20$ I was seriously expecting something more than the 5 cars we got at the start and a few rivals events.
I just discovered that a challenge race in co-op mode counts for the Tokyo Lightning achievement (prize: three wheelspins). So you don't have to wait for the leader of the group to start a race. Just challenge the kid in the chrome GT-R HE (because there's ALWAYS a kid in a chrome GT-R HE), finish the race, get your wheelspins and go back to your solo adventure.
The 928 is the only Porsche that I've ever been attracted to. Sad to hear that it's only available to VIPS ; (
The AH has been mentioned and whether the 928 and 914 can be picked up there will depend on whether they can lock it to VIPs as opposed to VIPs being the only ones who can do the events - the VIP cars are locked courtesy of being DLC, not just because they are VIP cars.. Time will tell.
I just discovered that a challenge race in co-op mode counts for the Tokyo Lightning achievement (prize: three wheelspins). So you don't have to wait for the leader of the group to start a race. Just challenge the kid in the chrome GT-R HE (because there's ALWAYS a kid in a chrome GT-R HE), finish the race, get your wheelspins and go back to your solo adventure.
Bucketlist works as well (top of Surfers Paradise has an easy GT-R drift challenge).
I thought the co-op one would be easy. Nope, because for the last hour I find out half of the sessions have the leader doing nothing. While the others have races in process or do not allow cars from Japan.

Update | Finally Complete
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What is the car used in the artwork for the current Forzathon (Drift Session)? I can't seem to find it anywhere in the game!
Might as well offer my services to those in need of the VIP event cars. I have VIP, so if you need help obtaining both Porsches, shoot me a friend request on XBOX Live. My gamertag is LitnigMcQuen59.
Obviously this is when the event goes live, of course. :P
I can also be of service to folks after the 914 and 928 for the event.

GT is Quattro Saltire so feel free to drop me a friend request.
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I'll see if I can't find some time to help non-VIP folks get their mitts on those Porsches. GT is ClydeYellow, if you'll see me online feel free to send me a message!
In order to win the 928 I'm guessing you have to have an Xbox Gold account?

True. The 928 also requires VIP, and how many great benefits has VIP brought to players so far? Not many, so asking for Gold subscription on top of VIP is rather disgusting.
True. The 928 also requires VIP and how many great benefits has VIP brought to players so far? Not many, so asking for Gold subscription on top of VIP is rather disgusting.

Yeah I've got VIP but I ain't payin' a month's membership for the sake of one car. Not really worried Forza 7 will be out soon so I'll just drive it there.
Looks like car packs are no longer in the pipeline for FH3.
True. The 928 also requires VIP, and how many great benefits has VIP brought to players so far? Not many, so asking for Gold subscription on top of VIP is rather disgusting.

So let me get this straight.

You're complaining that they haven't given enough incentive to go with the VIP membership (which I agree with), but also think giving incentive to do so is "disgusting"? :confused:

You crack me up dude. :lol:
So let me get this straight.

You're complaining that they haven't given enough incentive to go with the VIP membership (which I agree with), but also think giving incentive to do so is "disgusting"? :confused:

You crack me up dude. :lol:

Did you read the last sentence of my post? I'm fine with the VIP incentive finally paying off in a good way. It's the added requirement for Gold subscription that doesn't sit right with me.
It's the added requirement for Gold subscription that doesn't sit right with me.

So is T10/PG (and by extension every other developer) just supposed to ignore the entire online component of the game?
Yeah I've got VIP but I ain't payin' a month's membership for the sake of one car. Not really worried Forza 7 will be out soon so I'll just drive it there.
Looks like car packs are no longer in the pipeline for FH3.

Yeah I agree I would rather wait for Forza 7 next month to drive the 914 and 928:tup:
So is T10/PG (and by extension every other developer) just supposed to ignore the entire online component of the game?

No... It's the combination of VIP and Gold I don't like. They finally offer something really cool in return for VIP, but still they couldn't resist asking for Gold subscriptions. Not every VIP is into multiplayer.
More like they couldn't resist utilizing a major component of the game, those bastards!

A major component locked behind a paywall in addition to VIP. So yeah, bastards.

Go on defending them and you'll crack me up too.
A major component locked behind a paywall in addition to VIP. So yeah, bastards.

So what's T10 supposed to do in this case? Not take advantage of online play?

Go on defending them and you'll crack me up too.

How about you actually come up with some legitimate complaints? Turn 10 has 0, zip, nada control over the Gold paywall.
So what's T10 supposed to do in this case? Not take advantage of online play?

Just offer the 928 as a VIP Forzathon prize and leave it at that. When they add Gold into the equation, they basically say something like:

Hey, we have this new to franchise Porsche 928 as a VIP incentive. Not interested in online multiplayer though? Too bad, you will need a Gold subscription in order to obtain this car. Thereby the whole VIP incentive gets a sour twist for a great number of players.

Then you might argue that Forzathon offers the Porsche 914/6 as a straightforward VIP incentive. But why treat this car any different to the other Porsche models they brought back from previous games? What justifies singling out the 914/6 as an exclusive to VIP players?

How about you actually come up with some legitimate complaints? Turn 10 has 0, zip, nada control over the Gold paywall.

With Turn 10 / Playground Games being first party studios, they obviously hold stakes in Xbox assets such as Gold accounts. That's totally fair in its own right but it gets disgusting when "free" cars are used to lure players into Gold subscriptions. While you argue they utilize a major component of the game, I'd say that they exploit people's weakness for new cars. If you buy one month of Gold for one or two Forzathon cars, you end up paying more than you would for the typical car pack. Multiplayer may be unlocked then, but the few Forzathon incentives don't add up to anything but greed on their end.
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^ Couldn't agree more, Nielsen. It's just a very sneaky way of getting more money out of players for a car which is supposedly a 'free' Forzathon prize. If they had simply charged a fee for that one car, I wouldn't have a problem. In other words, non-VIP and non-Gold members could just purchase it via the marketplace.
Just offer the 928 as a VIP Forzathon prize and leave it at that. When they add Gold into the equation, they basically say something like:

Hey, we have this new to franchise Porsche 928 as a VIP incentive. Not interested in online multiplayer though? Too bad, you will need a Gold subscription in order to obtain this car. Thereby the whole VIP incentive gets a sour twist for a great number of players.

Then you might argue that Forzathon offers the Porsche 914/6 as a straightforward VIP incentive. But why treat this car any different to the other Porsche models they brought back from previous games? What justifies singling out the 914/6 as an exclusive to VIP players?

With Turn 10 / Playground Games being first party studios, they obviously hold stakes in Xbox assets such as Gold accounts. That's totally fair in its own right but it gets disgusting when "free" cars are used to lure players into Gold subscriptions. While you argue they utilize a major component of the game, I'd say that they exploit people's weakness for new cars. If you buy one month of Gold for one or two Forzathon cars, you end up paying more than you would for the typical car pack. Multiplayer may be unlocked then, but the few Forzathon incentives don't add up to anything but greed on their end.

I'll just make one more comment and that will be the end of it for me as it's quickly becoming a circle argument.

Forza has for quite some time put a lot of emphasis on online aspects of their games, even to the point where single player is affected by it. Some people may decide to stay with a Silver membership for whatever reason. That's fine, it's their choice, but if you do decide to do that you accept the fact there will be certain aspects of a game you will miss out on.

For the record, my Gold membership expires prior to this event and I won't be renewing it until after FM7 comes out (if at all) so I will be missing out on the 928 as well.
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Well this weeks forzathon was a bust. In 48 hours not a single person starting a co-op race, just standing around or in garage. 3 Wheelspins down the drain...not that I get anything other than 2-7K most of the time :( Considering the 928 will require a co-op, does someone know how to start one? I can't find it and I have no friends playing it to send an invite to