Geatle's Photographs

  • Thread starter geatle
Not bad at all but I'm not a big fan of this kind of lens flare. In my opinion it's useless and distractive. But good sense of speed and nice toning.
Brilliant one, the graduation of hues, lighting and the composition of the photo are of great worth for appreciation.
thank you sneakyboy62 :)
thank you Jeremy. have you to suggest me a good lens flare ?

this photo is unedited. i know how with edit can be better but i like the original too :)
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Congrats on your win Geatle. Well deserved, it's a nice shot. 👍 You've certianly improved quite quickly and it shows. Well done. 👍

The MP4 wide shot at London is not bad, I quite like the composition and the exposure level is pretty decent. Only thing that makes it a bit off to me is the warp/distortion. But it's still pretty nice.

The unedited 599 shot is quite nice too, I agree editied it would probably look even better. 👍
thank you Jeremy. have you to suggest me a good lens flare ?

Not really, I do not use often this kind of things. But you can try the ones in ShaolinMasta pack : (an awesome pack by the way). I also sometimes use the plug in "Knoll Light Factory" for photoshop (the best way to create you own flares I think) but I don't know if you use Photoshop or Gimp or another thing...

And congrats for your win with this Toyota 7 shot. A very well deserved win for a brilliant shot 👍

Is your MP4 in London panorama made with merged pics ? It's not bad at all, I would say exactly the same thing George said about it. I also agree with him when he says you've improved a lot, very impressive progression mate 👍

And your last edit work is fine, I like this kind of artistical effect.
thanks Jeremy and ninja
yes. the mclaren shot is a panorama ;)

this is my photo for the Photomode Competition 147. but the edited version :D

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I'm digging the profound ruddy toning of the F40 and the shot looks a panoramic one of Herve. :D Good work you did altogether. 👍
thank you sneakyboy62. Herve usually makes panoramas which don't look like a panoramic photo. if you make some steps behind and with a little wide angle lens you can make it more easy

Very nice Roma F40 picture Vaios, others are nice but this one is my fav 👍

About the panorama rendering, due to the massive use of gopro camera and eye fish and low focal that became some kind of actual standard, many people are thinking that it must be distoted. I'm always correcting this in order to create the initial panoramic result :)

Keep up the improvement :cheers:
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About the panorama rendering, due to the massive use of gopro camera and eye fish and low focal that became some kind of actual standard, many people are thinking that it must be distoted. I'm amways correcting this in order to create the initial panoramic result :)

i don't know good english and i don't understand what are you saying. can you make it more simple please ?
Nice to see a new gallery (well... at least is new for me). ^^

Your have some great shots! If your build a consistency arround your best shots you'll do some amazing things! :)

BTW, your shot totally deserve the WIN. Congratz! 👍
Not the same effects, no. :)

The same quality of composition (to me the most important thing in a photo / shot) and light/shadow work.

I don't know if I made me understand. :/ Effects can change and should change (you learn more about editing and we see different things from you) but the basics of a photo should be always on the same level or evolving :)
I found an Hellenic translator, hope it works fine and you'll understand what I'm saying.

Για το οποίο επιστρέφεται πανοράματα, εξαιτίας της ογκώδους χρησιμοποίησης των καμερών gopro, των στόχων fisheye, και ακραίες focales που έχουν γίνει ένα είδος του τηλεφωνικού κέντρου acutel, η πλειοψηφία των προσώπων σκέφτεται ότι αυτό πρέπει να παραμορφωθεί, διορθώνει πάντα τις διαστρεβλώσεις μέσα στο στόχο για να αποκτήσει ένα πιό σύμφωνο με αποτέλεσμα με το βασικό αποτέλεσμα, τη αληθινή όχι που στρίβεται πανοραμική φωτογραφία.
haha herve this translation is sucks. but i understand how you merge photos to reduce the distortion of lens.
is this right ?

zzz_pt i think i understand. ;)

Good one, I'm lapping up with the sense of motion and monotonous toning in the image. ;)
Whoa, that Ferrari one is really nice! :) First time in this gallery and a good first impression already! 👍
That's a nice Ferrari shot. Good composition and edit work. I like the muted background and the car colour and gloss look very good. My only slight downer on it is the motion blur is a bit over done in my opinion, it just feels too unatural.

But overall, great shot. 👍
thanks. thanks. thanks. :)

welcome GTracer98.

GPR i'm sorry, here is and one another photo with a lot of motion blur which i had prepared from yesterday. i will try to make the next photo with less movement

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Not very awful, the entire rendering of the photo look that of a quaint cinematic scene, if anything. Yet it's still too blurry in surrounding setting and I gotta say you've focused on bringing the camera into a wrong location awkwardly.