Gran Turismo 7 Custom Race thread

  • Thread starter 05XR8
It's too bad we can't set mandatory pit windows for races an hour or longer. That would at least force the grid to pit roughly around the same time, give or take a lap or two. Would probably lessen the rubberbanding effect.
Yeah, I feel like when the AI gets low on fuel or worn tires they slow way down.
Yeah, I feel like when the AI gets low on fuel or worn tires they slow way down.
It feels like Custom Races have completely different AI. Do the Gr.4 event at Brands Hatch (10 laps) and they'll be pedal to the floor the whole race, even with the 12x fuel consumption or whatever it is.
PP is not a good balance indicator at all with the AI, horsepower is . I'm getting much closer races with picking cars 50 hp more than mine, , I can go 50 pp more and I cream them.
I've completed a couple 1 hour GT4 custom races in the last 24 hours and I have some observations to share about the AI. Both were 19 car fields and I started myself in the rear. Right off the bat it was really easy to pass some of them, but once I got into the top 10 their pace picked up and it was a better race. I eventually made my way to the front about 20 minutes in. I had tire wear set at 5x and fuel set to 2x so it would only require one stop for fuel, which I made with 25 minutes to go.

Most of the AI stayed out until the last handful of laps. Unfortunately once I left pit road, the AI cars slowed way down and making up the pit stop time was a cake walk. Once I got back in front they again picked up the pace and stayed about 3-4 seconds back until they pit. What's confusing is that a few of them kept swapping for the fastest lap which was 2-3 seconds faster than me.

In the end, the rubber banding effect is still terrible and I'm not sure if there is a way to make it less noticable. I'm going to try another race with their specs tweaked a little (I have them all set at ~375hp, 3,086lbs) and turn tire wear off to see what happens.
Hi....can you report back after the next race? I'm looking to create a 4 or 5 race series for myself and have no idea where to start. I'm sure that 5x tire and 2x fuel for a 1 hours race might be subjective to what I right? I'm trying to figure that out myself. Damn....I hope that made sense...
The closest races I got so far was when I get sports tires on my car and race against equally strong cars (in my case muscle cars and saloon touring cars from the 1960ies and 1970ies and some sportscars of that aera)...since the all have the comfort tires(except the Mustang Boss wich comes with sports tires per default), the are all better tuned and have more horsepower than my car-so on certain track that make really tight races...

Did one 10lap race at Le Mans, I used the De Tomaso Mangusta with sports soft and started from the back...on the Mulsanne Straight I barly reached 215km/h while most other cars made 240 and one Mustang Mach1 thanks to its tuning could reach 260km/h...that made this race really exciting...because may car was the fastest on the second half of the track, but really sucked on the first half....
So on the last lap it was a really tight 3-way battle between the Mach1(who took the lead after the first chicanne on the straight), myself in the Mangusta and the Boss, that was catching up from behind and who also had the sports tires...
It's insane how much faster the AI is with one higher tire compound . the boss 302 is a reall fast Ai simply because it has comfort soft .
It has sports least my Boss is having them

It is the only car in my custom races that has sports tires per default
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How about AI Pit-stops in Custom races? Do they Pit automatically if they use all fuel and wear tyres? What if it starts raining and I didn't bought rain tyres for some race cars? Would they change to wet/semiwet or would they drive on race slicks in full rain?

I wanted to make 24 minutes or 1 hour Lemans racing. I don't have tyre compound problem since I am using group 1 and group 3 cars.
How about AI Pit-stops in Custom races? Do they Pit automatically if they use all fuel and wear tyres? What if it starts raining and I didn't bought rain tyres for some race cars? Would they change to wet/semiwet or would they drive on race slicks in full rain?

I wanted to make 24 minutes or 1 hour Lemans racing. I don't have tyre compound problem since I am using group 1 and group 3 cars.
They will pit when low on fuel. I don't know if they will switch to rain tires.
All i can say is , If PD fixed or allowed us to pick tire compounds for the AI ( above whatever their stock compund is , I understand why they dont want us putting comfort soft on a Gr.1) This game would be alot better as we would preety much have a better difficulty slider. I'm sure most AI would be wicked fast on racing tires while we use normal tires . People who say this is bad AI are juat lying to themselves by thinking a dificulty slider in other games doesnt equaly alter AI properties . Giving AI more percise racing line adhesion ala Project cars is cheating because I don't get that boost . I don't mind giving them more grip/ acceleration to have fun.
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The tyre thing is a real kicker. Got bored yesterday after work and decided to try and create a fictional WTCC of sorts to try and inject some excitement into the game, only to find out that all the AI were on either sports hard or comfort tyres. What’s the point like, almost every aspect of this game has some sort of questionable, if not downright stupid, design oversight.
One feature that I would like PD to include back into the Custom Race Mode is 'Custom Time' that was shown in earlier builds, similar to was in GT5/GT6 allowed a specified time start,
instead of the current preset times such as Early Morning, Late Morning, Afternoon, Evening etc.,

Happy day! The 1.11 update bumped up the rewards for Custom Races and you can FINALLY disable BoP!
I‘ve been busy. Kaz said to wait and we did. He delivered on what have to be the best AI in the franchise. He mentioned in the gtp interview, the AI aren’t perfect, that’s true, but for us solo players, this patch IS the game changer. Just the option for the AI to use the RH thru to Wet compounds, has transformed game play. No longer do the AI spin out everywhere.

I did notice a bug where, if an AI gets hit/spun off course/track, that car’s programming glitches. The car sometimes keeps going off course for no reason and lingers at the tail end of the field. This happened at a Spa race and a test race at Nurb GP. Haven’t noticed anywhere else.

Anyway, for the videos below(they’re about 20 minute replays), it’s just been phenomenal. A real joy to set up and play this game. Since these videos, I’ve adjusted all my cars’ performance. So, they’re all closer, in their respective classes.
The Goodwood race was awesome to watch. Got to see how the cars were being ”driven” and the crazy AI battles, as I was understanding the physics of the ZG. The Fuji race, was the first full test in changing conditions. I was overjoyed to see not only the AI pit and change to grooved tyres, but pit again, when the dry line formed and cheekily, selected the RS compounds!!! Good thing the economy changed for me to afford all the parts(bonus doing many Circuit Experiences days before). :)

Well, I’ll be gone for a good while playing solo. Hope y’all enjoy the game as it grows through its shelf life. Good stuff! Peace.

Just made a Global MX-5 Cup spec car and used it to test out the AI at Laguna Seca. Started 15th out of 20 cars and was in the lead by lap 4. Finished over 10 seconds ahead. Same car across the field. I don't get that. The AI are still not going full throttle, and I'm not sure what it is, but the little triangle keeps flashing for them for the whole lap. Stability control? Either way, I'm starting to lose interest in creating these custom races if it's going to be this easy to beat them.

Edit: Can confirm that their stability control light is flashing for the entire lap. Which I think is what might be causing them to go slower. Now to find out if it's a bug or if there's something I need to change somewhere.
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It's good that they retain racing tyres if fitted but I cannot understand why if I put sports soft tyres on my cars, the game decides it knows better and reverts them all back to a mixture of comfort soft and sports hard, making the race very difficult to balance.
Two things annoy me with the otherwise great custom race feature apart from the already mentioned 95%-throttle thing. The first one is that road car driving AI just relies on ASC way too much and that there's no setting to allow/forbid driving aids and the second one is that they just weave you past on the Nordschleife if you're faster when you just approach from behind :banghead:
Had a busy weekend setting up 20 different road cars for my own custom 400bhp/tonne race series. I'm still in the process of ironing out some of the setup problems that cause A.I. to spin, but have got too a pretty good place now. The general idea is that I'm taking road cars, slapping full mods + Race Hard tyres, to create a series where the cars are about as fast as Gr.4 machines but a lot more dramatic and fun to drive (Gr.4 cars are too 'safe' in my opinion). Rather than having a strict power+weight restriction, the restriction is on 400bhp power per tonne, which makes the selection and variety of cars you can pick a lot bigger, I've got all sorts from a Lamborghini Diablo to a Silvia S13. It's a lot of fun and the racing has generally been better and closer than anything else I've experienced in single player. 400bhp per tonne is more power than Gr.4 but less than Gr.3, but the cars have much less downforce so there's still a lot of drama and on edge driving through the corners, I got overtaken by a 996 GT3 doing an outrageous drift through the hairpin at Tokyo Expressway yesterday.

There are a couple of weird issues though that I've noticed. Sometimes depending on the car and the track, the A.I. won't ever use 100% throttle, even on straights, so you get weird instances where one or two of the A.I. is way off the pace
It feels like Custom Races have completely different AI. Do the Gr.4 event at Brands Hatch (10 laps) and they'll be pedal to the floor the whole race, even with the 12x fuel consumption or whatever it is.
This is what I'm talking about, like Kraftwerk says, do the Gr.4 event at Brands and the A.I. is as fast as it is everywhere else. But for some reason in my custom race at Brands, literally every single A.I. driver refused to use full throttle and I was 5 seconds a lap faster - in my other custom races most of the A.I was capable of lapping very close to what I could do, sometimes even faster.

There are also issues with dramatic rubber-banding, but also an issue with setting the distance on rolling starts. For some reason they've all been single file for me so far, and when you try and change the distance from the default 20m it sets to 15m and won't let you change it. These distances are seemingly for double file rolling starts, 15m is comical on single file because it puts every car bumper to bumper and when the race starts the A.I. is too stupid to leave the file, so you get this really slow moving snake of cars until the first couple of corners have passed.
too bad we can't select different liveries for same cars in grid instead of having multiples just to have different liveries in grid.
Did a 1 hour Gr. 3 race around Tokyo Expressway South. Had Tires on 5x and fuel on 3x. My Viper was the weapon of choice and it was able to hold its own against the 3 leading DBR9's. If I had a clean race, I could've gotten over 100k.
I‘ve been busy. Kaz said to wait and we did. He delivered on what have to be the best AI in the franchise. He mentioned in the gtp interview, the AI aren’t perfect, that’s true, but for us solo players, this patch IS the game changer. Just the option for the AI to use the RH thru to Wet compounds, has transformed game play. No longer do the AI spin out everywhere.

I did notice a bug where, if an AI gets hit/spun off course/track, that car’s programming glitches. The car sometimes keeps going off course for no reason and lingers at the tail end of the field. This happened at a Spa race and a test race at Nurb GP. Haven’t noticed anywhere else.

Anyway, for the videos below(they’re about 20 minute replays), it’s just been phenomenal. A real joy to set up and play this game. Since these videos, I’ve adjusted all my cars’ performance. So, they’re all closer, in their respective classes.
The Goodwood race was awesome to watch. Got to see how the cars were being ”driven” and the crazy AI battles, as I was understanding the physics of the ZG. The Fuji race, was the first full test in changing conditions. I was overjoyed to see not only the AI pit and change to grooved tyres, but pit again, when the dry line formed and cheekily, selected the RS compounds!!! Good thing the economy changed for me to afford all the parts(bonus doing many Circuit Experiences days before). :)

Well, I’ll be gone for a good while playing solo. Hope y’all enjoy the game as it grows through its shelf life. Good stuff! Peace.

Well this is just awesome! As a single mode player who spent loads of time in custom race mode in GT Sport I’m delighted. Over 50hrs in I tried custom races for the first time yesterday and have to say with the race settings I went for I was pretty disappointed starting 10th and finishing 1st without too much effort. Upon returning to it today I revisited the same track and did two tweaks to the race settings and was blown away by the difference. I started 12th and finished 8th and couldn’t be happier. The challenge today was real! Wow! So much enjoyment to be had going forward with GT7, and so happy that Polyphony will keep improving the game. Also it was great to see the AI battling with one another and making mistakes too.
Has anyone noticed that the AI will just pull over with the indicator/blinker on? How do you stop this from happening?
Testing, testing and more testing. This was the most intense race versus the AI. Mainly, due to the car wanting to break loose through the turns. Steering at zero sensitivity and still wanted to lose it.
