GT4 WRS Week 23: "Trimming Time at Mid-Field"

  • Thread starter CFM
T1 - 20.452 (seen 20.330)
T2 - 39.953 (seen 39.790)
T3 - Beat my goal in sight
Im loosing about .35 in the 2nd sector, Grrr...
Midfield was the VERY First track I ever drove in GT (GT3) & I'm sure I established a bad habit I can't seem to correct. T-1 time doesn't seem too bad & I think the final sector is OK...BUT the middle sector just SUX!!! :yuck:

T-1 = 20.376
T-2 = 39.930

...after 20 more Laps. Still need to find LOTS more time! :indiff: ...O.G. :D
o yea JASE guess what!?


and you americans better not make no igloo jOkes! :crazy: LOL

can i make weed jokes? :sly:

but seriously... you fellas are putting this week pretty far out of reach.
finally got a chance to sit down and do some racing... first stint all i could muster was a paltry:

ever since GT2 i've not quite figured out how to take that long left hander after the first tunnel. least its not a bumpy as it was in gt2... the tarmac quality there used to be so evil.
Improved my lap time by 0.057 with crap T times.
T1 : 20.610 (0.138 lost)
T2 : 39.757 (0.141 lost)

Goal is still 39.500.
A few tenths off for me,

Been chasing Mr P's ghost (from the BC, and a damn good lap it is too 👍 ) and refining my lines.

Hope he doesn't mind, or that it's not classed as 'cheating'? :scared:

The rx7's got more power, but the altezza corners better
Am only half a car length behind at T1,
and maybe three behind at T2,

And getting slowly faster. :confused:

T1 20.612
T2 40.356

Don't know if i can find the .9 i need for my goal time, but am trying hard this week.

I am certain that i am hitting all of the apexes for a change, just need to take another ounce of lead out of my left shoe and i'll be sorted! lol

T1 is bumming me out ... I should be able to run .1 faster, but I just can't seem to get it or figure out *HOW*
haha, if this lap is that one u told me in msn, so you got beat by a wild lion in fury my friend.

and if what you told me is true, about the amount of time you still see
i give up on this week, because im at the total limit for my skill

can i make weed jokes? :sly:

im in British Columbia man, w00t!!!! 👍 :sly:
T1 is bumming me out ... I should be able to run .1 faster, but I just can't seem to get it or figure out *HOW*

i got my T1 down to a reliable 20.4 by taking what i thought at the time was an unnatural braking strategy... braking early in a straight line, then powering through. I couldn't get below 20.6'ish by trail braking into the apex and motoring out.
was funny the first time i tried the early brake point. watch the ghost shoot past @ 162mph, then totally eat him before the next turn and keep pulling away through the S and onto the mid-straight.

I'm still totally beguiled by that long left in T2... as i'm only .2 behind the leaders @ T1, but almost a full second by T2. somehow i'm tossing > 1/2 a second in the trash in one corner. :indiff:

and i just found out, apparently another tenth can be made up by staying in 4th (with the 270 gears at least).
got T1 down to 20.353; but my T2 is still disgustingly in the 40's... i've never seen 39. >:E
and if what you told me is true, about the amount of time you still see
i give up on this week, because im at the total limit for my skill

haha altough i guess u are tricking me, i will get that .100 left or .080. :sly:

.050 is enough to get my goal. 👍
Yea first run in the morning and shattered my time by about .6 :)

New Splits
T1 : 20:455 (Seen 20:299)
T2 : 39:779 (Seen 30:225 on the same lap, but totally destroyed it on the final hairpin)

I hate that long sweeping left in T2 though, I can never get it just right.

Ah well back to it then.
Oh and this race is ON!! Final splits:

T1 - 20.261
T2 - 39.416

And that's it. I'm done. Submitting this one. Can't run tomorrow and Monday, going to a couple of baseball games and that's about as perfect a lap as I'm gonna put down. Used up every inch of the track, ran the best I had all week. I hadn't figured out the hairpin at all until I hit that lap, and to everyone giving me advice on that, I thank you 👍 . Still lost some time in it I'm sure, but not as much as before. Braking earlier definitely is key. Found out I was also turning in way early. Good luck to everyone still going, this has been one incredible week :cheers:
i got my T1 down to a reliable 20.4 by taking what i thought at the time was an unnatural braking strategy... braking early in a straight line, then powering through. I couldn't get below 20.6'ish by trail braking into the apex and motoring out.
was funny the first time i tried the early brake point. watch the ghost shoot past @ 162mph, then totally eat him before the next turn and keep pulling away through the S and onto the mid-straight.

I'm still totally beguiled by that long left in T2... as i'm only .2 behind the leaders @ T1, but almost a full second by T2. somehow i'm tossing > 1/2 a second in the trash in one corner. :indiff:

and i just found out, apparently another tenth can be made up by staying in 4th (with the 270 gears at least).
got T1 down to 20.353; but my T2 is still disgustingly in the 40's... i've never seen 39. >:E

I'll have to try these ideas. I've been trail braking and using 3rd... With 270 gears. My best so far at T1 on a saved lap is 20.333 but on average I break into the 20.3xx range once out of maybe 8-10 laps and mostly in the 20.4-5 range. This is MADDENING!!! Grr...

Yo VTR, your move man! Step it up! :^)

yeah, i was watching replays of my faster T1 times and noticing i wasn't dropping below 90mph through the first turn. so since 4th starts @ ~94mph... it seems logical to stay in 4th.
really hard to get out of the habit of dumping 2 gears there though. ;)
Oh kelly! more competition!!! :D
well its sunday morning over here.. got a massive headache from last nite :cheers:
heheh! see what time i can pull out of my @$$!!

Good luck to all!!

~~~~ Jase
Mmm yes, those are yummy pictures, thanks Veil!

So anyway, I finally got to get back at it... And amazingly enough I just pulled out a 20.297 T1! Woah says I. Too bad it was a fluke and the lap had to be finished off right before the tunnel... Lol. Anyway, I just had a decent run, then lost most of my lead on my ghost at the hairpin(hit the brakes a lil early). So, only six hundredths ahead of my other run(instead of 1.5 tenths or more ahead...), but a hundreth is a whole ten thousandths, and each thousandth will help this week!

Current fastest splits:
T1: 20.360
T2: 39.669

And FWIW, using 280 gearing, and hitting the brakes after the initial straight right at the 50m sign...
Daaaaaaamn... Just pulled out a 20.33x T1, followed by a 39.516 T2, followed by a finish that was .354 faster than my fastest lap. One problem. Cut the second right at the entrance to the tunnel before long left to T2 by a smidge. Damn damn damn. I guess I have it in me! Will press on!!!
congrats to CFM, for making the most competitive most addictive combo yet!! 👍
46 drivers with 1.5 seconds between the lot!
Very close battle :)

~~~~ Jase
Jase, you do realize that is mainly because the track is short and not really hard... There are only a couple of sections where you can lose LOTS of time, whereas most other areas you can only gain/lose a little bit of time.

Meh, anyway, finished for tonight, not satisfied, but I feel like I've sat there long enough, even though it wasn't as long as some other periods that I've sat down for before. This run I corrected mid-corner(let off the gas) in two spots. When I pull together that lap where I don't let off at all, I'll be satisfied with my run for the week.

Newest splits:
T1: 20.332
T2: 39.721
T3: not quite there yet...

My T2 is faster than my first fast run by about .13 seconds, as is my final time... And I know I can go faster around that hairpin as well, maybe only by a thousandth or three, but I know I can. Add that to my two let offs which could add as much as a tenth or two, and yeah, I've got more to come if I get to sit down again. Hopefully I do!
yeah i know! but its a good track, very easy track! and makes guys like me who are really not that good! look good 👍 :D

~~~~ Jase
Well, I'm done with it. Just can't seem to nail the first section, at least i somehow could make it up in the second and third... I'm going to send the final time. I quit for this week... :crazy: It was major fun racing along you guys see you at the finish and next week! 👍

Best splits:

T1: 0'20.627

T2: 0'40.024
sucks that i'm so busy with uni and work that i can only race one afternoon a week. but this was a ton of fun. Thankfully CFM was such a nice fellow that he picked one of my 5 favorite cars in all GT history.
Its not the fastest thing in the world, but i have a real love for cars that handle so well they are several orders of magnitude faster than they look on paper.
My favorite of this style of car is still the Del Sol LM from Gt2... god that car was spectactular... i'm actually sad that its gone. The Daishin silvia from gt2 was also a spectacular handler. As was the good 'ol cerbera LM.
enough going off on a tangent.
submitting my final time.
D2 | DS2
best splits:
T1 20.320
T2 39.715
+ the 2nd quickest 3rd sector i did all day.

Alright, time to bring Italy up on the board :D

T1: 0'20.305
T2: 0'39.528

I had a dirty 0'39.542, which was 0.1 faster at the Finish line than the above lap :indiff:
The damn hairpin is killing me...

I'll find that 0.1 before the deadline, hopefully.


The Wizard.
Yet more time, yet not enough...

T1 20.367
T2 39.552

Finally saw a 20.2XX but couldn't finish.


Just put in a short session to see if I could beat my time and knocked off a few hundredths, my T2-Finish was the best I've ever done...convenient that it was on a good lap :)

T1: 0'20.460 (Lowest I've seen was a .398)
T2: 0'39.756 (Lowest I've seen was a .705)

Might have another crack before submission to find the 0.1 I've left on the track but even if I don't get to it, this week has been awesome 👍
middle of a session again:

T1: 20´380 👎
T2: 39´473

at the moment, i´m 0´313 behind veil so, i have to find at least 0´150 to make it competitive...

still trying to figure T1... best so far was 20´295, twice!!

back later with more...