GT5 Dynamic Theme Redeem Codes INSIDE!!! More codes coming 10/28!

  • Thread starter eSZee
Not easy to get a code, I was trying to see (even if I live in Canada) if I could get a code working, their database is full when you try to register:

"Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.gt5_registrants'.'PK__gt5_registrants__14270015' in database 'RMK478_schick_registration' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.

/gt5/register.asp, line 116"
Can i have a code please??


If everyone share te code that they have used i can create a generator

I already have:
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Can i have a code please??


If everyone share te code that they have used i can create a generator

I already have:

There is a lot that work in the X serie (like 12) but they all been redeem. I cannot find another pattern yet.
Seriously? Is that what you guys are going to do? What if someone buys a product in the store just to find out some punk on a forum stole it already?
According to the gamestop website I will be getting the dynamic theme with my collectors edition (once the code isnt stolen on me)
The first person to tell me what engine came in a 1968 Mustang if it was using a code S engine configuration will get a GT5 PS3 Theme code.

The correct answer should give me size, and HP.
Seriously? Is that what you guys are going to do? What if someone buys a product in the store just to find out some punk on a forum stole it already?

I just want one code and I cannot buy the products here, else I would have done that already. I dont plan wasting time writing a generator.

In what year was the turn signal first equipped on a automobile, and which car manufacturer did it?

First correct answer posted "in the forum" will win on PS3 GT Theme code. Please, no private messages.