GT5 Steering Adjustability (Must read for all wheel and future owners)

  • Thread starter G12
I use a g27 and it came with the logitech software which i used to lower the rotation degrees on the wheel.

I am not sure if it actually made a difference in the GT5 game but I think it did , this isnt proven though so im sorry i cant provide any facts.

You should give it a try thought if you use a g27.
I know G27 and it does adjust automatically depending on the car your driving in GT5.

Im not buying a G27 because its old now and its looks crap.
I use a g27 and it came with the logitech software which i used to lower the rotation degrees on the wheel.

I am not sure if it actually made a difference in the GT5 game but I think it did , this isnt proven though so im sorry i cant provide any facts.

You should give it a try thought if you use a g27.
Changing the settings on how the wheels works on the PC won't affect how the wheel behaves on a console.
I know G27 and it does adjust automatically depending on the car your driving in GT5.
Err... no it doesn't.
I can't tell any difference with the sensitivity option and wheel :grumpy:

At -2 or +7 it's the exact same rubbish. The pad is set to slot 1 and my G27 tested in the first and second usb ports.
I can't tell any difference with the sensitivity option and wheel :grumpy:

At -2 or +7 it's the exact same rubbish. The pad is set to slot 1 and my G27 tested in the first and second usb ports.
controler steering sensitivity doesnt work for wheels , you can even read the description.
Won't somebody just ask Kaz on Twitter if "yes or no"?

I mean, it's not like he's busy doing anything important recently... 💡
I found after buying that the official GT5 wheel T500rs is unable to adjust any steering settings in GT5 , that's the only problem I found and that for me is the biggest problem.karts and Real Racing Cars like F1,LMP,GT and even WRC have a small steering which gives them quicker turning and they never cross arms , those race cars also require a very quick countersteer and its miserable when the steering is not fast and it does not matter how fast your hands are for the F1 , the steering is just too big and long. The t500rs is far from the steering you would need for a race car to be driven fast on tight circuits let alone tight corners that are in every circuit.

I found Fanatec CSR elite is the opposite , you can adjust steering settings and I remembered fanatec is mainly Xbox. Im probably going to have to return the t500rs for now and plan on waiting if there will be an update or plan on buying CSR elite.

How can the official GT5 wheel not have the most important steering setting when the official forza CSR elite wheel has it in GT5

T500rs is official GT5 wheel and you cant adjust the steering degrees in GT5.

CSR Elite is official Forza wheel and you can adjust not just steering degrees but other steering settings too straight on the wheel buttons.

Adjusting steering degrees is the biggest feature a wheel needs and T500rs official GT5 wheel doesnt have it for GT5.

"I really liked T500rs' smoothness and accuracy , its excellent but the steering is useless for the F1 car in GT5 since the steering is unchangeable at 1080 (540 each left or right) and real F1 steering has 360-420 (180-210 each left or right) , the F1 car cannot be driven fast and on oversteer slide , even if your hands are as quick as they can be , the steering is just too long and slow , you wont be able to save or correct the oversteer slide. On tight tracks or corners , steering is not fast enough , you need to cross arms which is impossible to do with the given time at F1 speeds on tight corners.The f1 wheel or t500rs f1 wheel is not designed for crossing arms because it is not round. Single seater drivers never cross arms because the steering is always set to maximum at around 180-210 from centre to left or right. No matter how good the quality the wheel has , nothing works without the realistic steering"

Will GT5 ever have steering settings (degrees/radius) for supported and official wheels. I've tried searching and it seems there are no plans for this.. No choice but to wait and see

Sure did repeat yourself a lot could of made it half as long
Maybe you are when my wheel is more than what you can afford , dont worry about it if your only turning 180 on the t500rs on tight corners then that means your not going fast enough , your no where near on scrubbing your tyres on the F1 car or you don't have the wheel.
Watch F1 for once at least , they never cross arms on any corner. 180-210 left or right and 360-420 as a whole , t500rs has more than double that. ofcourse you can do the same but your already too slow if you had t500rs
T500rs is pretty solid wheel but completely useless for F1.

you cant adjust the t500 in gt5.

I will try the controller sensitivity again , My t500rs is already packed up on the box and ready to return :P if that doesn't work then its a no choice but csr elite..

Perhaps the point is the anthithisis of this, maybe, just maybe your speed is greater than your ability?
The point is you dont know F1 and you dont have the wheel. Perhaps you maybe just drive a radio control rally car?

Actually no, I'm a persuit and evasion trained professional close protection driver with 30 years driving experience without a point or a claim. And as for F1 I was probably following that sport before you were a glint in your father's eye. There's an old saying; a poor craftsman always blames his tools.
Actually no, I'm a persuit and evasion trained professional close protection driver with 30 years driving experience without a point or a claim. And as for F1 I was probably following that sport before you were a glint in your father's eye. There's an old saying; a poor craftsman always blames his tools.
says the guy who drives f1 with 1000 degree steering. Following the sport doesnt mean you know everything. There's a new saying for newbies , race cars dont have honda civic steering.
Actually no, I'm a persuit and evasion trained professional close protection driver with 30 years driving experience without a point or a claim. And as for F1 I was probably following that sport before you were a glint in your father's eye. There's an old saying; a poor craftsman always blames his tools.

Pissing into the wind. There's a lot of youngsters around here that have NO real world driving experience under their belt but they will deff tell you they know better.
I don't get what all this talk about f1 drivers don't cross over their arms. With my steering sensitivity turned to 7 with my g27 on the f1's I don't even have to turn as much as I see them turning in these videos to get my formulas around the track on GT5.

Remember people in this thread have went to some extent to say that formula 1 drivers don't cross over their arms.

here's one for some random f1 entertainment

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Pissing into the wind. There's a lot of youngsters around here that have NO real world driving experience under their belt but they will deff tell you they know better.

Agreed, Wikipedia has a lot to answer for. I think its more a case of "all the gear and no idea" with this one. Reading the repetitive, scrambled dross this one spews forth from every orifice beggars only one question; what colour is the sky on his little planet?
Agreed, Wikipedia has a lot to answer for. I think its more a case of "all the gear and no idea" with this one. Reading the repetitive, scrambled dross this one spews forth from every orifice beggars only one question; what colour is the sky on his little planet?

Actually that quote is for you. Why are you even comparing real world road driving with a pickuptruck to real world race driving with f1 car , no comparison. Ive driven fast karts and thats obviously closer to a race car than a pickup truck you drive , I bet your not even fit enough to drive karts so don't mention your 30 years of road driving experience because 1st of all its a pickup truck and 2nd of all you dont ever go fast anyway and if you did , it would be on a straight line but 3rd of all age doesn't make you any better. Wikipedia is surely better than a person who knows less than wikipedia but I dont use wikipedia anyway.

I don't get what all this talk about f1 drivers don't cross over their arms. With my steering sensitivity turned to 7 with my g27 on the f1's I don't even have to turn as much as I see them turning in these videos to get my formulas around the track on GT5.

Remember people in this thread have went to some extent to say that formula 1 drivers don't cross over their arms.
if you dont get what the thread is on steering then that means you haven't read the the thread or simply does not have the ability to understand threads. ofcourse they dont because the f1 steering small and fast. I know what you mean for the G27 , I have a DFGT and it gets to the f1 car's max turning without having to cross arms. This thread is obviously for the t500rs which has 1080 steering on F1 car which is not enough steering for the given time and speed and corner. Anything higher than 400 steering will slow down f1 car and it wont simulate an F1 car, with 1080 its even not enough to correct oversteer slides most of the time.
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Actually that quote is for you. Why are you even comparing real world road driving with a pickuptruck to real world race driving with f1 car , no comparison. Ive driven fast karts and thats obviously closer to a race car than a pickup truck you drive , I bet your not even fit enough to drive karts so don't mention your 30 years of road driving experience because 1st of all its a pickup truck and 2nd of all you dont ever go fast anyway and if you did , it would be on a straight line but 3rd of all age doesn't make you any better. Wikipedia is surely better than a person who knows less than wikipedia but I dont use wikipedia anyway.

And the you wonder why have you been banned on 5 different occasions Rev, a bit more respect to the people who are trying to help you goes a long ways. Maybe try talking to Thrustmasters in a different tone? Stop the nonsense about the F1 cars and ask them calmly about making profiler adjustments work on the PS3.
Actually that quote is for you. Why are you even comparing real world road driving with a pickuptruck to real world race driving with f1 car , no comparison. Ive driven fast karts and thats obviously closer to a race car than a pickup truck you drive , I bet your not even fit enough to drive karts so don't mention your 30 years of road driving experience because 1st of all its a pickup truck and 2nd of all you dont ever go fast anyway and if you did , it would be on a straight line but 3rd of all age doesn't make you any better. Wikipedia is surely better than a person who knows less than wikipedia but I dont use wikipedia anyway.

if you dont get what the thread is on steering then that means you haven't read the the thread or simply does not have the ability to understand threads. ofcourse they dont because the f1 steering small and fast. I know what you mean for the G27 , I have a DFGT and it gets to the f1 car's max turning without having to cross arms. This thread is obviously for the t500rs which has 1080 steering on F1 car which is not enough steering for the given time and speed and corner. Anything higher than 400 steering will slow down f1 car and it wont simulate an F1 car, with 1080 its even not enough to correct oversteer slides most of the time.

Your therapist must be really dismayed at your lack of progress.
The fact that you see no correlation between an ability to drive well and an ability to drive a simulation well speaks volumes about your intellect. Perhaps if you weren't such an intolerable oik people might be a little more sympathetic. As it is your petulant ramblings are just laughable.
Your therapist must be really dismayed at your lack of progress.
The fact that you see no correlation between an ability to drive well and an ability to drive a simulation well speaks volumes about your intellect. Perhaps if you weren't such an intolerable oik people might be a little more sympathetic. As it is your petulant ramblings are just laughable.

Ouch!! That hurts! Lol!!!
if you dont get what the thread is on steering then that means you haven't read the the thread or simply does not have the ability to understand threads. ofcourse they dont because the f1 steering small and fast. I know what you mean for the G27 , I have a DFGT and it gets to the f1 car's max turning without having to cross arms. This thread is obviously for the t500rs which has 1080 steering on F1 car which is not enough steering for the given time and speed and corner. Anything higher than 400 steering will slow down f1 car and it wont simulate an F1 car, with 1080 its even not enough to correct oversteer slides most of the time.

I've read the thread and you just said "of course they don't" referring to what I said about how f1 drivers DO cross over their arms in tight turns. Did you even watch any of the videos?

And f1 cars are not at their max turning at 90 degrees steering wheel turn (hand on top) so getting max turning on the dfgt is not realistic either. Seems like you've got 2 wheels that are unrealistic on both ends of the spectrum. Sucks.

Solution would be to sell both your wheels or just the t500 and get a g27 and bolt a f1 style wheel onto it. I think for what the cost of the g27 is compared to the t500 you could get a g27, get a billet adapter made and bolt a split f1 style wheel on it and be somewhere close in cost and happy with your wheel.

I think you need to change the title of the thread. Not exactly sure what it should say though......
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I think it should be named "The F10 sucks and if you cross your arms you do too"!?

Wrong! It should be
"I can't use my wheel so let's start a bug argument! :grumpy: "
I think it should be named "The F10 sucks and if you cross your arms you do too"!?


Not sure if you have seen this other thread but there is a debate on racing softs.....haha go figure. But anways R1600turbo posted a vid that somebody he knows made. it's a vid of Kimi at Spa in the f2007 and his buddy duplicates the real pole time with the same car f2007 in GT5 with comfort softs.

Since watching the video I did the same thing with my f2007 and also my FGT with comfort softs on spa and it's so fun with very realistic speeds. I love my formulas now. I was running a room last night on spa and I was running the fgt on comfort softs everything off including abs doing best laps and I had about 8 different people join, pull out the fgt on racing softs run a little spin out, tune, come back in the room run a little, spin out, tune, and keep trying to come close and then just leave.

Here is the video I am referring to. For the f2007 I used everything he listed in the video as far as tune, with my own tweaks to the lsd, suspension and brakes since those were not listed. I highly suggest giving it a try. (you have to watch it on youtube and look below the video in the title or whatever it's called for the tune he has listed)

On the T500RS thread,, some note that the SDK settings (made on a pc/laptop) won't affect the in-game settings on GT5. That's incorrect, at least for FF. My FF seemed low, I check the SDK and it was set to 60%. I changed it to 90% and the strength increased in-game for GT5. I'm not sure if the rotation modifications will also work, but it's worth a shot.

Also, if you can't go as fast around tight hairpins as you'd like in the FGT, F2007 or F10, try modifying your deceleration settings for your diff.

As always, it's a video game. It may not be the answer you're looking for, but mimicing the angle of an F1 driver's hands and arms may not be possible with this wheel and game combo. Tough. 1st world problems.
I've read the thread and you just said "of course they don't" referring to what I said about how f1 drivers DO cross over their arms in tight turns. Did you even watch any of the videos?

And f1 cars are not at their max turning at 90 degrees steering wheel turn (hand on top) so getting max turning on the dfgt is not realistic either. Seems like you've got 2 wheels that are unrealistic on both ends of the spectrum. Sucks.

Solution would be to sell both your wheels or just the t500 and get a g27 and bolt a f1 style wheel onto it. I think for what the cost of the g27 is compared to the t500 you could get a g27, get a billet adapter made and bolt a split f1 style wheel on it and be somewhere close in cost and happy with your wheel.

I think you need to change the title of the thread. Not exactly sure what it should say though......
i returned my wheel. im going to wait for Fanatec CSW formula wheel or if gt5 ever fix the steering of t500rs while driving F1 then ill buy t500rs again , im getting whichever comes 1st because both wheels are good. T500rs has anti wear technology so I would take that wheel if the f1 in gt5 ever gets its steering fixed. I dont think CSW has anti wear technology so could be slightly different
after a year. Im not planning on g27 because I dont like wheels that dont look good and surely the higher price ones can give better features.
Not sure if you have seen this other thread but there is a debate on racing softs.....haha go figure. But anways R1600turbo posted a vid that somebody he knows made. it's a vid of Kimi at Spa in the f2007 and his buddy duplicates the real pole time with the same car f2007 in GT5 with comfort softs.

That's awesome! I remember a while back another user and F1 fan called Peter.(pj-gm on psn) talking about this and how the CS tires made the car much more realistic and a much more enjoiable car to drive.
On the T500RS thread,, some note that the SDK settings (made on a pc/laptop) won't affect the in-game settings on GT5. That's incorrect, at least for FF. My FF seemed low, I check the SDK and it was set to 60%. I changed it to 90% and the strength increased in-game for GT5. I'm not sure if the rotation modifications will also work, but it's worth a shot.

Also, if you can't go as fast around tight hairpins as you'd like in the FGT, F2007 or F10, try modifying your deceleration settings for your diff.

As always, it's a video game. It may not be the answer you're looking for, but mimicing the angle of an F1 driver's hands and arms may not be possible with this wheel and game combo. Tough. 1st world problems.
That's definitely worth looking into!

Im not planning on g27 because I dont like wheels that dont look good and surely the higher price ones can give better features.

Don't look good? Really? The G27 is probably the best wheel out there simply because of the infinite ammount of aftermarket support out there! For the same ammount you'd spend on a T500 or CSE you can get one similar to this: