GTA Online Thread (Useful Links in OP)

  • Thread starter dhandeh
..that's not the "last one" is was referring to..

I'll give you a hint: it's another radio station added to GTA Online within the last year where all the DJ "banter", call-ins etc. seems to consist only of describing situations that, only because it's GTA meta, ends in someone getting shot or how one song is better for mass murder than another.

I seem to remember having ranted about it before, but either I'm being incredibly incapable of finding it again or it's been deleted. Which, frankly, I can see why one would do if that post was as I remember it being.

Uhh... Blonded Los Santos? If that’s the one, I haven’t played long enough to remember the chatter. On top of that, I mostly listen to Radio Mirror Park, Soulwax FM, and FlyLo FM.
Another day of things in GTA that’ll probably have you wondering, how the hell do these things happen more to Vic than to me? :P

Spawned into a lobby and a solo CEO doing Executive Search was in progress, but I noticed that his marker was visible AND moving in the search area, something normally that’s impossible so not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I set off over to try and score a easy pay check. ;)

I noticed he had tendencies to EWO so I was rather wary of forcing the issue least he switch over to blowing himself up instead, But as he climbed a fence to getaway from me and the Stromberg, I managed to wound him with a sniper round, that’ll be more crucial than I expected because as I moved forward in the “Berg” I must’ve spooked him into an EWO which ended up benefiting me with 30k.

How you may ask? :confused:

Remember that sniper hit? Now remember that R* tweaked EWO so if a player uses EWO after taking damage from a player, that player is credited with the kill. :bowdown:

So in summary, I “killed” him without having to put a bullet in his dome and got paid for it. :D

Afterwards I went out to the quarry for a Dead Drop pickup, on the way I noticed at the Farmhouse Bunker a supply tank just being delivered and a enemy Hydra that arrived too late to destroy it, so either out of annoyance or bloodlust he sets his sights on me. :scared:

Now this is probably a worse case for me, open part of the map, in a car that struggles against fast moving aircraft and missiles that aren’t quick enough to catch it.

But then I noticed he went in to hover mode to try and hit me with the dynamite lazer beam and well...

I swear that I genuinely do end up in these moments by sheer luck and even luckier to come out the other side feeling like a hero/badass. :lol:

After that, another guy grabbed the drop and tried to sneak away on the train before switching to an Oppressor which was promptly shot down by yours truly, he grabbed another and came after me down near the M.O.O.S.E data farm and after I realised he was gonna catch me, I threw a 180 and took him on again.

After another ‘Broomstick’ bit the dust, I carried on to the drop off, not even 15 mins in a lobby and I’m already 50k up and that’s before me and a buddy went on a VIP grind. 👍

I say just from an entertainment point of view, the Stromberg has already paid for itself in my eyes. :sly:

That animation though..
This happened yesterday, I think just moments before I got to making some moolah with @Eunos_Cosmo

Speaking of which, I didn't think to record anything until the very end.


I'm just a bit peeved that it's not a Rumpo Custom. I'm probably going to make a GIF of that amazing piece of van sometime soon.
Souh, the usual sources are telling me the ruskymobile and Michelli GT are available..

..but the Jester Classic isn't and the internet is currently staging a protest not seen since the '92 LS riots :lol:

I have a few good guesses as to why they'd hold it back further, though, and one of them (the one that doesn't involve fixing the model and giving it sensible customisation) makes too much sense.

The Cheburek is available for purchase again. ...And i was also ninja'd

In other news

The Michelli GT is also available but is pretty much nearly 10x the cost of a Cheburek This point was also ninja'd
Ellie's discounted down to 423,750$
The Tezeract's down to 2,118,750$ but eugh
The Tyrus is, surprisingly, down to 1,912,500$
Yachts are still on a 50% discount but they're just about useless anyway
Volatus is discounted to 1,377,00$
Havok's cost is cut down to either 1,038,000 or 1,380,540 depending on if you've done hangar missions
Speaking of hangars, they're also on a 50% discount, along with their workshops
Bunkers are also on a decent discount but not 50%, like, the Chumash bunker is 990k instead of 1.65m, the renovations are also discounted.
The Rogue has a sizeable discount, 720k-957.6k
The V-65 Molotok is ecstatic about the availability of the Cheburek and thus its price is down to 2.16m or 2,872,800 if you've yet to do things with the hangar
Unfortunately the Oppressor is also on a discount at 1,987,500 or 2,643,375 mil
There are also Madrazo Dispatch missions now? But they require more than one person so eh.
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Also to add to the weekly update, 2x Gunrunning reaserch boost and double cash payouts on Gunrunning AND Smugglers Run Shipments. :bowdown:

So get selling folks. :lol:


Are you the head of an enterprising, results-driven mercenary outfit looking to expand its client base? Are you and your team capable of thinking on your feet, asking no questions and executing your orders with surgical precision? If the answer to those questions is yes, then you can expect Mr. Madrazo to get in touch soon about some very pressing work in the all-new Madrazo Dispatch Services Contact Missions. Infiltrate LSPD holding cells or launch an assault on Merryweather HQ as you seek to silence a few names on Madrazo's hit list.


*can't embed*

The Lampadati Michelli GT is a Sports Classic from the golden age of deregulation— when power steering was as strange a concept as emissions testing. For every modern convenience left on the shop floor, there's a startling number of furious horses under the hood.


Don't be fooled by a lick of paint and polish: under the showroom finish, the RUNE Cheburek is a lump of smelted down iron curtain that's been hastily recast for the glories of the free market. If it doesn't scratch that itch for the good old days of the Cold War, nothing will.

Both available exclusively at Southern San Andreas Super Autos.

Double GTA$ & RP in the all-new Madrazo Dispatch Services.
Double GTA$ & RP Bonuses in Motor Wars & Trap Door Adversary Modes.
Double GTA$ & RP on all Smuggler's & Gunrunning Sell Missions
2X Speed Boost on Gunrunning Research.

  • Bunkers – 40% off
  • Bunker Renovations – 40% off
  • Hangars – 50% off
  • Hangar Workshop – 50% off
EDIT: See link for vehicle discounts.
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The Cheburek is surprisingly quick. Feels quicker than the Michelli GT.

The Dispatch missions are pretty OK, they only pay around 30k but they are worth playing at least once.

Script kiddies at it again! Rebooting game..

With the sale of Hangars, I've made an effort to nab me a nice Zancudo Hangar and a fully kitted out Rogue. Even with the price cuts, it brings to a cost about 4-ish million, and then another 400k for the Cheburek. Therefore, I'm pretty poor now. Considering my bucket list right now..


Do the 3 Doomsday Heists

Nightclub themed update costs, hoping for a stupidly cool car

Dominator GTX

And then GT Sport decides the Sauber C9 is a Group 1 car (I even made tribute to that car in this game, which shows you how much I care), what to do.. what to do..
I have noticed that I am being matched with the same selection of players every day (Bad Sport) and from what I can work out there mustn't be more than a hundred or so people across Europe that are in here. There is something of a 'core' council of players and I suspect many of them are serving a very long stint for their crimes. You will arrive in a server of 10 to 15 players and when you try to join a new one you will arrive in the same server over and over again. You will play with these same people all week with the occasional full server on Saturday. Some have accepted their fate and have realised that they will never see themselves out of here, others are quiet and only wish to serve their time in peace. I look forward to my release and my return to the normal servers in a weeks time.

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Right, I'll admit, I couldn't help it.

I've had to get a second one to go for a vastly different take on it, infact I've went out of my way to not give the normal one engine upgrades.
Also, the lip spoiler on the normal one is a leftover from when I was still deciding on what to do with it
I think this is also the first time I've went with such a bright shade of blue, although admittedly it was between this or Midnight Blue
I love how the Obey Rocoto description reads:

The Rocoto won't win any races, but it makes up for it with luxuries that soothe the soul of upper middle class middle-aged angst.

Yet I just beat a Progen T20 by about a minute in a stock Rocoto while racing to the helicopter in the humane labs finale :lol:

The secret: Using the brakes now and then is faster than going off the road every 200 meters...
That postponement does open up the question of "then what?", seeing as all R* have left to dripfeed for SSASSS is the new races, the Creator update and the Jester Classic.

Depending on just how far back those two rumored future updates have been pushed back, that could be a dry spell for Online.

I mean, not that I mind, considering JWE is out in just 10 days and TC2 follows at the tail end of this month. Frankly there's too much going on for me to be bothered about R* shenanigans.

That’s disappointing and satisfying at the same time.
I hope with this supposed nightclub update we finally get access to the casino.
I’ve read with the news around online gambling in games, that there’s no chance Rockstar will open it now with the possibility of people spending real money on Shark Cards to gamble with.

Just what I’ve read though, not my opinion.
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I’ve read with the news around online gambling in games, that there’s no chance Rockstar will open it now with the possibility of people spending real money on Shark Cards to gamble with.

Just what I’ve read though, not my opinion.

You can already place bets in the game, but I suppose a full casino would take it to another level.
You can already place bets in the game, but I suppose a full casino would take it to another level.
Yeah, but if I'm not mistaken, doesn't the game still give cash to everyone just for participating? Maybe that's that the workaround there? Everyone's a "winner", and betting is just a chance to up your reward? Like in the Hotring races, I could place a $10,000 (or is $1,000 the limit?) bet on someone, win myself, and still walk away with $40-50,000 (during double RP/$) despite the lost bet.

There's this short article about the game's casino, but it isn't as detail oriented as others I've read.
Secondly, Online gambling is quite literally illegal. In some countries or states, the mere possibility of real money being involved due to Shark Cards would make this illegal activity, effectively forcing local authorities to ban the game. Even though players have no means of turning in-game currency into actual money, only the other way around, the mere fact that actual cash can in some tangential way be related to an in-game activity which simulates gambling can make this thing a literal crime.
That's interesting. TDU2 had a casino but I don't think real life money was directly involved in it so that's probably how they got around that.
Casinos were a large part of San Andreas as well, including your character owning a casino. You could also click your heels three times and get $250k, though.
No car today either, and no good 2x bonus (at least none that I know of right now). I'm staying in this session for as long as I possibly can.

Oh, but the sheer schadenfreude of seeing *that* crowd not get their precious, broken, uglified-beyond-saving Jester Classic..
The Jester Classic is in the odd place of an easy to drive Sports Classic, which I'm sure the Cheetah Classic will do much better at.

My advice: become real turn man and get glorious Cheburek.