GTP Cool Wall: Kenny Bernstein's 1992 Budweiser King Top Fuel Dragster

  • Thread starter TheBook

Top Fuel Dragster

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Seriously Uncool. It's a one trick pony..

But what a trick. Lets put it this way: Turn the Special Key in your Veyron, take a 3-mile head start and wind it up to 200 mph, and time it out so that you cross the start line going 200 mph just as the tree greenlights and Kenny launches his Top Fueler from a standing start.

Who hits the traps first?
Kenny, but after that he needs to pack his drag chute, trailer the car home in order to rebuild the engine and wait until the next event so he can drive it just to rinse and repeat the cycle, where as in Veyron you just refill the tank and keep going on public roads around the year if you wish.
Agreed... but you cannot deny the potency of the machine and the sheer amazement factor of something traction-driven accelerating itself so quickly. And it's not like an F1 car doesn't require a helluva lot of care and feeding in the money-per-hour column, either.
I give it that.. But wouldn't you rather have a long weekend with a perfect middle-page model than less than ten seconds with the former East-German female shot putter..? Yes, the one with beard.. :lol:
MEH-> Its not a looker, it doesn't corner (well), and it does not look like a car. Plus its a dedicated race car. If that thing can do a 1 mile drag race, then I'll reconsider. But right now, its in the border of un-cool and meh. :indiff:
I still wonder why a race car got nominated.

A promotional vehicle (Bigfoot) got Nominated, (by me) and ended up with a favorable result (Cool. or maybe even S-Z.)

I don't see why these can't be judged like normal cars. Then again, I think differently than most others. and I think I'm right and everyone else is wrong.
Kenny, but after that he needs to pack his drag chute, trailer the car home in order to rebuild the engine and wait until the next event so he can drive it just to rinse and repeat the cycle
Kenny's engine is designed to be entirely rebuilt in 35-40 minutes. Any problem in the Veyron is going to shelf it for a week while Dieter looks up the appropriate VW part number.

Why no love for drag racing? Oh, right, you're just going in a straight line. Piece of cake :rolleyes:.
Kenny's engine is designed to be entirely rebuilt in 35-40 minutes. Any problem in the Veyron is going to shelf it for a week while Dieter looks up the appropriate VW part number.

Why no love for drag racing? Oh, right, you're just going in a straight line. Piece of cake :rolleyes:.

Kennys engine is designed to be rebuilt in less than an hour because it's most likely going to break from the few seconds stress it has to endure.
And what relevance does an F1 car have to any other car?

Well if I want to be a technical smart-ass, I would say that F1 technology is used in high-performance cars from the automakers that can actually finance F1 teams. But this isn't the place to argue of this. Carry on everyone.
Seriously Uncool. It's a race car, specifically designed to drive in a straight line I might add, that drove incredibly quickly down that straight line a number of times.

I've never found drag racing to be cool. Technical circuits and Motorkhana's where it's at.
Kennys engine is designed to be rebuilt in less than an hour because it's most likely going to break from the few seconds stress it has to endure.

Is the Veyron's engine making 6,000 hp? Didn't think so. Up the boost until it is making that kind of power, and then let's talk service life.
Okay, it has a lot of power and can do quarter in x seconds.

Your grandma could drive a Veyron. Your local VW dealership can do the maintenance on Veyron. Veyron is included in VW's Longlife service plan. It also has stereo, adjustable seats, some luggage space somewhere. You don't need earplugs when you drive, and you don't need to shout so you could be heard. Oh, and you can have a beautiful lady next to you.
Well if I want to be a technical smart-ass, I would say that F1 technology is used in high-performance cars from the automakers that can actually finance F1 teams. But this isn't the place to argue of this. Carry on everyone.
And yet a company like Ford actually continues to build the Mustang so that a new owner can take it to the strip & run 12's 2 hours after purchase.
Okay, it has a lot of power and can do quarter in x seconds.

Your grandma could drive a Veyron. Your local VW dealership can do the maintenance on Veyron. Veyron is included in VW's Longlife service plan. It also has stereo, adjustable seats, some luggage space somewhere. You don't need earplugs when you drive, and you don't need to shout so you could be heard. Oh, and you can have a beautiful lady next to you.

If she doesn't think you're a prick for owning a Veyron.

The majority of Racing wives, on the other hand, seem to really love their husbands a lot.

what's going on, here...Maybe it's better NOT to have your spouse in the car at all times...
If she doesn't think you're a prick for owning a Veyron.

The majority of Racing wives, on the other hand, seem to really love their husbands a lot.

what's going on, here...Maybe it's better NOT to have your spouse in the car at all times...

It's just a some guys think you need a fancy car to get women. :dopey: pretty sad IMHO. :sly:
Women like men who can provide money for the living.. And a limitless credit card.. :dopey:
A promotional vehicle (Bigfoot) got Nominated, (by me) and ended up with a favorable result (Cool. or maybe even S-Z.)

I don't see why these can't be judged like normal cars. Then again, I think differently than most others. and I think I'm right and everyone else is wrong.
I understand your point, but it has to be said that a totally sweet monster truck which has been around in one way or another for decades is rather different from nominating a specific dude's dragster from a specific year of competition.
This nomination just seems a little bit weird, is all.
I understand your point, but it has to be said that a totally sweet monster truck which has been around in one way or another for decades is rather different from nominating a specific dude's dragster from a specific year of competition.
Right, and the 1966 GT40 MkII is just another car from a specific year of competition. Dan Gurney's 1967 Eagle is pretty uncool, also.
Well, there were at least two gurney eagles, if not more...and there were god knows how many GT40 Mk IIs racing at any one time...I think there were four at Le Mans alone.