GTP WRS-Online (*GT6*): Event 121 : The Legacy, (really?) V2.0 - Races Complete - January 15, 2014

  • Thread starter Gravitron
The basics are good to know, of course, but as you've said practice is the most important. Doing our weekly time trials and our online races consistently will make you faster.

Determination to keep trying also goes a long way. Contacting other drivers of similar speed (as you're doing there) and getting in the lounge together can work wonders.
Take a few laps to warm up, and then wait up for someone so you can run lap after lap in close quarters. You will naturally teach each other things as the gap widens
or shrinks with each passing corner. When someone starts to get too far ahead, they should slow it down to keep the proximity close. It's too hard to learn from
someone who's 100m ahead.
@asoimu , @Eggstor , @willie12:

It seems we've all got some practice to do! I decided to cancel yesterday's race 'cause I was simply too slow in practice (and it's really not that fun to race alone in the back for the whole race).

I've taken it upon myself to become a faster and better driver this year. Of course, practice is probably the most important thing, but I'm doing a bit of research to see where else I can find help getting faster.

Yesterday I watched iRacing's Driving School at YouTube, and they really do have some interesting points! You guys should definitely check it out:

Does anyone else have any good tips, pointers, things to do, books to read etc. to get faster? :)
Feel free to add me on psn if you ever want to do some practice, ktrain186
Great racing in NA room B last night. I was totally impressed with how clean you guys ran in such tight racing. So many lead changes. Fun stuff!
Being fast is good but being consistent and clean makes for a great racer and better races.
Nice job!
Everyone take a look at their router settings, and read the Network section of our WRS Online Comprehensive Guide.
Having the PS3 in a DMZ helps.

We haven't really updated it from GT5, but we're all running the same setup/equipment as we were in GT5.

@ITCC_Andrew, I know you've run online a lot, but seriously when you left the room, the multiple people who were having issues were fixed.

That said, sometimes it can be the hosts fault, and a last ditch thing to try is to have them leave and come back and see if the same issues exist when lounge ownership transfers to the next guy.

Thanks for this info Gravitron. My PS3 is now sitting in it's DMZ - will give it a try later and see if it's improved things.
Can you set a the ps3's DMZ even if you are not running a router? I am wired to my modem with my system.
Can you set a the ps3's DMZ even if you are not running a router? I am wired to my modem with my system.
Is your modem a combination modem/router? Look up your model in google and you'll probably find info on how to access the admin interface.
Sometimes this involves being on a PC and entering a specific IP address in the URL bar of a browser (like, for example, it will be manufacturer-specific).

I don't think there's anything in the XMB that will inform you whether the PS3 is on a DMZ.
Thanks for the tip as I'm not sure if it is a router or not. Does that just mean it can send out a wifi/wired signal to multiple devices? If so then yes it is also a router. I will try to find out, thank you for the stepping stones to get me started.
It's not exactly new any more, and was for GT Academy 2013, but this video series by @Tidgney has so much you can learn. Covers a bunch of different topics, goes nice and in-depth, and from a guy who knows what he's talking about :)

Well said Oink and Cheers for the link! Lots of people have asked questions, and I believe from what people have been saying after following it have gotten faster overall! I know it's my own series and I'd recommend my own, but honestly I tried to cover nearly everything, if there's something missing or you have any more questions on anything with regards to anything I posted, I like most on GTPlanet are more than willing to help!

Just uploaded another video with this race event!

Gran Turismo says No!! (To Qualifying :D)

Thanks Lucas and Al for doing the best you could under the circumstances 👍

Had fun staying close to Billy in the first race, got in first for one lap, I think, but unfortunately, it wasn't the last one!

Looked like it was going to be a similar story in the 2nd race (except Lucas and Al were looming very close), but Billy's trouble at the end of lap 2 (?) distracted me (not Billy's fault, there was no contact) and I lost control at the last corner and hit the pit wall head-on when I tried to move over to let people pass me... I was making up time not too bad after that, but then made the same mistake two laps in a row at the last corner (caught some grass), slowing me down quite a bit.

Good racing everyone, hope to see you all next week! :cheers:

That was a lot of fun - in the first race I was watching the lead shrink from 2 sec, 1.7, 1.5, 1.3, .7, .5... then we had a set of clean passes. I think it was the very first lap of the second race that I wobbled all over the last few turns, but you got the worst of it. It was fun making my way up through the pack again and had a good fight with 2nd and 3rd for a while before I got a chance to pull away. Looking forward to more battles to come.
Well said Oink and Cheers for the link! Lots of people have asked questions, and I believe from what people have been saying after following it have gotten faster overall! I know it's my own series and I'd recommend my own, but honestly I tried to cover nearly everything, if there's something missing or you have any more questions on anything with regards to anything I posted, I like most on GTPlanet are more than willing to help!

Just uploaded another video with this race event!

Gran Turismo says No!! (To Qualifying :D)

We had to do that exact thing in the NA race I was in last night. After everyone was in the proper order the grid looked a bit off because everyone's car was just a little left or drove my OCD frackin' nutz!!! :eek::nervous::lol:
Well said Oink and Cheers for the link! Lots of people have asked questions, and I believe from what people have been saying after following it have gotten faster overall! I know it's my own series and I'd recommend my own, but honestly I tried to cover nearly everything, if there's something missing or you have any more questions on anything with regards to anything I posted, I like most on GTPlanet are more than willing to help!

Just uploaded another video with this race event!

Gran Turismo says No!! (To Qualifying :D)

You should have title the video: GT6 - The Parallel Parking Simulator

Great laughs... I love Benny Hill, may he rest in peace. :sly:

The Race Alone setup doesn't work. Last week we ran race together and I think it generally put is in the correct order.
I just wanted to say that I was thankful for the amount of spontaneous sessions that happened before the Wednesday races. Thanks to all who posted that they had a room open for practice. I was in a few of them for hours with quite a few racers, mixing sprints with practice. To date those practices were some of the best times I have had on line. Getting to watch the fast guys do practice, then getting to race time and time again was lots of fun. I think those type of sessions will help everyone that participates, in being able to run on line in fairly tight packs. I guess what I am saying is let's keep this up for the weekly races, if you open a room to practice for a race let the board know it may turn into quite the event.

The stewards who were in those rooms did a good job to remind everyone what clean racing is, and the fast guys openly shared their tips for getting around the track.
I just wanted to say that I was thankful for the amount of spontaneous sessions that happened before the Wednesday races. Thanks to all who posted that they had a room open for practice. I was in a few of them for hours with quite a few racers, mixing sprints with practice. To date those practices were some of the best times I have had on line. Getting to watch the fast guys do practice, then getting to race time and time again was lots of fun. I think those type of sessions will help everyone that participates, in being able to run on line in fairly tight packs. I guess what I am saying is let's keep this up for the weekly races, if you open a room to practice for a race let the board know it may turn into quite the event.

The stewards who were in those rooms did a good job to remind everyone what clean racing is, and the fast guys openly shared their tips for getting around the track.

I would really love to see these practice sessions continue as we move into official events. Not sure if that's going to happen with guys running the TT's starting soon. But when you need a break from a TT session jump over here and run the combo online (or the previous combo depending on the date) to create a change of pace. And then some guys won't run the TT's which means they can just focus on the online aspect all week.

There will be new aspects to practice as well with longer races, tire wear, fuel consumption and strategy more in play.

Anyway, cheers I agree. :sly:
I have to echo what Patrick has said. Really impressed and thankful for all the staff has done getting things up and running for the WRS in GT6. You guys (staff, admins, mods, stewards) are really the unsung hero's here and without you all, this would obviously not be possible. I personally would just like to say "thank you" to all of you for making this all possible. I personally think we should have some sort of "Staff Appreciation Day" or something, you guys truly deserve it. So, thanks again for all you guys do, its very much appreciated. You guys are legends. :bowdown: :bowdown::bowdown:
I would really love to see these practice sessions continue as we move into official events. Not sure if that's going to happen with guys running the TT's starting soon...

I usually have a lot of time on my hands during the day when the wife isn't home so I can hog the TV :sly:, which means that I can see myself running open practice rooms like I was this past week. I think I may have done it 4-5 times for #121 practice.

...just saw the new GT-R event. Guess I'll go shopping for a new car now and open up a room to run it in a few.
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Well said Oink and Cheers for the link! Lots of people have asked questions, and I believe from what people have been saying after following it have gotten faster overall! I know it's my own series and I'd recommend my own, but honestly I tried to cover nearly everything, if there's something missing or you have any more questions on anything with regards to anything I posted, I like most on GTPlanet are more than willing to help!

Just uploaded another video with this race event!

Gran Turismo says No!! (To Qualifying :D)

Just seen the clip of the start of the race I was in was so funny watching everyone shuffle and park on the grid in to the right starting positions
I really don't understand how I am so much slower than everyone else. On my Practice time I must have had the settings wrong or something. I struggled to get into the 1.28's in last nights races, I've done loads of laps now, just don't see how i'm 3-4 seconds off the pace. I feel like i'm getting everything out of it I can.
I can imagine getting the time down a little bit more with lots and lots more practice. But nowhere near enough to bridge that gap.

If anyone's got any time to give me some pointers/tips then I'd be very greatful as I'm stumped at the moment.

I was around 128.xx also and then i watched JTV do 6 laps and I took close notice of his speed through each corner, and looked at mine and tried to match it. Low and behold race 2 I managed a 1.26.2xx simply from sticking in the gear he did (i was going into 2nd or 4th in corners where he would stay 3rd / 5th) and in some corners he was exiting on gas) TEN mph faster than me !! Watching JTV helped so much, thanks JTV, it was a pleasure :)

I was around 128.xx also and then i watched JTV do 6 laps and I took close notice of his speed through each corner, and looked at mine and tried to match it. Low and behold race 2 I managed a 1.26.2xx simply from sticking in the gear he did (i was going into 2nd or 4th in corners where he would stay 3rd / 5th) and in some corners he was exiting on gas) TEN mph faster than me !! Watching JTV helped so much, thanks JTV, it was a pleasure :)

Thank you, at least there's some hope.
Great Racing Tidgney! I want to say your driving in that video is Exhibit A in the "How we want you to drive in the WRS". 👍
  • Did you initiate contact with another driver, even minor contact? Not once. 👍
  • Did you have a run/opportunities to make risky passes that would have highly likely resulted in some contact? Yes. Did you do it? No 👍 Were you patient instead? Yes.
  • Did you block a driver when they got a run on you because of a minor mistake on your part? No, you didn't just give up either, but you didn't block and eventually had to back off on a corner due to overlap and corner rights 👍
  • Did you go off track in an attempt to catch up or stay ahead? No. 👍
  • Did you or anyone in front of you weave around trying to avoid draft? No. 👍
  • Did you race hard and enjoy the race? I hope so!
Anyway, I point these out because I've gotten feedback from several drivers across several rooms that there was a lot of minor contact all over the track and particularly in the tricky bit around the first two tunnels. Nobody classified it as "dirty driving" and thus none of the incidents were official reported, but the OLR and this series will hold you to a higher standard. That standard is to avoid contact at all costs and we ask that you indeed report incidents where repeated contact is made by the same driver.

Yes, a minor tap can happen by mistake, but when it happens repeatedly and especially when a driver gains advantage from taps by throwing the other driver off his line or unbalances the car in a tricky section, that's not acceptable. As we start our official races, drivers who fail to avoid contact will be warned and eventually penalized.

Not all of us have the skill of Tidgney, certainly myself included, so we may not all be able to drive quite as close to others at all times without a high risk of contact. If your error rate is higher you are responsible to account for some mistakes on your part. If you find you initiate a few minor taps in a race, back off a little bit and create a bit more gap and don't repeat the mistake over and over. Wait for a straight to make a pass without contact. As you improve and get to know the other drivers you'll be able to race closer and still avoid contact.

Next week at Fuji the car is a step up in power. Speeds are higher, the track is very technical. You won't be able to race quite as close in all sections. But there is a big straight to pass a driver that's slower than you. Show patience and avoid passes in the tricky bits unless they can be made without any contact. As in Tidgney's video above, sometimes that clean pass opportunity just doesn't present itself and you just won't get the position, but you can still have a great race.

All this seems very rigid, but we're all here for clean racing. Our goal is to make the WRS a place where all drivers can race clean and fair and as fast as possible within those constraints. A place where even minor contact is something you'd want to apologize for and not risk repeating rather than something to be proud of because it earned you a position in a race. If you share our goal then welcome and we hope you stay a long time and enjoy yourself. If you don't then you should find another place to race.

Great Racing Tidgney! I want to say your driving in that video is Exhibit A in the "How we want you to drive in the WRS". 👍
  • Did you initiate contact with another driver, even minor contact? Not once. 👍
  • Did you have a run/opportunities to make risky passes that would have highly likely resulted in some contact? Yes. Did you do it? No 👍 Were you patient instead? Yes.
  • Did you block a driver when they got a run on you because of a minor mistake on your part? No, you didn't just give up either, but you didn't block and eventually had to back off on a corner due to overlap and corner rights 👍
  • Did you go off track in an attempt to catch up or stay ahead? No. 👍
  • Did you or anyone in front of you weave around trying to avoid draft? No. 👍
  • Did you race hard and enjoy the race? I hope so!
As in Tidgney's video above, sometimes that clean pass opportunity just doesn't present itself and you just won't get the position, but you can still have a great race.


I'm glad you think that! That's all I aim to do, have a good and fun competitive race!! I don't care if I'm at the back, or at the front and this is why I said after the race that this race was the most enjoyable!! No contact, pushing hard, and very good competitive racing! Of course I didn't make up a position and lost out due to a mistake and a very good opportunistic move by PASM, but that made it all the more fun!! Consequence for a mistake and also the fun of trying to chase it back!

For me and I've always said this (In fact I haven't won a WRS race that I've entered) I race here for the fun of racing and wanting to race with the cleanest drivers! I'm not here for the win (Although winning is nice) any form of battle with a good competitor outweighs a win, and is what I most enjoy!!

For me and I've always said this (In fact I haven't won a WRS race that I've entered) I race here for the fun of racing and wanting to race with the cleanest drivers! I'm not here for the win (Although winning is nice) any form of battle with a good competitor outweighs a win, and is what I most enjoy!!


I feel exactly the same about racing, and couldn't have worded it better myself! This race was probably one of the best I've had in a long time, especially with us 4 finishing within 1 second :)

I'm glad I didn't make contact with you in that overtake, because I would have never forgiven myself. That would've meant that we both lost speed and probably lost touch with Twissy and Bandit.

Keep it coming guys :cheers: