Honda & McLaren 2014 Formula 1

  • Thread starter Mr.NSX
I think it was inspired by the A team van:

I agree, but they could at least abandon the silver. Their engine supplier now is Honda, for Christ's sake.
But McLaren is also a car manufacturer in their own right, and silver is one of the colours that they identify as one of their own.
But McLaren is also a car manufacturer in their own right, and silver is one of the colours that they identify as one of their own.
Their logo is red and they often trot out their road cars and GT3 cars in their traditional orange. Silver (one of the two national racing colours of Germany) is a colour they incorporated into their F1 brand because of Mercedes. It's not a McLaren colour for me, it's a Mercedes colour. I can't understand them holding onto the silver when there's four Mercedes powered cars on the grid and they're not one of them.

I also have no clue how Honda is comfortable with this colour arrangement. The only thing that says "Honda" on this car is the actual "Honda" graphic on the engine cover. In exchange for factory backing, you'd think Honda would demand to at least have McLaren lose the colour of their old engine supplier, if not replace it with Honda's own white.
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It's still possible it's an interim livery, but as @SagarisGTB has said, it's strange that Honda would be comfortable with it. One should remember that the silver wasn't introduced until they switched from Malboro to West sponsorship rather than Mercedes engines, so the extent of Mercedes involvement in the colour scheme is perhaps a tiny bit debateable, but at the end of the day, a silver racing car just says "Deutschland, Allemagne, Niemcy, Germany", an association which I'd expect a Japanese manufacturer like Honda to want to avoid.

Then again, perhaps Honda feel that white and red would have too many cancer stick connotations for comfort.

Which would still bring up the question of "why not orange?" McLaren don't seem to have any significant sponsors at the moment to speak of that might have a logo which wouldn't fit comfortably with the colour, and with Alonso joining; well, Spain's flag is yellow and red.

Of course, with Alonso of Asturias behind the wheel, I would be tempted to paint it blue and yellow, if anything just because those colours go great together.



The only thing that says "Honda" on this car is the actual "Honda" graphic on the engine cover. In exchange for factory backing
As with Red Bull, they have a little decal saying "Renault" even though they are Renault's "factory" team as of last year. The exchange will most likely come through cross-marketing, as with RBR and Renault.
When they said white and red livery, I was dreaming of this:

But then, possibly silver/grey-West coloured, I really hope there would be a bit of orange colour:

Performance wise, I would go ape if they choose the latter. Now with Honda engine & Fernando onboard, I know what team to root this year. Apartfromredbullandferrari
Either of these would have been awesome.
Reminds me of the MP4-20 livery.
Ditto. A silver bubble on the side pods and it would almost be that scheme. As stated times over, cut the red at the driver, and take it off the mirrors. Having gotten used to the chrome schemes, I don't think the @baldgye edit is that bad. It'd stand out better.
The better question is can Mclaren not grab sponsorship? I'm surprised Santander isn't on the car even if this is a temporary livery.

Neglecting the fact they're almost certainly customer cars, that is McLaren GT, a seperate operation to the F1 side.
But they still fly the Mclaren banner. :rolleyes: So your saying that you'd understand if Jaguar chose to run their factory squad (sponsorship colors invalidated like in this case) in red that you'd say it makes sense? And no, the #21 isn't a customer team. They received the car in those colors with the Gulf stickers.

Oh and gee I wonder...
The better question is can Mclaren not grab sponsorship? I'm surprised Santander isn't on the car even if this is a temporary livery.

There is an economic downdraft today in Europe (and the world) to which F1 is not immune, witness the loss of Caterham and Marussia. Spain, home to Santander, is among the worst affected. And the figure, I forget his name, within Santander who was most championing of Alonso has recently died. But I think it will all work out and silver/gray be deleted from the livery.

The mighty 7-litre McLaren M8A of 1968 was the first of the series which dominated Can-Am for five years, driven by McLaren, Hulme and Revson
Mclaren IS ORANGE. :sly: Mclaren race cars are sold in orange for crying out loud.
Do you know who might be the best person to decide which colours are McLaren's colours? Funnily enough, it's McLaren. If they feel that silver, red and black best represent their identity as a team, then they will use silver, red and black to represent their identity as a team. And if they change, it won't be because you or anyone else demanded it. They neither need nor want you to tell them who they are or what they can and cannot do.
There is an economic downdraft today in Europe (and the world) to which F1 is not immune, witness the loss of Caterham and Marussia. Spain, home to Santander, is among the worst affected. And the figure, I forget his name, within Santander who was most championing of Alonso has recently died. But I think it will all work out and silver/gray be deleted from the livery. But hopefully they delete the silver gray...they are sponsor-less otherwise at the moment.

The mighty 7-litre McLaren M8A of 1968 was the first of the series which dominated Can-Am for five years, driven by McLaren, Hulme and Revson
Yeah since 2008 it's been quite rough all over...just surprised that nobody would jump on. Then again they haven't done brilliantly well since Lewis left (not saying it's him, just the time frame). I thought for sure Mobil was going to be it last year but that was temporary. Hopefully the new man in charge at Santander will at least show the most successful Spanish F1 driver some love and sponsor the Mclaren.

Do you know who might be the best person to decide which colours are McLaren's colours? Funnily enough, it's McLaren. If they feel that silver, red and black best represent their identity as a team, then they will use silver, red and black to represent their identity as a team. And if they change, it won't be because you or anyone else demanded it. They neither need nor want you to tell them who they are or what they can and cannot do.
I'm not demanding it...just pointing out that Mclaren debuted their 12C GT3 in orange, their 650S GT3 in orange, their 650S track car with white and orange, and their P1 GTR with black and orange...and their P1 in orange and etc. :P :sly:
Kinda would like the livery better if there wasn't as much red. Basically, like this:

Yeah but the only reason for this and even the current car is McLaren's inability to move on from a relationship. The above car is and the current homage to it is due to West, and the silver instead of a more grey or whitish color is because of vodafone. Neither or which sponsor the team obviously but still have what can only be called lasting effects.
Wow disappointment of the century, was hoping of all the teams this one would be the most different from last years and instead all they did was stick a Honda badge on it. I really does look like a back row kinda outfit.

Should have been Orange IMO. Or Marlboro Red and White.
Hopefully the car does decently well on track. If it can compete with Wiliams and Ferrari, it'll be an improvement over the last couple years.
Wouldn't work unless they deviated pretty far from the stylized Marlboro livery into something that isn't recognizable a being a throwback to that sponsor.

Lotus managed to make it different enough yet instantly reconigsnable as a John Player Special livery so it could have been done, I am very surprised they wouldn't want to evoke that part of their history and basically stay with a McLaren Mercedes one.
Can we just shut up about the orange? It's not likely to happen as McLaren choose the livery and guess what? They don't want orange.