Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes/The Phantom Pain

  • Thread starter Ddrizle
YOu didnt read it properly the guy I quoted was saying that he believe MGS5 and this new prequal were the same game when obviously they were not thefore making him wrong please read properly
Box art.

No signs of PC in the end, interesting :ouch:

Not really, pretty much every new game you see at E3 (or other shows, like PAX) is running on a PC regardless of exclusivity, and all games will be run on a PC during the development anyway whether they're for a Nokia 3310 or next-gen consoles. I don't think MGS would translate well to a keyboard and mouse anyway so all we PC gamers are really missing out on is higher resolutions, that is assuming it would've received a standard straight port.
YOu didnt read it properly the guy I quoted was saying that he believe MGS5 and this new prequal were the same game when obviously they were not thefore making him wrong please read properly

Why bring this up? OK, lets get this one thing straight...

The thread I started originally was 'believed' to be "Metal Gear Solid 5" but wasn't. The game title was NEVER mentioned or confirmed by Kojima or anyone else from Konami. The game that I posted WAS and IS "Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes," or in other words, quoted from the article and reports, "The Next Metal Gear Solid Game."

Happy now?

Enough of this stupidity. I closed the thread. Move along.
Moving on :lol:

Not really, pretty much every new game you see at E3 (or other shows, like PAX) is running on a PC regardless of exclusivity, and all games will be run on a PC during the development anyway whether they're for a Nokia 3310 or next-gen consoles. I don't think MGS would translate well to a keyboard and mouse anyway so all we PC gamers are really missing out on is higher resolutions, that is assuming it would've received a standard straight port.

It still would be nice to see it on the PC just so I don't have to try and figure out what's wrong with my PS3.. :indiff:

I haven't looked forward more to a game in a long time... This and GTA V could have me set for a long time.

I love all of the MGS "lore" that comes along with this new one as well, so this thread's been a cool read.
Not really, pretty much every new game you see at E3 (or other shows, like PAX) is running on a PC regardless of exclusivity, and all games will be run on a PC during the development anyway whether they're for a Nokia 3310 or next-gen consoles. I don't think MGS would translate well to a keyboard and mouse anyway so all we PC gamers are really missing out on is higher resolutions, that is assuming it would've received a standard straight port.

Actually Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 were released for the MSX, a Japanese computer and it played really well. Metal Gear Solid was released for PC in 2000 as a straight port of the PS1 version and played as good as the PS1 version. Then came MGS2 for PC and it played well. A PC release may be possible, they just haven't said.
Actually Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 were released for the MSX, a Japanese computer and it played really well. Metal Gear Solid was released for PC in 2000 as a straight port of the PS1 version and played as good as the PS1 version. Then came MGS2 for PC and it played well. A PC release may be possible, they just haven't said.

Kojima did talk about tessellation while talking about ground zeros so here's to hoping :lol:
Dude really you that sensitive? its a forum, I was reading the post prior. Get over dude its not a big deal been in your shoes plenty of times. I am aware of all the stuff you said no need to have your butt hurt.:mad::banghead::cheers:
Why bring this up? OK, lets get this one thing straight...

The thread I started originally was 'believed' to be "Metal Gear Solid 5" but wasn't. The game title was NEVER mentioned or confirmed by Kojima or anyone else from Konami. The game that I posted WAS and IS "Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes," or in other words, quoted from the article and reports, "The Next Metal Gear Solid Game."

Happy now?

Enough of this stupidity. I closed the thread. Move along.
Another interesting read....

Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and KP’s 10-year pipeline

While the announcement of a new Metal Gear is always big news, the announcement of Ground Zeroes was similar of that to MGS2′s. MGS2′s debut trailer wowed partly because of the tech running at the time on PS2, which was still to launch in the US and Europe back then. With Ground Zeroes, we were seeing what appeared to be a next-gen Metal Gear. The shocker? While the demo was running on a PC, it’ll launch on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Not PS4 or 720.

But even with the announcement still fresh in everyone’s minds, Kojima is already thinking ahead to Metal Gear Solid 5. No, Ground Zeroes isn’t MGS5: it’s what Kojima called a “prequel” to the next numbered installment in the series, according to impressions from IGN at PAX.

Considering Ground Zeroes is a Peace Walker sequel of sorts, it’s likely we’re sticking with the Big Boss timeline for the next main game. A nugget was also dropped in regards to the wider future of the series. When asked about making more spin-offs in the series – à la Rising – Kojima said he’d like to make a game based on The Boss from MGS3.

He’s mentioned this before as a possible idea before developing Metal Gear Solid: Rising, but at PAX he noted any game that stars The Boss would be part of the main canon, not as a spin off. The reception to this idea from the crowd at the PAX panel, according to Eurogamer, was very positive. That could be seen as a signal of intent that Kojima, a man who kept saying each main game in the series would be his last for many years, has multiple routes forward for the property.
Old Snake isn't prematurely greying in Ground Zeroes, according to Kojima

After a barrage of tweets from avid fans, Hideo Kojima responded in form on his official Twitter page.

According to Kojima-san, the grey hair that Snake sported after removing his goggle was because of the game engine's effects. Specifically, it was due to the rim-lighting.

"Saw many tweet about Snake in grey hair after taking off the goggle. This is due to the rim-lighting."

Included with the tweet was a big picture of Snake with half of his face in the effect and the other half out of it. So, he's not so old after all.
no offesn but doesnet Snake kinda now have a sam fisher( Splinter Cell ) vibe going ?
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Dude really you that sensitive? its a forum, I was reading the post prior. Get over dude its not a big deal been in your shoes plenty of times. I am aware of all the stuff you said no need to have your butt hurt.:mad::banghead::cheers:

Yes, I am that sensitive. If your plan is to sling dirt in my face, expect a response from me. If you can't handle that, and it looks like you can't due to your imature response, then don't ever do it. Simple.

Because he is wearing NVG? Other than that I don't see the similarities.

That, and Splinter Cell is the one with the MGS 'vibe.' ;)
That's the photo I posted then deleted because on second glance thought it was photoshopped, his head seems out of proportion. But I guess not.
That really looks fake. His head is bigger than the head in the boxart which means its an instant giveaway.
no offesn but doesnet Snake kinda now have a sam fisher( Splinter Cell ) vibe going ?
Given that Snake came first, I'd say that Sam Fisher has a "Snake vibe going" (where did you learn English?). Metal Gear Solid was released in 1998. Splinter Cell was released in 2002.
Actually Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 were released for the MSX, a Japanese computer and it played really well. Metal Gear Solid was released for PC in 2000 as a straight port of the PS1 version and played as good as the PS1 version. Then came MGS2 for PC and it played well. A PC release may be possible, they just haven't said.

I had heard MGS2 wasn't quite so good, though? I was referring to the analogue movement controls, the camera controls, analogue pressure sensitivity for things like de-cocking (how did they handle that on PC?) and things like that, those are difficult things for a keyboard to emulate without adding several more key assignments, and at that point you're no longer making a straight port. This is forgetting the fact that Japanese developers don't seem to care much for the PC these days, just look at most of what Capcom releases, the last decent Namco game was developed by a Western studio (Ridge Racer Unbounded), I don't think I have a single Konami game out of the 200+ I have on Steam, Dark Souls wasn't the best port (that was Japanese, right?)...

MG1/2/MGS didn't have any pressure sensitive controls and MGS didn't do anything that couldn't be done on PC with a mouse and keyboard, MGS2 did though so I'm curious to know how well it worked. I'm not that surprised that neither 3 nor 4 were ported, all things considered.

Still, believe me when I say I hope I'm wrong, I hope all upcoming Metal Gear games get PC releases so I won't have to buy a PS4!
Given that Snake came first, I'd say that Sam Fisher has a "Snake vibe going" (where did you learn English?). Metal Gear Solid was released in 1998. Splinter Cell was released in 2002.

I learned in the U.S. and I am aware who came first maybe you didnt get it. Snakes look and Sam Fishers tend to be different but, this is the first time that they looked close to the same. IMO
I had heard MGS2 wasn't quite so good, though? I was referring to the analogue movement controls, the camera controls, analogue pressure sensitivity for things like de-cocking (how did they handle that on PC?) and things like that, those are difficult things for a keyboard to emulate without adding several more key assignments, and at that point you're no longer making a straight port.

The xbox360 face buttons aren't pressure sensitive either, so it'd be the same experience, especially as you can use a 360 or PS3 controller on pc.

I had MGS2 substance on the original xbox (which had pressure sensitive buttons), and things like hold-ups were quite annoying when played on the 360 as you'd more often than like, end up shooting the enemy.


On the topic of who the burned man could be, I did wonder if it could be Gene from PO. User Flashmedallion on reddit posted an interesting though on how the series mirrors itself, and how that may mean GZ harks back to PO. The idea is pretty out there, but interesting. I'd forgotten how fun it is speculating on a new MG trailer, and all the detail and theories people pick out on.

My money is on Gene. Something I wrote in another thread:

I've been mulling over this video all day, and the conclusion I came to is that if that burned man is a recurring character, it it by far the most likely that it's Gene.

There's the reasons you just stated - the manner of his death - but there's also the formal structure of the series. Every Big Boss title has so far been a formal equivalent of a Solid Snake title.

Virtuous Mission roughly parallels Metal Gear (Solid Snakes rookie Foxhound mission, betrayed by his mentor / Naked Snakes rookie FOX mission, betrayed by his mentor), while Operation Snake Eater parallels Metal Gear 2 - more obvious here; Destroy the Nuclear Threat, assassinate the former Mentor/previous Snake figure.

Portable Ops mirrors MGS1 - Snake is sent in to dismantle his old unit after they go rogue. The new leader of his old unit is a self-styled rival to the Snake in question for the inheritance of the previous Boss - Liquid is the other clone (and other Enfante Terribles project survivor) and wants to surpass Big Boss, while Gene an the inheritor to The Boss through the 'perfect commander' project, as opposed to Naked Snake who is the heir to The Bosses battlefield prowess and intelligence skill (and 'Snake' designation).

Peace Walker has parallels to MGS2, mainly in terms of the game structure itself; The "secret epilogue" final act in Peace Walker has very strong similarities in plot, dialogue cues, and thematic content to the "surprise prologue" switcheroo in MGS2. The games share similar thematic notes in terms of the rise of computing power and AI systems in the state of important world affairs - the AI pod in Metal Gear Zeke is clearly a precursor to the technology used to create the Patriot AIs.

So this leaves MGS4 without a matching Naked Snake title. MGS4 has the sudden return of Snakes MGS1 rival and the duel between Solid and Liquid (echoes of MGS1). It also fully realises the developments hinted at in MGS2 - ID tagged weapons, battlefield information control, and so on.

It therefore makes perfect sense that, structurally speaking, Ground Zeroes will match the echoes of Big Bosses equivalent to Shadow Moses (which is Portable Ops) and renew the conflict with a "back from the dead" Gene, while also bringing further into focus the main issues raised from the equivalent to the Big Shell Incident (Peace Walker) - the development of mercenary armies and their widespread deployment across warzones.

So yeah, I think there's a pretty convincing argument to be made from a formal perspective (and this kind of perspective is consistent across every Metal Gear title) that the burned man is Gene.
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Konami Pulling Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes Trailer

Game Informer
Konami is asking websites to remove the Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes trailer revealed last weekend at the Penny Arcade Expo due to a licensing issue with a song used in the footage.

At this time it's unclear what song is causing the problem. One possibility is the song "Here's To You" by Ennio Morricone and Joan Baez, though that remains unconfirmed. Konami was unable to say whether or not a new version of the trailer would be released at a later date.