Official GTPlanet Member of the Fortnight [Member of the Week]

I remember the good old days of Midnight Club. Such dissapointment when it hit PS3.

Welcome to all that I've missed being announced!

And my question, to T12. Are you going to be changing the name of the thread now to the Member of the Fortnight?

No. :lol:

I'll probably go with what @FoolKiller suggested earlier on, especially with the relaxed schedule that'll take precedent for a while. Hell, we can even change the title every month or so.

So on second thought, probably!

Not a single mention of anime. :P But it's probably the old chatroom I remember @dice1998 from most. You chilled in that a few times I think, @Terronium-12 ? Right?

Congrats dice.

I did indeed, yes.
I'll probably go with what @FoolKiller suggested earlier on,
A new week brings with it a new coveted member who will forever bathe in the sunlight provided only by the "MotW" namesake. To bask in a glory unlike any other, a legend that will forever be told until there is no one left to tell such grand stories of these select individuals that stand tall above the rest.

The flavor of the week has quickly become "What does your name" and this week's inductee's name doesn't mean what you would otherwise think it does. In fact, the reality is probably something you'd never expect in a couple thousand lifetimes – and if you were to spend a couple thousand lifetimes attempting to find the meaning behind a name, please, for the love of god, make better use of your time. Welcome G.T.Ace to the Member of Whenever T-12 Feels Like It madhouse!

1.You're officially among the ranks and are now the Member of the Week, so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized among the hundreds of thousands of other members here?
I was confused, because I didn't feel like I did something to deserve a special mention. I feel kinda honoured, because it means I must've made some small impact on this site and being recognized is always great.
2. How long have you been a member here at GTPlanet and what is it that keeps you returning on a daily basis?
I'm a member since March 2008. I like to return here so often, because of the friendly and grown up community (compared to other forums ;)). GTP feels much more mature than most places on the web. Its topics also cover a lot of my favourite hobbies, like cars, motorsports and of course, Gran Turismo.
3. If you could recommend any one thread on the entirety of our forum, what would it be?
That's a tough one, because there's a good topic for many, very different things.
I guess the 'Do You Believe in God?' thread is one of my favourites, because I feel confirmed there in many things.
4. What's one thing you'd like to see changed about the Member of the Week presentation? Don't be shy...
Heh, aside from the obviously not 100% correct name... :D Nah, I like the way it's handled.
5. How did you come up with the name "G.T.Ace"?
A lot of people think I chose it because I think I'm good in Gran Turismo, but the truth is a bit different.
My nickname was Ace in PS1 times because of the game 'Wing Over' (it was the name of the main character), I didn't even know what it means in English. When I needed a name for online gaming on the PS2, I added the GT, because "Ace" was too short and generic. I just kinda combined two game franchises which were important to me.
6. When you hear the word "community" what comes to mind??
People who like similar things and pursue the same goal, in a friendly and peaceful manner. ;)
7. When it comes right down to it, do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport, or are you obligated to neither?
I never owned an Xbox and Gran Turismo is my number one favourite franchise. Forza is great though and I think both franchises can coexist perfectly, especially as first party software.
8. What's the one thing, that one feature from GTPlanet's past incarnations that you miss the most and would love to see brought back?
There's nothing I miss, I think GTP evolved to something better with each change.
9. You've just been banned. What don't you do?
Create another account to complain. If I managed to get banned here, I deserved it.
10. What would your reaction be if I told you GTPlanet was moving away from solely focusing on Gran Turismo?
I would ask you, why you tell me something rather obvious that's happening since years. ;)
11. If you had to prepare a speech for this most special occasion what would you say?
Dear GTPlanet community, I am honoured and overwhelmed, to be the new Member Of The Week. I don't think I deserve it more than most other people here.
Being a part of this community makes me proud, not only because it's a piece of the huge puzzle of Gran Turismo's history, but also because it consists of many respectable and diverse people. Thank you so much for this and please stay this way in the future.
12. Where do you see GTPlanet going in the next two years?
I think it will explode, once the first GT on the PlayStation 4 arrives.
Hopefully, Jordan can benefit from the whole craze. :)
Thread gets a new title beginning with next week's interview. I'll continue to enjoy my break in the meantime.

Or I might get one up this week as well considering this week is incredibly stress free for the most part...
Thread gets a new title beginning with next week's interview. I'll continue to enjoy my break in the meantime.

Or I might get one up this week as well considering this week is incredibly stress free for the most part...

So you need some stress to keep you going?
It's a little difficult to keep this going even with the relaxed schedule if there aren't any new nominations to wade through, so for the sake of keeping this going past next week I'm actively encouraging everyone to spam my inbox with nominations. This has been the the biggest problem for the better part of the entire year, there simply haven't been any (or not enough) suggestions which forces me to essentially pick someone randomly and that's not fair to anyone involved.

A new week brings with it a new coveted member who will forever bathe in the sunlight provided only by the "MotW" namesake. To bask in a glory unlike any other, a legend that will forever be told until there is no one left to tell such grand stories of these select individuals that stand tall above the rest.

With that said we are back and this week's inductee is all about the League life in Gran Turismo which is perfect for the task at hand considering this is a community effort. Welcome trobes29 to the Member of the Fortnight madhouse!

1.You're officially among the ranks and are now the Member of the Week, so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized among the hundreds of thousands of other members here?
It's a great feeling, because even though I've had my issues in the past, I try to keep my head level (even though I occasionally fail at that)
2. How long have you been a member here at GTPlanet and what is it that keeps you returning on a daily basis?
I've been a member since about mid-2013, and it's been my Leagues and my fellow GTP'ers leagues that keep me here every day.
3. If you could recommend any one thread on the entirety of our forum, what would it be?
There's no single thread I visit the most, as there's very rarely a bad thread on here. So the only one I could think of is my League Thread, as that is where I put most of my time and effort in to.
4. What's one thing you'd like to see changed about the Member of the Week presentation? Don't be shy...
Honestly, I've haven't paid enough attention to the member of the week recently to be able to point out problems I have with it. I'm happy it's back though!
5. How did you come up with the name "trobes29"?
Back in 5th grade, a teacher nicknamed me "Trobie" as it was a mix of my first and last name. I thought "Trobes" sounded better, and I am a Kevin Harvick fan, who at the time drove the #29 car in NASCAR.
6. When you hear the word "community" what comes to mind??
Community to me, is a group of people, no matter how large or small, getting along and cooperating together to create a friendly environment
7. When it comes right down to it, do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport, or are you obligated to neither?
I haven't played a whole lot of Forza, but even still, GT has been where I've done everything from Leagues, to just public rooms where I have fun.
8. What's the one thing, that one feature from GTPlanet's past incarnations that you miss the most and would love to see brought back?
Honestly couldn't tell you, anything that's been removed I haven't noticed.
9. You've just been banned. What don't you do?
Create a new account and spam the people that got me banned.
10. What would your reaction be if I told you GTPlanet was moving away from solely focusing on Gran Turismo?
I'd be ok with it, as it is already a website for multiple games such as Forza, iRacing, etc.
11. If you had to prepare a speech for this most special occasion what would you say?
I'd like to thank anyone who nominated me, as this is really unexpected. This is a really cool achievement.
12. Where do you see GTPlanet going in the next two years?
I think it depends on GT7's release, and on the future on racing sims. I personally think it can only go up for GTPlanet, as Sim-Racing is becoming more and more prominent in todays game market.
I'm a horrible person, I completely forgot to publish this at 12 AM because I was engrossed in The Phantom Pain. It's a necessary evil that's only going to worsen as the days and weeks go by so I'll need to start creating clones or something. Anyway, I'm still actively encouraging everyone to spam my inbox with nominations so we can keep this going on as long as it once did!

A new week brings with it a new coveted member who will forever bathe in the sunlight provided only by the "MotW" namesake. To bask in a glory unlike any other, a legend that will forever be told until there is no one left to tell such grand stories of these select individuals that stand tall above the rest.

With that said, this week's inductee is yet another junior member among the ranks and has made quite the impression with only seventeen months under her belt. Welcome BRRT_Angel to the Member of the Fortnight madhouse!

1.You're officially among the ranks and are now the Member of the Week, so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized among the hundreds of thousands of other members here?

Being a GTP Member of the Week is a great feeling. Among 250,000+, being selected is definitely nice to know and it's good to just be recognized among the community.

2. How long have you been a member here at GTPlanet and what is it that keeps you returning on a daily basis?

I've been a member for just over 17 months, and the overall feeling of belonging, knowing you're in a place where everyone has something in common with you makes me feel like always returning.

3. If you could recommend any one thread on the entirety of our forum, what would it be?

Haha, I think outside of one of my VRR IndyCar thread, the Song of the Day thread is a nice place to go and see what people are listening to.

4. What's one thing you'd like to see changed about the Member of the Week presentation? Don't be shy...

I don't think I'd honestly change anything about it. It's as good as can be to me.

5. How did you come up with the name "BRRT_Angel"?

BRRT stands for Black Rose Racing Team, a team I have run in online racing series going back to 2010 in GT5. Angel is short for my first name Evangeline.

6. When you hear the word "community" what comes to mind??

Community, to me, means you're in a place you consider home, where you're relaxed and welcome to sit back and socialize with people. A place to be open and productive.

7. When it comes right down to it, do you prefer Gran Turismo or Forza Motorsport, or are you obligated to neither?

Growing up, I've always played Gran Turismo. I've owned just about all of them, even the demos, so it holds an endearing place to me. Forza's grown, but to me it just can't beat the overall feeling of amazement and dedication I've always found in GT.

8. What's the one thing, that one feature from GTPlanet's past incarnations that you miss the most and would love to see brought back?

I honestly haven't been around long enough to think of too much that's been removed. I think the ability to post unlimited size pictures is the only thing I remember affecting me.

9. You've just been banned. What don't you do?

Don't try to resurrect yourself under an alias. BUL has that history lesson on firm display.

10. What would your reaction be if I told you GTPlanet was moving away from solely focusing on Gran Turismo?

To me, GTPlanet is the embodiment of everything that's right with racing sim communities. I'd welcome it expanding beyond just Gran Turismo. I've learned a lot about other games from here more than anywhere else.

11. If you had to prepare a speech for this most special occasion what would you say?

I've had an amazing 17 months with some of the best friends I've ever had. I've had so much support going through my personal battles, it's been phenomenal. I would definitely say thank you to GTPlanet for being what it is.

12. Where do you see GTPlanet going in the next two years?

I don't know. Part of its allure is that it is so attached to Gran Turismo, and we don't know where that's going. It's always been getting better and better to me and I can't see it stopping.