Project CARS 2 General Discussion Thread - Out Now on PS4/XB1/PC

  • Thread starter jake2013guy
Trying to ask the SMS owl here:

  1. Will Project CARS 2 utilise DirectX 12 or Vulkan?
  2. Does Project CARS 2 utilise a great deal of multiple processor cores and/or threads?
  3. I have a Core i7-860 processor in my computer (last time I built a new computer was back in 2010). Will the i7-860 make the cut for pCARS 2 or will I need to get a new computer with a much faster processor (e.g. i7-7000 Kaby Lake or upcoming Skylake-E or AMD's upcoming Zen processors)?
  4. What about "borderless" windowed mode? I don't like the idea of a fullscreen mode where I don't have access to other apps (especially in a multi-screen environment). And on pCARS 1, gameplay is disabled whenever I use another app on my computer...will pCARS 2 fix that? At the same time I play pCARS 1 at the moment I use Google Chrome and/or VLC media player.
  5. I want a bit more fine tuning on the timed race length (e.g. 90 minutes or five or ten hours) and simulation rate (Gran Turismo 5/6 simulation time selection ranges from x1 to x60 in increments of one; pCARS 1 have preset for x1, x2, x5, x10, x20, x30 and x60, but not increments of one). Will pCARS 2 have finer tuning on these?
Multiplayer track selection in pCars on PS4 had a handful of tracks that were not 100% usable online (straight to race, no practice, qualifying ect) Most of those did not have functional pitlanes in the shorter configurations. But even the ones that did (Stowe, Horse Thief) were treated the same.

I understand adding those sessions to tracks without pitlanes might not be feasible, but have the shorter tracks with pitlanes been fixed to allow the various sessions, and therefore be usable with online multiplayer?
Good point. With regards to the car selection screen I also didn't fancy the picture that much, because of the asphalt in the background and the upwards angle of the shot:




With the nice black background and the car looking more waxed is already a big improvement. Being able to quickly flick left and right through the liveries (which I suppose the 2 arrows under the car are meant for), would top it off.

I totally agree. And each car in the pCARS car selection screen was at a slightly different scale, or parked at a slightly different angle. There was no real cohesion. The overall quality of the images was awful too, like really badly compressed low-res jpegs.

I hope Fernando Pedace also redesigns the original pCARS logos for the different car classes (GR.A, GR.B etc) because those are pretty fugly too from a graphic design perspective.
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This is just an excuse for taking this thread off topic.

Off topic. In a general discussion thread for a game that's not out yet? At least we aren't sitting here debating about when 'early' in the year ends. There's also the fact that in 1 day a track suggestion was taken on a track that lies in a fairly heavily under-represented part of the world of sim-racing. I simply suggested a track in a similar situation.
Good point. With regards to the car selection screen I also didn't fancy the picture that much, because of the asphalt in the background and the upwards angle of the shot:




With the nice black background and the car looking more waxed is already a big improvement. Being able to quickly flick left and right through the liveries (which I suppose the 2 arrows under the car are meant for), would top it off.
Yeah and also that static pic didn't always show the cars at the same angle, or on the same piece of tarmac. Looked kind of dated. If perhaps every time a new livery was selected the car resets back to 'centre' and then starts slowly rotating I guess that would be an okay compromise, but perhaps a little jarring?
Yeah and also that static pic didn't always show the cars at the same angle, or on the same piece of tarmac. Looked kind of dated. If perhaps every time a new livery was selected the car resets back to 'centre' and then starts slowly rotating I guess that would be an okay compromise, but perhaps a little jarring?
A way to adjust the cars rotation speed and angle would solve all headaches 👍
Is there any info about how the FFB system will work on pCARS 2 vs 1? Besides having that monster of a system to tweak through, then also adjust per car to balance it.. it also has bugs.. Example after taking the time to setup a race, practice, qualify, then get to the start of the race and.. :banghead::nervous: the wheel is vibrating like crazy or the FFB is completely gone.. and you dont even bother racing but just pull to the side so the others in the room can run the race in the lobby you started.

Sure all this dynamic weather stuff is pretty.. but you know 90% of the racing will be done in daylight on dry surface just like how it is now. It is a nice touch, pCARS has wonderful features, but it was the issues with FFB that I am more concerned about in pCARS 2 and I really hope they worked through that because man.. everything else they bring as far as options and features is stellar.
Is there any info about how the FFB system will work on pCARS 2 vs 1? Besides having that monster of a system to tweak through, then also adjust per car to balance it.. it also has bugs.. Example after taking the time to setup a race, practice, qualify, then get to the start of the race and.. :banghead::nervous: the wheel is vibrating like crazy or the FFB is completely gone.. and you dont even bother racing but just pull to the side so the others in the room can run the race in the lobby you started.

Sure all this dynamic weather stuff is pretty.. but you know 90% of the racing will be done in daylight on dry surface just like how it is now. It is a nice touch, pCARS has wonderful features, but it was the issues with FFB that I am more concerned about in pCARS 2 and I really hope they worked through that because man.. everything else they bring as far as options and features is stellar.
There is quite a bit of FFB talk for pc2 in the previous pages from Ian and others.
1. Will the tyre barrier physics be improved? Eg.if you hit them they move? Even if it's the same movement as F1 games which is minimal.
2. Has the safety car been looked at implementing into the game?

Not going to lie have not stopped watching the trailer/ videos of pcars 2 for the last few days, the hype is real!
There is quite a bit of FFB talk for pc2 in the previous pages from Ian and others.

Cool Thanks - I just did some quick searching and saw some of Ian's responses. The FFB system will be much simpler up front (3 basic feeling options was an example) but the detailed options will still remain in other sub menus. He also said something like each car will not need to be individually set either. This sounds like a much better approach.

I am sure I will end up buying it, but it will be a wait and see approach for me this time not a pre-order. I got a lot of enjoyment out of pCARS 1 before the frustration set in and I quit. Easily got my money out of it and some. Hoping for the best with pCARS 2 as the more great racing sim/games we have the better.
A couple questions about AI behavior.
As I'm right now racing a GT4 AM V8, battling a Mustang and Ginetta for 4th place. Donington National, AI @100 light cloud, 2pm on XBONE.
The Ginetta has better handling, but with high down force, can't over take me on the straights. The Mustang has the power from 3rd gear and pulls away from me. I catch it under brakes and my mid corner speed is awesome in the AM. Thing is, I want to just tap the Mustang to hurry it up and bump draft(without stressing the AI to jump out of the way as what usually happens). This way, I can create distance for me and the Mustang to shake the Ginetta.

Will the revised AI allow us to bump draft and/or ride the rear bumper up to braking points?
Will the AI sense an opportunity to bump draft for an overtake?

As a side, for anyone that has not played anything other than Gran Turismo, PC1 AI is not perfect, but it can be raced with confidence. Especially knowing you won't get brake checked, running nose to tail for a full 15minutes! Nailing braking points, keeping momentum and mastering corner exit, versus AI, are experiences I have never come across in any other game than PC1. I'm definitely looking forward to offline racing in PC2.
As a side, for anyone that has not played anything other than Gran Turismo, PC1 AI is not perfect, but it can be raced with confidence. Especially knowing you won't get brake checked, running nose to tail for a full 15minutes! Nailing braking points, keeping momentum and mastering corner exit, versus AI, are experiences I have never come across in any other game than PC1. I'm definitely looking forward to offline racing in PC2.
On this point, the AI in pC1 is the best AI I've ever raced against. The pressure is on the devs for pC2 to not screw it up and, somehow, actually improve it. :lol:
The FFB is transformed in pCARS2 and we have a one click three option 'feel' system (as of now, this may change) to allow you to get the feel you want instantly. The FFB should not need to be tailored per car. It should reflect the nuanced differences of each car.

As a chap that was always involved in GTP's hardware section this is one of my favourite bits. Also as someone that fiddles with a guitar, it is as if having 3 different amps to choose from with their own focus. If your wheel is the guitar and the FFB system the amp, than you'll have to match both items according to how well they feel together and how you as a player want it to feel.
It's a lot easier for the end user at least, which was the main design focus.

Although a bit philosophical in a force feedback way. I still stick to my old (pCARS1) ways... prefering the uncoloured ffb signal and choosing to have road noise be simulated via simvibe for instance.
Road noise is something that goes into a car chassis and vibrates the entire car to which your wheel, pedals and everything else is attached, so using simvibe to reproduce this is just more natural to me and having a pure rack signal driving the ffb wheel instead. It's a decision I came to based on... goodies on my rig, personal preference and... the fact that I like nothing external to affect the physics. This taking into account the feedback loop of force feedback: physics alters tyre direction > sends forces from wheel into steering rack > rack movement data converts to FFB signal > signal drives FFB motor in wheel > steering wheel moves and movement is sensed by position sensor > new position data from the sensor is fed back into game and alters tyre direction > tyre direction change alters physics... and we begin again. If you add in any extra effects to move the wheel slightly differently, the car on a physics level won't expect it. It basicalky falls into the same philosophy as Jackie Stewart has that you have to be smooth with your input else the car will get upset. The bit everyone might have seen where he teaches James May on Top Gear and pushes him suddenly against the shoulder and he stumbles, and than he gently pushes him against the shoulder and James automatically starts to lean into the force pushing against him to stay upright. That's exactly what I mean with the car on a physics level expects a certain input, if anything upsets that input by adding things into the ffb signal than it will upset the car. Thus I prefer to offload this to other "instruments". If a wheel is a guitar than simvibe is my basist.
A couple questions about AI behavior.
As I'm right now racing a GT4 AM V8, battling a Mustang and Ginetta for 4th place. Donington National, AI @100 light cloud, 2pm on XBONE.
The Ginetta has better handling, but with high down force, can't over take me on the straights. The Mustang has the power from 3rd gear and pulls away from me. I catch it under brakes and my mid corner speed is awesome in the AM. Thing is, I want to just tap the Mustang to hurry it up and bump draft(without stressing the AI to jump out of the way as what usually happens). This way, I can create distance for me and the Mustang to shake the Ginetta.

Will the revised AI allow us to bump draft and/or ride the rear bumper up to braking points?
Will the AI sense an opportunity to bump draft for an overtake?

As a side, for anyone that has not played anything other than Gran Turismo, PC1 AI is not perfect, but it can be raced with confidence. Especially knowing you won't get brake checked, running nose to tail for a full 15minutes! Nailing braking points, keeping momentum and mastering corner exit, versus AI, are experiences I have never come across in any other game than PC1. I'm definitely looking forward to offline racing in PC2.
I've been solely playing AC since it came to console and really enjoy the handling. Certainly excellent. However, this week I've succumbed to the new wave of hype and have been on pCARS again and the AI is leagues apart, and offline's where I spend most of my time. So many moves and instances of behaviour from the AI that I'll never see in AC. Mental race starts, cars overtaking me one corner and me getting the place back the very next, all throughout the race. No train of cars here. Really great stuff and I'd almost forgotten how exciting the racing feels.

One of the best things for me is the high AI count and difficulty % slider. If I want a race where I have to battle to overtake just 1 or 2 cars per lap I can lower the field count but increase the AI; and similarly I can choose to have 30+ cars and perhaps lower the AI % if I want a crazy high-overtaking race. Lots of flexibility means longevity.

Plus I've readjusted the FFB and it feels way better now. AC has shown me what good FFB is meant to be like, and I'm pretty sure I can also drive better after playing that game for months.
I've been solely playing AC since it came to console and really enjoy the handling. Certainly excellent. However, this week I've succumbed to the new wave of hype and have been on pCARS again and the AI is leagues apart, and offline's where I spend most of my time. So many moves and instances of behaviour from the AI that I'll never see in AC. Mental race starts, cars overtaking me one corner and me getting the place back the very next, all throughout the race. No train of cars here. Really great stuff and I'd almost forgotten how exciting the racing feels.

One of the best things for me is the high AI count and difficulty % slider. If I want a race where I have to battle to overtake just 1 or 2 cars per lap I can lower the field count but increase the AI; and similarly I can choose to have 30+ cars and perhaps lower the AI % if I want a crazy high-overtaking race. Lots of flexibility means longevity.

Plus I've readjusted the FFB and it feels way better now. AC has shown me what good FFB is meant to be like, and I'm pretty sure I can also drive better after playing that game for months.

I have been thinking about reinstalling pCARS just to get some racing in on some tracks I miss. Just each time I go to do it, I dread the idea of settup up the FFB again ( I have deleted all my data for the game, on the ps4 and the cloud)

Are your settings close to default? Do you change each car? If your on ps4 with a T300 and your settings are global only, do you mind sharing them? - I have a T300 and think maybe if I just jump on and try the default, I can turn down the FFB master a little and be ok.
I have been thinking about reinstalling pCARS just to get some racing in on some tracks I miss. Just each time I go to do it, I dread the idea of settup up the FFB again ( I have deleted all my data for the game, on the ps4 and the cloud)

Are your settings close to default? Do you change each car? If your on ps4 with a T300 and your settings are global only, do you mind sharing them? - I have a T300 and think maybe if I just jump on and try the default, I can turn down the FFB master a little and be ok.
Indeed, the fact that you have to dial in the settings for each car is such turn off... But I don't think there's a way around it, if you want each car to have its own feel and feedback.

If it helps, here's how I'm dealing with it right now - it should be worth at least a try (I'm on PS4 and with a T300 as well).
I have been thinking about reinstalling pCARS just to get some racing in on some tracks I miss. Just each time I go to do it, I dread the idea of settup up the FFB again ( I have deleted all my data for the game, on the ps4 and the cloud)

Are your settings close to default? Do you change each car? If your on ps4 with a T300 and your settings are global only, do you mind sharing them? - I have a T300 and think maybe if I just jump on and try the default, I can turn down the FFB master a little and be ok.
When I was playing it pre-AC I had the FFB fairly low. Perhaps I was weak back then, but I just pretty much put the same settings in for every car. Couldn't be arsed with the faffing. After playing AC and booting pCARS back up I was disgusted with how it felt - or rather how I had made it feel. Completely lifeless. Playable, but dull. Then I went back to default, everything at 100 apart from Fy which I lowered. Then I found this:
I assume these are Jack Spades' settings as the titles look familiar.

Previously I had used one of Jack Spades' original settings and it was ok, but I didn't stick with it. Now, the only car I've been driving these past few days is the McLaren 12C GT3 and with the 66% settings it's now very enjoyable. I can almost feel the rear end! Haha. But seriously, I can feel the car way more now. Even my old tune hasn't needed tweaking, and that in itself is quite amazing - guess I set it up fairly well all those months ago lol. Took a while to readjust to the physics for sure though.

I have a T300 as well. TBH I bought the Pro pedals just before AC came out so that must make a difference too. Will try the 66% on my lovely BAC Mono soon and see if it translates well to that car too, in case it's just a fluke.

Globally I'm on 100 FFB & tire force.
I'm a bit on the verge about knowing that we'll still have all the extensive FFB options in a hidden menu. Probably discussed over at WMD already but I wonder if I wouldn't feel the urge to start tinkering there again, and in the end spend most of my game time tinkering like I ended up doing with PCARS 1.
Indeed, the fact that you have to dial in the settings for each car is such turn off... But I don't think there's a way around it, if you want each car to have its own feel and feedback.

If it helps, here's how I'm dealing with it right now - it should be worth at least a try (I'm on PS4 and with a T300 as well).

When I was playing it pre-AC I had the FFB fairly low. Perhaps I was weak back then, but I just pretty much put the same settings in for every car. Couldn't be arsed with the faffing. After playing AC and booting pCARS back up I was disgusted with how it felt - or rather how I had made it feel. Completely lifeless. Playable, but dull. Then I went back to default, everything at 100 apart from Fy which I lowered. Then I found this:
I assume these are Jack Spades' settings as the titles look familiar.

Previously I had used one of Jack Spades' original settings and it was ok, but I didn't stick with it. Now, the only car I've been driving these past few days is the McLaren 12C GT3 and with the 66% settings it's now very enjoyable. I can almost feel the rear end! Haha. But seriously, I can feel the car way more now. Even my old tune hasn't needed tweaking, and that in itself is quite amazing - guess I set it up fairly well all those months ago lol. Took a while to readjust to the physics for sure though.

I have a T300 as well. TBH I bought the Pro pedals just before AC came out so that must make a difference too. Will try the 66% on my lovely BAC Mono soon and see if it translates well to that car too, in case it's just a fluke.

Globally I'm on 100 FFB & tire force.

Ah - yeah... Thank you guys for the info. I still have a link to that site with Jack's tweaks on my phone and found the settings I left off with when I quit . I just remember there was a thing about using a higher FFB (75 vs 100) or higher Tire Force then finalizing the force output with Gain.

If I get bored of SLRE which I am enjoying right now, maybe I will give it a shot. About the only thing I want to do is get in the M1 Pro car and race on a few tracks like Laguna Seca. It might be worth the time just for that.. I always enjoyed that car.
I'm a bit on the verge about knowing that we'll still have all the extensive FFB options in a hidden menu. Probably discussed over at WMD already but I wonder if I wouldn't feel the urge to start tinkering there again, and in the end spend most of my game time tinkering like I ended up doing with PCARS 1.

You can if you want but as said it isn't like you're stuck with the default. Which was more my type of FFB... as pure as possible and thus due to missing aspects like road noise a bit lifeless for a pure wheel user.
Also with the new tech the tyres also evolved and improved, tracks improved with laser and drone scans, new diff system (in the case of fwd/awd can have an influence). This all also translates into how it all feels different from before, and in my opinion in a good way. On top of that you can get the three 'feels' as Ian put it to try out, so basically three defaults to try with each a different focus.
I'm more likely not going to pre-order pCARS 2 not because of the wait-and-see game but it's about my concerns whether or not the Core i7-860 that I have in my computer (built back in 2010) will be able to even play pCARS 2 at a minimum (based on what we saw with Steam the minimum requirements is pretty stingy - i7-3770K at minimum)... If the i7-860 doesn't make the cut, then I'm going to have to end up paying $2,000-$3,000 on a new computer rig in addition to buying pCARS 2 (although I could end up getting it for less than how much I would pay when I pre-order it, even if adding potential pre-order DLC bonus, all because of those frequent Steam sales that pop up over time)...

I'm expecting at least a three-year lifecycle for pCARS 2 - maybe more - based on when the first pCARS was first introduced (spring 2015) as well as how long it took from Gran Turismo 5 (2010) to Gran Turismo 6 (2013)... (and the latest Gran Turismo is still GT6 based on the GT Sport delays that we are still dealing with)
I'm a bit on the verge about knowing that we'll still have all the extensive FFB options in a hidden menu. Probably discussed over at WMD already but I wonder if I wouldn't feel the urge to start tinkering there again, and in the end spend most of my game time tinkering like I ended up doing with PCARS 1.
Yeah there's no way I won't tinker. It's in our nature as we all assume the grass is greener... and all that stuff.

On a random side note, on PS4, while the game strives to hit 60fps, I'm sure they stuck with only 30fps for the hand/wheel animations. I've always thought it looked juddery, and only recently have discovered you can have 30fps assets in an otherwise 60fps game (DF video on Halo Anniversary pointed out that enemy animations were 30 while the game ran 60) so I hope they give us 60fps for the wheel this time. It does look a bit odd otherwise. Minor nitpick!
1.Is it possible to change the amount of TC, Turbo boost etc in car if that was possible in the real car?
2.Any modification to the way driving assists like TC, Stability control work in the new game?
Good point. With regards to the car selection screen I also didn't fancy the picture that much, because of the asphalt in the background and the upwards angle of the shot:




With the nice black background and the car looking more waxed is already a big improvement. Being able to quickly flick left and right through the liveries (which I suppose the 2 arrows under the car are meant for), would top it off.

Is that official pic?

be nice to see power to weight ratio as that is useful to match cars, also a bit more detailed info about the car & its history would have been nice, i can't see an info button for anything like that.
This is gonna be a brutal wait. It's so much being added. It's been a long time since I seen a big jump in content and etc from the previous game to the next. Last time I saw this was probably NASCAR 04 to NASCAR 05. 04 had content but when 05 came out it was a laundry list of new things. And at the end of the day everything worked and I hope it's the same case with pcars2.