RACERS REUNITED. Where are we going?

  • Thread starter Zolon32
Hi guys - I thought I would give an update about Sick's Race Room as we will shortly be switching to Project Cars 2 and I last posted on this thread in July 2016.

I got a PS4 Pro and Project Cars for Christmas 2016 and after a period of car and track testing and getting used to the game started hosting online races. I was lucky that my wheel was compatible with the PS4.

Findings - the bad things first - online / hosting options are limited. There is no text chat so it is microphones or nothing. GT offers a range of grid orders and lends itself to multiple short races with options for grid based on previous race finish and reverse grid. These options are missing - it is either grid based on qualification or start in a strange order with no qualification. When qualifying each car leaves its pit garage and therefore has to complete one lap then another complete lap in order to record a time. This means that 5 minutes is very rarely long enough in which to record at least one flying lap. Monza for example can be qualified in 5 minutes on GT6, but needs 10 minutes on Project Cars. In GT6 the time can be adjusted between 5 and 10 minutes which allows the Host to pick a length into which 2 flying laps can be fitted e.g. 8 minutes at Daytona Road. In Project Cars the qualification length cannot be graduated between 5 and 10. In GT6 some clever programming enables a qualification to take place on the Nordschleife (and other long tracks) even when only 5 minutes is selected - it calculates which car travelled the furthest in the time available. Their is no such option in PC1 which means that long tracks cannot be used for championship racing unless very long qualification periods are selected.

The above are all disappointing limitations and I don't think there will be any improvements in PC2.

Hand controllers - I only use a wheel. I have 2 friends who were competent drivers on GT6 with hand controllers, but they could not gel with PC1. Some people on GTPlanet cope ok after they have adjusted their settings.

On and over the limit handling - with some cars the limit can be hard to judge and it is difficult to recover when a spin starts. This area and ease of use out of the box with hand controllers have received the most attention so will hopefully be improved in PC2.

The menus are not intuitive - photos for instance were easy in GT6, but I still haven't managed to take one in PC1.

There were a lot of bugs when PC1 was first introduced - most of these have been resolved by updates, but a few remain for example the "Silverstone Classic" layout is unusable online and pit stops for cars running default setups are bugged, so we run tyre and fuel wear off and no pit stops as we run default (no tuning) setups.

That's the bad - what about the good? I thoroughly enjoyed racing online on GT5 and 6, but PC1 has taken the virtual racing experience to another level of immersion and hence enjoyment. The sounds are much better and also the tactile effects are outstanding (I use a Buttkicker / Bass Shakers) - their are even transmission thumps with each gearchange.

The AI is scalable from 0 to 100 (120 in PC2) and you can fill empty grid slots with AI. For online I fill empty grid slots and set them to a level where they will typically get lapped during the final 10 minutes of a 30 minute race - this adds interest if you are lappig on your own and a challenge if you are racing in a group to get through the AI without losing time. For offline practise you can set the grid to just 1 (yourself) or up to 46 (yourself + 45 opponents) depending on track. You can start first, last, midlle or custom or based on a qualification session. To practise I normally find an AI setting at which I can't quite win and gradually increase the setting if I improve. My last session on the game for example I was running 10 minute races which I couldn't quite win - I managed to overtake, but half a lap later he retook the place and won by a fraction.

You can also practise clean overtaking by setting the AI slower and starting last - on a shorter track there will be constant cars to overtake.

The AI could definitely be improved further, but if the sound is say three leaps above the standard in GT6 then AI is five or ten leaps above.

The cars fit into proper categories which enables the Host to construct realistic championship series. One of the strengths of GT6 was the wide range of cars, including classics so that interesting series could be held - sometimes using substitute cars. That option will be limited in GTS because of the small car list which contains no classics and a myriad of fantasy Vision GT cars.

In PC1 most cars have a choice of 24 different liveries - some even more which enables each series look really good. Unfortunately you cannot choose your exact number - you have to pick a livery which includes a number which you like.

I haven't done much of the career mode - it's not really my thing - I have limited time for gaming so I prefer to spend it online racing or practising for same or testing cars and tracks for potential future series.

Anyone thinking about taking the leap to PS4 and Project Cars will find some of the old faces still regularly racing in "Sick's race Room" such as IfAndOr, Richroo, Flaco, Simba, John Wells plus new guys who are equally enjoyable to race with. You would all be welcome to join us on Monday and Wednesday nights from 20:30 to 21:30 (currently BST).

I have preordered PC2 because it promises to offer more of the same, but hopefully better - including rallycross classic and modern plus lots of classic saloons, GT's and single seaters.

I am passing on GTS for now - it appears to be primarily a photo simulator for fantasy cars which wants to force me to race against random people - I tried the latter on Quick Match!

Below upcoming series:

View attachment 672054 View attachment 672055

The point of qualifying in PCARS is a replacement for the idle practice setting in GT and other games. People can enter and exit the room during qualifying so usually qualifying is set to 30-60 minutes and you open the room an hour or half an hour before you actually want the race to start and people will arrive as early as they feel, and use qualifying as practice. The only issue with qualifying is when you're trying to fit multiple races into a short period, but rolling starts, manually lining up over a pace lap can solve that. That's what we do with the group I race with when we run reverse grid racing.

I'm jealous you run with default settings though (even though like 70% of the cars in the game are undriveable with the base tune) whenever I suggest no tuning I'm ridiculed by the guys I race with. I wish I could race with you.
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I need to up my game, Sick has beaten my amount of words record! :P

Well described though.

It took two sittings to write so you are probably still the record holder!

The only issue with qualifying is when you're trying to fit multiple races into a short period, but rolling starts, manually lining up over a pace lap can solve that. That's what we do with the group I race with when we run reverse grid racing.

I'm jealous you run with default settings though (even though like 70% of the cars in the game are undriveable with the base tune) whenever I suggest no tuning I'm ridiculed by the guys I race with. I wish I could race with you.

I also wish you could race with us, but I guess the time difference is a problem.

Thanks for the suggestions re manually lining up on the grid - I think we will have to try that for short races which I envisage doing when we use the Rallycross cars. Hopefully PC2 has a new mode to enable those cars to be used online in an at least half realistic manner.

SMS claim to have put a lot of effort into making all the cars drivable on default settings by hand controller users - hopefully this isn't at the expense of the driving enjoyment of us wheel users.

One of the things I forgot to mention previously was multi-class racing - in PC2 you can choose up to 4 classes of car to race together for example you could select LMP1 and GT3 or Group 6 and Group 5 or GT3 and GT4 - this is going to add an extra dimension to the gaming experience and it's something that I think is missing from GTS.
People can enter and exit the room during qualifying
Yeah I've noticed that anyone can join at anytime prior to the race itself which an improvement over GT.

I'm very new to the Pcars experience but I've not found anything that's undriveable yet although some are er, challenging. I think it's the driving via a pad problem that's never really been fixed that causes most some of the difficulty.

whenever I suggest no tuning I'm ridiculed by the guys I race with.
Tell them "Real Men" drive their cars stock. Although better not, you might want to race with them again next week. ;)
Yeah I've noticed that anyone can join at anytime prior to the race itself which an improvement over GT.

I'm very new to the Pcars experience but I've not found anything that's undriveable yet although some are er, challenging. I think it's the driving via a pad problem that's never really been fixed that causes most some of the difficulty.

Tell them "Real Men" drive their cars stock. Although better not, you might want to race with them again next week. ;)

The main reason they don't like driving with no tuning is because it means they can't tailor their wheel settings specifically for that car like they're used to.
The main reason they don't like driving with no tuning is because it means they can't tailor their wheel settings specifically for that car like they're used to.
Ah, funnily enough I asked the question in Sick's thread as to whether FFB wheel tweaks on individual cars were classed as tuning. Your reply would confirm that it does. I suppose if you're making a car feel/drive better it makes sense.
I've found a general overall setting that I like and stick to that, then I just adapt to the different cars as best as I can.
The main reason they don't like driving with no tuning is because it means they can't tailor their wheel settings specifically for that car like they're used to.

It is possible to get used to the feel of driving each car on default settings - it just takes a bit of practise and adaptation of driving style. Personally I would much rather adapt myself to the car than the other way around. Also, the kind of cars that I am most interested in - the older ones - were not setup at the track in the way that cars are now, i.e. with a laptop and the tweaking of every parameter. Teams would alter the tyre pressures and if they were visiting Silverstone and were lucky enough to have different axle ratios they would swap them over. I remember reading about Dick Guldstrand (Corvette Racer) and how he amazed his Team at Le Mans by visiting French scrapyards hunting for different leaf springs to alter his cars handling - they were expecting him to stick with what was already on the car.

A quick word about the new F1 game - a friend gave me a verbal report yesterday. If you are into modern F1, it's an excellent game - the AI are now scalable from 0-100 (from Beginner through Expert to Legend). They drive in a realistic way and take good lines through corners so offline is like racing against real people. There are some older F1 cars and these have realistically lower capabilities than the latest cars. Overall he was very impressed and thoroughly enjoying the game. Definitely a game to consider if you are a fan of F1.
It is possible to get used to the feel of driving each car on default settings - it just takes a bit of practise and adaptation of driving style. Personally I would much rather adapt myself to the car than the other way around. Also, the kind of cars that I am most interested in - the older ones - were not setup at the track in the way that cars are now, i.e. with a laptop and the tweaking of every parameter. Teams would alter the tyre pressures and if they were visiting Silverstone and were lucky enough to have different axle ratios they would swap them over. I remember reading about Dick Guldstrand (Corvette Racer) and how he amazed his Team at Le Mans by visiting French scrapyards hunting for different leaf springs to alter his cars handling - they were expecting him to stick with what was already on the car.

A quick word about the new F1 game - a friend gave me a verbal report yesterday. If you are into modern F1, it's an excellent game - the AI are now scalable from 0-100 (from Beginner through Expert to Legend). They drive in a realistic way and take good lines through corners so offline is like racing against real people. There are some older F1 cars and these have realistically lower capabilities than the latest cars. Overall he was very impressed and thoroughly enjoying the game. Definitely a game to consider if you are a fan of F1.

"Personally I would much rather adapt myself to the car than the other way around."

That exactly how I feel and I said exactly that and they thought that was the stupidest thing in the world.
Boo hiss, the three screen option is only on PC for PCars2, so I'm told.

Do any of my technically minded friends out there know if there would be any practical advantage to me buying a PS4 Pro, or might I be able to play GTS/PCars2 just as well on a standard PS4?

Cheers, Zo.
You can use a three screen setup in GT5&6, or even five screens if I remember correctly. You do need a PS3 to run each screen though - 1 master and 2 (or 4) slaves for the side screens - so it gets expensive. And you have to link them all to a single network router so they can "talk" to each other.
I expect GTS will have a similar setup available with multiple PS4s.

To pro or not to pro? If you have a new 4k HDR enabled TV then the answer would be a definite yes to the pro since it can output to these tv's. If you you've got an older 1080p (HD) TV it's not quite so straight forward.
The pro is somewhat more expensive than the "standard" model and it can be difficult to see what extra you're getting for the money. It's not overly more powerful than the base model but it's got enough extra oomph to allow games to show more fancy graphics and extra details when available. They are things you can live without but it's nice to have them. But the one thing that is important for racing games in particular is a smoother and faster frame rate and this is probably the area where the pro would be the most benefit to you. It enables games to get to somewhere near to the magical 60fps which most try to achieve. At this speed you shouldn't get any stuttering or screen tearing - even with lots of cars on track (PC1 can have 30+)

The standard PS4 is going to be able to run everything that the Pro does but you won't necessarily get all the bells and whistles and with the latest games that push the system more it might not be quite so smooth.

Also I'm not sure how you listen to your sound at the moment but the pro has a optical output for audio whereas the normal one hasn't. It's got a bigger hard drive too - for you to fill with replays!

Oh there's a boost mode that enables older non pro enhanced games to run at faster speeds. This makes quite a difference to PC1 and Assetto Corsa.

And one extra thing - if you were thinking of getting PSVR at some point the pro would be the better model to handle it.

I weighed up the pros and cons and (liking my gadgets) went for the Pro model in the end. Although there's some really good deals on the normal model that can be quite tempting.

Ascetically though I think it looks awful, just a black plastic box with rubbish switches. Not a patch on my PS3. And the fan is quite noisy when it speeds up, if it's close to you you'll hear it. The DVD drive also sounds like it's going to take off, although this thankfully doesn't spin up for very long once a game is installed. Other than that it's fine.

Funnily enough on the news page there is an article relating to your question, regarding PC2 anyway.

Here's another one to give you an idea.

I'm sure there was something recently about the pro's benefits (other than faster fps) in GTs too. If I find it I'll add that too but in the meantime.
Thanks Paul. Buying three PS4s, three copies of the game and an extra two screens is probably a little beyond me. That's frustrating, but never mind.

Reading of the benefits of the pro over standard, the phrase 'clutching at straws' comes to mind. Better grass and smoother shadows are not massively important to me, and I understand that the VR thing won't be for online racing? I'm not sure about that, but I recall reading something saying that that would be the case. Hmmm. It's a bloody dilemma, that's what it is.

Cheers, Zo.

Jeepers, just doing a bit of searching around and found these quotes from Kaz:


Definitely sounds like GTS won't be fully VRable...

Looking around a bit more, found this guy. I like his set-up, the I noticed, he's wearing gloves!

The set-up does look amazing though. Wonder how much I can acquire a couple of second hand PS4s for?
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I noticed, he's wearing gloves!
You mean you don't wear gloves!? You're probably going to say you don't wear a helmet either.

Multiple screens do add a whole new dimension to the experience, the ability to glance left and right makes such a difference. For immersion I like driving using the interior views of cars but during races I find them quite restrictive, claustrophobic almost. Multi screens would open the interior view up for constant use.

The main benefit of triple screens over VR is that you can glance out of the window to see if it's started raining. You'd get your washing wet with VR. :)
And no, GTS is not going to be fully VR-able. It's not even a option in the other racing games (on console). I expect PD had to add it in some form to promote the PSVR.

You don't want upgraded grass? ;) Actually think more increased draw distance (less scenery popping up) and smoother inputs. But you're right in that a normal PS4 will run the same games. Dilemma indeed.

I should add that I play other non racing games so I do get the pro's benefits elsewhere. The extra expense of the pro might be more questionable if restricted to limited use.
I should add that I play other non racing games

When I first saw a preview of Eve Valkyrie that was more or less a done deal for me, I simply had to have VR. However, having read some pretty damning reviews that's gone out of my head. Three screens definitely seems like the best option with today's tech. I just wish they'd gone for simple 3D with glasses on a single screen, instead of chasing an ideal that seems next to impossible to deliver at the moment.

Cheers, Zo.
This is basically the only reason to buy a Pro:
If you have a new 4k HDR enabled TV
If you don't, you'll have almost no perceptible difference between the two consoles. Unless you already have, or are planning to buy, a 4K HDR television, save your money!

I did nearly buy one myself over the summer, anticipating the need to give my daughter's console back to her ahead of reviewing some games that are apparently coming out for GTP, but ultimately I can't justify it. My main screen is a 23-inch 1080p LG, while the one I play GT6 on usually is a 32-inch Toshiba that I'd swear blind was 1080i (and says "HD Ready" on it - the fateful "Not actually HD" sticker from 15 years ago), but apparently the PS3 sees as a 1080p screen.

This summary I think says it best: http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/ps4-pro-vs-ps4-2941086

PS4 Pro vs PS4: Conclusion
Don’t upgrade if you own a PS4 and have a 1080p TV.
Until you decide to upgrade to a 4K TV, I see no sense in spending more to buy a PS4 Pro. The cost outweighs the benefits. It’s worth upgrading if you’re buying a new 4K TV, but if you can’t afford both then buy the TV first.

Seriously consider upgrading if you own already a 4K TV. I can’t outright recommend you buy a PS4 Pro, but there are plenty of compelling reasons to do so. Games look great on a 4K TV on a PS4 Pro and upcoming releases like Mass Effect: Andromeda and Horizon: Zero Dawn are showing great promise. Only reconsider if you want but don’t already own an Ultra HD Blu-ray player, or if you own a budget 4K TV that lacks HDR support.

Buy a PS4 Pro if you don’t own a PS4 already. Provided you can afford it, of course. Even if you don’t own a 4K TV, a PS4 Pro will give you faster and better looking games and is future proof should you upgrade your TV in future. And if you can’t afford a PS4 Pro, the existing PS4 will play all the same games and remains a great console.
I'm going to buy a new 4K TV (since they'll be cheaper then) when PS5 comes out, until then, I also don't see the point of upgrading to PS4 Pro, since surprisingly they haven't made Pro exclusive games.
Actually I should have also added I use a 32" curved monitor on the PS4. It's not HDR or 4k "just" 1080p and what I find is that the latest games tend to have a enhanced mode that provides improved graphics when 4k is not available.

From what I've seen and read it's more about the HDR than the 4k. HDR gives more colour depth to the visuals which provides greater realism - but you need a good HDR TV to get the full benefit. It should be noted that the standard PS4 can output HDR content so if you get a new TV at some point it'll still look good.

They won't make pro exclusive games Blue because that would alienate the current non pro owners - and the games sales would be less. And to be honest, as I mentioned previously, it's not that more powerful to warrant it's own games.

Actually what put me on the route to the pro was this GTP article!

Have a look at Elite Dangerous @Zolon32 that's pretty impressive without VR.

Everyone who thinks pCARS is overly serious clearly hasn't considered that it appears from this trailer you can race any car on a rallycross track (F1 or NASCAR on Hell?), the Raptor is there so Darth Vader can make a comeback, let alone the sheer ridiculousness of racing in the snow. There's literally years worth of fun to be had alongside the realism.
or might I be able to play GTS/PCars2 just as well on a standard PS4?
That's what I intend on doing, Zo.

And the fan is quite noisy when it speeds up, if it's close to you you'll hear it.
Reading of the benefits of the pro over standard, the phrase 'clutching at straws' comes to mind. Better grass and smoother shadows are not massively important to me
If you don't, you'll have almost no perceptible difference between the two consoles. Unless you already have, or are planning to buy, a 4K HDR television, save your money!

I grew up playing on the NES as my first console on a very, very old TV set, so ultra real graphics (impressive as they are) isn't the most important thing for me. I can marvel at 4K and the incredible achievements that gaming studios
produce these days, but it's not something I've been craving. At least up until this point. And VR isn't even on my horizon yet. I actually found an old photo from our living room, of our NES, VHS & TV. I would take a guess that the year is 1990.

And there's more than one option even with the old PS4, @Zolon32.
I went back to find this post where I wrote:
If you haven't purchased a PS4 yet but plan on doing so, make sure you find the 1200 series.
I picked up the CUH-1216A (released last year) which is an improved/updated version on the old 1000 series.
It's supposed to be lighter, quieter and less power hungry. There might be a few other improvements
as well, I can't remember.

Paul mentioned the fan being loud on his PS4 Pro, this is not the case on my 1216A.
It is very quiet, practically dead silent in fact. I'm happy with it.
I also have it sat onto two small "pillars" * so that air can flow underneath the console.
I do the same with my PS3. My theory is the machines don't get as hot and in turn will last longer.

I believe Project Cars 2 will be released at midnight tonight and I have the digital copy set to be downloaded
through the PS Store.
Should be interesting.
A good point by @JockeP22 mentioning the model numbers. You should be safe with a new PS4 slim though since hopefully all the old stock will have gone by now.

One more thing to note - To save yourself a few extra quid (£50?) go for the 500gb version if you can find one*. That will be sufficient storage for just the few racing games you'll want to play. The 1tb model would be wasted. You can always very easily add an external hard drive if you do need extra space.

And as Jocke says cooling is key to longevity. Vertical is best to allow the air around them but you'll need a stand for that.

* I think they are/have been phased out in favour of the 1tb version

The cheapest I've seen - but currently out of stock £199

The cheapest I've seen in stock. £205
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That's what I intend on doing, Zo.
Paul mentioned the fan being loud on his PS4 Pro, this is not the case on my 1216A.
It is very quiet, practically dead silent in fact. I'm happy with it.

I think I'll follow suit the Jocke. The preview Blue posted has got me right up for the idea of PC2, and I've found out that my cheap-as-chips PX11s are suitable for PS4 too. Bargain!


Surely that's a bit counterproductive isn't it? I mean, the candles, surely they more than cancel out any cooling effect that raising the machine has?

The cheapest I've seen - but currently out of stock £199

The cheapest I've seen in stock. £205

Good deals Paul, cheers. I'm going to have to wait until I get back from our trip now, but hopefully they'll still be around. Maybe simplygames will have new stock by then.

Cheers, Zo.
I'm going to buy a new 4K TV (since they'll be cheaper then) when PS5 comes out, until then, I also don't see the point of upgrading to PS4 Pro, since surprisingly they haven't made Pro exclusive games.
There are actually a couple of games that don't run on the ps4 pro. It happened to me on nba 2k17 and I didn't get a refund from psn nor 2k games...
Good deals Paul, cheers
I've just had a flyer from Argos through the letter box and I noticed that from the 29th they are running an offer on the 500gb PS4 slim - £199.99

It appears to come complete with Cristiano Ronaldo, well it shows a picture of him anyway. You could sell him on, he must be worth a few million. You'd be quids in.

Argos Code 754/3797 (As I write this it's not showing up yet)
I've just had a flyer from Argos through the letter box and I noticed that from the 29th they are running an offer on the 500gb PS4 slim - £199.99

It appears to come complete with Cristiano Ronaldo, well it shows a picture of him anyway. You could sell him on, he must be worth a few million. You'd be quids in.

Argos Code 754/3797 (As I write this it's not showing up yet)
I'm going to go for Game's GT Sport limited edition PS4. Regardless of the fact it's shiny and has GT stickers, it's a 1TB PS4 with a copy of GT Sport, and those two things bought separately are about £10-£20 more expensive than the bundle at £299.99. It's also the Day One edition of GT Sport, which I'm sure comes with a bunch of things I'll never use (like the 15AE version of GT6), but I can always tick it off my collection list:

(bonus point to anyone who can name all 38 unique versions in that shot [I have a 39th I forgot about too] :D)
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Here's a race from this Tuesday night with the group I always race with, Manny showed up though! First time I've raced with him since the Toyota Championship. I'm "BLO" on the standings on the left, since it doesn't seem like you can change your online 3 letter abbreviation yet. I think the Toyota GT-One is my favourite car in PCARS2 so far, GT2 nostalgia aside.
my collection list:
Good grief that is quite a collection you have there! Do you still have the consoles?

It's a good point that upon the release of GTS there maybe some similar special offers on a combined package.

Manny showed up
Good to know he's still about and a he's still producing his excellent videos.
I've seen that you are playing it regularly so I take it you are enjoying PC2? Will you still be giving GTS a go as well?

I'll be IFA then. ;)
Good grief that is quite a collection you have there! Do you still have the consoles?
Yep. Couple of original PS1s, a PSOne, four-ish fat PS2s, five slim PS2s (1 NTSC/UC, 1 NTSC/J), two fat PS3s, one slim PS3, one superslim PS3.
It's a good point that upon the release of GTS there maybe some similar special offers on a combined package.
At the moment there's that £300 PS4 1TB and a controller/GTSLE bundle that you can find for £69 (controller and game are about £120 separately).
You can change it offline and and on your profile but it never changes during the actual online races (mine is set as BBB)
Ah, okay. I haven't done any online races yet. I've been spending all my time in photo mode.

I can see that a drivers avatar is also shown in PC2.
Yes but the game sadly downgrades the quality of the avatar a lot though. It looks pretty bad. You can see the difference in quality between "the eye" in this screenshot:

compared to this screenshot:

bonus point to anyone who can name all 38 unique versions in that shot
Would have looked even more wicked good with a few of these, plus matching bed sheets of course.

Couple of original PS1s, a PSOne, four-ish fat PS2s, five slim PS2s (1 NTSC/UC, 1 NTSC/J), two fat PS3s, one slim PS3, one superslim PS3.
You'll be able to open a Sony/PD museum "soon".

Yes but the game sadly downgrades the quality of the avatar
Eye can see that.

I like those cushions, very smart. It's not worth looking for one though I expect Famine has bought up the entire collection.