Shooting at the Pennsylvania Republican Presidential Election Rally

  • Thread starter TheCracker
Hysteria finally backfired in Democrats leg. Isn't Secret Service should prevent episodes like this? Man is (former)president, afaik.
What are you even talking about?
99% of last posts in these topic is about Trump Russian puppet/authoritarian leader that would make US fascist state. Some forum members even suggested that successful assassination would be good thing. That kind of hysteria. And its nonstops since 2015.

Its all started by Dems and finally backfired.
I'm so glad it's difficult to own a firearm here in the UK. The most our politiicians usually get is a milkshake thrown at them (sometimes an egg). But even that behaviour needs dealing with properly so as not to begin normalising it as acceptable and avoiding escalation.

Sometimes you might hate a specific politician, and abhor their views. But violence isn't the answer except in extreme situations, the like the UK and US are not in at present.
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I'm so glad it's difficult to own a firearm here in the UK.
Slovakia and Hungary has similar gun violence rates, Switzerland is armed to the teeth and have x2 rates from yours already low rate.

Car and gun licence should be threatened similarly, IMO. Health check, parking/safe and shooting/driving school.
The shooter was a registered Republican
And donated 15$ to Dems. BTW, "his" manifest with "I hate republicans" is fake
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Honestly man I don't have patience to argue with your "I'm always right" mindset.
On a more interesting note here's the guy who just attempted to assassinate a political candidate of the opposition, killing at least one person in the process.
Unsurprisingly he hates Trump, hates republicans and probably all the rest of the usual and predictable stuff these types usually stand for.
I'm starting to think they're just hate filled people with no common sense nor critical thinking skills, a bad combo to say the least.:grumpy:

It seems a strong possibility that video will age like fine milk.

What we know as facts so far (and it doesn't include pictures or videos released by any official source) is his name. That's it.

That name has been linked to a $15 donation to a Dem PAC in 2017 and that name is currently registered as a Republican. You will notice that I've said the name is linked in both cases because we don't know yet that it's the same person as a fact in either case. That's what critical reasoning looks like, give it a go.
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99% of last posts in these topic is about Trump Russian puppet/authoritarian leader that would make US fascist state.
Which are valid concerns and ought to be discussed.
Some forum members even suggested that successful assassination would be good thing. That kind of hysteria. And its nonstops since 2015.
In response to the shooting, yes. I can’t remember anyone calling for him to be shot prior to the shooting, so THAT kind of hysteria certainly didn’t cause the shooting.
Its all started by Dems and finally backfired.
No, it started with Donald Trump’s fascist rhetoric.

As for the shooting, we don’t know what the motivation was so it’s premature to say what has backfired and why. If it turns out that shooter was an insane fan who wanted to write himself into the history books by killing his idol it would be more appropriate to say that it’s Trump’s persona and the creation of the MAGA cult that has backfired.
And donated 15$ to Dems. BTW, "his" manifest with "I hate republicans" is fake
If the name used in both cases is the same person (and right now it is an if), the '$15 donation' was in 2017 and the 'registered as a Republican' is current, accuracy, context and timeframes matter.
Slovakia and Hungary has similar gun violence rates, Switzerland is armed to the teeth and have x2 rates from yours already low rate.

Car and gun licence should be threatened similarly, IMO. Health check, parking/safe and shooting/driving school.

And donated 15$ to Dems. BTW, "his" manifest with "I hate republicans" is fake
Switzerland is not "armed to the teeth", they do employ gun culture but it's illegal to carry a firearm in public unless travelling to a shooting range or hunting area. But when you are out and about, people will generally not be armed.

As I said, I am glad we don't make it easy to access and own firearms here in the UK. I feel safer as a result. I say here, I mean at home as I'm currently in Crete.
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NRA issue a statement? I mean, we need to be clear the weapon used is innocent. Without humans pulling triggers the weapons would lead peaceful existences.

Edit: JINX!:eek:
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If the name used in both cases is the same person (and right now it is an if), the '$15 donation' was in 2017 and the 'registered as a Republican' is current, accuracy, context and timeframes matter.
Both cases doesn't matter to understand anything about shooter views. Smartest thing will be to wait till more nuances will leak.
is not "armed to the teeth",
27.6% privately held firearms is "armed to the teeth", in my book. With army reserves it should be 1 gun per any citizen.
I feel safer as a result.
Government could ban privately owned cars, smoking and alcohol - everything becomes even safer.
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Both cases doesn't matter to understand anything about shooter views.
Both cases may (and I stress may) be a factor in understanding the shooters view, but need to be treated with accuracy and context.
Smartest thing will be to wait till more nuances will leak.
Odd that you didn't do that and I did, yet you seem to think it's valid to point out a point I just made back to me?

You're the one that ignored nuance, please don't try and use it as if it's done kind of counter.

Government could ban privately owned cars, smoking and alcohol - everything becomes even safer.
Guns are not banned in the UK, so put the straw man away.

All of them have age limits and controls around purchase and use.
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You're the one that ignored nuance
I didn't state that Dems shoot in Trump, but they created unhealthy environment where average Joe is between DevilHimselfTrump and grandpa with dementia.

No matter what you believe in, hysteria is pushing you to the extremes. Thats bad.
27.6% privately held firearms is "armed to the teeth", in my book. With army reserves it should be 1 gun per any citizen.

Government could ban privately owned cars, smoking and alcohol - everything becomes even safer.
Armed to the teeth implies people are physically armed, not have a firearm safely stored at home. When out in public, the general populace will not be armed. It is illegal for them to be so.

As for comparing firearms with cars, one is a useful mode of transport, the other is a weapon. Sure, a car can be used as a weapon, but that is not what it is, or what it is generally used for. No one in the UK (as far as I know) has shot their child after mistaking them for an intruder. Culturally on firearms, the UK and US are very different.
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I didn't state that Dems shoot in Trump, but they created unhealthy environment where average Joe is between DevilHimselfTrump and grandpa with dementia.

No matter what you believe in, hysteria is pushing you to the extremes. Thats bad.
You're the one (and you're not alone, but you are doubling down on it) who posted it as fact, with zero nuance or context.

Stating that the Dems are to blame for this, and created the environment that caused this is also utterly devoid of context, nuance, or accuracy.

For one who (inaccurately) claims to be balanced, your showing zero balance.
I didn't state that Dems shoot in Trump, but they created unhealthy environment where average Joe is between DevilHimselfTrump and grandpa with dementia.

No matter what you believe in, hysteria is pushing you to the extremes. Thats bad.
That's not the fault of solely "the Dems"


Like I’ve previously admitted; “I’m a non college-educated Caucasian male”
Why don't you go to college as an adult?

EDIT: Sorry, double posted. (Sorted - Staff)
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Well, the shooter made sure Trump wins the election, wether that was his intention or not.

The Boys is not even funny anymore. It’s too real.
Armed to the teeth implies people are physically armed, not have a firearm safely stored at home.
Implied by who? There isn't set in stone meaning for "armed to the teeth", but its definitely not the case in UK. You guys have strange habit to concentrate on wording and not meaning of what was said.
one is a useful mode of transport, the other is a weapon
Both are tools. Both are deadly in wrong hands or in situation of malfunction. In case of both home defense and personal transportation there are alternatives with lower deaths rates.
Culturally on firearms, the UK and US are very different.
Well, US in general has some horrible gun ownership culture, I don't think anyone should target it. Central Europe and Switzerland are definitely better in that.
Apropos of what's happened, just quoting myself from a nigh on two weeks ago.
A secret serviceman was robbed in LA recently so you'd hope they remain extra vigilant. Complacency can occur if you're seldom active.
It was posted in reference to lax security at the Shinto Abe assassination.
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It's weird to me that people who were, anywhere from yesterday to a little over four years back, speculating what a candidate's death or incapacity due to his age and decline could mean for the election, Presidency, and the USA if elected to the role are now up in arms about speculation over what a successful assassination of a candidate could mean for the election, Presidency, and the USA.

If it's okay to discuss the one, it's okay to discuss the other. Sauce for the goose, Mr. Saavik.

The only marginal post on the subject was subsequently clarified before the only Report of it (yes, despite the public objections and denigrating of the site staff for allowing it, only one thought to actually bring it to our attention)...
Implied by who? There isn't set in stone meaning for "armed to the teeth", but its definitely not the case in UK. You guys have strange habit to concentrate on wording and not meaning of what was said

Isn’t a set in stone meaning?

The English Language and Dictionary’s would disagree.


If you say to a native English speaking person “Armed to the Teeth” then it’s certainly a meaning to it.

Someone I work with has multiple guns and rifles under their ownership and has for many years and shoots on a regular basis from Target shooting at a local range in Leeds (Yorkshire) but also game shooting in the season.

Just because they own multiple guns I wouldn’t say they’re “Armed to the Teeth” because they’re not. They could be if they were at one point carrying multiple guns (or any offensive weapons for that matter), then at that given time they would be “Armed to the Teeth” it’s more of a situational phrase.

Just because there are a lot of owned guns in Switzerland doesn’t mean they’re “Armed to the Teeth”

In English language what you say and how, when, where and to whom you say it means a great deal and can adjust what was said in various degrees. Hence being one of if not the most difficult languages to speak in the world. Heck even most of native Brits have difficulties sometimes wrapping our heads around it. It’s also somthing some from UK get very bent out of shape over.
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27.6% privately held firearms is "armed to the teeth", in my book.
I just checked and it looks like there are even more legal firearms per capita in Austria than in Switzerland. But tbh I never heard anyone saying that Austrians are "armed to the teeth".

But let's go back to the Trump "incident": It's strange that nobody here mentioned so far that this looks like a massive f-up by the USSS/Law Enforcement. How the hell can a guy with a rifle get on the roof of a building just about 150 yards away from Trump? Why did none of the snipers see this guy on a white(!) roof?
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You're the one (and you're not alone, but you are doubling down on it) who posted it as fact
The fact that Dems shoot in Trump? Excuse me, what?
Stating that the Dems are to blame for this
Blame for hysteria that leads to tension, not actions of someone who is probably insane.
The English Language and Dictionary’s would disagree.
Switzerland is "armed to the teeth"
You blatantly cherry picking, from same source you posted
Both countries in the conflict are armed to the teeth.
On what planet this meaning that citizens of those two counties are carrying firearms daily when shopping?
The fact that Dems shoot in Trump? Excuse me, what?
I've not said that at all, try again.
Blame for hysteria that leads to tension, not actions of someone who is probably insane.
Allow me to repeat myself...

"Stating that the Dems are to blame for this, and created the environment that caused this is also utterly devoid of context, nuance, or accuracy."

...see if you can figure out why.

You need to give yourself a warning for making this post!
As it doesn't break the AUP, no he doesn't.