So, about that course creator.

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Maybe it's because I've been out of loop thanks to college, and I haven't really played GT6 in the past months because of this, but what happened to that course creator they were hyping up before the release of GT6?

They were talking about GPS courses and a redone course creator better than the bare bones one we had in GT5. Although I appreciated a lot the one in GT5 thanks to the fact that getting online with friends into these custom tracks and playing something else than the already great selection of tracks was fun. But as far as I know nothing has been said about this yet, right?
"In regards to the course maker, it is cutting it really close as to whether or not it will make it in time for day one or not for GT6. It’s definitely going to be there, but whether or not it will be available from day one I’m just not really sure right now."

Is all I know.
It's been a year and a half since the game was released yet we still don't have it and still have no sign or word of it coming any time soon. Seems like PD are doing a "If we don't talk about it may be everyone will forget about it" sort of thing.

I wonder if anyone will tell you to stop being impatient and wait, may be you'll have the right to complain when it hasn't shown up by GT7's release in 2018.

To me waiting for the paid for feature went past the level of acceptancy over a year ago, other companies can make and release an entire game in less than the time span that PD has taken to release a single feature for a game that's been worked on for, what, 5 years?
What do you mean "oh wait"? In which GT did you have a GPS course maker?

The Course Maker and GPS part of the Course Maker are supposed to be coming separately.

It takes time to invent new stuff.

It can, but as I said, other's can build an entire game in the same time period, this is just one feature that they've already done before. Replaying GPS data in game is not new to the series either, they have had that technology for years.

Will it be "New" and "Improved" like B-spec was?
What do you mean "oh wait"? In which GT did you have a GPS course maker?

You must have read the info wrong, what was said to be offered was a course creator with more freedom and larger span than the previous iteration and that would be updated and given first. What would happen second would be a GPS secondary ability that allows you with a location system on your phone to map a real world location via the app and then play it on the console/game.

Thus two items, going toward the same thing. Now what you've done is pigeonholed the idea of only one aspect (GPS locator) and made it seem that it's such an ambitious task that the span of more than a year and a half isn't timely enough to ask or question said least that's how I interpret the defense given.

What I've said is simple and what I also think people are getting at...a course maker like promised as a first update to come before the GPS update that out does that of the previous GT5 version. That's all, and really that's nothing new since they've done one before. That's what I was talking about, but if you want to discuss GPS I guess we could.
It's day 524.

Dag nam it, KAZ!


The Course Maker and GPS part of the Course Maker are supposed to be coming separately.


But they're both part of the same feature and have to be compatible with each other.

It can, but as I said, other's can build an entire game in the same time period, this is just one feature that they've already done before. Replaying GPS data in game is not new to the series either, they have had that technology for years.

Will it be "New" and "Improved" like B-spec was?

Replaying data from GPS is not the same as using GPS data to plot a track. But sure, it probably helps that they have some experience of working with GPS data.

As for B-spec, the exact words used was "new and more powerful", and so it was. The AI driver's behaviour was improved and your ability to control it as well.

we have the GPS already

We have the GPS visualiser. It's a different feature though.
Maybe it's because I've been out of loop thanks to college, and I haven't really played GT6 in the past months because of this, but what happened to that course creator they were hyping up before the release of GT6?
It's still slated for release for GT6 and as far as I'm aware there is every intent to make that happen with every effort being made to do so.

But they're both part of the same feature and have to be compatible with each other.

And no one said they wouldn't be the point is there are two updates slated for this game at unknown times you gave the idea that something entirely new is being created. When in reality the original course maker is the archetype and this one is being expanded to new grounds. So yes there is new territory but not entirely new and that's the point. Let's not twist it out of fandom for game or franchise. Also it should be noted that the OP seems curious to know if PD is still promising to bring it to GT6 or finds it a more viable option for perhaps GT7.

The point is it's been a year and half and it's probably the biggest feature that people are wanting to know what happened and where does it currently stand. You giving stuff like "it takes time to create something new" (paraphrase) seems like a cop out to just put this to rest. For what reason that may be, only you know, but I see it as prime discussion.
And no one said they wouldn't be the point is there are two updates slated for this game at unknown times you gave the idea that something entirely new is being created. When in reality the original course maker is the archetype and this one is being expanded to new grounds.
  • The Course Maker in GT6 is “fundamentally different” from GT5.

Of course, missing from the game is one kind of being fundamentally different I suppose, but I don't think that's what he meant.

So yes there is new territory but not entirely new and that's the point. Let's not twist it out of fandom for game or franchise. Also it should be noted that the OP seems curious to know if PD is still promising to bring it to GT6 or finds it a more viable option for perhaps GT7.

The point is it's been a year and half and it's probably the biggest feature that people are wanting to know what happened and where does it currently stand. You giving stuff like "it takes time to create something new" (paraphrase) seems like a cop out to just put this to rest. For what reason that may be, only you know, but I see it as prime discussion.

"It takes time to create something new" explains how some companies can release an entire game during the time it takes to develop a single feature. It's not meant to put anything to rest.
  • The Course Maker in GT6 is “fundamentally different” from GT5.

Of course, missing from the game is one kind of being fundamentally different I suppose, but I don't think that's what he meant.

"It takes time to create something new" explains how some companies can release an entire game during the time it takes to develop a single feature. It's not meant to put anything to rest.

Clearly you didn't understand. When I say the former was the archetype no where do I express that code or anything else related are between the two. In fact what I'm saying is quite simple, what was done and learned the first time around with a course maker (GT5) is what is being expanded upon, the fundamentally different aspect could be numerous things however the concept is the same as the original just expanded in a new direction as I just said. At the end of the day it is a course maker this isn't new ground being broken. Also if I really wanted to split hairs...I could point out the numerous examples of the same company using previous assets in newer iterations of the franchise, and thus why couldn't one make that leap to think course creator wont be too different in operation from the former? (I'm not saying this last part because I do think PD are trying to make a ground up system, just saying it could easily be seen by some who may think this).

The point however stands, it's a prime topic and your comment goes without saying obviously. It takes time to do a lot of things but most of us don't hype up how close we are to being done with it and just barely missing the deadline everyone wanted to see it at...

We can go back and forth at the end of the day it wasn't so time consuming in how new and ambitious it was for PD to make the comments they did. Just a friendly tip, I don't need you to hyperlink me anything I have all the links up right now from GTP on the subject, thanks though.
I think they have given up on it. There are way lesser players and it's not going to boost sales in any way. I think they went too ambitious, and now it's gone.
Clearly you didn't understand. When I say the former was the archetype no where do I express that code or anything else related are between the two. In fact what I'm saying is quite simple, what was done and learned the first time around with a course maker (GT5) is what is being expanded upon, the fundamentally different aspect could be numerous things however the concept is the same as the original just expanded in a new direction as I just said. At the end of the day it is a course maker this isn't new ground being broken. Also if I really wanted to split hairs...I could point out the numerous examples of the same company using previous assets in newer iterations of the franchise, and thus why couldn't one make that leap to think course creator wont be too different in operation from the former? (I'm not saying this last part because I do think PD are trying to make a ground up system, just saying it could easily be seen by some who may think this).

The point however stands, it's a prime topic and your comment goes without saying obviously. It takes time to do a lot of things but most of us don't hype up how close we are to being done with it and just barely missing the deadline everyone wanted to see it at...

We can go back and forth at the end of the day it wasn't so time consuming in how new and ambitious it was for PD to make the comments they did. Just a friendly tip, I don't need you to hyperlink me anything I have all the links up right now from GTP on the subject, thanks though.

On an idea level the concept may be similar. But it's a long way to go from there to actually making a functional prototype.

Sorry for the link, next time I'll just quote things without letting you know the source.
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