Sound Update (PD is now hiring! + Email!)Answered 

  • Thread starter FoRiZon
Yes I think people (including me) rushed in for voting about sound that didn`t read the OP .
OP can you edit the question to be for tires AND FOR ENGINES PLEASE :D :D
The main reason why my GT6 game hours have dropped is because of the engine sounds.
Every time is hear the Pagani Huayras engine note and the Aventadors, i weep inside.
Also, why can't they replace the old sounds with the updated sounds - doesn't this solve the hardware problem?
(I'm not good with the tech behind the PS3, don't shout at me 👍)
Gran Turismo has always been about the experience of virtual driving, improving with each version.

We receive the experience mainly via 3 senses...... Visual, Sound, Touch

Engine Sound is one of the most important parts of the experience, yet by comparison it has had very little improvement by Polyphony Digital, falling well short of expectations.

I am convinced that Polyphony Digital are losing sales due to this oversight.

If Polyphony Digital read these threads (they most likely do - it's a business feedback tool); we need vast improvements in the engine sounds department.

The "WOW" factor would skyrocket if we had engines that roar, back-fire, throb and purr, making your hair stand on end.

Take note Polyphony Digital; Our pleasure is your business
Have you driven the Audi RS6? At times I feel like I hear an intake "whirl" of some sort.. It's pretty interesting that car..
Play the game muted. Go to spa, with a R8 LMS, and do a sub 2'15" lap. It's nearly impossible (which is why I fear being deaf) and ruins the game. Now try it again immediately after the last muted lap.
Instantly it will increase. How much, I dunno... But making the cars sound even better makes me feel better. And when I feel better, I race better.

👍 Well said :cheers:
WOW!!! This thread made the second best likes in Q&A. Thanks guys and keep liking till our voices heard. I appreciate it :)
According to the Question Likes, i think you all desperately needs sounds update after the course maker. So the conclusion: Forget the new DLC, make better sounds first eh ;)
Gran Turismo has always been about the experience of virtual driving, improving with each version.

We receive the experience mainly via 3 senses...... Visual, Sound, Touch

Engine Sound is one of the most important parts of the experience, yet by comparison it has had very little improvement by Polyphony Digital, falling well short of expectations.

I am convinced that Polyphony Digital are losing sales due to this oversight.

If Polyphony Digital read these threads (they most likely do - it's a business feedback tool); we need vast improvements in the engine sounds department.

The "WOW" factor would skyrocket if we had engines that roar, back-fire, throb and purr, making your hair stand on end.

Take note Polyphony Digital; Our pleasure is your business

Not just the engines but the environment surrounding the vehicle. Like I said in my video (Which was dissed for its music. DEAL WITH IT) Sound projection would play a big role, wind noise and how the sound adapts to the environment it's in.
WOW!!! This thread made the second best likes in Q&A. Thanks guys and keep liking till our voices heard. I appreciate it :)
According to the Question Likes, i think you all desperately needs sounds update after the course maker. So the conclusion: Forget the new DLC, make better sounds first eh ;)
That's what we all want, cheers ;)
But I suggest you to rephrase the question. It sounds a little bit too aggressive....even if we are fed up of this situation.
Let's be diplomatic, shall we?
Not being negative to anybody but are sounds really that big of a deal, really its not. Just race the cars its just a game.
Let's just say it like this. For example: You own a 2JZ supra turbo and you freaking love the sound it makes, you go to play a game that claims to be a real driving simulator and expect the cars to perform much like they do in real life. You go and buy that same car, expect it to do the same but turns out it sounds too computerized and unnatural. Wouldn't that take away the immersion and thrill you get when driving your favorite car?
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You promised us before launch date. All I see is just a few number of it. Where's the rest?

Sounds in this game are very misunderstood. It's not fair to sum up all of the engine/car sounds as just "bad", in my expert opinion.

What is wrong with the engine sounds on many cars is the mix or EQ of the sounds, and the way it is mapped against the tachometer as the car revs. They don't necessarily need to go back and re-record all of the cars, just create a more realistic mix of the sounds they already have.

The RedBull Jr sounds very good compared to most cars, so they are learning, for sure. But even then, on my hi-fi surround system (not just a surround system, but very good quality speakers etc.) I can tell that the mix is still not right even on that car. If I were to turn up the bass to the level where you could actually hear it over the high-end frequencies coming from the car, it causes the bass "thud" from a crash or rumble stips to be far too loud.

Also, the louder an exhaust is, the quieter we must turn our system down so that it does not hurt our ears or otherwise distract from the racing we're doing (often online racing where you want to hear your friends speak as well), and so the experience of the listener is to only hear certain tones from the engine and others are not as pronounced. This leaves the listener to believe that those tones are not there. They are, they are just imbalanced. If we turned up the volume or had our own EQ on an amp modify the game's native sounds, we can get where we want to be, but that EQ setting would be a "GT only" setting that wouldn't be usable when watching Netflix, or playing just about any other game. Still, there is that "thud" sound problem where having the volume and bass up loud enough on your system to hear the under-emphasized tones, also makes for too loud of a crash thud. So even an EQ setting on your surround system doesn't completely solve the problem.

So, a better balance of the sounds already being heard, would be in order too. We need engines that are appropriately loud compared to road noises, for instance.

There is also too much variation between engine/car sounds heard from different view points. I understand the concept of having a Mid-engine car sound more "enginey" from the exterior view than the Hood view, but it creates a poor listening experience to only hear the bass from one or two angles. This needs to be evened out more between the views so that a player can switch between them and not get a huge increase in volume that excedes what they can/want to listen to.

They have good sound samples from most cars, but the way it is implemented is lacking in several areas. Hopefully this is the post Kaz gets to read, and not the OP...
Could you please change the OP it seems a bit too straight to the point and a bit aggressive. I would like to see a better approach to this question such as,

1. Ask him about any progress and advances on the update.
2. Tell him about the specific things that are wrong
3. Ask him if there is any time we can expect the update.

That sort of a thing. I agree with the previous poster about the balance of the sounds.
I feel the same about the original post. If it was reworded in a less aggressive, slightly more direct fashion it would help a lot. Currently we don't have a question (which can easily be answered) in the original post.
That's what we all want, cheers ;)
But I suggest you to rephrase the question. It sounds a little bit too aggressive....even if we are fed up of this situation.
Let's be diplomatic, shall we?
To be fair I think GT6 itself actually have some cars that sounds decent apart fron the X1. Like GTR GT3, R8 LMS, Gallardo, Corvette ZR1, Nascars, and more. Still lacking some "effects" though.
EDIT: There I edit my OP. Sorry for being rude because I like being fast.....and first ;)
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If I was designer (or design team) for the new BMW Vision M235, I would be pretty disappointed about one aspect in particular. The engine sound....

Personally, I was hopeful that, being a new ground-up design on GT6, the BMW M235 would have some improved engine sounds, but instead was greeted by the typical vacuum-cleaner drone. A race-prepped inline 6 is just about the sweetest sounding thing short of a V12. Needless to say, I am hopeful that PD has a plan in place to address this and I look forward to a response to this question from Mr. Yamauchi that goes beyond 'we're working on a solution'....
Most of the sounds are just...unsatisfactory, but mostly the engine/exaust sounds, I agree. Also there's the questuion of having 434 cars with the same exaust sound on semirace/race exaust, wich seems a bit of a lazy job in my opinion.
Having said that, if you try to run only stock exaust sounds (on regular street cars) or even in some cases sports, and in fewer, race (race version cars) the sound is - if not equal to the real versions - at least it should be close, plus sounds very decent. No offense, but I think too many people run too many semirace/race exausts on cars in wich very probably there wasn't even a real sound sample to record from.
I'd say..90% of my street cars run only stock or sport exaust, where you can clearly hear the diferences and individual diferent tones besides sounding much better. And these sounds don't sound like vacuum cleaners at all in my book !
Beggars can't be choosers, I say; We gotta start somewhere. The Red Bulls are getting tons of praise and they're EXACTLY those two things.
How can the red bull sounds be fake, if the cars dont even exist in real life?
You literally just answered you own question.
Uhm, well... Im talking about real cars. Real cars should have realistic sound in the game so lets leave the fantasy cars like the Red Bulls aside...
Sound alone made me skip GT6 and I'm sure that a crap ton of people did the same as well and will probably never buy another GT product again until something is done about the sound.

Specially with all the new alternatives getting much more exposure. PCars, Driveclub and I read somewhere that AC is coming to consoles as well.
Sound alone made me skip GT6 and I'm sure that a crap ton of people did the same as well and will probably never buy another GT product again until something is done about the sound.

Exactly! for the first time in GT history, I didn't buy GT6. It's my way to say to PD and Kaz that their vision is not meeting "my" vision of what a 2014 racing game should be. People still have the power of their wallet to force changes, if only they could remember it and weren't such blind hyped customers.