The Final Race

  • Thread starter whitez
I got a question about that F1 race? how many times do the opponents pit? and every how many laps i should pit?


if there are answers on another link, please Refer me

Ok, race 3, Grand Valley, they all pit on laps 6, 12, 18, and 24. If you can't last as long as them, you will not win. I struggled with that a little while until I got the F094/S, then I got 6 laps out of my tires. I used to only be able to get 5.
Super Speedway is pretty easy. Just try to keep up, and get an extra lap or 2 out of your tires. If you conserve enough, you will pit one less time than the AI, giving you about a 20 second win..... If you drive it well enough :burnout:
Originally posted by captainkirk
Ok, race 3, Grand Valley, they all pit on laps 6, 12, 18, and 24. If you can't last as long as them, you will not win. I struggled with that a little while until I got the F094/S, then I got 6 laps out of my tires. I used to only be able to get 5.

i usually get 7 or 8 laps out of a race
The medium slicks (only tyres available to the F1 cars) last 8 to 10 laps average. I once succeeded using the tyres on my F001 on the Akasaka for an entire 20 laps on free run (arcade)
But of course on a race where you stress the crap out of your car, they apt to last shorter, where I used the tyres on the mistral (monaco) enduro for 17 laps.
This is what i did..and it worked. I pitted on lap 3, then when i got out of the pits i was 3rd or something caught back up to first and saw when they pittted and i pit with them. Then pit 3 after that and then with them again.

It worked for me......and i had good tires all through the race
I don't see how you can do that and still keep up.... :confused: Depending on the race, you may get 9 laps, and then some, maybe 5 or 6. From my experiences, Grand Valley was a multiple of 6 pit schedule....
I was dissappointed with the F1 series - I was expecting a big challenge, but I purposely took the worst car (F687) and every frickin' race I would win by at least a minute......
At Monaco I think I won by at least 3 laps......
F1 races, S8 liscense test - all way too friggin easy! Actually, this whole game was way too easy! Why doesn't GT3 have an expert mode? The only way for the race to be close is for me to pick a car with about 60 less hp. Tooooo easy. :(
what about races 5-10, are they easy? and any tips?

BTW, i completed the first two races, i placed 1st in the 1st one and 2nd in the 2nd one
I always try to pit on the same lap as the AI cars, and if not the lap after. That way, you may not gain an advantage, but at least you shouldn't lose out, which for me is better in the long run :)
I worked on this over the weekend. Hope it might help.

Formula GT Championship

Thoughts, Questions, Discussions.

I am currently at 96.3%
What remains are 4 time trials, 4 endurance races, and the Formula GT Championship.

The Garage Looks like this:
340/368 = 92%
48 Gold License tests
Cars Owned: 160
Total Car Value 72,813,590
Bonus Cars 80
Trophies: 451

Given that I’ve been working on this since late December, you’ll understand that I don’t get much playing time.

This coming weekend the better half is working. In that time I can finish off the remaining Endurance Races, and possible the time trials. (*&^%# TT10)

What that leaves me with is the Formula GT championship

Midfield 30 laps
Seattle 40 Laps
Grand Valley 27 Laps
Super Speedway 50 Laps
Rome Circuit 28 Laps
Test Course 25 Laps
Laguna Seca 33 Laps
Apricot Hill Raceway 27 Laps
Tokyo R246 25 Laps
Cote D’azur 78 Laps

In my garage I have these F1 cars
F090/S (176.0 miles)
F090/S (554.0 miles)
F090/S (0.0 miles)
F094/H (2298.0 miles)
F094/S (0.0 miles)
F094/S (41.9 miles)
F688/S (321.8 miles)

I attempted a test run 2 weeks ago (93%) with the F094/H and couldn’t keep up with the pack. It was a bit unsettling to say the least. Having heard of others on this forum who managed to win with a 787B, and an R390 race car, I decided to give a few goes at that scenario. Mod’d out these two cars, and ran 15 test laps around Cote D’azur. The 787B was running in the high 1:30.xx-1.33.xx, The R390 was a bit higher. So…Nix that idea. Those of you who manage to win with either of those cars have some serious skill at this game. Much more than I. Tip of the hat in your direction. (Later found out the F094/S was down near 1:20.xx-1.22.xx.)

Next chapter.
This past weekend I took a few test runs at it again with the F094/S. In Midfield I had lapped 5th and 6th place by lap 20. Ok, that race shouldn’t be a problem. Jumped onto the Super Speedway. By lap 15 I had lapped the entire field. I haven’t had the chance to get a full run at every course so I’m left with a few questions. I’m hoping that some of you who have made it through this series might be able to pass on a few nuggets of wisdom.

#1 I’m certain that I can win the first few races without a problem, I’m wondering what happens when the dreaded Oil Light comes on, and I drop 40 Horses. Do the other cars in the series lose HP as well? Are they subject to the same “Laws” that I am? Or do we come back to the computer cheating?

#2 I can use a point series strategy, and only race at Midfield, Seattle, Grand Valley, Super Speedway, Test Course, Apricot Hill, and Tokyo R246. This gives me the series win, I just come back after the fact to wrap up the rest of the races. Should I quit out early once I am sufficiently in the points lead, or should I finish the series straight through?

#3 This is the one place that I can win a majority of the F1 cars. Skip the moral whining, I have 2 memory cards for this reason (well…not completely, the wife thinks the second one is her card). I can win all 4 F1 cars if I can wrap up the series. Do I race 9 races, and then do the save/reload to get all, then wrap up the final race? Or should I race 7 do the save/reload, then come back after exiting from the series. Sounds similar to the previous question.

“In the race” Strategies.
#4 Do I go all out, redlining, and wasting the competition each race? Lapping in some races, and leaving the other participants in the dust? Or do I take my time, and stay just ahead of the others (3-4 seconds). I’ve heard the argument that if I stay away from the redline, I will avoid the Oil Light and subsequent power loss. I’ve also heard that there is a magic “178 miles” number that kicks in the Oil Light. Thoughts?

#5 Tire Wear. I can time my pit stops to the same distance as the other racers and keep optimal tire wear, or I could run into the “Red” zone and shave a few minutes off the overall race. What pit stop strategy did you use? The test laps I tried showed me that as long as I pit after the other racers I can stay ahead. Optimal tire wear or the Red Zone?

Finally, What haven’t I covered, and what have I missed? There are a few of you who did make it this far, can you drop a few hints my way?

Till later,
Okay, first off, about the oil light; whatever you do that light will always come on after "189 miles", not 178.... Drive easy, hard, first gear, or sixth gear, it's all the same. No, the other cars do not lose horsepower, their oil light does not function :mad:

Go for all 4 F1 cars there if you would like to, that is your choice.

You should be able to win with the F094/S. That done the job for me. Pitting on schedule with the rest of the bunch is sufficient enough. If you can get another lap or 2 out of your tires without losing time, go for it. Super Speedway is where you go to the red zone on the tires.

Longivity usually plays a role in the races. As long as you try to drive smoothly during the entire race, you should be alright. I have noticed sometimes that when the AI cars' tires get old, they slip and slide a little more than usual. They sometimes do not compensate for worn tires. I have watched them slide through a turn too fast, drift into the dirt pits, and even spin out.... :eek: Just adjust as the race goes on, and good things sometimes happen for you :D
I did all this in the Polyphony001, which I think is F094/S. I don't think I'm that good at the game, so you may think my strategies a tad conservative.

Midfield 30 laps = This is easy. Pit on L15, and waste the oppo. :) Don't try and take the chicane flat with either blue or orange tyres, because you'll go off, and waste loads of time. Also, be careful about braking for turn one, as the distance is longer than you expect. Use qualification to set your gears for redlining at the pit exit.

Seattle 40 Laps = Took two goes at this one. Pit every 8 laps. AI will pit at 10, 18, 28 & 36 (!!!!). If you let your tyres go red keeping up with AI strategy, you will have all kinds of problems, and will end up losing vast chunks of time. If you pit every 8 laps you'll do one more stop than them, but you should be able to lap 5secs per lap faster, so it's not really an issue. By stop 3 you will come out still in the lead. Think I used Auto gears 36 and final drive 3.900 here.

Grand Valley 27 Laps = I think I pitted every 7 laps here. Again, do the qualification to set your gear ratios to redline just as you start to turn left on the start/finish straight. Make sure you stay on the tarmac on the final turn to get the best run down the straights, and make sure you stay out of the gravel! You need to be really precise braking for the hairpins since you're travelling so fast into the braking zone.

Super Speedway 50 Laps = :embarrassed: Yawn. Make sure you don't stress the tyres too much in turn 2 - i.e. do actually slow down for it - and pit about a lap or two after the AI.

Rome Circuit 28 Laps = Took two goes at this one too. Was undone the first time by trying to follow the AI strategy. But it's easy really. Just pit every 7 laps. You should see when you're following the AI down the back straight that you absolutely annhiliate them on braking - you'll be braking MUCH later and back on the power MUCH earlier. It's one of those ones where you'll be 5 seconds a lap faster than them as long as you pit when you want, not when they want!

Test Course 25 Laps = :sleep: Snore. AI doesn't know how to draft. Nuff said.

Laguna Seca 33 Laps = Only silver on this one so far ( :eek: ). Will be trying it again soon. But again, pit when YOU want to. I guess try to go 7 laps.

Apricot Hill Raceway 27 Laps = Can't remember my strategy on this one. I think maybe I pitted every 7 laps. Just make sure you don't crash at turn one though, and use ALL the kerbs through 3 and 4. Brake well late into the hairpin and you should be OK. Set your gears for the main straight, but go for wider ratios rather than a higher final drive, as lap time seems really sensitive to final drive here :eek: .

Tokyo R246 25 Laps = Still only silver on this one too :rolleyes: , due to bad driving rather than poor strategy :mad: . Pit every 5 laps, but make sure you don't crash - especially in sector 3 of the lap, the double-right, then the narrow between-the-armco section.

Cote D’azur 78 Laps = Absolutely vital to use your strategy here, since the red tyres give you no grip. Dial out all the rear toe, and reduce the front downforce a little. You're looking for a really neutral car here, one which doesn't oversteer on entry, and which uses all four tyres equally. The AI will go for like 15 laps between stops, but this isn't practical for you, you should pit between 8 & 10 laps. But again, you'll be so much faster over your shorter stints, you'll win by miles. :D

I hope that helps. Once again, I'm not that good at the game, and I play with DS2, so all the elite guys here are probably laughing at me, but the simple fact is that I won 6 of the races, came 2nd in three, and 3rd in the Laguna race, so I wasn't that poor straight out. I've since revisited Seattle and Rome, and had crushing victories, so what I've said here should work for you. :cool:

Have fun, it is a game after all! :thumbsup:
Much like it helped me. Whitez, often enough it's not what question you ask, but how you ask the question.

GG seemed to fill in quite a few of the blanks that I needed to know. Did he help you out?

I've stored this away in my archives to update it after I finish the race.

Kinda blows that the other racers don't have an oil light.

So this is what I'll try:
Midfield, Seattle, Grand Valley, Super Speedway, Rome, Test course, Apricot hill and Tokyo. If I line up first in all these I have 80 points, second place will have 48. This will give me the series win. Then after the oil change (AKA evening up the field), I can come back for the remainder of the races.

Captian Kirk, Thanks for clearing up the Mileage. Seems like one more place that PD opted for a short cut.

Whitez, How'd the race go? any thing that these guys missed that you picked up on?

That's cool frentzey!

Yeah, I was the original NTSC GT3 racer that discovered the exact mileage for the oil light. I did post that somewhere, but I have no clue where now. Anyway, Grand Valley is the third race of that series. I had problems with that race so bad with the F090/S. I quit that series after trying twice. I won the F094/S, then wore the competition out after that. I still have to do 78 laps at Cote D' Azur. I am not looking forward to that either :(

But everything else was pretty easy. I love Midfield and Seattle, so that wasn't a problem for me. Toyko wasn't bad at all either.
Originally posted by GilesGuthrie
Laguna Seca 33 Laps = Only silver on this one so far ( :eek: ). Will be trying it again soon. But again, pit when YOU want to. I guess try to go 7 laps.

OK, I did this again last night, and won. Didn't bother to qualify. I pitted every 7 laps, and was lapping in the 1:05 bracket (when I wasn't driving like a cow - Laguna's a real bogey circuit for me). This meant I was picking up 2-3s per lap.

AI pits on 9, 18 & 27.

Here's the trick though: you pit on 7, 14, 21, and 27 not 28 (which the 7 lap cycle would suggest). This means you pit on the same lap as the AI, and you should be running with the first AI car (I was 0.5s behind). This gives you a straight sprint to the finish. I was a bit sneaky though because my pit was in front of the lead AI car, and he couldn't get out because I was blocking him! :lol:

Anyway, more cow-like driving meant I won by 8.5s.
I think I actually ran along the same schedule the AI did for that race. I just ran out in front the whole race, but when I decided I would pit, I didn't care if the AI pitted or not. I noticed that the time difference from me to second place was getting larger, so I figured out that their tires were getting worn, and they were sliding a little more than usual. I pitted when I needed to, I had no issues with that since I was running laps faster than all the other cars.

I think I done one race where my pit stops were scheduled different than the AI. But that gave me fresher tires, for most of the race anyway. :burnout:
i just did the super speedway enduro and got polyphony 001 im pleaseed wiv it i have the pal version and someone told me theres only 2 F1 cars so anyone know where i get the other ? oh and yea y does monaco have a weird name ?!
I think Super Speedway is the fourth race in the series....

That race is pretty simple, just outlast the competition. Of course doing 200 helps also :P

i just did the super speedway enduro and got polyphony 001 im pleaseed wiv it i have the pal version and someone told me theres only 2 F1 cars so anyone know where i get the other ? oh and yea y does monaco have a weird name ?!

I was also wondering why that course is named "Cote D' Azur"....

Axis, go check the PAL prize car listing on the main page of GTPlanet. Go to the top of this page and click the red GTPlanet tab, then just follow the links to the prize car page. That will tell you what you need....
I raced the Super Speedway by itself way back earlier in the game. I done that after obtaining the F090/S. It was fun, and I won by only about 10 seconds. I raced it in the series with the F094/S, and won by about 24 seconds. Almost a complete lap ahead. I was chasing the 2nd and 3rd place cars...... :boxedin:
I can't quite remember which track the 5th race is at. I am thinking Rome for some reason. Anyway, I can't remember the pit schedule there either. It has been a couple of weeks since I raced that series....