The Weather Thread

  • Thread starter dbartucci
The flood warnings for today should basically just say "If you're in the Midlands, forget it"

Currently, it is sunny this morning. It only rains around late in the afternoon but recently, it's not cooling the temperature at all.
It's raining here this evening. Hopefully, it cools down the temperature here as the warmness is getting really bothersome to bear on.
Next week Monday and Thursday it is going to be more than 30°C and our new aircon system will be installed Wednesday.
Aircon system will be installed here at my home tomorrow. After all these years of wanting an aircon system, I finally going to have it. Ideal for this kind of weather (around 36°C in the shade at the moment).
Well, yesterday the temperature in France was, in certain places, 45°C. Compared to that it is rather chilly over here today. Today it is going to be around 34°C.

9 am and it is only around 22°C.
I thought I was working on a patio, not a swimming pool.



Glad I checked the radar when I did so I could get tools inside before it hit. :scared:
The sun doesn't love me. It was hot in the sun yesterday afternoon. Now my face feels like the sun. :ouch:
Rainy weather today and yesterday. Good thing it was cool enough to take the warmness away. Rainy season now officially begins.
It got sunny again today and yesterday as well so the temperature is closer to warm again, although not to the point it was during the recent weeks ago.