This kid has mad skills

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Its just a driving force.

And no. Its not real.
It is a replay.

A moderator already confirmed this, plus, I can see parts on the turn, the rev needle isn't matching his foot movement.

He's pushing down and letting up to fast while the needle is going much slower than that.
damn, too bad its fake, but hey he seems like he can be good, he has the general idea of what to do.
OMG thats amazing, that has to be real, how does he know exactly when to turn in and coutner steer? I'm teaching my kid to do that when I get one..
Is it a sad thing to compare ones self to a young tyke like that? I'm as good as him but the fact is I'm also at least 20 years older than him..

So is it just sad or is he just that good? Like the prodigal son?
Yea.... the kids a legend we use to race down in laguna together..beat me a couple of times...well.... all the time... :guilty:
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