World Event: Fuji 700PP 10 laps | Any car | xx:00 /:30

  • Thread starter EL_ZISSOU
I'll be on around 7 to 8pm, hope there's a good turn out & no lag or fails to spoil the racing.

I'll be on after shortly after midnight, so i'll be praying to get some good footage on vid.:)

Sorry for the double post i'm using my phone...
Thanks for the races guys 👍 Dennis, I-Plume, Oct, Swe1, Doqua and if I forgot anyone else I'm sorry. Was good earlier on now it's just getting bad, really bad 👎
Yo Spawn, you post two of the same exact comment. What happened?????

I was at my boys house using my phone and it some how posted it twice. :idea:I might have pushed something buy accident when I tried to log out.:dunce:

Anyway I did'nt race last night....passed out as soon as I got home


GT-R bug #2

Slide it in, fire it out! As simple as that. Check out my channel for more improper videos.

Funny how you could have lost it several times there, when driving so in the limit with the wheels on the grass! GTR+massive wheight+BUG+S tires is no walk in the park :lol:! Nice vid mate:tup:

EDIT: Laughed at the comment "improper videos" ;)!
GTR+massive wheight+BUG+S tires is no walk in the park :lol:! Nice vid mate:tup:

EDIT: Laughed at the comment "improper videos" ;)!

Thanks mate. :cheers: Those are actually N3 tires, gives more pow(d)er. ;)

It was depressing to log on GTP forums after a short break, and found out what people were talking after seeing my freerun lap. It's clear now that these "GTP referees" have gave their judgment; driving a GT-R is considered as cheating.
Thanks mate. :cheers: Those are actually N3 tires, gives more pow(d)er. ;)

It was depressing to log on GTP forums after a short break, and found out what people were talking after seeing my freerun lap. It's clear now that these "GTP referees" have gave their judgment; driving a GT-R is considered as cheating.

I don't understand it either. Not easy to be fast in that car. Everyone likes the underdog. I guess people are tired of seeing the GTR in top three finishes all the time. If they would take a little time to notice, the top finisher are usually consistent fast folks anyhow. No matter what car they use.
^^^ They're just up front because they have the skills to control the car with the bug. Either way, it's using a bug to gain an advantage on everyone else. I honestly don't care what people do, I just enjoy taking slower cars and being competitive with them. Always erks me when I match into a race and out of 8-9 cars, half of them are the GT-R.

Can't wait for the full game so people will spread their car choices out a little.

Edit: and if this was real life racing, finding an illegal "advantage" over your competition could be considered cheating. Which is how I look at this.
Thanks for the races guys 👍 Dennis, I-Plume, Oct, Swe1, Doqua and if I forgot anyone else I'm sorry. Was good earlier on now it's just getting bad, really bad 👎

Thanks bro:tup:
Nice to see you after a long time:)
But i must say that the private rooms are the only solution.
We have a lot of Siegmunds(even though that yesterday i saw him for 2 laps and was driving OK) and nothing we can do about that:tdown:
It was depressing to log on GTP forums after a short break, and found out what people were talking after seeing my freerun lap. It's clear now that these "GTP referees" have gave their judgment; driving a GT-R is considered as cheating.

The GTR on its own is not cheating. Even the GTR setup to take advantage of the bug isn't hugely faster, and it takes a lot of skill to use the bug. The biggest problem I have with the GTR bug is that it's very difficult to race against them in any other car because they need to take such bizarre lines to use it. You can't setup a pass into the corners, and there's no hope of keeping with them out of the corners.

Look at the times posted on GTDB for this event, the top 3 are Clios, not GTRs. For a time trial the GTR is fine, I just don't like racing against them.

Personally, I don't enjoy driving the GTR with the bug for the same reason I don't use standard physics: it's not a realistic driving experience. Isn't that why we play this game in the first place?
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Thanks for the races guys 👍 Dennis, I-Plume, Oct, Swe1, Doqua and if I forgot anyone else I'm sorry. Was good earlier on now it's just getting bad, really bad 👎

Thnx to you too and the rest of you guys. It was good racing last night with some great moments.

Like this one. i-Plume is one fast dude. Closed a 1.6 second gap in one lap in his 599 against my Cali (i know i'm not one of the fastest ones around, but i thought i did decend lap times but Plume had other thoughts :lol: ). After that i was right on his tale for the rest of the race. Was awesome racing man.

Here are the last 3 laps of that race

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good stuff roomboter. I don't even know how you guys can race using the interior view. I'm so much slower with it.
^^^ They're just up front because they have the skills to control the car with the bug. Either way, it's using a bug to gain an advantage on everyone else. I honestly don't care what people do, I just enjoy taking slower cars and being competitive with them. Always erks me when I match into a race and out of 8-9 cars, half of them are the GT-R.

Can't wait for the full game so people will spread their car choices out a little.

Edit: and if this was real life racing, finding an illegal "advantage" over your competition could be considered cheating. Which is how I look at this.

Choose a faster car;)! The porpose of a race is to win it if you can right? If you like to stay at the back, thats fine but not me and most racers:sly:! Of corse its fine to enjoy the driving of slower cars... but if you are at the back with a slower car, what direct impact does it really have on you?! Hope you dont get this the hard way mate:tup::)!
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Choose a faster car;)! The porpose of a race is to win it, if you can right? If you like to stay at the back, thats fine but not me and most racers:sly:! Of corse its fine to enjoy the driving of slower cars... but if you are at the back with a slower car, what direct impact does it really have on you?! Hope you dont get this the hard way mate:tup::)!


Can't wait for the full game so people will spread their car choices out a little.

^^^ That is why I drive slower cars. Sure I can pick something that everyone else is using and run up front, but where's the fun in that? There isn't any for me. Fun for me is picking a car nobody else is using, set it up to my liking, and beating lots of drivers that think they have to use the same car as everyone else to keep up.

I finished 5th out of 11 drivers the other day in the Amuse 350Z. Sure it wasn't a win, but I was satisfied beating six other people. Most of the time I overtake people as they struggle with the handling of their cars and spin out, or punters take them out.

Point is, I don't have to win to have fun. I'm driving my favorite car, having a blast doing it, and pulling out some good finishes while driving something that nobody else wants to use.


I'm sure I'm not alone here and most guys will agree with me that its more about having fun then winning ;)

Beat me to it. 👍
I'm sure I'm not alone here and most guys will agree with me that its more about having fun then winning ;)

Sure mate, me too, but having fun at the front :lol::sly:!

5 or 6 cars battling for the lead, thats fun to me:tup:! Diferent perspectives:)!

EDIT: I wouldnt be so sure about that statement;)! Votes?!! :lol:
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What we have here is a difference of opinions. Nothing wrong with that, and no need to get all scrappy. You can race up front, in the same car as everyone else, and have fun. I'll race mid-pack in a car I love and have fun as well.

We're all having fun, that's all that matters.
What we have here is a difference of opinions. Nothing wrong with that, and no need to get all scrappy. You can race up front, in the same car as everyone else, and have fun. I'll race mid-pack in a car I love and have fun as well.

We're all having fun, that's all that matters.

Exactly. Diferent perpectives about racing.

Ok, dont take this personal or anything, just an healthy discussion about Racing. I know this is a game and all, but...

Imagine this is Professional Racing, and at the start your team would say: "Win this 1 mate!!" Would you say?: "Nah, im here to have fun."

Your team would be::confused::confused::confused: and your sponsors: :irked::banghead:🤬:mad:

I race to have fun and do what i can to win. Winning is the goal and the main reason why people race.
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Usain Bolt from JAM, has the world record in 100 meter sprint in 9.58 hours. Good right? but how many times do you think he had wanted to compete with the untrained, or people with wooden shoes? It's probably not many ...
Why can not those who believe that Bug has little to say to prove that they are almost as fast with other cars? Or the same car without the use of bug? Do not want to appear as a guardian, but can not see the humor over time .. I think those who are really good do not choose to use the bug. Many off the fastest racers from GTP race now other cars and still proves that they are among the fastest that is possible without use off bug.

Little test?

Some of the fast here who takes the challenge in testing this, possibly the difference in without the use of bug, so we can put this behind us?

My idea of fun in gt5p is CLOSE racing, if I would chose GTR or any other fast car I would have had less close driving then if I chose F40 or f430. I think "many" chose slower cars so they dont get lonely in front.

And to be honest, I can count on one hand how many good clean battles I have had against a GTR, most guys are all over the place with the GTR. IMO its something about the driving style you have to use to be fast with that car :yuck:
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