WRC Generations

  • Thread starter Famine
I can see that GTPlanet WRC Team has been disbanded now...

Just creating a new one, please join! :gtpflag:
Sad to see people leaving the team despite we were running constantly in the top 3 every week. I must admit that losing @Dreadmed will be a big blow as his times were mostly keeping us up this high with me being anywhere between 2nd and 5th place :rolleyes:

I'll keep this running at least until the end of this season.
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Sad to see people leaving the team despite we were running constantly in the top 3 every week. I must admit that losing @Dreadmed will be a big blow as his times were mostly keeping us up this high with me being anywhere between 2nd and 5th place :rolleyes:

I'll keep this running at least until the end of this season.
Sad to hear, league participation is dropping across the board. Continuous issues with the game, lack of support and annoying issues with leagues every month have pretty much driven the majority away.

News of Codemasters WRC game being close to release potentially, could be the death knell for Generations is coming soon.
Sad to see people leaving the team despite we were running constantly in the top 3 every week. I must admit that losing @Dreadmed will be a big blow as his times were mostly keeping us up this high with me being anywhere between 2nd and 5th place :rolleyes:

I'll keep this running at least until the end of this season.
Sad to hear, league participation is dropping across the board. Continuous issues with the game, lack of support and annoying issues with leagues every month have pretty much driven the majority away.

News of Codemasters WRC game being close to release potentially, could be the death knell for Generations is coming soon.

Sorry, I was meaning to post yesterday but this is pretty much why I dropped out early... if I recall correctly, the 1st season was 4 weeks long? I started playing pretty much when S2 kicked off and it seems that they never bothered to update the code, because week 4 AND 8 have both resulted in "frozen" brackets and the following weeks being somewhat borked. Which is really frustrating, because while I recall the annoyance here with S1 being cut short relatively early, from personal experience it took a good 4-5 weeks in itself for the brackets to balance themselves out (It wasn't uncommon to see a 4 second time gap covering 4th -> 15th for something like a 3, 4 minute stage).

My motivation haemorrhaged quite a bit when I ended up placing 4th in the solo league last week only to see I went nowhere (top ten "should" have promoted me to Legend 2), and after seeing our team in the top 2 last week (after also getting denied the week before) I thought that would be enough... but no, somehow we ended up getting relegated (indicated 7th) even though there's only been 2, 3 teams including us actually participating during the week! Just, what is even going on with that...

And that's not to mention I inadvertently stumbled upon the boost glitch, or at least it seemed that way; yesterday (or the day before), Loeb's WRC1 on Arganil (one of my favourite stages it has to be said), default set-up... and yet the boost gauge was constantly refilling for 2 minutes straight. Basically a third of the stage, light/medium braking seemingly not resetting it, and for the life of me I have no idea what triggered it!

As it is, I probably would've called it after the season finished regardless; I clocked 84 hours according to Steam, compared to just under 190 for DR2... which is quite something, considering the time I had DR2 in my library compared to the 2 or 3 months I've had Generations. If the Classics in Generations had a bit more... pinache? I think I might've persevered with it a bit more, but as it is I had a couple more games in my library I wanted to move onto and this was what had to make way, burnout/technical difficulties doing me in.
Literally I thought that there's something wrong with me seeing us not being promoted and then to see leaderboards being somewhat messed up!

It's fair enough that people feel this way, game seems to be abandoned by KT now therefore, just as I said earlier I'll finish this season and then most probably won't be bothered to religiously complete every single daily anymore.
I bought the game sometime in march I believe. Played for a couple of hours and dropped because it didnt really click. Put it up for sale a month ago but only had people making ludicrously low offers so decided to keep it and give a proper go again.

Now Im really enjoying it. My first WRC game so all content is new to me. The physics are very reasonable if you ask me. Especially tarmac is a massive step up compared to DR2.0. And stage design is just incredibly good. Most realistic looking stages I've ever seen and really adds to the enjoyment.

Just did Kenya stage and the crowd making oowowowowo noises was a nice touch lol
Anyone here got advice on tuning the cars? I'm still experimenting a lot with it but it's so different from track driving I'm having some issues.
Things I've found out so far is a massive ride height is actually beneficial on most stages (not asphalt obviously). And the diff settings too high will actually give it more tendency to slide and make the slide harder to catch.

But I'm still looking for decent suspension and shock values that work on most gravel stages. I run a very soft suspension right now on gravel but Is it better to run stiffer suspension and relatively softer shocks? Because respons of the car is very slow right now.. I was watching the actual Greece rally this weekend and their car respons seems much higher while still being able to absorb the bumps..
Online for Generations is pretty much dead to me now. The teams leagues seem to have gone the way of the Dodo, the servers weren’t up last week and this week it’s locked completely. Was the only reason I was playing. Shame.
Try this youtuber, a lot of good setups for both Generations and DR2.
I can also recommend his FFB settings for the Fanatec DD Pro.

Cheers I'll check it out. Cant find anything for Generations though but DR2 might work as well to create some insight to tuning for gravel. Allready found that all the stock setups have zero anti roll bar so increasing that does a lot for the respons :)

Online for Generations is pretty much dead to me now. The teams leagues seem to have gone the way of the Dodo, the servers weren’t up last week and this week it’s locked completely. Was the only reason I was playing. Shame.
Theres a bunch of reasons to dislike this game but to be honest theres a bunch to like it as well. I saw a comment somewhere thwt DR2 has basically very flat road surface compared to Generations. So I booted up DR2 yesterday and to be honest I think he's right to some degree. The tracks are a real highlight of Generations.
Cheers I'll check it out. Cant find anything for Generations though but DR2 might work as well to create some insight to tuning for gravel. Allready found that all the stock setups have zero anti roll bar so increasing that does a lot for the respons :)

Theres a bunch of reasons to dislike this game but to be honest theres a bunch to like it as well. I saw a comment somewhere thwt DR2 has basically very flat road surface compared to Generations. So I booted up DR2 yesterday and to be honest I think he's right to some degree. The tracks are a real highlight of Generations.
He posted some videos 7-8 months ago for Generations, but I think it was only for Rally3 cars.
A lot of videos for DR2 though. 😊
They did loads right with their WRC series, KT. Considering how unpromising WRC5 was - I re-played that quite recently for some unknown reason and aside from nice looking car models it's pretty much a straight up piece o'crap. Mainly because of how bad the stages are - wide, featureless, short, just covered in massive hay bales to mark the corners. If you'd told me then that in a few years the stage design was going to be THE best thing about the games, I'd not have believed it.

They got steadily better from WRC5-9 I think, with 7 being the first one I thought was genuinely a very good game. Its such a shame they never got the AI levels right though, and took away the ability to make custom events or championships after WRC7 because as the games got better there was less you could do with them. And the bugs and lack of sustained support from the devs after release has been quite frustrating at times.

I'm going to re-download Generations and give it another try because I've quite liked what I played of it, I think. It just got deleted to create space. Would be good to have another go at it in prep for the new EA game.
They were definitely on the right track, it just didnt get the time, effort and money to really knock it out the park. Yearly iterations probably didnt help either.

I'm excited for EA WRC as I think they probably have put in more resources to make it a succes, but I'm more than happy to play this for a while and wait for reviews, a price drop and some patches on EA WRC (and how the monetization is going to turn out...).

They got steadily better from WRC5-9 I think, with 7 being the first one I thought was genuinely a very good game. Its such a shame they never got the AI levels right though, and took away the ability to make custom events or championships after WRC7 because as the games got better there was less you could do with them. And the bugs and lack of sustained support from the devs after release has been quite frustrating at times.
What do you mean with the AI levels?
They were definitely on the right track, it just didnt get the time, effort and money to really knock it out the park. Yearly iterations probably didnt help either.

I'm excited for EA WRC as I think they probably have put in more resources to make it a succes, but I'm more than happy to play this for a while and wait for reviews, a price drop and some patches on EA WRC (and how the monetization is going to turn out...).

What do you mean with the AI levels?
The AI levels were atrocious. It seemed to get worse with each game as well, I had to run Generations on max AI for most of the career mode (125%) just to get any kind of challenge on some rallies, most of the time it was easy wins by well over a minute and more. On certain rallies, the AI would be competitive, but for the most part it was too easy. With previous games it was much the same issue, you had to alter the difficulty for each rally to make it a fair challenge, on WRC10 for example, Monte Carlo on 105 AI was impossible to win for me, but on Sweden, 105 AI was atrocious and I could win by 3 or 4 minutes. You had to play 2-3 seasons to figure out what you needed to do each rally. Absolute pain. Fortunately for Generations, the online leagues mode made career mode and racing against AI redundant.
Yeah I noticed the AI really sucks at Monte Carlo. But most if the time they give me a fair challenge at higher difficulties. Especially with perma crash on because I have to lower my own pace a bit.
I'm excited for EA WRC as I think they probably have put in more resources to make it a succes, but I'm more than happy to play this for a while and wait for reviews, a price drop and some patches on EA WRC (and how the monetization is going to turn out...).
Same here bro'.

The biggest disappointment for me is the lack of surface detail felt through a wheel.

Really hoping EA take this to the level it deserves.
Does anybody know if Turkey, Argentina, Mexico and Wales appear in career mode? Because I havent seen them show up yet other than for extreme comditions events.
Does anybody know if Turkey, Argentina, Mexico and Wales appear in career mode? Because I havent seen them show up yet other than for extreme comditions events.

No they don’t sadly. The non WRC events don’t rotate in career mode. Massive shame, but most likely down to licensing.
Having played Generations again the last week or so, I really think if the AI was better tuned and it had custom options for setting up rallies or championships, it would be a phenomenal game. I’d forgotten how brilliant the rallies feel, the stages are brilliant, the scenery, the weather, feels like an adventure. The handling and physics are much better than I remember, the cars feel solid and heavy and they don’t fly ten feel in the air and flip over if you hit a bank like they do even in DR2.0 sometimes. They really nail the atmosphere in a way DR2.0 doesn’t, which feels a little sterile. Reminding myself that Generations is actually a good game will at least help me cope with the month and a half till the new game comes out.
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I've tried generations again but I cannot get into it. It looks aweful on PS5 and the handling is floaty. The classic carmodels aren't up to standard, the engine sounds don't cut it, the photomode is really bad and the whole thing feel and looks very dated. It's the first WRC game from Kylotonn I find a proper waiste of money. The only thing that is nice are the stages but even these look very rough. What a disappointment this is.
Did they ever fix the missing sounds, the throttle bug, the ffb missing on ps5 after the mid January patch? Etc.
Is the ffb and feel really worse than in 10?
I'm liking 10 a lot, great feel on g29 and ps5.
Also, i just re-installed dirt rally 1 on ps5, and I'm amazed how it is super sharp, runs well, and even the ffb is better than i remembered.
Must be a ps4 pro upgrade.
Only tried the hillclimb just now.
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Did they ever fix the missing sounds, the throttle bug, the ffb missing on ps5 after the mid January patch? Etc.
I don't know about "missing sounds" but the sounds, like in all the KT games, suck!

The throttle bug for me never existed.

My FFB has never gone out on PS5.

Fanatec GT DD Pro, WRC wheel, Clubsport V3 pedals.

Is the ffb and feel really worse than in 10?
Not sure where this question came from... it's very similar to WRC10. Quite good once its dialed in.

Loose surface physics are better than ever, but tarmac is a step back from WRC 10; it's a bit too floaty but tightening up the setups helps a lot to keep the car planted.
I don't know about "missing sounds" but the sounds, like in all the KT games, suck!

The throttle bug for me never existed.

My FFB has never gone out on PS5.

Fanatec GT DD Pro, WRC wheel, Clubsport V3 pedals.

Not sure where this question came from... it's very similar to WRC10. Quite good once its dialed in.

Loose surface physics are better than ever, but tarmac is a step back from WRC 10; it's a bit too floaty but tightening up the setups helps a lot to keep the car planted.
Thanks Pfei, well i ask because i saw some comments saying it was worse, i dont know..
Glad if it's ok then.
Did they ever fix the missing sounds, the throttle bug...
IIRC they did fix the throttle bug but I don't remember any updates since then.

My issue with the game was that I never could dial in my Logitech G Pro to feel much road-surface detail.

EA WRC OTOH provides way more detail so I made the "bold" move of deleting WRCG from my PS5.
I hope they can still put out an unlicensed game with these stages one day, would love a career mode where we can use the 'legend' cars.

I’d love KT to do a Milestone with Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo and release an unlicensed game with all of the good stuff they did with the WRC series because it could potentially be great. BUT. But..

I think I’d really, really like this game if it didn’t commit the cardinal sin (in my eyes) of giving you loads of great stuff then restricting what you can do with it. The car list, the rallies, the handling, the stage design, the dynamic weather, the livery editor, it’s all really good. I love how alive stages feel. But why give you all those legends cars then not let you actually compete with them at all aside from time trials against online leaderboards that presumably will be shut down one day rendering it all useless. Why give you those bonus rallies and not let you compete on them? Why not let you set up a rally against AI to take advantage of all the stuff it gives you? Aaarrghh, it drives me crazy.
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I’d love KT to do a Milestone with Sebastien Loeb Rally Evo and release an unlicensed game with all of the good stuff they did with the WRC series because it could potentially be great. BUT. But..

I think I’d really, really like this game if it didn’t commit the cardinal sin (in my eyes) of giving you loads of great stuff then restricting what you can do with it. The car list, the rallies, the handling, the stage design, the dynamic weather, the livery editor, it’s all really good. I love how alive stages feel. But why give you all those legends cars then not let you actually compete with them at all aside from time trials against online leaderboards that presumably will be shut down one day rendering it all useless. Why give you those bonus rallies and not let you compete on them? Why not let you set up a rally against AI to take advantage of all the stuff it gives you? Aaarrghh, it drives me crazy.

Agreed but with some skepticism about KT.

The theory is that it would be great, but they kinda tried that with V-Rally 4 and it was absolutely terrible.

So yes, I’d love to see it, but please god don’t repeat that car crash.