Erdogan the Dictator.

  • Thread starter Dennisch
Another purge by Erdi!

3900 government employees have been kicked to the streets. Making it a staggering 125000 people out of a job, because of a nutjob.

Also. Datingshows are now forbidden on Turkish television, because it does not stroke with Turkish traditional values.
At this rate he might well be digging his grave because, just like with ISIS, when you turn against your own workers like that, they'll inevitably become replaced by far more incompetent people.
Erdogan personally ordered his security outfit to assault a load of civilians in the heart of Washington DC, in broad daylight, on camera.

What I want to know, is why aren't the Cops protecting the Civilians from the as*h*les thugs.
The Greek coastguard fired several rounds onto a Turkish freighter after it ignored demands for inspection in the harbour of Rhodos. The Greeks had information that there was drugs on board of the ship. The ship steamed back to Turkish waters with 16 holes in the hull.

Dis gon be gud.
And more Turkish shenanigans.

The head of the Kurdish YPG, Sipan Hemo, has said today that the build-up of Turkish forces in Northern Syria is a declaration of war against the Syrian Kurds, and that they're expecting Turkey will launch an attack on the Kurds.

A new Rebel/Freedom fighters/Terrorist group is born.

Supported and supplied by the West. :dopey:
A new report from Sweden reports that Erdogan orchestrated the coup that consolidated his power base last year:

Providing the link due to its sensitivity. If the main link is down go to the other link.

The only caution I'd give is that the site is run by Erdogan-exiled Turkish journalists. I'm not saying that they're right or wrong, just that they certainly have a dog in the fight.
The only caution I'd give is that the site is run by Erdogan-exiled Turkish journalists. I'm not saying that they're right or wrong, just that they certainly have a dog in the fight.
Which is anyone who is critical of Erdogan as it's illegal to criticize him.
He won the latest election which gives him incredible new executive powers.

Anyone even remotely surprised?
Anyone even remotely surprised?

Apart from the Dutch Turks being part of the brainwashed sheep herd, no. I expected them to be smarter than this, but apparently they're just another bunch of dumbassess.
IMO due to their highly strategic geography, Turkey is granted favors and benefits by the EU, US and Russia that are not allowed to any other country.
Apart from the Dutch Turks being part of the brainwashed sheep herd, no. I expected them to be smarter than this, but apparently they're just another bunch of dumbassess.

Why can't they be more like Ahmed Aboutaleb, that Moroccan mayor of Rotterdam? He seemed to have the right spin on things.

As you know, some German Turks also seem to struggle to see past Erdogan's demagogue personality.

IMO due to their highly strategic geography, Turkey is granted favors and benefits by the EU, US and Russia that are not allowed to any other country.

Exactly why Erdogan throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way; he knows he'll probably get away with it and thus get another chance to bend the rest of us over and make our eyes water.
Surely it must be a mental thing as to why overseas turks are more in favour of erdogan then those who have to live with him.

Oh wait, that's probably it.
BBC's totally impartial reporting... if you didn't know better it would seem like a fairly reasonable and normal democratic election, which I guess was the point.

Doesn't seem like it from that article. The BBC have discharged their duty and reported on the election, the results, and the he-said-she-said opinions of the opposing sides. If it was an op-ed piece then I'd agree that it was somewhat lacking... but it isn't, it's a news report.
Apart from the Dutch Turks being part of the brainwashed sheep herd, no. I expected them to be smarter than this, but apparently they're just another bunch of dumbassess.

Yeah and the belgians are the same. Funniest part is our conservative nationalists hate the erdogan supporters (also conservative nationalists if I understand correctly) and vice versa yet they don't see the irony.
Strange part typical turkish communities vote socialistic and progressive in belgium... let's scratch my hair over that.

IMO due to their highly strategic geography, Turkey is granted favors and benefits by the EU, US and Russia that are not allowed to any other country.

This, 1000 times this.

Surely it must be a mental thing as to why overseas turks are more in favour of erdogan then those who have to live with him.

Oh wait, that's probably it.

What do you mean?

And you are you turkish? Do you have an explanation for his support in nothern europe?
Yeah and the belgians are the same. Funniest part is our conservative nationalists hate the erdogan supporters (also conservative nationalists if I understand correctly) and vice versa yet they don't see the irony.
Strange part typical turkish communities vote socialistic and progressive in belgium... let's scratch my hair over that.

This, 1000 times this.

What do you mean?

And you are you turkish? Do you have an explanation for his support in nothern europe?

I can answer this it’s because most nationalist or right wing parties are anti Muslim and anti immigration. For Turks who live abroad it’s better to vote for the party who holds your interests no matter if it’s left or right.
I can answer this it’s because most nationalist or right wing parties are anti Muslim and anti immigration. For Turks who live abroad it’s better to vote for the party who holds your interests no matter if it’s left or right.

What intrests might those be? I'm not really well read on this issue, but at first sight voting erdogan is voting for the collapse of the turkish democracy.
That could definitely be the wrong word :D
@SestoScudo why is it in the best intrests to vote for erdogan if you're turkish and living in a diffrent country?

To be honest Im not a Turkish citizen. I live in Australia but my parents are big time erdogan supporters especially my father.

At times we actually do clash when it comes talking about erdogan dislikes how I dont support him.

People supporting erdogan due to numerous factors especially the ones living abroad

-his a strong leader
-going to make turkey great again
-promotes himself as a man of the people
-credits himself for strong economic growth
- most turks who support erdogan seem to attach themselves to turkey more than their host country
-erdogan dominated turkish media seems to give him a positive image abroad

For some who live abroad many dream of coming back to Turkey.