Forza 3 nurburgring reality check

  • Thread starter James1436
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So there is a video on youtube, that puts a real life fxx against the one in Forza 3, its really close to real life.:dopey:

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A few small things to fix as far as the track is concerned. Plenty of things to update in order to get the scenery right. Overall, not bad. It's closer than I originally thought too. I am pleasantly surprised.

In terms of lap time comparison between the same car, it's quite far out....In Forza the straights are too long and the corners aren't sharp enough/can be taken at a higher speed. So on the straight sections, the real life video pulls away as the straights are shorter. But in the more twisty sections, the Forza video gets ahead as your able to corner faster in the game than in real life, either by more grip or shallower corners. Hence why in some parts the real life video is ahead, and in others the Forza video is ahead.
They got the layout right, but some of the curbs are too tall and the track as a whole is too wide.
But still, excellent track and excellent game. Just wish the track wasn't so damn dark and depressing and I may have enjoyed it. For some reason I just like sunny tracks in games, when it constantly looks like it's about to start raining it's hard for me to enjoy myself. But that's not entirely related.
I have found that the FM3 tracks are more realistic than the GT5 in terms of being gritty. Take Tsukaba. GT5 looks too clean I guess. But that is only from my viewing the videos as I do not have GT5. You comments are appreciated. I like FM3's Ring. The shading along with the cockpit view on all the non premium cars :sly: makes for a fun challenge.
I have found that the FM3 tracks are more realistic than the GT5 in terms of being gritty. Take Tsukaba. GT5 looks too clean I guess.

You're not alone; GT5 tracks seem to have this overly perfect look to them.

The only ones that don't are the few with weather/time effects.
Wow, I noticed the differences in the track when I went from GT5 to Forza 3 and assumed GT's version was probably the most realistic (their marketing has worked on me I guess), but this video just shattered my limited perspective on the matter.

That's a good thing. This game is just full of pleasant surprises.

And they're going to laser scan the track for FM4 because it's apparently not good enough for them... damn.
Wow, I noticed the differences in the track when I went from GT5 to Forza 3 and assumed GT's version was probably the most realistic (their marketing has worked on me I guess), but this video just shattered my limited perspective on the matter.

Sorry, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Because the games aren't constrained to the limits of real-world optics, the fish-eye lens effect in the real videos creates the illusion that the track is much wider, resulting in the false impression that FM3 has the width right. Even Turn 10 themselves openly admit that they widened the track, for the sake of making online play more 'accessible,' whereas in GT5 they even have trees used for braking points in their exact positions. Also, note how smooth the track is in FM3; that's just not realistic. I'm interested as to how you arrived at the conclusion that FM3's Nurburgring was more accurate.
Sorry, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Because the games aren't constrained to the limits of real-world optics, the fish-eye lens effect in the real videos creates the illusion that the track is much wider, resulting in the false impression that FM3 has the width right. Even Turn 10 themselves openly admit that they widened the track, for the sake of making online play more 'accessible,' whereas in GT5 they even have trees used for braking points in their exact positions. Also, note how smooth the track is in FM3; that's just not realistic. I'm interested as to how you arrived at the conclusion that FM3's Nurburgring was more accurate.

From watching the video the comment was regarding.

One of the more iconic differences between the games I noticed when playing was the look and color of the track in that tear-drop shaped turn. Sorry, but since I'm not a Nurburgring expert I would have no idea how the corners and trees are related, and probably never will. All I know is what I see, and I see two damn similar tracks in a video at the top of this thread, and I know that there are a few very noticeable differences between the tracks in the games.

If you want to educate, try posting some pictures or video to negate or improve upon the knowledge offered from the video; otherwise your argument is unreliable and comes off as strangely defensive. I don't see any fish-eye, and I recall thinking the track was a lot wider while watching the "Finale Video" of GT5 than it was while playing the game.
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Wow, I noticed the differences in the track when I went from GT5 to Forza 3 and assumed GT's version was probably the most realistic (their marketing has worked on me I guess), but this video just shattered my limited perspective on the matter.

That's a good thing. This game is just full of pleasant surprises.

And they're going to laser scan the track for FM4 because it's apparently not good enough for them... damn.

I know this video was produced by Sony, but it just shows that GT5 has it almost perfect. But in FM3, the track is almost the same, but again, some of the curbs are a little over sized, and the track itself has been widened.
I can only say that everyone I know who drove at all three tracks (FM3, GT5 and real life) said that GT5 is a lot more like the real thing, bumps, trees, corner radiuses, flow etc. Doesn't mean the FM3 track is "bad" though, definitely a big improvement over the first two Forza games.
Bonefork, disregard Dee's comments. He is just here to troll the Forza section as usual.

Or perhaps you're just here to tell everyone that they're not entitled to their own opinion, before refusing to show any justification for your own? As I've told you time and again, I'm not interested in your posts anymore, yet I don't go telling others to do the same – anyone with the sense to criticize your posts in the first place can see for themselves that you have no interest in any meaningful or unbiased discussion. If you genuinely believed that I was the 'troll' you say I am, then you'd undoubtedly feel the same way. I'll therefore consider any similar posts in the future a concession of your hypocrisy.
Or perhaps you're just here to tell everyone that they're not entitled to their own opinion, before refusing to show any justification for your own? As I've told you time and again, I'm not interested in your posts anymore, yet I don't go telling others to do the same – anyone with the sense to criticize your posts in the first place can see for themselves that you have no interest in any meaningful or unbiased discussion. If you genuinely believed that I was the 'troll' you say I am, then you'd undoubtedly feel the same way. I'll therefore consider any similar posts in the future a concession of your hypocrisy.

Dee, disregard Bogie 19th's comments. He is just here to tell others they are trolls.

See what I did there?

In all honesty, FM3 may be a great game, but its version of the ring is nowhere near as good as in GT5. A fact is a fact is a fact. Nothing wrong here. It may still be hugely enjoyed.
as a gt5 fan who has been playing since day one release, and as of 3 days ago went out and bought an xbox elite for the one purpose of playing a single game called forza 3, i can say that the gt5 track has it hands down, although i was really impressed with forzas small details such as dirt spilling on over onto the track from the grass curbs run over by constant wheelspin. the graphics or tracks is not what impressed me. it was the unbelievable car customization both in upgrades and with the paint job, i mean you could 90% of the time have your own unique vehicle all the time and the ability to be able to look into somes car and notice only one seat in the car and a rollcage, letting you know that this vehicle has significant weight reduction and a stiffened chassis. i love both games honestly, but that is just because my true hobby is cars, and anything car related will get me going. but i will say this. Forza hands down has car modding/sound/feeling/damage down great and GT5 has the actual realism of driving around the track and awesome pyshics. Now with graphics, you cant compare these games came out a year apart, and so will the next installments of each game with forza 4 comign out im sure the graphics will beat out gt5 and then gt6 will beat out forza 4..

ANYSWAY thread hijack, does any seriously play this game or every1 here just likes talking about it? i would sure like an add coming my way i like to do touge battles street racing and of course drag racing
I always thought that FM3 Ring is too wide, but also GT5 Ring is a bit narrow. There are places where I remember seeing photos where there could easily be 4 car width on some parts of track, which doesn't seem to be the case in GT
Could'nt care less wisch one is more realistic or fun. They are both great AND enjoyable. Fanboys being protective of their dear franchise, be it FM3 or GT5 are just not getting the point that normal peoples love both of these games for what they are; JUST PLAIN FANTASTIC DRIVING SIMS.

If you don't agree with me, go to hell and die. :)
I don't know how people are coming to the conclusion that FM ring is wider than the real ring. I don't see a damn difference at all.
as a gt5 fan who has been playing since day one release, and as of 3 days ago went out and bought an xbox elite for the one purpose of playing a single game called forza 3, i can say that the gt5 track has it hands down, although i was really impressed with forzas small details such as dirt spilling on over onto the track from the grass curbs run over by constant wheelspin. the graphics or tracks is not what impressed me. it was the unbelievable car customization both in upgrades and with the paint job, i mean you could 90% of the time have your own unique vehicle all the time and the ability to be able to look into somes car and notice only one seat in the car and a rollcage, letting you know that this vehicle has significant weight reduction and a stiffened chassis. i love both games honestly, but that is just because my true hobby is cars, and anything car related will get me going. but i will say this. Forza hands down has car modding/sound/feeling/damage down great and GT5 has the actual realism of driving around the track and awesome pyshics. Now with graphics, you cant compare these games came out a year apart, and so will the next installments of each game with forza 4 comign out im sure the graphics will beat out gt5 and then gt6 will beat out forza 4..

ANYSWAY thread hijack, does any seriously play this game or every1 here just likes talking about it? i would sure like an add coming my way i like to do touge battles street racing and of course drag racing

I used to play it quite a bit. Not so much anymore. The fact that it is easy to be really fast on a controller, but super hard to be as quick on a wheel (thanks to the steering aids applied to controllers) turned me off playing online or hotlapping.
Wow, I noticed the differences in the track when I went from GT5 to Forza 3 and assumed GT's version was probably the most realistic (their marketing has worked on me I guess), but this video just shattered my limited perspective on the matter.

That's a good thing. This game is just full of pleasant surprises.

And they're going to laser scan the track for FM4 because it's apparently not good enough for them... damn.

As someone who has driven the track on several occasions I can assure you thats not the case.

While neither version is 100% accurate, the FM3 track is not as accurate as the GT5 version. While it is (far) better than the FM & FM2 versions it is still too wide in sections, which then messes with the corner profiles and far too smooth.

I certainly hope they are going to revise the track for FM4 and stop wideing the track to accomodate on-line play, as it doesn't need to be done (in my opinion).

Bonefork, disregard Dee's comments. He is just here to troll the Forza section as usual.
Care to try calling me a troll because I disagree with you?

Cut the attitude.

I certainly hope they are going to revise the track for FM4 and stop wideing the track to accomodate on-line play, as it doesn't need to be done (in my opinion).

Agree. If cars can race on the track in real life, with no widening at all, then the game doesn't need widening as well.
ANYSWAY thread hijack, does any seriously play this game or every1 here just likes talking about it? i would sure like an add coming my way i like to do touge battles street racing and of course drag racing

I play it still. Usually when GT5 is Bspec grinding/racing I'll be on my xbox playing COD, BFBC2, FIFA, FM3 or DiRT2.

Agree. If cars can race on the track in real life, with no widening at all, then the game doesn't need widening as well.

Maybe it's me but the tracks in both GT5 and FM3 are great as is, but GT5's seems a lil bit to short in width than what most here will acknowledge. I do like the wider version in FM3 but I'm not sure that FM3's was done wide on purpose. Wasn't it FM2 that T10 said they widened it up and in FM3 they made corrections and adjustments to make more realistic? Maybe I'll pop in FM2 and FM3 with 'ring comparisons at different points to see for myself. I could have sworn that I remembered talk and debate back when FM2 was out and people were saying the 'ring in that was too wide, confirmed via T10's statements. I don't recall FM3 being made wide at all. After seeing many videos of the track itself, there's points where both GT5 and FM3 feel/look right and others where 1 version seems too wide and another too short. I am not sure if both nailed it 100%, although I do think it looks better on GT5 and has more features and details.

PS, fish eye lens effects?! whutz!?
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I can only say that everyone I know who drove at all three tracks (FM3, GT5 and real life) said that GT5 is a lot more like the real thing, bumps, trees, corner radiuses, flow etc. Doesn't mean the FM3 track is "bad" though, definitely a big improvement over the first two Forza games.

Yeah, I'm much more impressed by this video. The Forza one looks....too cartoony. I don't know how else to describe it. Everything in the Forza track is just too bright, but that's just Forza. They've always been really bright. Never understood why. It'll be interesting to see what they do with night and ral.....oh wait, Turn 10 hasn't actually said Forza 4 is gonna have night racing and off road rally. All they've shown is a bunch of real-life footage and a laser scanned Ford GT and 458...which might be the photomode car, (Which, imo, would be really silly if the cars are Forza 3 quality), but no one has seen actual in-game footage of Forza 4...but isn't due out this year? Maybe we'll see some footage of it at E3.
Or perhaps you're just here to tell everyone that they're not entitled to their own opinion, before refusing to show any justification for your own? As I've told you time and again, I'm not interested in your posts anymore, yet I don't go telling others to do the same – anyone with the sense to criticize your posts in the first place can see for themselves that you have no interest in any meaningful or unbiased discussion. If you genuinely believed that I was the 'troll' you say I am, then you'd undoubtedly feel the same way. I'll therefore consider any similar posts in the future a concession of your hypocrisy.

The irony.
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