GR.3 Saturday

  • Thread starter TexasJDC
Says the guy who lapped the whole field Samhain style. Lol

Sheer luck!

Not too sure "luck" has anything to do with it. Unless you are saying you are a terrible driver and only do well because of "luck". Lol :cheers:

I love the humbleness, but there was no luck in that race. Great drive man. You did awesome. Don't disrespect yourself or me by saying it was luck.

On the other hand. I am ready to race those again. Probably the most fun I have had recently. Can't wait for Rob to have a chance at picking races. :D
Not too sure "luck" has anything to do with it. Unless you are saying you are a terrible driver and only do well because of "luck". Lol :cheers:

I love the humbleness, but there was no luck in that race. Great drive man. You did awesome. Don't disrespect yourself or me by saying it was luck.

On the other hand. I am ready to race those again. Probably the most fun I have had recently. Can't wait for Rob to have a chance at picking races. :D
Alright, let me clarify. It was a combination of luck and consistency. The chicane of death, in that car, 43 never got me....that's luck. Also, I wasn't kidding when I said this car scares me. I drove the vast majority of the race in fuel map 2 in order to save the rears and keep the car stable on hard acceleration. My primary goal was not to hit anything and I didn't. Just drive consistent laps, stay out of trouble, don't make any mistakes and hope for the best, that was my strategy in a nutshell.
Alright, let me clarify. It was a combination of luck and consistency. The chicane of death, in that car, 43 never got me....that's luck. Also, I wasn't kidding when I said this car scares me. I drove the vast majority of the race in fuel map 2 in order to save the rears and keep the car stable on hard acceleration. My primary goal was not to hit anything and I didn't. Just drive consistent laps, stay out of trouble, don't make any mistakes and hope for the best, that was my strategy in a nutshell.

Haha well fuel map 2 explains your long pit windows.

Your consistent laps were quite a bit faster than mine on fuel map 2. Maybe I should have ran fuel map 2 also. I was able to get a string of probably 8 to 10 laps at best then push wide on one corner and get engine damage(which still doesnt make sense). The chicane never got me. It was that damn downhill s section that kept getting me.

As said, I would love to do more of these cars...but never that direction on that track again lol. The normal direction is just fine.
A sigh of relief could be heard throughout the paddock last night after Wildcard Race #1. It was definitely "WILD" and we can all thank (or condemn) @Rob Pardun for the outstanding pick, as it certainly lived up to the moniker.
And now, the results from Race #4.

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I think @Nick Cannella 's coffee may be giving up on him. No way can this be right. LOL!
Jaguar Takes Home a Disappointing P2

After an hour of intense racing it came down to a final lap spin that cemented Jaguar and PApunk924's finishing position.

When asked what happened PApunk924 had this to say: "It was a combination of worn tires, lap traffic, dirty air, and most importantly mental error on my part."

The spin cost PApunk924 an additional 18 seconds on the final lap. He ended up finishing 10 seconds behind Silver Division winner @WanganGhost.

I enjoyed Saturday's race a ton. I'd like to see if there is any interest in running a monthly series with these cars.

Drop a like on this post if you would be interested.
Maybe since you have an open wheel series already set up instead of doing two super formula races why not open with super formula do reverse grids for the f1500 and the Mercedes just a suggestion I have lol