Gran Turismo Sport: General Discussion

  • Thread starter Formidable
Kaz has stated a PS1 car — you know, those basic-textured, opaque-windowed ~400 polygon models — took a single day to model (Source). PS3 cars, even with the advances in tech, take six man-months. That's around 180x the time required.

It's simply unfeasible to model today's cars in a single day, and the suggestion shows a lack of understanding as to what has changed in the nearly twenty years since the PS1 days.

I heard all of that years ago, when we all were waiting 5 years for GT5 to come.

I still think they could do some ''magic'' in programming to shave off some time needed to make a new PS3/4 gen era car. And with extra staff to create these models, the time could be at least on half of that 6 months now (PS3).
But of course nobody knows how exactly these models are created now.

Though, they most certainly cannot get the 1 day / 1 car - time though. :)
Nah, it's just i don't want PD to ruin GT. Sure i have Forza but i grew up with GT and like plenty other Members of this site, everyone wants GT to improve and not fade away.
I feel the same, i grew up playing GT too, i remenber when using a "vibrating control wih sticks" was the ultimate experience, i had to steal my cousin's analog control in order to play the game with the rumble!!

But i just relaxed, the game will come out when its come out, ans it will be what it will be. I even atopped to visit GTP for a while, because i knew that anything new happened.
I had to sold my T500 too so, one more reason to relax a little, but i'll try to buy another arduino(a good one this time) in order to use my old, but gold DFGT thats working since 2008 to play GT!!
And video games are...
Games are not product but software, if you know the CES event, it s not the right place to have presentation or annoucement on video game industry, except accessories but it s more focusing on Pc, tv, photo, audio etc
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This might be unrelated to the thread but i had a dream about buying and playing GT Sport before the release by a week or so (much like GT6). I remember the game having issues with Framerate and having no anti aliasing at all. The offline mode was good at first until it felt too easy, boring and repetitive to me. I was disappointed about how some stuff were blocked in the game saying not available yet.

Polyphony Digital, please don't 🤬 this game up. I don't want GT being a game of the past.
I'd call that conscious thought.
Games are not product but software, if you know the CES event, it s not the right place to have presentation or annoucement on video game industry, except accessories but it s more focusing on Pc, tv, photo, audio etc
And an automotive show is?

You know what the biggest video game convention was before E3?

You know where videogames are still shown off and announced?

You know what the first international convention of the year is, even before things like NAIAS that you seem to think is a better place to make video game appearances, and thus is the actual answer to the original question?

So yes, I "know the CES event." Do you?
And an automotive show is?

You know what the biggest video game convention was before E3?

You know where videogames are still shown off and announced?

You know what the first international convention of the year is, even before things like NAIAS that you seem to think is a better place to make video game appearances, and thus is the actual answer to the original question?

So yes, I "know the CES event." Do you?
You re right but it was before, the actual CES let down the video games appearance
Tell me what big annoucement were shown or some fresh news are from CES lately ?
You can't find cause there re not about games itself

The last stuff we got, was VR, and it s a product, now it s released, we can expect to see VR showcase but nothing more
And i think you confuse with GDC
Mark your agenda on january, and we'll see it

For auto show, nope, but it s related to cars, where Kaz love to collaborate with car manufacturers, now Turn 10 too

You have higher chance to see news from a car show than high tech event about GTS
Remember the last Forza Motorsport 6 was announced at NAIAS on Ford showfloor, if you think auto show was nothing compared to CES
And it s not about the first event or not, do you think Gts will be present at all event ?
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So let's get this clear do the folks at home can follow along.

Kaz announces that they have spent three years on HDR, the latest innovation in consumer electronics that just so happens to be directly related to the game industry.

CES is one of the biggest consumer electronics shows of the year. Videogames have consistently had a large presence at the event dating all the way back to when CES was the game industry's biggest trade show, coinciding with how videogames tend to be some of the best showcases of new consumer electronics technology.

Sony, who just so happens to publish GTS and pay Kay's salary, will be at CES anyway showing off new consumer electronics featuring the same bullet points GTS just so happens to feature, since they an old and respected player in the consumer electronics market. Their presence this year will likely represent the same model lineup that Sony will have on sale when Gran Turismo Sport releases.

However, because videogames aren't related enough to consumer electronics for the consumer electronics company who publishes video games to bother going to a consumer electronics show that always has video games, there's no way we can even guess that the video game that features the latest technology might make an appearance at a trade show showing off the latest technology.
We should instead only expect the video game to make appearances at trade shows for industries where the parent company has virtually zero presence, because the shareholders who are the ones industry expos are ultimately targeted don't really care either way I guess.

That's the hill you want to die on in response to someone merely asking if there's somewhere we might see an appearance of GTS before the summer?
So let's get this clear do the folks at home can follow along.

Kaz announces that they have spent three years on HDR, the latest innovation in consumer electronics that just so happens to be directly related to the game industry.

CES is one of the biggest consumer electronics shows of the year. Videogames have consistently had a large presence at the event dating all the way back to when CES was the game industry's biggest trade show, coinciding with how videogames tend to be some of the best showcases of new consumer electronics technology.

Sony, who just so happens to publish GTS and pay Kay's salary, will be at CES anyway showing off new consumer electronics featuring the same bullet points GTS just so happens to feature, since they an old and respected player in the consumer electronics market. Their presence this year will likely represent the same model lineup that Sony will have on sale when Gran Turismo Sport releases.

However, because videogames aren't related enough to consumer electronics for the consumer electronics company who publishes video games to bother going to a consumer electronics show that always has video games, there's no way we can even guess that the video game that features the latest technology might make an appearance at a trade show showing off the latest technology.
We should instead only expect the video game to make appearances at trade shows for industries where the parent company has virtually zero presence, because the shareholders who are the ones industry expos are ultimately targeted don't really care either way I guess.

That's the hill you want to die on in response to someone merely asking if there's somewhere we might see an appearance of GTS before the summer?

We know how it ends, same believers thought like you for GTS showcasing for psvr at the last CES, but nothing, and thing continue at E3, GDC and so on

Talking about TV, or HDR, if their Tv has the lastest standard for the HDR, called 2020 ? ( dont remember the name ) we could see Gts, but i don't think so
A good promo video or pictures, that's what they ll use to talk about HDR 2020
Cause why use a video game to showcase a more vivid color tech ? video games are limited on details
And for other tv manufacturer, that what they ll do

And if you think PD are joker, you re wrong, so why Sony doesnt promote GTS for PSVR ? instead of that, we saw a shy presentation at the last moment

For your last question, he posted ces is a good place to see Gts ? i just reply auto show is a better event to see before E3, and you appears with your question

But Hey, Hdr 2020 dude, go for the hype train at january, *sarcasm*
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So that's a yes then.

Also perhaps actually read the posts you're responding to. They aren't saying what you are arguing against, which isn't helping you in the least.
The more I look at GT SPORT, the more excited I get.

In the racing game genre, it's an odd mix. Games like Forza Motorsport have just settled for adding more cars and tracks, and not really caring about the substance of their content. Sure, you can have all the V8 Supercars you want, but when you have the biggest event of their season to be only 100 miles, and not even have a full season, and just one track of their entire series, it's kind of a slap in the face. GT seemed to be heading in that direction, a ton of cars from everywhere and such, and not much to race against, there wasn't any balance of performance, no real categories, you could make your own, but the game didn't really care. It was just a line of series with an assortment of radically different race cars racing each other.

As from a regular racing fan's standpoint, it's disappointing going from 1000+ cars to like, an assortment of 100 or so, and only a few tracks to race in, but I firmly stand by that this is the shakeup that Gran Turismo needs badly. Many say that the series was stuck in 1999, so the team is doing all it can to change up their formula.

With this, there's a real group of cars to race each other with, and a true form of multiclass. Sure, it's weird to see maybe an open wheel car with a Peugeot 208, but they have done the balancing so that they all have their quirks while being competitive. There's also an actual structure of championship (although it being online), with racing rules, flags, hopefully penalties and such. I wish they could bring this experience to the single player aspect of things instead of feeling the light for 3 years, but it's a step in the right direction. GT Sport is great from a motorsports fan's view.

It's a shake up Gran Turismo needed, and I hope other series follow and overdo Gran Turismo in the future.
I firmly stand by that this is the shakeup that Gran Turismo needs badly. Many say that the series was stuck in 1999, so the team is doing all it can to change up their formula.

I agree it needed A shakeup, I'm yet to be convinced it needed this specific shakeup. Other games already offer what GTS does in terms of the substance. Maybe not every ingredient, but there are plentiful games with ~100 cars, categorised and balanced, to race competitively either online or offline. Series like TOCA/GRID have been doing it for decades, albeit without the sim physics and e-sports aspect.
I agree it needed A shakeup, I'm yet to be convinced it needed this specific shakeup. Other games already offer what GTS does in terms of the substance. Maybe not every ingredient, but there are plentiful games with ~100 cars, categorised and balanced, to race competitively either online or offline. Series like TOCA/GRID have been doing it for decades, albeit without the sim physics and e-sports aspect.

I can't really think of any other idea that could fit without getting into something like a Horizon-like game (which would devalue the main games as a whole, if you look at the Forza Motorsport series at the moment, but that's for another time), so a motorsport game is my idea of how to do it. They could do something focused on one series, but that would be too niche.
The more I look at GT SPORT, the more excited I get.

In the racing game genre, it's an odd mix. Games like Forza Motorsport have just settled for adding more cars and tracks, and not really caring about the substance of their content. Sure, you can have all the V8 Supercars you want, but when you have the biggest event of their season to be only 100 miles, and not even have a full season, and just one track of their entire series, it's kind of a slap in the face.

To be fair, that's a major issue the GT series has struggled with. A selection of NASCAR vehicles with two ovals (and their respective road courses) to race on. WRC cars with none of the events.

It's sort of the same for all racing games, really: none of the modern titles that feature a large chunk of a particular series (GT3 cars, prototypes, etc etc) have the majority of the tracks the real-world series takes part on.

Then again, if you're looking for a game that better emulates existing series, GT Sport looks pretty crap for that outside of GT3-spec racing. The top class is filled with a few modern LMP's (all of which have since been replaced), and a whole swath of fictional race cars. Group 4 road-racers and Group B rally cars are roughly the same situation.

GT seemed to be heading in that direction, a ton of cars from everywhere and such, and not much to race against, there wasn't any balance of performance, no real categories, you could make your own, but the game didn't really care. It was just a line of series with an assortment of radically different race cars racing each other.

Agreed, though I don't think that, on its own, was a bad thing. The issue was that it was more or less the only way to play. I wish it was easier to set strict guidelines to better emulate real-world series.

As from a regular racing fan's standpoint, it's disappointing going from 1000+ cars to like, an assortment of 100 or so, and only a few tracks to race in, but I firmly stand by that this is the shakeup that Gran Turismo needs badly. Many say that the series was stuck in 1999, so the team is doing all it can to change up their formula.

I don't know about you, but change simply for change's sake isn't something I'm too keen on. If there's substance there, that's great. I'm not saying there is or isn't with GT Sport: I'm only saying that we still know so little.

With this, there's a real group of cars to race each other with, and a true form of multiclass. Sure, it's weird to see maybe an open wheel car with a Peugeot 208, but they have done the balancing so that they all have their quirks while being competitive. There's also an actual structure of championship (although it being online), with racing rules, flags, hopefully penalties and such. I wish they could bring this experience to the single player aspect of things instead of feeling the light for 3 years, but it's a step in the right direction. GT Sport is great from a motorsports fan's view.

Another thing we don't know: how balanced the classes truly are. There have been rumblings that the Renault RS01 is far and away the dominant car in Gr3, at least at past events.

To me, GT Sport sounds like more of a racing game than any previous GT game. But it doesn't seem like much of a real-world motorsports fan-friendly game, since it features so little of that.

It's a shake up Gran Turismo needed, and I hope other series follow and overdo Gran Turismo in the future.

I'm of two minds on that one. I tend to agree GT needed a shake-up, but I'm not sure this is the one. I won't argue that GT still has the edge in brand recognition in the genre though, so if anything is going to kick off the eSports trend on consoles, it'll be GT. Then again, iRacing has been pushing the eSports thing on PC for years now and I'm pretty sure both AC and PC were more successful in terms of sales figures and regular players.

Maybe I'm in the minority, but I prefer the old GT style of what essentially was a CarPG. I think the issue was making it engaging to more players: the series has been so bogged down in its own idiosyncrasies that it could turn away casuals. Stuff like the chassis reinforcement, or oil changes: it's very cool to those people that like to get lost in the little details, but it's another barrier to just going out and having fun for others.

GT Sport is easily the biggest shift in style since the first game, so it will be very interesting to see how the average gamer responds to it next year.