GTA Vice City Quotes

  • Thread starter oosacker
"did you just see that? he almost ran over me!" the dudes that show up around your properties at the film studio when i almost ran over one with a packer
There are so many memorable ones, some I remember:

Tommy when fighting: "Ooof! You're already ugly!" (this one is quite rare)

Cop after being saved by paramedic: "Call my mom! tell her I'm ok!" or "All in the line of duty huh?"

Cop after you: "I'd chase you but I had too many doughnuts"

Taxi driver when yanked out: I got a wife, an ex-wife and seven kids"

Cuban guy: "Oye men" or "eh men" (these I like because they sound so spontaneous) :P :lol:

I also love the black old ladies when they run into you: "Hmm, that felt good but... do it again" :lol: :D
Konstantinos Smith
"Life is cheap, man, and then you die...You may have noticed this sign tatoo, its egyptian and represents the breath of life given in the afterworld. Its my to eternal life, after death..."

Jeremy Robard:
"Why dont you carry your keys in ylour pocket like everyone else?"

"Because only that which is burned or scratched into your skin comes with you to the afterlife...If you prepare for the afterlife now, you will be able to summon spirits"
"I wish someone would kill me, then I could hang around in a graveyard all day, and except just on weekends..."
haha soo many good ones

i love You gotta have really big cajones to work for me, and I can see, you've got biiiig cajones.

and anything to have to do with Cajones
"If you were dead you could float around as an astro body, and visit places like New Orleans...I love New Orleans, Its really hot and depressiong"
Diaz's guys had some pretty funny stuff, like "yeah, the 'one- TWO!'"
I get a kick out of most the stuff Pastor Richards says too. :lol: :rolleyes:
Heres a Pastor Richards Quote, just for sleek stratos:
"I'd like to hit you back to hell you sicko, you're filth, human form of vermin!"
LOL That's probably the best one 👍
Another: "I'll tell you about morality, morality is what I say is right and immorality is what I say is wrong! You gotta understand this!"
Also when Maurice brings up the rock concert to provide famine to Alaska and he turns to Pastor Richards

Maurice: "Some people say it's immoral to meddle in other people's business, Pastor Richards..."

PR: What? (he says this so quick and spontaneous) :lol: :D
"The Alaskans are lunatics, plain and simple. They eat snow, and whales! and sleep in a freezer! Who'd want to eat snow all day?" ~Pastor Richards again
Originally posted by DODGE the VIPER
The Giggle Cream add. :lol: That has been the best quote:

wah wah, wah wah wah wah, wah wah wah wah, wah wah, da da da da etc.

"wah wah, wah wah wah, wah wah waaaah

(I'm not sure about this next bit, is is correct?)

Smell the creamy goodness, propel the toxic gas,
make sure that you're in a chair or your head's gonna
plop (OH NO!)

wah wah, wah wah wah, wah wah waaaah

Giggle cream! It makes desert funny."
Granny pedestrian:
"I think I ****ted my pants"

Vice City Police
"I am an officer of the law, STOP!, please? "

Tommy V.- at the final mission
"I just wanted to piss you off before I kill you"

White Fat dudes on Ocean Beach
"Ah, look at those t*ts"
"All I came here was for some p*ssy"
*farts* "Oh, that was nasty"

African American Pedestrians on leather jackets after you steal their cars
"Yo, what I did to you son"
"I'll give you an elephant, anything you want son!"
White Fat dudes on Ocean Beach: *farts* "Oh, that was nasty"

LOL How could I forget those guys? :lol:
Also when they go: "Oooh let me grab that *farts* oops, sorry!"

African American Pedestrians on leather jackets after you steal their cars: "Yo, what I did to you son"

👍 Yeah, or "I'm with the Union kid!" and "Yo, I'll give you a giraffe for free man!"
I can't get enough of them when I get in their way on the road and they go "move that piece of ****!" they say it with such... enthusiasm. :D
I like part when you are gonna kill the guy at the golf course. When you get the golf clothes a guy goes," Nice Ass baby." Its one of those Consturction workers.:lol::lol: its hilerous how he says it.:lol:
On VCPR, after Pastor Richards shoots the nudist:

Maurice Chavez: "There's blood and pubic hair all over the place!"

and on VCPR, from the nudist guy:

Nude Man: "No police officer has ever hit me with his truncheon."
From GamesFAQ(VCPR):

Alex: That's not entirely true, Maurice. My campaign also appealed to
the poor... who were too stupid to understand what I'm saying, so I held
up pretty pictures and then I gave out candy bars to appeal to their
most base insticts. Thanks Maurice. I'm glad to be given this
opportunity to set the record straight.
Also here's another point on VCPR with Jeremy:

The names of Jeremy Robard's motivation programs seem to be drug references.

1. Think, Hold that thought, Complete: THC.

2. Learn, Start, Do: LSD.

3. Motivate, Demonstrate, then Motivate Again: MDMA (Ecstasy).

When talking about "Motivate", Jeremy says "You'll hug people and laugh like you've never laughed before," a pretty good description of an Ecstasy
trip.- countess mushroom(from GamesFAQ)
Originally posted by oosacker
Also here's another point on VCPR with Jeremy:

"The names of Jeremy Robard's motivation programs seem to be drug
references. Think, Hold that thought, Complete: THC. Learn, Start, Do:
LSD. Motivate, Demonstrate, then Motivate Again: MDMA (Ecstasy). When
talking about "Motivate", Jeremy says "You'll hug people and laugh like
you've never laughed before," a pretty good description of an Ecstasy
trip.- countess mushroom

HA! :lol: I would have never picked that up!
Another funny "easter egg" inside the radio shows is when Pepe, the radio ESPANTOSO DJ, says:

"Muchacho! el otro día un come-m*erda Italiano grasoso me trato de robar el carro cuando estaba manejando, que es eso gente!? Seguro que ese tipo no sabía con quien el estaba jugando ah?..."

Anybody who speaks spanish can tell that "greasy, sh** eating Italian" he's talking about is Tommy Vercetti. :lol: :D