let's see those desktops (rev 2.0)

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  • mine1.jpg
    99.1 KB · Views: 236
New desktop for me, after moving to XP Pro (love it!).


  • desk.jpg
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Originally posted by AltF8
New desktop for me, after moving to XP Pro (love it!).
Haha...why am I not suprised to see a WRX on your desktop? :D

That's an awesome active desktop, LoudMusic. Where did you find such a good (clean and simple), high resolution photo like that?
Originally posted by Jordan
Haha...why am I not suprised to see a WRX on your desktop? :D

That's an awesome active desktop, LoudMusic. Where did you find such a good (clean and simple), high resolution photo like that?

Nice of you to notice (: And that's not even the "high res high quality" version of the image. I down sampled it so I wouldn't have the BIG file in memory all the time.

http://www.gettyone.com is a photo service primarily for advertising agencies. They have super high quality images and probably billions of them. Anyway, after you subscribe you can request CD collections which contain the images - roughly 500 per disk in TIF format. I grabbed the CD titled "Agricultural" the other day and browsed through. This is one of the ones I liked more.

I'll edit this post when I've found somewhere to throw the Photoshop Web Gallery I created from this disk as well.

Originally posted by LoudMusic

Nice of you to notice (: And that's not even the "high res high quality" version of the image. I down sampled it so I wouldn't have the BIG file in memory all the time.

http://www.gettyone.com is a photo service primarily for advertising agencies. They have super high quality images and probably billions of them. Anyway, after you subscribe you can request CD collections which contain the images - roughly 500 per disk in TIF format. I grabbed the CD titled "Agricultural" the other day and browsed through. This is one of the ones I liked more.

I'll edit this post when I've found somewhere to throw the Photoshop Web Gallery I created from this disk as well.

Ah, yes, I've heard of Getty Images before. I can't wait to see the Photoshop gallery! :)
Originally posted by duo17
How can i get a picture of my desktop so i can show you guys?
Space summed it up pretty well in his first post. Hit "PrtScn" on your keyboard, and then paste the screenshot into your favorite image editing program, save as a JPEG or GIF, and then upload it as an attachment to your post.
Yup...I make my own desktops...and they're darn purty too..if any of you's be a wantin' one...just ask...


  • desktoppic.jpg
    70 KB · Views: 188
and here's what it looks like on my quite cluttered desktop... :eek:
Originally posted by Jordan
Works great! Almost all of those make perfect desktop images. :thumbsup:

I actually emailed GettyImages and told them they should add a "desktop images" section to their website and stick their logo on their images.

Here's the reply email:

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the image feedback! We are always looking for ways to improve our products and services, and your comments are very helpful. I have forwarded your feedback to the Digital Production Team for review.

If we can be of further assistance, please call us at 1-877-438-8966.

Best Regards,

Kimberly C
Web Sales Consultant
Getty Images

-----Original Message-----
From: loudmusic@stoneward.com
Date: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 10:03 AM
To: sales@gettyimages.com
Subject: User Question/Comment

Name: LoudMusic
Username: LoudMusic
Email address: loudmusic@stoneward.com Company name: Stone & Ward
Telephone: 501 375 3003
Type of assistance: Other
Platform: Windows 2000

Browser: IE 6

Comments: I just have a suggestion and couldn't find a better place
to make it. I am the System Administrator for an advertising agency
and I was stroling through our Creative department and picked up a
PhotoDisc CD. "Agricultural ... wouldn't it be cool if someone made
desktop images out of all of these?" You guys should make desktop
images of your image database. A simple "GettyImages" logo nestled
in there somewhere would get your name on the desktop of possibly
millions of users. And it would save me the trouble of making them
myself (: -- LoudMusic

AWESOME! A human being actually read and responded to my email!

Oh, and here is my ACTUAL desktop. I updated a bunch of the links too.


My desktop at work is 1280 x 1024 by the way ...

My absolute favorite part is the date / time at the top. After lots of searching, and a little code hacking, I've gotten almost the perfect script for it. I should probably throw it into its own .js file and allow CSS to set the font and stuff, but right now it works, and that's all that matters.

Originally posted by AltF8
Just changed to a new one... ;)

You could set up a simple html file that rotated the images for you. That'd be pretty sweet ....

There are also applications that will do that for you. I used a random image loader javascript for the old GTPlanet active desktops I had made a while back. But I do them that way because I like to put links and stuff on my desktop as well. That way I can turn off the ugly icons when I get everything setup in the html file.

I don't like extra resources eating up what little I have. ;)

I'm running a P3-550 at work, so I'm suffering already.
Ah well, good point. Though I am running P3-600 at home and never had any problems with Active Desktop. If you run AD with icons disabled, it actually seems (to me) to be more effecient.

And with Windows XP you should be ahead of the game anyway. It does a much better job of handling IE functions since it is at the newest revision.

Anywho ... it's cool, you should at least give it a try (:

I might. I've had serious issues before with AD, but that was before XP. Perhaps it'll be a better experience.
I'm thinking about making an active desktop...right now I'm making regular desktops. Like I said before, if you want a cool looking desktop- just tell me and I'll get right on it.
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