Mission 19 - Amuse S2000s take Suzuka by storm!

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actually, this was pretty easy, just be VERYsmoothe while cornering and draft the cars in front of you. take their exact line. there arent any special tricks or secrets like the skyline draft mission. 👍
I have a replay where i pass the lead car on the fourth corner of the second lap (1'42) if anyone wants to see it. 3'14.507 total time.
I loved this mission , so refreshingly easy, and short. Won on second attempted, even when I accidentally plowed a sandy straight line throung one of the back esses and fell 2 positions, still won with no sweat. The only secret I can think of is don't even bother braking on the esses.

Did anyone else notice an apparent lack of penalties in this one? I tagged 2 cars, not hard, but enough to make a audible thunk, but no penalties appeared...
This and the next are the easiest of these 10 missions, the hardest to me was nº 11, wich i've tryed like 10 times or so.
I found this easy as well, although I don't think you need to draft off the others cars for this, my strategy was every time I approached a turn I would release the gas briefly, turn and than apply the gas and yet again I would catch up to the others cars as they were braking and going wide.
This was the first non-easy Mission I managed.

By easy I mean 1-10, plus 21-24 (slipstreaming). Okay, 23 (Skylines) wasn't easy, but it was straight-forward.

I just pretended it was a license test, and built up more and more speed and lowered my lap times until I won.
3-Wheel Drive
The only secret I can think of is don't even bother braking on the esses.
Did anyone else notice an apparent lack of penalties in this one? I tagged 2 cars, not hard, but enough to make a audible thunk, but no penalties appeared...

Actually I breezed this one by tapping the brakes just before turn in on every corner to settle the car, I passed the leader as we crossed the finish line on the start of the 3rd lap, I took it easy the last lap & still won by over 5 seconds.

On one of my first tries I did get penalties by tapping the car I was passing.
As long as your side by side you won't get a penalty but if you hit them with your nose it'll nail you!
Fairly simple mission, I finished it in 5 trys. Very important thing to remember with this one. You must take it VERY EASY. The first few tries, I went fast and rough on it and I always ended up going on grass and sliding everywhere. then I took it easy and I beat it like that.
Yes. This is an amusing mission, good fun.
I find you only have to brake once per lap, at the end of main straight. The rest of the time just back off a bit, feint, then countersteer your way round.
I dont know if this is the fastest way around but it is certainly the most fun.
BTW from memory I think I won by about 5 seconds, will have to check replay file.
Enjoy !:)

Here's a map of the circuit for this mission, with the gears listed for each corner, and brake zones in yellow.

-Try as hard as you can not to activate the ASM. That's really the only challenge.

Disclaimer: This is how I drive the mission. I have a conservative, smooth driving style, so your braking tendencies may not match, but it should give you some idea of where to brake, and how much. Throttle-lifts are NOT shown, but it's not hard to figure out when you should lift. The time reference is for the NTSC version only.
Sorry Mick777, I didn't see your replay in post #13.

Great run btw 👍

Replay Removed.
Also, unlike just about every other Mission, in this one "treachery will get you everywhere"...bwahahaha...:mischievous:

Pretty hard to get a penalty, opponents who stray just that little too close to the edge of the track when you are overtaking where they are liable to go skating off into the sand if "someone" gives them an "accidental" nudge, that last corner onto the straight which can be cut significantly...ahh, just like the old days...:sly:
Yeah, the penalties are real light, I noticed that when I got bored and entered to push them all off the track for fun, but then I decided to do it properly and won by 10 seconds, had the whole last lap just having fun in first