Multi-monitor support in GT6?

  • Thread starter Jope_Fin
I use a gigabit router and still get the occasional stutter. It's more frequent than it was in GT5 but it's not enough to bother me. It only lasts a fraction of a second, by the time I notice it everything has already cleared up. Other than that minor hiccup I've had no issues with the triple screens so far and love every minute of it. 👍
I think the game runs very smoothly since I decreased the vertical FOV, which means there is less of the world for each PS-3 to render.

I agree that the reduced FOV improves performance. I am using 87 angle of view and the Narrow interior view angle setting currently. It also provides a more detailed outside view as everything is larger so therefore more detailed. I only play in cockpit view.

I have had zero stutter in single player, but some stutter when on-line on the client screens mainly due to internet lag in the room especially during practice sessions when people join the track. During races it's much better.

I am just thrilled that I do not have any of the problems I had with GT5 and multiscreen where the clients screens would disconnect when racing online.
@pingpong it's interesting that you had issues with a 100mbps switch. That's what I use with no problems. It's an old Netgear FS105. Looks like something out of the Dark Ages, but it has been great for me ever since before Forza 2 came out back in early 2007. Used it with Forzas 1, 2, 3 and 4 and GT5 and GT6.

Hooking up 3 independent anythings, in this case, PS3s, Network Cables, Power supplies, HDMI cables, monitors etc is like 9x more complex than just one, who know why it works for some and not for others.

My PS3s are all different types, from different generations G1, slim, etc...

My monitors were el cheapo back in 2009, and still use old fashined DVI ports

My Video cables are all patched together with HDMI to DVI adaptors that I found all over the place,

so maybe something else is the culprit, but I know that I changed the switch and it all came together after that.

I am honestly just happy it works.
I have Forza triple screen also (actually quad screen with a rearview monitor) and the Xbox's only have 100Mbp network capability while the PS3's have 1000Mbp

Very cool! :cheers:

I'd like that option in GT.
yeah pricing was below Min Ad Price,($229 Retail) quantity was limited to 1, but i found a helpful CS rep that knew instantly what i was doing (He is a F**za fan:crazy:) and he added 2 more to my order.
Amazon hides the price until you click show price
Item here
Hey everybody, here's a new video of some online racing multi monitor:

I recently discovered a new requirement to get the correct perceived projection out of the setup, and the reason why I had perspective issues with my setup. Basically, for everything to look "correct," the distance your eyes sit from the front screen must be a specific length that is a function of your screen sizes and possibly the angle of the side screens. Maybe I will make a detailed post later.
Hey everyone, I recently picked up a cheap 2nd hand PS3 as a backup and after realizing that they're not too expensive if you shop around, I seriously thought about a 5 screen setup and considering the original triple 32 inch TV's are end of model i just got a good discount for two more, so could keep the picture quality consistency.
Then I ordered a couple more copies of gt6, another cheap PS3, an extra router switch and more cables and another power board, then it was ready.

5 PS3's
5 TV's
5 GT6's
1 G27
1 4xwifi router
1 router switch
1 logitech 5.1 sound system
2 Buttkickers
1 fan to cool the Buttkicker amplifiers
Power Board for 17 pieces of electrical equipment!

It's still a bit rough and it takes up a lot of room but WOW, the immersion factor is incredible, even when you turn your head you can't see the edge of the end screens.


In the mirrors with triple screen, the cars were all just flat shaded, but with 5 screens the cars in the mirrors are as detailed as the main mirror.


With see through glass.


EDIT Sometimes the cars are flat shaded in the mirrors, with no glass.


And with the double buttkickers, one on each channel, the road, the curbs, braking and grip in turns are all reasonably simulated.


And I know it all looks a little industrial but it's still a work in progress.
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a friend spent 1.5-2k on a nice seat/wheelstand, t500, and various other accessories, I drove it once and decided my pink wingback and fanatec wheel stand where not cutting it, so I got to work.
3x sheets of oak veneer hardwood plywood
70 linear feet of 1x oak
3 Samsung 22" 1080p 120hz TVs
2x pawnshop ps3s
A Second dl-ed game and the original disc copy I gave to my brother
A whole lot of math, geometry and saw dust later;


Obviously not properly finished, still need to sand, make face frames for the back, finishing the equipment shelves/cabinet on the front, get it sealed and ventilated, wheel mount, edge banding, and build a frame to get it off the floor, but it is almost usable.
BTW 2x v1.00 to v1.08 updates suck....
I have some new information about the physical configuration of your screens for those who would like to maximize the visual continuity between the center and side screens.

The position where your eyes sit in space is critical, and must reside at a specific point in all three dimensions in order for the view to be free of any distortion.

It was already known that your eyes must sit in the middle of your center screen, both vertically and horizontally (laterally when facing the screen).

However, it is also important that your eyes sit a specific distance away from your center screen (on the horizontal longitudinal axis). If you sit too far away from the screen, the perspective of the side screens will appear to be canted away from you. If you sit too close to the screen, the perspective of the side screens will appear to be canted toward you. In either case, the perspective will be off.

To give you an idea of how this works, here is a screenshot of my setup, where the camera is in both the horizontal(lateral) and vertical middle of the center screen, but slightly turned to the right so you can see what is happening at the edges.

The view in this case is the Countach interior, which is good reference because the dash contains a long, completely straight edge that extends well into the right screen. In all these examples, we will be concerned with the linearity of this edge between the two screens:


Notice in the above image, the perspective angle of the dash on the right screen appears to be canted too far outward. It is not perfectly straight with the same edge on the center screen.

This is because even though the camera is positioned at the exact horizontal (lateral) and vertical middle of the center screen, it is actually sitting too far away from the center screen. Note that changing the camera's orientation here would not affect this difference one way or the other.

It turns out that at this distance, 39.5 inches from the center screen (measured into the dead center of the center screen), the difference between these edges is about 3.91 degrees. This is the amount of perspective error you are experiencing when viewing the game from this distance:


Now, if we move the camera closer to the center screen, without changing its position on the other axes, we find that the angle difference between the two edges reaches zero at a specific point. At 31.0 inches away, here it measures only 0.41 degrees:


So for my setup the ideal viewing point is probaby somewhere around 30 inches away from the center screen.

There are a few more important details:

- I expect this distance to be a function of the sizes of the screens in use. In this example, all three are 52".

- I also expect that this distance is a function of the "Angle of Screen Curvature" setup of your side screens, although that requires further experimentation to verify. In this example, the setup is at 145 degrees.

Here are the two screens again without graphics so you can see the difference better. When your eyes sit at the ideal point, you will perceive a continuous undistorted window into the virtual world. By the way, the reason why the edge on the side screen here looks to be slightly higher than the center screen is because my side screens at the moment need to be nudged towards the player on the longitudinal axis by about a centimeter:

Now, if we move the camera closer to the center screen, without changing its position on the other axes, we find that the angle difference between the two edges reaches zero at a specific point. At 31.0 inches away, here it measures only 0.41 degrees:

I don't have my triple screen yet (I have 3 42", 2 PS3 and I'm waiting for this).

I was hoping that if your eyes could be at the same distance of each screen's center, then you should not have this problem ?

In other words, the greater your "Angle of Screen Curvature", the more you must be near the center screen (but of course you will not benefit totally from the side screens).
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I don't have my triple screen yet (I have 3 42", 2 PS3 and I'm waiting for this).

I was hoping that if your eyes could be at the same distance of each screen's center and then you should not have this problem ?

In other words, the greater your "Angle of Screen Curvature", the more you must be near the center screen (but of course you will not benefit totally from the side screens).

I'm not sure how big of a deal it is. I've never been able to get things to line up 100% perfectly (partially because my side screens overlap the front screen) but I've got it so close that while driving everything appears fine. It can take a while to get the angles dialed in but once they reach a certain point everything kinda snaps together and your brain fills in any blanks. If I stop and look for things that don't line up perfectly I can usually find something, but it's not something I regularly notice and certainly not something that bothers me or effects the experience. Also, always do your tweaking of angles from your driving view. I've found that in both GT5 and GT6 even if your cockpit view is virtually spot on, the external view from replays almost never line up quite perfectly (and if you do get it lined up, then your cockpit view is screwed up). 👍
I don't have my triple screen yet (I have 3 42", 2 PS3 and I'm waiting for this).

I was hoping that if your eyes could be at the same distance of each screen's center, then you should not have this problem ?

In other words, the greater your "Angle of Screen Curvature", the more you must be near the center screen (but of course you will not benefit totally from the side screens).

This may or may not be the case for all screen setups, in my physical configuration when you are about 30" from the main screen, it does appear as though you are also just about that same distance from the center of the side screens as well.
Has anyone considering using those small pico projectors for a bezel free rear projection setup ? These things are 1080p and are getting pretty cheap considering what they do.
Here is another multiscreen video. Nice clean pack of subcompacts online.

This is of my previous screen setup.
Later on I will post another video showing an increase of the angle of the side screens from 145 deg. to 110 deg. At this new position, the distance of the center of each of the screens to the viewing point is identical, as poumpoum was theorizing.
Later on I will post another video showing an increase of the angle of the side screens from 145 deg. to 110 deg. At this new position, the distance of the center of each of the screens to the viewing point is identical, as poumpoum was theorizing.

Do you like this new configuration ?

I'm building my triple screen right now (42"). Yesterday I only focused on "what is the good distance between my eyes and the center screen". GT6 is not as beautiful as PC sims so I can't seat as close as I hoped. I've found that @95cm(<=>37.4 inches) the flaws and the aliazing don't bother me, so it seems fine to me.





(I only have 2 PS3 at the moment)

I made a small spreadsheet to determine what the angle of screen curvature should be if you want to have the same distance between your eyes and the center of each of the screens :) In my case it is nearly 110° <=> 55°/125° between screens.

my set up is lagging quite a bit...
I run it all wirelessly
I was hoping not to have to fool with a hardwired set up - but its taking the joy out of things with the lagging...

So can someone confirm quick how I'm hooking all this up....

If I run my coaxial internet cable to a dedicated modem, run an ethernet cable out of the modem and into this switch, and then run 3 Ethernet cables out of this switch into each of the ps3s... My connection should be much more stable ??

am I understanding how this switch works ? I'm unfamiliar with them...

but its as simple as that yes?? or are there other steps i should/could take to sure up my connection...

and then in settings will it recognize that stuff is hardwired and it wont try to use the ip address and run stuff through the wifi???
@Ole, you have the physical connections described correctly.

It will still be using IP addresses (they are not just a wireless thing), so here is what you can do.

On your "host" or "server" PS3 set a static IP address via the XMB menus. I chose a high number to avoid possible prior usage by some other device. Such as

Here is a link which shows how to set a static IP address

On your "client" PS3s, go to GT6 > Settings > Multimonitor and set that IP address for them to look for
Do you like this new configuration ?

I'm building my triple screen right now (42"). Yesterday I only focused on "what is the good distance between my eyes and the center screen". GT6 is not as beautiful as PC sims so I can't seat as close as I hoped. I've found that @95cm(<=>37.4 inches) the flaws and the aliazing don't bother me, so it seems fine to me.





(I only have 2 PS3 at the moment)

I made a small spreadsheet to determine what the angle of screen curvature should be if you want to have the same distance between your eyes and the center of each of the screens :) In my case it is nearly 110° <=> 55°/125° between screens.

Will your setup fit infont of that window, it would dominate that room and look amazing plus no light will directly hit the screens, I also had that rseat not comfy one bit lol modded the seat so much could hardley get the cover back on ;)
Do you like this new configuration ?

The continuity between screens seems to be better at 110, but this is because I cannot physically put the main screen close enough at 145 deg for good continuity (my rig gets in the way, I designed it to be placed in front of the screen instead of under it unfortunately).

However, at 110 you do not get nearly as good peripheral vision. At 145 I could see my opponent in the corner of my eye when going side by side into a corner. At 110 a side by side car is not quite visible.

I think the ideal setting should be the minimum angle that allows vision all the way to the edge of your periphery, without distorting continuity.
Here is a new video where I am trying a more open screen setup @ 110 deg. screen curvature.

You can automatically see how much better the continuity between screens is, this is great for viewing purposes, but is terrible for gameplay and defeats the potential of a multiscreen setup.

After this recording, I started experimenting with a setup at 180 deg. screen curvature, where the screens are literally making a rectangle surrounding you. So far it is an absolutely incredible experience - if your screens are big enough where you can put your head at the proper distance for correct alignment.

With 52" screens, this gives you a setup where some part of the screens are outside of your peripheral vision, which means that turning your head is now a meaningful part of racing. You can actually see the front of an opponent in your side screen while seeing the rest of his car in your rear view. You have maximal visibility now when going side by side into a corner.

Right now, 180 deg. forces me to put the seat back more upright than I would like, and getting in and out involves some funny logistics. I am going to try dialing it back to maybe 170 deg., if my predictions are correct this should mean I can move my head position slightly farther backward (by adjusting the seat back backwards a few inches). Hopefully this will solve those two problems without diminishing the surrounding effect too much.
I'm building my triple screen right now (42"). Yesterday I only focused on "what is the good distance between my eyes and the center

I made a small spreadsheet to determine what the angle of screen curvature should be if you want to have the same distance between your eyes and the center of each of the screens :) In my case it is nearly 110° <=> 55°/125° between screens.

Poumpoum, so far my measurements do not seem to indicate that matching up your distances as you describe between the center of all screens is meaningful for any purpose.

At 145 deg. screen curvature, as measured in my previous post, the ideal position for correct perspective continuity was about 30".

Now as I am testing 180 deg. screen curvature, the perspective continuity lines up correctly also at about 30".

Based on those measurements, there appear to be three possibilities:
1. ideal distance from center screen is strictly a function of your screen size.
2. ideal distance from center screen is a function of screen curvature, but the amount of variance is much smaller than I previously expected. My current measurements are only precise enough to know that between 145 and 180 deg. screen curvature, the distance you want is about 30", give or take an inch.
3. The ideal viewing distance is invariant under all of the mentioned variables. Other people will have to perform the same experiment I have above to either confirm or rule out this one.

More testing all around is needed to know these things for sure.
Based on those measurements, there appear to be three possibilities:
1. ideal distance from center screen is strictly a function of your screen size.

I'm pretty sure it's this one. A smaller screen requires you to be closer to it while a larger screen prefers you to be a bit farther away. I remember stumbling across something when I was setting this all up in GT5 and it had a chart showing the ideal distance from your eyes based on size of the screen. It applied only to the center screen, if the settings are correct on the side screens everything should fall into place.
I'm pretty sure it's this one. A smaller screen requires you to be closer to it while a larger screen prefers you to be a bit farther away. I remember stumbling across something when I was setting this all up in GT5 and it had a chart showing the ideal distance from your eyes based on size of the screen. It applied only to the center screen, if the settings are correct on the side screens everything should fall into place.

My hunch is on this one as well.