Official GTPlanet GTA V Crew | Covering the World of Grand Theft Auto

  • Thread starter Katiegan
This is going nowhere very rapidly.

As far as I can see, even if he is your friend, how do you expect other people to know that?

Going to these lengths to rat on a member of the crew, when I hear Halo retaliated with a few kills of his own, and then everyone went on with their separate business is so pointless. So long as it was a short incident and not an all out war, then just move on and play the game.
What I expect to get out of this is for my friends not to be attacked in my private sessions. He wasn’t a random who could come after us at any point. He has been a regular in my lobbies for months now and has done nothing but help those who need it yet you can’t let him have 1 business battle shipment.

I’d like to think you wouldn’t kill crew members or your own friends for cargo so don’t do it to mine

Well you expect wrong then.

1) This was not a private session, but a public session. You aren’t hosting anything
2) You guys we’re in different organizations and different crews - how in the hell are we to know that he’s one of your friends? - If I could possibly get a full list of your friends for future reference, then I would know who to kill and not to kill.
3) It doesn’t say anything in the rules for our crew about killing members of rival crews - we did nothing wrong! I can’t stress this enough - regardless of how you feel about the whole thing. If you wanna make sure you and you friends stay safe HOST a friend session, and don’t JOIN a public.
4) From now on, out of principle I’ll be attacking that Halo guy every time I come across him.
5) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Just don't attack people that are peaceful towards you in lobbys that basically never have any message showing up that x killed y.

Also I'd like to add in a quick thanks to @JR98 for hosting these lobbies, they're the only ones I'm attending atm :cheers:
Well you expect wrong then.

1) This was not a private session, but a public session. You aren’t hosting anything
2) You guys we’re in different organizations and different crews - how in the hell are we to know that he’s one of your friends? - If I could possibly get a full list of your friends for future reference, then I would know who to kill and not to kill.
3) It doesn’t say anything in the rules for our crew about killing members of rival crews - we did nothing wrong! I can’t stress this enough - regardless of how you feel about the whole thing. If you wanna make sure you and you friends stay safe HOST a friend session, and don’t JOIN a public.
4) From now on, out of principle I’ll be attacking that Halo guy every time I come across him.
5) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. And with that I’m done. It’s clear that nothings coming out of this so **** it, I’m done with this crew.
4. And with that I’m done. It’s clear that nothings coming out of this so **** it, I’m done with this crew.

> Leaving the crew because of a single person before any crew leaders even address the situation.
> ok.

I did address it. As I said, it was not a major incident, so just move on. It’s just a game after all. What do people expect? That we kick and ban someone from the crew over a small incident.

I’ve been killed numerous times from people IN THIS CREW. Some I know, and some I certainly don’t but so long as they are not doing it continuously to the point where I just have to run away all the time and not do missions, then I’ll let it slide. I’m not going to make a fuss about it on this forum.

So now the people involved know that this Halo guy is a friend of JR98, and this mishap can hopefully be avoided in future. Of course, if JR98 wishes to react in the way of “I’m done with this crew” he is free to leave.
Seems like this has all been a massive misunderstanding and now everyone wants to point fingers and post memes at each other.

Attacking rival crews is fine. LSAT is not a rival crew. I thought most regulars of GTA Online knew this, but maybe not. We've had a little shootout with each other, expressed our feelings on a forum, so now it's time to just forget about it, and move on.

For the sake of pedanticism, I'll say it now. GTPL members should treat LSAT members as they would each other, as it's an ally crew consisting of mostly GTPL members. I'm not going to take action since to me it just seems like some nightclub supplies were stolen once and some people died a few times. Nothing I would consider 'griefing', but, now you all know to be friendly and sensible with each other, no matter how edgy the game makes you want to be.

Let's leave this now.
Anyone who chooses to attack LSAT from this point on will be dealt with accordingly. The same goes for attacking GTPL members, or any other retaliatory actions.
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I would recommend to @Katiegan that she just add in an ALLIED CREWS section to the OP, explaining that LSAT and their members are under the same rules as the GTPL crew. No griefing, no taking bounties without permission and all that other jazz that is stated in the OP for GTPL. Not only to inform the current crew people, but for anyone new joining GTPL.
Just don't attack people that are peaceful towards you in lobbys that basically never have any message showing up that x killed y.

Also I'd like to add in a quick thanks to @JR98 for hosting these lobbies, they're the only ones I'm attending atm :cheers:

This. This is what I go by. I'm not part of the GTPL crew but I never attack GTPL or LSAT people.

I'm part of a Surfer cruiser crew, Surfer drivers are peaceful because Surfer is love and Surfer is life.
About to start a war here but who's LSAT? I never really go after anyone at all in any session to be honest but if this is a crew that's friendly with GTP then I can keep an eye out.
I would recommend to @Katiegan that she just add in an ALLIED CREWS section to the OP, explaining that LSAT and their members are under the same rules as the GTPL crew. No griefing, no taking bounties without permission and all that other jazz that is stated in the OP for GTPL. Not only to inform the current crew people, but for anyone new joining GTPL.

Good call. OP has been updated to include an allied crews list, and also updated the rules since they referenced Adders as being a griefer vehicle (Adder who?) and still had GT6 as a recent game.

If any GTPL members run their own crews and wish to be listed as an ally, shoot me a PM and I'll get you added, but only on the condition that your crew members are aware of the pact too.

About to start a war here but who's LSAT? I never really go after anyone at all in any session to be honest but if this is a crew that's friendly with GTP then I can keep an eye out.

Los Santos Air Team. It was founded by a GTPL member and has a fair few in it.
..I feel like I've accomplished something in life.

I'd like to thank my mother for all the suppo- wait, hold on, that got a bit out of hand.

Err, thanks, I guess?
Well, I see that when I stay away from this place for a bit to finish up the new transmission on the Monte I miss all the fun.

To begin, my name is Marcus and I have shot this Halo individual myself. I'll get back to that later.

As a bit of background; LSAT(Los Santos Air Team) was founded by @OwensRacing and myself very early on. I would have to look, but IIRC it was round two weeks after the release of the online mode. Originally, the crew was comprised of real life personal friends of myself and Owens that played regularly with us and yet did not have any affiliation to this forum. This, along with the ability to setup multiple-crew-limited rooms allowed us the opportunity to play together outside of public lobbies whether we were flying the GTPL or LSAT crew at the time. Due to the fact that there was a lot of overlap between the two crews(five of our seven core members at the time were active on this forum and GTPL crew) yet most of the regular members were not on the forum many of us would fly the LSAT crew flag at the time. Over time, most of us reverted to active under the GTPL crew as the rest of our friends came and went from the game. I have near-exclusively flown the GTPL flag for the past four years for several reasons; not the least of which was experienced here where recognisable identity can be important to determine friend from foe.

That said, over the same amount of time the LSAT crew has continued to exist and there remained some active members. In that same time, since the crew membership was available to anyone invited by a current member(much like here) some of the folks active on LSAT continued to invite their friends and acquaintances without GTPL affiliation to the LSAT crew with the understanding that they were to not only be discriminating in whom they invite, but also to be responsible for conveying the values and reasons for LSAT's existence(also much like here.) In short, the personal friends and family of Owen's and mine that initially made up LSAT invited more of their own friends and family to the crew. Over the past couple of years, there has been less interaction between LSAT and GTPL due to Owens' absence and my exclusively flying the GTPL flag; such that by a certain time there were several new members in LSAT that not only weren't aware of the history and connection of the two crews had, but even Owens and my existence within LSAT.

And that is how it came to pass that one day I shot Halo myself. I was doing my thing drinking beer nearby my biplane landed above Griffith Park with Slaney, upon which I noticed we were being directly approached by an individual who then proceeded to go into stealth mode with their akula as they neared. Of course, I did what I rarely do and killed the approaching player because that behaviour was a combination of things that you don't do in GTA. This player was Halo. Unbeknownst to me, he was an acquaintance of a friend, though he was not yet on the LSAT crew at the time. For all I was aware, he was a random player. It was only several days(maybe a couple weeks?) later that I was in a room with a long time GTPL/LSAT member where I saw halo again, this time flying the LSAT crew. He, along with another newer LSAT member did not know me as anything but the person who killed them in a public session(it turned out that I also killed his friend atop Griffith Park on his Oppressor later that same public session days ago.) They were, understandably, alarmed at my presence in their room. It was at that point we all discovered that we weren't randoms and kept at least one mutual friend. It was then detailed at the time the history and relationship between the two crews, and all was well.

During and after this time that halo had joined LSAT, of course due to the relationship between LSAT and GTPL he and others new to LSAT were exposed to the GTPL crew. Like has been discussed here previously, despite all of us on GTPL flying the same crew, there are clearly at least a few cliques within GTPL. Much like how we all treat this game somewhat differently, and carry different expectations those same differences exist on an individual player level as well. There are plenty of people here who will be killed tonight in this game and do nothing to retaliate. There are others who will have their car blown up at the cop shop and forever attack and kill the perpetrator. :lol: Everyone reacts to things differently.

So there you have it. My point? Simply to provide the background on the LSAT crew to those here, and detail how even one of the most nonviolent players here managed to kill Halo as well. 🤬 happens. Hell, anyone who spends any time in a vehicle with me will probably be killed at some point or another anyway. I have this nasty habit of failing to maintain altitude from time to time. :lol:

Hopefully it is all water under the bridge at this point as I am predictably late to this party. But there you have it.
The way I see that whole thing, it really can't be much clearer post clarification-of-LSAT-being-friendly:
  • If a person has either GTPL or LSAT as their active crew (if you're too busy to look through the player list, seeing if they've got the little icon that says your active crews are the same is usually a good place to start), there's basically no excuse. Unless it's for comedic effect for all involved. You know, they tell a horrible joke and you fire an RPG at their face. It's a "super serious" freemode race, they're on a Faggio and you're in a car so you knock them over. They're lining up a Snapmatic so you get in your Liberator and photobomb the 🤬 out of it. That kind of comedic effect. There's also a point to be made about how LSAT doesn't "stand out" to anyone with GTPL as their active crew and vice versa, but the below kind of covers that as well.
  • If they haven't set either GTPL or LSAT as their active crew (or at least it's not immediately obvious and you're in a situation where you wouldn't be expected to look through the player list), you don't recognise them (i.e. they're not active on the forums and so on) but they turn out to be members anyway, consider it fog of war. There's quite a few names in the GTPL crew that may be members but not have it as their active crew, and I certainly can't remember them all, nevermind bringing in a second crew entirely.
I recall a similar scenario playing out, oh how ironic, a year and a few days ago. Nothing really came from that, but that's much the same problem as has been discussed here recently: someone shot at someone they shouldn't shoot at, all because one person didn't recognise the other because they seemingly didn't have GTPL as their active crew.

Ultimately, if you want to make sure neither GTPL nor LSAT open fire towards you, set either of them as your active crew and you're in the clear. Unless you open fire on them first, of course.
I know the above event happened during a period when I was inactive on this website. I did however have two friends who relayed that to me after the fact. I didn't even realize it was a GTPer until after the fact. It was a bunker resupply I think, and it was a day where I had gotten screwed over by countless randoms on the game, so I was on super edge and got paranoid when I saw a plain white dot come over. @Team THRT Drift here's my apology a year later. Better late than never I guess, right? :P
Hey so I'm not sure how tired of this game or how much you guys still play but I'm just looking for a couple people to play with to help sell crates/gun running/ceo missions and help in return with whatever missions or things you guys would need. I have counterfeit cash biz, ceo, MC, bunker, buzzard.. stuff like that.
Hey so I'm not sure how tired of this game or how much you guys still play but I'm just looking for a couple people to play with to help sell crates/gun running/ceo missions and help in return with whatever missions or things you guys would need. I have counterfeit cash biz, ceo, MC, bunker, buzzard.. stuff like that.

There's still a lot of us that are active. If you want to join the crew, check out the rules in the OP and fill out the form there, and we'll send you an invite. :)
Okay so I might actually already be in the crew anyway LOL.

But for the sake of info being updated:
Social Club Username: happycorey
PlayStation Network ID/Xbox Live Gamertag/PC Name:
Location and/or time zone:
Console(s): PS4