Online Racing Community, how old are you?

  • Thread starter Wardez

Select your age range

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49 here, thinking of buying a wheel, but wife told me to grow up and act my age, so I may have a wheel soon. I am on a tight budget, what would be the best cheapest wheel that members are using?
get a used gt27 from craigs list like I did for 100 bucks or try ebay,that was two years ago the price might be lower now.i can't use the wheel now cause it hurts my shoulder but I love it.
Wow, 1% of us are over 70, that's impressive. I couldn't imagine my 75 year old father even working out how to start the game up let alone play it lol. Good job guys!👍
I will complete my 69th lap around the Sun on May 30th.
I have a button on the dash of "Alice Cooper" that says: "I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up."
Come check out the GTP Geezer Club for drivers at least 60 years old.
I 67 and have T-shirts that say "Don't grow up, It's a trap!" and another that says: "I see no good reason to act my age".
19 going on 20. Feel like I have the mind of a 30 y/o though. I am really into older, historic things. music, cars, sports, clothes, television shows, etc.

It's really interesting to know most of the community's age majority.
Well, I'm one of the really young ones here on GTP at 14. Turning 15 in September though. Really cool to see the poll with all the results spread out so far apart. What a diverse community! :D :gtpflag:
Yeah, but it's not a reflection of the current community. May be partly why it is so spread out.

Fair point, it's only a couple of years old, but I guess a lot of people could have moved on since then. I'll be interested to see how a current one would turn out, given a few months for everyone to vote.
Sorry to bump the thread, but I think the poll needs to be updated as it's been over 2 years now. (Or add a change vote option.)

I was thinking change the poll to date of birth ranges - then once done you never have to change it. e.g. 1970-1974, 1975-1979, 1980-1984 etc. Also keep the ranges even all the way through and then you get a more accurate distribution.
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