Photo GT5 prologue VS Forza 3 Demo

  • Thread starter elaguila45
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I doubt people have noticed that Forza 3 comes in two DVDs for a reason. If it had the graphics of GT5, how many DVDs would that be? People, think about it for a second before you start bashing Forza again. :grumpy:
For me, while Forza 3 displays only eight cars per race and Prologue sixteen, the answer is clear.


A 70's Mini advertisment :P Maybe not 100% politically correct, but funny :)

:lol: you nailed it :lol:
How does a higher-capacity disc mean better graphics? I can see the argument that BD can store higher-resolution textures but when it all gets loaded in to RAM, it doesn't matter where the data resides.
compressed vs uncompressed.
It's not necessarily the physical location of your eyes... it's the focus too...

I don't tend to focus on the roof of my car when I drive - thus I can't see it.


True, But it is in your field of vision. Forza's dashboard really does have some work to be done though, it feels like it lacks depth unlike the GT5P's dash.

The in-car view for Forza is horrible. And GT5P obviously looks better but Forza fans do have something to play and we still don't. GT5 will raise the bar even further.

I think the main thing here is the hardware limitation, not so much a limitation by the game developers themselves. I think Forza is doing all they can with what they got. Xbox will probably move to a gen 3 setup with bluray by 2012. I suspect GT5 will be the benchmark for Forza 4.
Do you know that GTPSP is coming out in just 2 days? If that isn't enough to hold you off then what is? There will be 35 tracks and 800 cars. Trust me it is way more than enough!!!
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Some people say 6 years.. Next week it'll probably end up adding to 12 somehow... but yeah....i believe its just 4 at the moment.

It's basically been in development since after GT4 came out. Remember when VisionGT and GT:HD were made? That was basically the root of GT5.

the question is why don't xbox use BR's? maybe it IS a BR drive, but they are planing on releasing the drivers as DLC:lol:
The reason they can't use BD is because it is a SONY technology. If it were to be used on the 360 then they are basically throwing in the towel. It would have been better if they would have made HD-DVD the standard for the 360, but it was scrapped because devs and movie companies liked BD better.

Yes, DVD9 is just a storage device for gamedata. 360 can output 1080p from data stored on a disc.

Bluray is just more storage space. Both 360 and PS3 are HD consoles for game data.

yeah, on PS3's Blu-Ray disc format, data could be completely decompressed Meaning better textures, sound and gameplay. Probably has less bugs too.
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Dont jump on me for my ignorence here, but how can they have HD graphics from a DVD? The best they can have is 480P with upscaling, right?


They can get HD graphics from a DVD but it usually has to be extremely compressed. Like how Itunes sells HD movies that run around 6-7 GBs which would fit on a dual layered DVD. The bitrate of the movie is around 1.5mbps, with 250kbs sound, while a bit rate on your average blu-ray is 30-35mbps with uncompressed 3,500kbs sound.

Forza 3 is coming out on 2 DVDs
HD resolution is 1920 x 1080. Both consoles can output games to that resolution. The original medium (DVD, BD) is irrelevent.

So your saying blu-ray is not better then DVD?
BD does not give better graphics than DVD - that is entirely down to the systems and the programmers. You can just get more data on a BD compared to a DVD.

bd can store much more than dvds thats y gt5 is also 1080p. can handle better graphics.
No, not better, more.
But then you see less of the track:tdown:

But Forza has a feature to look around the cockpit whereas GT5P does not. But i find the feature difficult to use when you are concentrating on driving, it would be much better if you had 3 screens like they had setup at E3:

But on GT5P, when in the F2007 you can't even see the wing mirrors. And looking at the rear view mirror on the Mini in the 3rd comparison, it has clearly been drawn on MS paint :lol: The in cockpit views have excellent models and textures, but huge flaws. I always use the chase view anyway so i don't care :)

I still don't understand why people are complaining about the background on GT5P. Surely the Car and the road are what you will be focusing on? The road textures are fine, well they need a bit of improvement because they all look unnatural like how Fuji looked newly paved on GT4. But i'm sure they will have rectified it in some way. I would sacrifice 3D trees and shadows of spectators to have an extra 6-10 cars on the track anyday.

I just think if Turn10 wern't so arrogant about their game i would have considered buying a 360 just to get it. In an interview one of the guys on the Forza dev team said 'we use the green line on the road which all racing games copy now', but he said that about Forza 1, which was released 4 years after GT3 A-spec, which had the blue line on the license tests (it may have had it on GT2, i can't remember).

They claimed their graphics and physics were untouchable, but everybody can clearly see they are so touched, groped, molested even :sly:, they are that bad. Or at least they wouldn't have looked that bad if they didn't claim they were the best. Need for Speed shift looks good, but thats because EA didn't claim they were better than all of their competitors.

Turn10 need to get back to reality.


HD resolution is 1920 x 1080. Both consoles can output games to that resolution. The original medium (DVD, BD) is irrelevent.

BD does not give better graphics than DVD - that is entirely down to the systems and the programmers. You can just get more data on a BD compared to a DVD.

No, not better, more.

So true. Saying Blu-ray gives better graphics because it holds more, is like saying a Veyron travelling at 50 mph is faster than an Impreza travelling at 70 mph, just because the Veyron has a higher top speed. Just because it can go faster, doesn't mean it is going faster.

Just because Blu-ray can hold more data, doesn't mean it gives better graphics. It can enable you to put more data on it, with the potential to have better graphics, but it depends on the console and the developers aswell.

But in this case, GT5P does have better graphics, and yes it is on Blu-ray and the PS3 is generating better graphics, but it does not mean that Blu-ray and PS3 is always going to generate better graphics than games on a 360 using a DVD, if that makes sense.
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GT5 may look good, but does it actually play good?

Maybe PT needs to focus less on realistic models and get back features that are useful for more than just eye candy.
GT5 may look good, but does it actually play good?

Maybe PT needs to focus less on realistic models and get back features that are useful for more than just eye candy.

Do you have GT5P?

Have you played it on professional physics? The standard physics are not what the game is about.

The good old GT career mode will be in GT5 aswell, i'm expecting it to be very in-depth with the amount of cars they have, there must be a huge number of event races.

Forza 3 is better than Gran Turismo 5 prologue, i've come out and said that. The overall gameplay will be better, there is tuning, customization and damage. But then again, prologue in my eyes was just a beta test for the online, and a way to get a cash injection due to the costs of developing a big game (they didn't have MS filling their pockets all the way, and Sony arn't as rich as MS). But the full Gran Turismo 5 will absolutely obliterate Forza 3, no doubt about it.
If it is GT5p with BETTER physics, how can it not "play good'?

There's alot of people now who say the Forza 3 demo has better physics then GT5P

I wouldn't pay much attention to them, there's also the crowd who thinks Enthusia has better physics then GT5P.
There's alot of people now who say the Forza 3 demo has better physics then GT5P

I wouldn't pay much attention to them, there's also the crowd who thinks Enthusia has better physics then GT5P.
Have you played either Enthusia or Forza 3's demo?
That's shocking! Prologue looks hugely better. I wouldn't be so amused if those loudmouth Forza frontmen didn't run their mouths off about being better than GT. Polyphony have so much respect when asked about competitors but those Forza guys blab directly about how they're now taking their rightful place as the new kings or some such nonsesne.

The proof is in the puddings.

And yes, I know it's not all about the graphics but this is reflective of the actual care and attention to detail that goes into GT. PD are making their games to an unrivaled standard, as far as I'm concerned.
If you want to see better collisions just look at Forza. They are in the right direction, not great but better.

There are gobs of GT5P videos on the net and I do own a copy of GT5P just PS3 hasn't been shipped yet. Damn back order.
with a complete damage system and the ability to roll over enabled i'm sure the collisions will look more realistic when the game is finished.
GT5 needs to improve on it's collision physics with walls and cars.

Yeah, those kind of suck.

Do I really need to? I mean there is video evidence. It just doesn't react quite right,

Because you have been hit in a WRC car before?

When you give such nonsense answers your credibilty is worthless. You have an absolute right to an opinion, but with such a biased opinion you also have to explain yourself in a way that at least conveys your point of view in a way that makes sense. "Isnt quite right" doesnt covey your point of view in a sensical manner. Since you have failed to do this your opinion is not valid.

BTW, I can go to Wally world and buy 3 120gb PS3s right now.
If you want to see better collisions just look at Forza. They are in the right direction, not great but better.

There are gobs of GT5P videos on the net and I do own a copy of GT5P just PS3 hasn't been shipped yet. Damn back order.

Yes GT5P collision physics left alot to be desired but from what we've seen in this demo of GT5 they've been improved alot. Hit a car from behind and it no longer just shoots forward it spins out now. Side swipe a car you dont just bounce off it like other GTs. You or it can spin out depending on where the contact was made. It was almost impossible to spin out cars in previous GTs by using the pit maneuver now its possible.

Can it be improved. Yes. Kaz said the damage we've seen so far is still early and will be improved. No doubt collision/crash physics will be improved as we still haven't seen rollover.

If you want to see better collisions just look at Forza. They are in the right direction, not great but better.

I dont need to look at Forza to see realistic collisions and crashes. I have had NASCAR 2003 for many years now. It even has those elusive skid marks that some people make such a big deal out of. Anyway, NASCAR 2003 has the most realistic crashes you will ever see, it even has blowovers. I've seen the best and while GT5 can improve in the department its far from a joke anymore and is passable in my opinion

Then you can't say anything on the comparison of Enthusia's & FM3's physics to GT5:P's.

If it bothers you I wont
with a complete damage system and the ability to roll over enabled i'm sure the collisions will look more realistic when the game is finished.

Hit the nail on the head, GT5 is not finished.

Forza fanboys are saying how their physics are better than GT5P. To some extent i agree with them, i have played the Demo. But the actual driving physics seem arcadish, i can't put my finger on it, its too alike Forza 2. The collision physics are a hell of a lot better than prologue, but then again, looking at the new demos for GT5, i'm not so sure they will have the high ground on that either. Also, roll-overs in GT5 are confirmed, we just havn't seen what they are like yet, it could be really good.
If it bothers you I wont
You haven't played either game, thus, you have nothing to base your opinion of the physics on.

So, it really doesn't matter what you say, no one will take it as a serious comparison.
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