Pics of yourself

  • Thread starter keeno_uk
Tell ya what. If you like snow, you can have my share too.

I would love to have the kind of winters you get in New England but when the snow does come here you appreciate it so much more!
Exploring with my munchkin.

Can't believe this picture was taken 3 years ago today, on top of the Mori Tower in Roppongi, Tokyo... got the inspiration to visit that spot as it is a GT Sport Scapes location. If you are ever lucky enough to visit Tokyo, the Mori Tower is a great place to go...

If you are ever lucky enough to visit Tokyo, the Mori Tower is a great place to go.

My wife and I intended to visit there but due to us getting confused on the metro we ended up at some kind of broadcast tower, I don’t remember its exact function other than being tall. It was still pretty interesting but not the tower we were looking for.

Did you get to visit Mt. Fuji while in Japan? That’s quite a spectacular place to spend a while.

This pic is from 2017. I’ve been through a few hair cuts since then.
No, sadly I didn't have time to visit Mt. Fuji, but you can see it clearly from the top of the Mori Tower (on a clear day), and I saw it fleetingly from the shinkansen on the way back from Osaka.

The Tokyo Skytree is a popular spot and it's more downtown than the Mori Tower, but AFAIK you cannot get outside? The Mori Tower was great because the entire roof is open and you can wander about. It also has a very nice bar where I ordered a very expensive Japanese whisky, only for the barman to give me a second, even more expensive one for free just so I could compare them... that was awesome! This was one of my first days in Japan (in fact, I think it was my first full day) and so I left a generous tip for the barman as that's standard practice in most places, but didn't realise that it's actually considered quite rude in Japan.
Ah, the Sky Tree! That could be it. We didn’t manage observe from the top but there’s a nice shopping centre of sorts at the base where many Gyoza and beers were had. I still have a Totoro miniature that I picked up there mounted on the dash of the car.
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Can't believe this picture was taken 3 years ago today, on top of the Mori Tower in Roppongi, Tokyo... got the inspiration to visit that spot as it is a GT Sport Scapes location. If you are ever lucky enough to visit Tokyo, the Mori Tower is a great place to go...

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Was it when you had to give a presentation in front of a lot of people?

If so, it seems like yesterday when you talked about it on GTP.
Yes indeed, it was when I went to Tokyo University, and I did give a lecture there (and at Osaka University too).

Can't believe it has been three years already too... I can remember almost every moment of that trip, and even though half of it was technically work, it was still the best 'holiday' I ever had.
It was several years ago. Why is your car in a different location to your residence? And where is your residence?

I only have one available space where I live and I have two cars.

And for the purposes of those playing at home on the internet, 'Melbourne' 👍 :lol: