Shooting at the Pennsylvania Republican Presidential Election Rally

  • Thread starter TheCracker
In the same way serial killers or kleptomaniacs and the like are unwell, because they perceive reality in a way that isn't normal. Their basic ideas of right and wrong, truth, consequence, etc is all warped and doesn't make any sense to the rest of us, or obviously to the law which is based on normal reality. The reason he just can't quite handle rules and laws is because they don't make any sense with respect to his moral code.

Edit: And include the would-be assassin in that group of sick people as well.
Would you consider many of his supporters to be unwell?
Would you consider many of his supporters to be unwell?
Not outside normal statistics, no. Most of them are just pissed off and emboldened to do it more publicly than they used to. They've simply been swept up in a movement which feels to them like a community. That happens in every direction of the political spectrum - for example, I used to think I was some sort of libertarian genius and Ron Paul was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Bernie Sanders is an energetic dude as well. But the leaders with real traction, the ones who don't quit, the ones who can't handle losing and will never admit to weakness, those are the ones that can really rope otherwise normal people into a vortex of idiocy before they realize what's happening. Dare I use the classic German example? But that is the most fantastic example of them all. That's why these people with pathological mental illness are so dangerous because they can articulate their truth so strongly that people will fall in line in such numbers that it becomes a self-perpetuating community.
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If anyone watches The Boys it’s very uncanny what’s happening on that show and what’s happening in real life. The Boys Season 4 was written a couple years ago. Crazy real life is mimicking the show.
I'm glad they didn't postpone this week's finale "Assassination Run" to safeguard Republican fee-fees.
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Can you explain that? The prevalence of mental health conditions varies by country, and even within countries by certain other factors.
Yeah I can pare it down.

They’re dumb, not crazy. Trump is crazy. The vast majority of people are prone to being dumb, you and I included, and the larger the group gets the dumber it acts.
Guntubers recreations.
Jennifer Lawrence Reaction GIF
Yeah I can pare it down.

They’re dumb, not crazy. Trump is crazy. The vast majority of people are prone to being dumb, you and I included, and the larger the group gets the dumber it acts.
Do you consider people in a cult to be mentally ill?
If you have an opinion, spill it. Quit trying to make him say something in particular so you can pounce on it.
It's not to pounce on, it's to probe. A lot of the things I've recently been posting about have involved the grey areas that come when dealing with things not currently covered by law or ethics, or in this case diagnoses.

I used this as a starting guide

My opinion is that the next dsm (dsm-6?) should have a category for religious/cult belief. I don't know if it should be a pathology, per se, but something that can be recognised and "treated" if it leads to harm - whether to the individual or someone else. Would it ever happen? Doubtful, but that's what I think.
My opinion is that the next dsm (dsm-6?) should have a category for religious/cult belief. I don't know if it should be a pathology, per se, but something that can be recognised and "treated" if it leads to harm - whether to the individual or someone else. Would it ever happen? Doubtful, but that's what I think.

I'm responding to this in the racism/mental illness thread.
I wonder how many conspiracy theories are entirely based on pronoun antecedent basis ambiguity.
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Someone tried to assassinate him, and instead of self reflection & taking time to value life, the first thought is, "How can we monetize this"?

Only Trump/MAGA.
For what it's worth I don't think "Proud Patriots" is actually connected to Trump and is just about hawking cheap crap. Sot of like White House Gift Shop isn't actually associated with the White House.
For what it's worth I don't think "Proud Patriots" is actually connected to Trump and is just about hawking cheap crap. Sot of like White House Gift Shop isn't actually associated with the White House.
I suppose. But I believe they tried to once again sell pairs of shoes related to assassination & the company was tied to Trump.
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It's still no Ben Garrison sporting a partial while drawing Trump muscle-bound and oily.

Now I'm imaging trump making a speech after his ear was shot

I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe,
attack helicopters identifying as transgender women
ketchup glittering on the wall near the whitehouse gate
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain
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Maybe. I could be wrong though; I just remember reading that the company selling the shoes had ties to Trump. Maybe they meant to his campaign or support.

The idea to grift off nearly being killed though, is just wildly insane to me.
It's certainly Trumpy. I just don't know that this particular thing is actually Trump.
It's certainly Trumpy. I just don't know that this particular thing is actually Trump.
I could see these same people creating Trump = Jesus and he died for our sins once he finally decides to stop breathing.
I could see these same people creating Trump = Jesus and he died for our sins once he finally decides to stop breathing.
Don't be silly. Trump cannot die in the minds (and I use that term advisedly) of the MAGA. He'll have more posthumous sightings than Elvis Presley.
If anyone watches The Boys it’s very uncanny what’s happening on that show and what’s happening in real life. The Boys Season 4 was written a couple years ago. Crazy real life is mimicking the show.
Rather than seeing him get shot at, I would have much rather seen Trump get knocked out by a 10ft schlong.