Climate change is an equal opportunity issue since everyone is effected by it, whether rich or poor. Even billionaires will feel the effects of climate change. Climate change will change how food is grown, how much water is available, and what sort of land is available to live on. I go back to when I lived in Utah and how climate change affected the Salt Lake City area. The Great Salt Lake is rapidly drying up despite a less severe drought. If the lake does dry up, the entire Salt Lake Valley will no longer be habitable since the bottom of the lake is full of toxic minerals. Arsenic clouds of dust will blow across the valley.
Climate change will cause mass migration and a strain on available resources. It will cause large, destructive storms that will devastate areas and cost billions of dollars. Wars will break out for resources or to prevent migration. And that's only a handful of things that will happen.
War isn't a huge threat on its own. Yes, it's worrisome, but it doesn't affect everyone, only the countries involved. Terrorism is the same way, except it affects even fewer people. And AI? I work with AI; it's so far from being a concern that it shouldn't even be on a list of concerning things. Could it become an issue in the future? Absolutely, but right now, it's not something we really need to worry about.
Climate change can and will cause worldwide problems if we're unprepared for it, and it will be far more costly than anything else.