The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard

Can't wait for Season 7 this coming spring! Shame that Dave Polsky won't be an episode writer anymore. :indiff:
"solo wing"

I'm still drawing... sometimes xD
I'm looking forward to the movie now. Though really, I've been excited for it for over a couple years now, since the film was announced. Whether it will actually be good, maybe, maybe not. But they've certainly gone all out for it. And no, I'm not going to travel forward in time and steal a copy.
Left hanging? Dont worry. Next week is back to normal.
If i felt like to. Honestly after 5 years into the show and 7 years running, It's really started to worn me out. Dont felt the same energy and relatable as used to be. But I wont left you disappointed :)

Heres the teaser:

And heres the trailer for the movie:
Really liked both of these episodes, both were pretty funny and I enjoyed the song.

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The episode for today was alright, it had some cute moments.

I did liked seeing Nurse Redheart and Cheerilee having some speaking and screen time.

This art in the episode was amazing though!
large (1).png

When Twilight got milk on her face I'm sure that had everyone thinking lewd... or I'll just grab my coat lol.
CMC used to have it.
Cake twins want to have it.
Flurry Heart has it.
The annoyance factor.