Things that confuse/annoy you

  • Thread starter UnkaD
Adverts on UK TV for the Ford EcoSport. The woman on the voice track calls it an 'echo-sport' rather than an 'eeco-sport' This is the UK. We don't pronounce 'Eco' as in short for Economical as 'Eko'. :irked:
People that constantly post multiple statuses in a short span of time.
I know people on Facebook that used to do this a lot and it gets annoying after awhile. A few examples I can name:
  • I know one guy on there that just had a break up and he posted a long post that went something like "I'm rolling on the floor because I am so miserable" (I am not even kidding) and then less than 3 minutes later, he posted it again and just added more to it. I get you had a break up, but no need to post it again.
  • I know another guy that used to post 7 or 8 statuses a day just say things like "I hate it when I drink from my spit bottle and spit in my drink bottle". Like dude, we don't care.
  • I also know someone who was mad at his ex and kept posting statuses about her like "God give me a girl that doesn't act like shes 2!" that were less than a minute or 2 apart from each other. We get it already!
This isn't just something that annoys me on Facebook, it's also here on GTPlanet too, but I rarely see it happen here thankfully. Now if someone is in the hospital and you're trying to keep people updated on that person, that is totally different, but when I see a lot of random unimportant stuff like what's above, i'm like:
Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Luckily Facebook has it so you can unfollow people without unfriending them and GTPlanet has it's ignore list! :D
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What do people see in blasting their bass so loud that it has to make an apartment or car shake or throb.... Sitting at a red light and feeling your car shake because of some guy next to you is blasting his music or the people across the hallway in your apartment complex blasting music at night. I don't have a problem with people doing it in their own homes, but when other people who are in the area who aren't joining you, then why? I know I play my own music loudly, but not to the point where it has to shake and give everyone around it a headache. Or worse, make your already throbbing headache even worse.

Feels like the stereotype of always having that one tenant blasting their music so loud has to be true...
What do people see in blasting their bass so loud that it has to make an apartment or car shake or throb.... Sitting at a red light and feeling your car shake because of some guy next to you is blasting his music or the people across the hallway in your apartment complex blasting music at night. I don't have a problem with people doing it in their own homes, but when other people who are in the area who aren't joining you, then why? I know I play my own music loudly, but not to the point where it has to shake and give everyone around it a headache. Or worse, make your already throbbing headache even worse.

Feels like the stereotype of always having that one tenant blasting their music so loud has to be true...
A "confuse" rather than "annoy" in this case, but the idea behind the importance of family, specifically extended family. Obviously with immediate family there's the whole "We made you" connection between parents and their children, and that's kind of a big deal. Its just once you get outside of that, where's the importance? It seems like there are a lot of cases (although I don't know enough to know if this is majority or minority of instances) where family will offer whatever not because they want to, but because they feel this obligation to, which I don't really get. For example, if I find a member of my family to be total garbage as a person, I don't care if you're family. I'll want to distance myself as much from you as possible, and I would expect others to do the same if they feel that way about me. I've never understood the whole "they may be ______, but they're family" thing, and it doesn't seem like that's how it should work.
What do people see in blasting their bass so loud that it has to make an apartment or car shake or throb.... Sitting at a red light and feeling your car shake because of some guy next to you is blasting his music or the people across the hallway in your apartment complex blasting music at night. I don't have a problem with people doing it in their own homes, but when other people who are in the area who aren't joining you, then why? I know I play my own music loudly, but not to the point where it has to shake and give everyone around it a headache. Or worse, make your already throbbing headache even worse.

Feels like the stereotype of always having that one tenant blasting their music so loud has to be true...

I really don't get why you'd want to have that much bass either, it just drowns out the actual music. And if it's a party, it just means you can't hear what anyone is saying because all you hear is "duuuuum dum dum duuuuuuum!!" I hear enough loud bass sounds at work to do my hearing in, why would I do it recreationally? Yeah, I know I'm a buzzkill.
More of an annoyance but people mispronouncing words by adding in random letters.

Ex.: Subaru Impretza (may as well call it the pretzel)
Indeed. A guy that used to be my classmate at college referred to the word buffering as "Bluffering" for some reason. My brother used to sometimes refer to the Suzuki Escudo as the "Esquado" and even referred to the song "Disturbia" by Rihanna as "Disturbula". It's not too bad if it's just one time, but when it's done repeatedly, it does get annoying.

On a related note, my dad never pronounces Chaparral correctly. He always pronounces it "Shap - Pre - ell" despite me telling him time and time again that's not how it's pronounced. Okay I know Chaparral is not the easiest word to pronounce, but it don't take a genius to know it has no "E" in it, especially when the word is displayed on screen plain as day! :dunce:
The logic that more experience = more right in the argument.

As if experienced people have ever been wrong :rolleyes:
Reminds me of how a few months ago my mom confused the difference between blocking and deleting people on Facebook and even told me she knew because she had been on it longer than I have, I think she even claimed she done it recently, but I had to remind her what the difference was since she obviously didn't remember.
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Something that both confuses and annoys me is the nonstop barrage of talking and singing on the radio. Songs dominated by the vocalist(s), smarmy advertisements, insufferable talk show hosts...and usually all you get for an alternative is sleepy classical music, if anything at all. Ads and talk shows are what they are, but there's no shortage of music that isn't so heavy on vocals. Why can't there be more of it on the radio?

I wouldn't mind partaking in radio's ever-available mix of classic hits now and then if it would give me some breaks from the constant din of voices. It gets tiresome, sometimes pretty quickly. The confusing part is how it just seems to be taken for granted without protest. I know I'm weird, but am I just that weird?

When people refer to car seats as 'chairs'. Dunno why it infuriates me so much but it does.
I'm similarly bugged for no good reason by people calling player characters "toons" in games. :crazy:
People that refer to the Playstation as "PSX".
This doesn't really annoy me, it just confuses me. I was told by AstroSnail once it was the codename for the console before release and apparently people knew about it and still call it that. I imagine it's like how the Wii was once known as "Revolution" and the Kinect was known as "Project Natal", but you never hear anyone call them that these days, so why do people call the Playstation by the name "PSX"?

To make matters worse, Sony actually made a console called PSX in 2003. While it's a bit obscure, it would be kind of hard to talk about it to people because some would immediately think of the first Playstation and you would have to explain to them what you're talking about because not everyone knows about it. (Which is understandable) It could also be a problem if you were to try search for it, because in some cases you may just find stuff on the first Playstation and not the actual PSX you're looking for.

I just never understood why people use this name for the console despite it not being the official name in the end and it doesn't make much sense to me to call it this.
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Don't know if it should be considered an annoyance, but it's more of something that depresses me. Seeing "star" cars in movie get destroyed.... Felt like star cars would be iconic in films, but nowadays, the star cars are just shown off for a bit, then destroyed for some action. I want to feel attached to these cars, but the movie or character just throws it aside like it's nothing. :(
The lack of $10 PSN Gift Cards in stores.
I don't know if my Wal Mart just hasn't gotten any or if Sony just hasn't been putting them out lately, but I haven't been seeing them all that much and when I do, they usually don't stay around very long. As a person that doesn't have a credit card, this bothers me because just recently I wanted to buy Spyro 2 on PSN which I think was $6 and I had to buy a $20 card just to get the game. While on the bright side I may have more on my account to spend later, it would have been better if they had the $10 card so that way I wouldn't have to spend so much extra money on one game.
I remember a few summers ago there was something like 3-4 people that were ran over by trains when walking on the tracks with headphones on. One of them was just down the road from me. You really can’t fix stupid.

I do get that it’s annoying having to sit and wait for a train, but if waiting for a train makes you late it’s probably time to rework your schedule anyways.
What's the deal with translating movie names incorrectly? For example the name of the movie 'The Shape Of Water' is 'A Víz Érintése' in hungarian, which means The touch of water. Also, 'Meet The Parents' is 'Apádra Ütök' which means 'I'll hit on your Father'. Why are translating studios doing this?
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*Invites person[0] to thing*
"Nah, I don't feel like it."

*Talks about thing with people that were at thing*
*Gets interrupted by person[0]*
"Well I would have liked to go, why didn't you invite me!?"

Why you gotta be that way...?
I hold a strong belief that, when one is referring to the Earth--that is to say the planetary body rather than the alternative to "soil"--it ought to be capitalized...out of respect...and it really chaps my hide when people neglect this simple gesture.
Do you know what I hate? When my friends are acting like they haven't eaten since a week end they are eating my snack.

Last time when I got a 60g little snack my friend said "Hey, come closer I have to tell you secret". Guess what? He devoured my snack. And they are insulted when I say: I'm sorry I haven't ate anything today, please don't eat it.

I remember one of my friends started to argue with me because I only shared the Tortilla snack with my other 2 friends, he was like: HOW DARE YOU?! YOU ARE SUCH A DICK!

Dear God, people shouldn't be so upset because of food...